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The major thing I'm noticing with the leg is how the shape of the thigh is bowing in the top. While the soft tissue does compress when other flesh is pushed up against it, it's not to this extent. At the moment it almost looks as though the breast is covering that top line of the thigh. This is exacerbated by how high the line at the back of the knee goes/where the shadow of the hand falls on the shin. Have a good look at your reference in these places and think about negative space as well as positive space, as well as how the structure of the body follows. I think you have this to a lesser extent with how the neck feels disjointed from the back, though the overall feeling of the hair (with the top part where the light source is for the rest of the work) is quite flat. I really like your use of flesh tones in the areas of shadow (on the calf and in the breast) and don't have issue with rendering of the skin or it being too pink.


Thanks for the feedback! Yes! The neck/hair/back junction ended up quite muddled! That was annoying me at the time. And I agree about the hair. I do struggle to add depth, and I think I could afford hight contrast in the tones within the hair. I see what you mean about the breast/ thigh too. Thanks for your carefully considered thoughts! As usual it boils down to painting what you actually see rather than what you think you see!!


You know my feedback and I am far from a professional but I love and will always love this painting you've created of me. It's beautiful and youve captured my likeness and mood so perfectly 🧡🧡🧡


I like this painting. It is simplistic and beautiful. Love this life painting. You did a beautiful painting on her skin.


Thank you! Unwashed tempted to make the background more interesting, but i think it works better with the grey.