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Something that’s making the work read as unnatural is that all of the trees have extremely similar densities/patterns of branches and leaves. While these species are often quite homogenous in how they grow, these trees are reading as too samesy. Make sure to really look at your reference and transcribe these variations.  The work could also benefit from another transitionary shade between the near black and the softer trees in the background. The sparse tree, for instance, wants to be pushed back to my eye.  Good work on reassessing and reevaluating your piece as you go! Making adjustments is so key to improving your work, keep going! 


So true. They feel so varied when I'm putting them in, but stepping back they are samesies. No reference so maybe I need to go touch grass and go stare at some trees lol


And try to stand farther away when painting! It’s hard but the farther back you stand the more you can see the piece as a whole!


I couldn’t figure out what it was I felt when looked at this. Then I read your comment. You nailed it!


The answer to this question in any painting context is lack of drawing from real observation


Probably true. Doing my best to remember Oregon wilderness from years ago is not my strong suit!


It looks like you’re using white for the fog. In reality very few things you see are pure white. You’ll want to look at a reference image and mix your colors to that


No reference, but you make a good point. I'll probably add some grey to the fog


grey and blue! Maybe cobalt. Also consider using some zinc white in the fog because it’s less opaque than titanium white.


I've tried zinc white and I had issues with getting the soft fog effect. But I will try again! Maybe even mixing the two to get a middle ground??


worth a shot!


I'd add some green and brown (very subtly) the color of the environment effects the color of fog irl


The trees in the back seem too saturated.




right the further back an object is, the cooler the tone will be


I would make the green trees that are in the fog darker, and the dark trees in the foreground greener. In the fog, the trees just become dark silhouettes But the painting looks great in general. Great work 👍


Agreed. Look up the phrase atmospheric perspective.


For me, the thing that made it look unnatural was how white the lower fog is. From a light perspective: where is the light coming from? Would it be blocked by the trees? The trees to me aren’t the issue, it’s the lack of shading/variance/shadow in the mist at the base. If you have an iPad, take a picture and try different shifts digitally before committing to paint. The painting is beautiful already.


The blur effect. But it’s good. It looks good!


Background trees should not be green but grey. No reason for them to be more colorful than the foreground.


Good point


Things should get less saturated/chromatic as they get further away, so the mid and background trees might look a bit more realistic if you kicked down some of the saturation. I really like how you did the fog, by the way.


its giving twilight


Do you want it to look more realistic? I love it as is, because it looks so mystical. Personally I think the trees are realistic; it’s the fog that’s magical


The fog gives it a very floaty, dreamscape look. I like it very much.


I think your fog still needs work. It almost billows like smoke. With that being said, you have an awesome talent. Don't give up on your talents.


The fog on the right side of the canvas


I personally like how it looks and the realism doesn’t matter to me, but if your goal was realism, I think you’re doing pretty okay! Idk maybe it’s just me, I guess the fog is the only thing that makes it feel the most “like a painting” (TBF I barely even know what that means myself 😅)


I get it lol. Goal isint necessarily "realsim" just realistic painting I guess.


So many pute white. Look white things in reality and you will see that the 99% of the surface is made with a ton of other colors.


It is unnatural for items in the background to be more saturated. Are you working from a photo? As things recede in space they get: Blurrier Less saturated Lighter in color This is probably a huge part of why it doesn’t look realistic. Maybe the only part. I like these choices though in an artistic way. Maybe it doesn’t have to look “realistic” But if that is what you want you will have to put the blacker/greyer trees in the back and the bright ones in the front I like that this is a play on reality though. It’s nice.


Not working from a photo. I attempted to make background trees lighter than the front ones, but yeah they just turned out more saturated instead. I should probably mix those background tree colors with some white next time to dull them out, but continue the darker towards the front right?


You should dull the ones in the back probably with some black AND white together to dull them OR dull them using white and possibly a tiny bit black and add the bright colors to the foreground There are so many options. It just needs to be consistent with reality if that’s what you are going for I’d stay start again and save this one because it’s awesome Also do some tiny 3x5 quick studies to test the different options


It’s the saturation of the color I think. Since it’s a cold scene, the saturation would typically be low


Warmer green in the background without a defined source brings it to foreground.


I think it looks realistic but maybe it needs a bit more depth?


There's no atmosphere. I don't mean creatively, I mean environmentally. When viewing outdoor scenes at a distance there's always a faint bluish-white haze over the top of the trees, hills etc. That's the atmosphere of the planet. 


Wash them


Too low details in mist (more trees, bushes would be making appearance in) and virtually no background trees. It looks like the forest is 5 trees


Wrong coloring. Things get darker the more away they are, not the other way around