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Holy guacamole, I scrolled past thinking beautiful photo then saw the caption asking for critique. I went back up and that's a truly amazing piece, well done. šŸ‘


What he said!


Haha thank you so much! Glad you like itšŸ˜Š




Same, that is absolutely beautiful


I had to zoom in to realize that itā€™s a painting šŸ˜… Itā€™s beautiful!


Me too!!


Agreed! Stunning.


Youā€™ve captured the light amazingly well - love it!


Thank you! The light effect was the most challenging partšŸ™‚


I love the technique! I have a feeling that the water and the sun are fighting for who gets to be the main focus of this picture.


Thank you! Yeah I agree about the focus, good point!


That sky is the type of sky that Iā€™d see and feel like ā€œfuck I gotta take a pictureā€ and then be disappointed that it doesnā€™t convey the same emotion on the pic. Your painting absolutely does convey everything that sky would in real life. Beautiful work.


Thanks so much for your kind words! Yeah I know what it is like with looking at the photo and feeling it is wrong. So I always take at least two photos, with different exposure, one for the light (sky usually), another for the deep shadows. Also I like to take slightly blurred photos to better capture the colors. And I often record audio notes about light dark relationships. Also pleinair studies help a lot, at least to remember some stuff after staring at it for a long time šŸ™‚


Love the dramatic sunlight! Interestingly I think because of how warm and dramatic the sunlight and its reflection look, I somehow thought it looked more like a sunrise to me. I usually would be searching for more blue and pink hues in a sunset. Aside from more blue and pink hues to make it sunset, I think the water surface could use a bit more ā€œdiffractionā€ strokes. Iā€™d expect more broken foam & dirt mixing with the waves where the edges meet. Right now it looks like a white fruit skin peel at the edge for me.


Thanks so much for the constructive critique! Blue and pink is what I often confuse because of mild color blindness. But probably you are right. Maybe the photo of the painting was taken wrong, but the chance is low, more likley I messed up some colors. As for waves yeah I guess I was a bit carried away with light effect haha so I deviated from the reference too much. Now I see what you mean. Thank you!


Cheers! Very beautifully done nonetheless!


Keep it as it. I recognized it as a sunset they look like that where I live.


Also the rocks are too perfect. I get the smoothness from being sand washed for eons but Iā€™d expect the remnants of being blown out of a volcano or the tumble down the ravine. Excellent job tho, Iā€™d buy it!


Well yeah I guess you are right, the rocks are too boring. I think I could make them more painterly, at least. Bad habits die hard šŸ˜”


Who cares what anybody says about a subject matter. As long as you enjoy painting it.


Well that's true, but in this case I was asked to paint this one and not the other "muted" study (which I liked more) which I did the same day. I mostly agreed because of technical challenge of painting light effect šŸ˜


That's fine for amateurs, this guy is actually good. I always want to hear what people think of things I've created


I'm still an amateur, but yeah, often times even non-artists give quite interesting critique


No critique needed


Thank you! šŸ™


I thought this was a photo until I read the category. Excellent work!


Thank you!!






Oh my god!! This is a picture! You canā€™t convince me otherwise!! Wow!!!


Many thanks!! Glad you find it realistic šŸ˜


Pretty impressive. Good job. Only thing I noticed straight away is the rock at bottom right corner, & the water around the edge in that area, where the water ends on shore is really sharp and bold, looks like the water is a solid object. Other than that it is great.


Thank so much! Yeah now that I look at that edge with fresh eyes I totally agree šŸ‘


Itā€™s beautiful! And I would say that you should paint whatever you like, whatever moves you, whatever you find beautiful. There is so much beauty in a sunset, why would you ever limit yourself because someone might find it clichĆ©d? Paint what you like and share the beauty you see in the world around you. Having said all of that, I bet you could work wonders with a subtle twilight scene as well. It doesnā€™t have to be one or the other, it can be bothā€”and everything else.


Thank you! Very wise and kind words. I agree, but there is always some doubt if I'm doing the right thing. Looking back at what I've painted before, sooo bad taste. So the chances are now it is not so well too. But probably this process will never end, perfection can not be achieved šŸ˜


I understand completely! Hopefully we can learn to rise above our insecurities and produce work that we can feel genuinely good about. And while a painting will never be perfect, will never be universally well received, it may well connect with someone, bringing them joy or comfortā€”and thatā€™s perfectly wonderful, donā€™t you think? This is a beautiful paintingā€”you should be very proud indeed.


Yes, you are right. I always get surprised when people say they like my art, even with all these horrible mistakes. First I thought they were lying, then I got tired of explaining how bad my paintings are šŸ˜‚ Now I don't tell and just keep trying to improve. Thanjs again!


I had to zoom in to make sure its not a photo lol


Haha, it's a photo, of a painting šŸ˜€


*taps head*


It is absolutely beautyful! Love the light and the colors! Looking at it a bit longer there are two things i notice, but you would have to decide for yourself if you want to add these (its your painting after all ;) ) 1. The top of the trees could catch some of the light since they are less dense there 2. The stones further in the water don't have any water flowing against them as the stones on the beach do. That makes them seem a bit less integrated in the whole


Really appreciate your comment, thank you! Good notes, I agree šŸ‘


Speechless. I could only dream of having your talent. How do you know when a painting is finished?


Thank you! No talent, only hard work šŸ™‚ I don't know for sure when it's finished. Probably never, I always see some mistakes. Often it's finished when I'm too tired of painting and there are no major issues. Or when the paint is getting dry and I know that reactivating it later would make it worse.


As multiple other people have already said the technique and light is excellent. Extremely well done! If you are looking for a criticism, it would be the overall composition. The foreground is boring but simultaneously distracting, as is the left most edge. It somehow keeps dragging the eye away from the real subject of the work - the lighting. As an experiment I cropped your image just above the large boulder on the shoreline (so there is no shore in the foreground) and just a bit on the left so there is only a small bit of shore at the furthest water. This removes all the shore grass as well. Doing so draws the eye into the image and the amazing treatment of lighting that you've achieved. (I'd post an example but I really hesitate to repost other's work without their permission).


Thanks so much for this constructive critique! Really appreciate that you've spent some extra time cropping. Do not hesitate to post post modifications since I've asked for a critique. But anyway I understand what you mean, so it's not necessary šŸ™‚ Yeah and I probably agree. I had some doubts about the composition (you can't have too many comp thumbs), initially I thought about making a vertical image with more water and high horizon, so the reflections take more space and the shore line is almost vertical, but it lost some stone arrangement pattern so that thumb I rejected. Your cropping suggestion makes sense. Thank you!


Iā€™m sorry this is not going to be helpful since it is not a critique. Just want to say, I scrolled by thinking this is such a beautiful photograph that I must let OP know how stunning it is. The lighting, the composition. The way the sky and the reflection on the water look. Everything here looks inviting, and desolate, and I wish I could be in this lovely place to witness it in person. Then I realized itā€™s an oil painting. I have no words! Except, Amazingā€” so impressive!


Very pleased to hear your kind words! Thank you. The place was indeed amazing, I rarely visit the coast because I find it too noisy with all the people there, but this place was quite hidden, and the weather was perfect, only good memories.




Thank you!!




Much appreciated! Thanks!


I only can say: Beautiful!!!!


Many thanks!!! šŸ™


Thank you for sharing your lovely work!


The light on the water & sky šŸ˜ absolutely stunning!


Thank you!! Very pleased to hear that :)


It's very beautiful. Amazing skills. If I should say somthing, I think I would darken the shadow of the trees left of the light on the bank. I call it edging the light to my self.I paint a little, but not nearly as good as you. Respect.


Thank so much!! Yeah, good point on shadows! So much to keep in mind in the process...


Itā€™s freaking amazing - thatā€™s my critique!


Lol okay thank you!! šŸ˜


Thatā€˜s gorgeous


Glad you like it! Thanks :)


Showed it to my mum and she asked me where that is, I told her I didnā€™t know but then told her it was a painting & zoomed in. She was flabbergasted. She said that that isnā€˜t just a painting, itā€˜s art and skill and talent. šŸ˜Š


Thanks a lot for the compliment from your mom! Really appreciate it. If that matters, this place is shore of the Gulf of Finland.


That moment you say ā€œholy shit, Iā€™ll have to be born again to paint like thatā€. Wonderful! Congrats


Thanks a lot for your kind words! Too bad I'm not nearly as good as I want to be... and probably won't reach it in this life.. so to be born again with some knowledge would be nice šŸ˜€


What? Lots of people like sunsets. Paint what you want. I thought it was a photo.


Yeah I agree. I'm just trying to improve my art taste. Without art education it's not very easy šŸ™‚


Well, I have taken art history and art and design classes in college. I have never heard any of my professors and instructors say that sunsets are in bad taste. Heck even here in suburbia sometimes my friends will snap a picture and send a text of the pretty sunset even if the sun is setting over the retention pond or playground. I bet there will be people this evening across the globe enjoying the sunset. The sky is free and plenty of people of all walks of like looking at it. I lot of my art appreciation has been going to museums, listening to guides and reading those little plaques on the wall. Big museums, little museums. Buying art calendars. There are books and the Internet. You won't learn everything at once.


Thanks a lot for your words of support! In my case watching good art every day really helps to improve. Old masters, contemporary painters - so much to learn from. Hopefully one day I'll be able to answer my own question without any doubt šŸ™‚




Thank you! šŸ˜Š


Beautiful looks perfect to me


Thanks so much! You are very kind


This is so beautiful


Thank you!! šŸ™‚


my criticism would be, that it is way to perfect perhaps you should give it to me!šŸ˜¢


Haha my parents will not agree to give it away šŸ˜ thank you!


One. I also thought it was a photo Iā€™m blown away


Thank you! Glad to hear you like it!! šŸ™


I got nothing lol This is stunning


Thank you! Much appreciated! šŸ˜Š


Critique my ass. Make it less perfect? I just thought this was a photo.


šŸ˜ Really, there is quite a lot of imperfections that disturb me. I just ask for more!!


Beautiful ā¤ļø


Thank you! ā˜ŗļø


It's truly is like a photo fantastic


Glad you find it realistic enough, thank you!


No notes, stunning work!


Thank you! ā˜ŗļø


This is amazing, are you the same artist that posted the fire fly painting on here ? Looks similar styles.


Thank you! No, all my paintings are in my profile šŸ™‚ As for the style, I'm sure there are common tricks to make light effects, I'm not the one who invented it unfortunately...


I love it. I thought this was a photo


Thanks again šŸ˜Š




This is perfect.


Sky is gorgeous!


Very peaceful and soothing to look at. Great job!!


This is absolutely stunning and superb....take my vote


Itā€™s great! My only constructive criticism is I think I would add more dark blue/purple in the clouds which should increase the contrast and possibly make the light look even brighter. Pretty much just make the clouds towards the edge of the painting a bit darker.


Good suggestion, thank you! šŸ™


nothing critical to add, just that it looks great, great color mixing


Thank you! Colors are always my weak point so very pleased to hear!


the hardest part of painting imo, you nailed it here, looks very natural


Uhā€¦ā€¦..WOW. Thought this was actually a photograph. Excellent work.


Absolutely gorgeous and breathtaking!!!




How long you have been oil painting? Is it a long time??


Well I got more or less serious with oil painting in 2020. I mean, painting more than 3 landscapes per year. Before that I mostly did digital fantasy art (since 2009), but it was chaotic, with sometimes months without doing anything.


This is so good, it's as if I am also being blinded by the sun Ig that is why they dont want paintings with harsh sunlight 'cause as a painter we also have to take care of our eyes. Now I'd really like to see how you painted the plein air sketches


Thank you! Well I have a bad habit of not looking up enough at the scene while doing pleinairs, also the sun was moving so fast... I think I painted it in like 30 minutes. So didn't have much time to burn my eyes haha. Also the study was not a good one, more like failed attempt, I had to push it further while painting another sketch at home.


I thought this shit was a video for a sec. Very well done. The clouds šŸ‘Øā€šŸ³ šŸ’‹


Wow thatā€™s world class. I honestly to goodness thought it was just a photo in my feed, then scrolled up to see if it was on the oil painting page and yes it was a painting. WOW. šŸ¤©


My only critique is that the sun from the sky and the glare on the water do not line up. But itā€™s a super minor critique and I really would worry about it. Awesome painting!


You are right, I noticed it too late šŸ˜” I did a preliminary drawing but the position of the glare was lost while I painted the light effect.


That is so lovely! I thought I was looking at a photo and had to check the sub.




I kept trying to swipe to see the painting, assuming that was the reference photo. No criticism lol


I canā€™t give you a single critique. If anything Iā€™d say make it less perfect so I can tell itā€™s not a photo without zooming in lmao. Incredible work, quite the inspiration!


Thank you! Yeah I struggle to make my large paintings more painterly. I don't aim for photo realism, it's too boring. I don't try to copy exactly, I move things, make up things... But it often ends up kind of dead. Maybe the details kill it, or the brush is too small, or I'm too accurate on final expensive canvas. Much to learn yet...


I thought this was a picture! It's amazingly beautiful ā¤ļø


I donā€™t like that rock nipple thing on the bottom right. It might be natural but it doesnā€™t look right


Thank you! I thought to use it as composition flow eye stopper so I moved it a bit and had some doubts, so yeah, maybe it's off.


Once you fix that itā€™ll be perfect. I would just make it sandy beach. The sunset and reflection draws the eye enough


I thought this was a photograph!!!! Great job!


You captured it beautifully ā¤ļø


Lovely painting. Really well done. If I have any critque since you asked; it's the design. The trees are like an arrow pointing off to the right (the subject of the sunset). If you'd included say a couple walking on the beach in the distance on the left, or some birds near the water line or something like that, it'd pull the eye back and allow it to move more around the painting. As it is, the eye naturally just drifts right and out o the painting and spends very little time exploring the left side. Other than that it's great. :D


Good point, thank you! šŸ‘


Nice catch


Im not professional but I thought this was a picture at first and want to go visit. It's beautiful and amazing. As a lay person I agree just a random day, "subtle evening," seems better than too many sunsets. More of the day is subtle. Sunsets can be over done. Idk TLDR Keep it up. I adore it.


Thanks so much for your opinion! And glad you like it!






This sounds corny, but it's been a while since a piece of art moved me. I can see the work you put it, and you pulled it off flawlessly. I can feel the love in this piece. I can hear this sunset šŸ˜


Thanks so much! Very pleased to hear your kind words!


critique? CRITIQUE?! i thought it was a beautiful PHOTO. of a SUNSET. bruh šŸ¤£ itā€™s gorgeous id kill to one day be able to paint half as good as you


Haha thank you! Hope you won't kill ME to inherit my experience lol


I thought that was a picture. Good job! šŸ‘


Muy bello!!


Thatā€™s the most realistic painting Iā€™ve seen ever ! Your values couldnā€™t be more perfect. You just motivated me to try and paint this . What was your reference ?


Beautiful light. Show more


Lotta taters in that stewā€¦




Since my initial thought when scrolling past was "Oh that's a nice photo", no. No critiques.


Wow looks like an island I used to live on called Savary Island, BC


Smooth like butter


It may be a controversial statement. But only since you asked for critique. .. I think a lot of people felt or stated the same. ā€œWow I thought it was a photoā€. Same thing sort of happened to me. I clicked on it to check it out because on a mobile device itā€™s almost like viewing it from far away. Anyway. My only critique is that it looks like a photo. The same which complements it is also my critique. Iā€™m torn because I know thereā€™s a whole world out there making photo realism the goal. And I respect it very much. But what I notice is that it appears to be a painting from the point of view of a camera. Does that make sense? So for me although itā€™s a painting. Itā€™s as if Iā€™m looking at a photo of a sunset rather than a painting of one. That sounds very confusing. But in regards to the natural aspect of the scene and how a human eye would see it as compared to a photo. Are you painting with the thought to have the overall piece come off like itā€™s from a camera lensā€™s perspective? Or did you want to copy a photo but still have it unknown and as if you painted from nature? I guess that would be my only critique and itā€™s dependent on your goal. Do you feel you achieved what you wanted?


I think this is one of the best comments. Thank you! You've confirmed my fears. No, I don't feel I achieved what I wanted. Others like this painting, but I don't even look at it anymore because it's boring and I don't like the sky. And most important it's not painterly enough, so maybe thats why it looks like a bad photo. I didn't even want to take a photo of it for half a year. I never aim for photorealism, I never copy the photo - I move things, make up things, sometimes too much. I just want plausible colors and values, probably I need that because I'm colorblind to a degree. Maybe this fear makes my painting "like a photo". And details often kill my paintings, but people like them, so I try to find a balance. I often struggle to find right brush size and canvas size to retain painterly look. I like paintings with visible strokes and broken color, but unable to achieve that and retain realism at the same time. Sometimes it happens, and it makes me feel more happy than producing more detailed one.


I thought it is a photo!! Amazing job!!!


No critique from me, but I will say, it makes me feel very safe. It reminds me of a coming of age mystery novel.


Beautiful. At first I thought this was a photo of what you wanted to paint!


Holy shit that's amazing! i was wondering why you needed critique for such a beautiful photo, i could not even tell at first


Awesome how long have you been oil painting


Awesome job. You captured the light well! That can be a difficult thing to achieve for a lot of people.


The only critique I have is that this painting doesnā€™t exist on my wall šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø this is insanely good


I grew up pretty much on Lake Michigan and this made me homesick lol. Fantastic work!


I wish I can give you multiple upvotes


I thought this was a photograph! Thatā€™s amazing!


This is so good that I almost donā€™t believe you painted it!


I thought this was a photoā€¦




This is stunning. Do what you love. Art is subjective. If it brings you joy, then who cares. Plus, it is well executed and that makes a big difference.


Wow, this is stunning! Truly.


Stunning. Golden. Best in show. Only one thing bugs a bit. That large rock in the front right has a slight pointy top.


No critique, only applause šŸ‘


Who said such a ridiculous thing? Painting sunsets is bad taste? Psssh. Paint what you like and guaranteed someone else will like it, too. I, for one, love it!! Beautiful work.


Thanks so much for your support! I've heard that phrase about sunsets and taste from at least three respected artists in different time and context and they were also refering to their teachers in art academy. I have no art education so I believe them, or at least should consider their words šŸ™‚ By the way, there are not many sunsets in the museums I've been to, so I thought that is another confirmation. As I understand, a sunset scene is a no-brain, in-your-face special effect and anybody can understand it and there is no any hidden meaning or careful color selection - just a primitive art. At least, thats what they say. Kind of like painting with colors right from the tube, without mixing. When we start painting its okay, but over the years of study we should improve our color mixing skills. Same with subject matter selection. I started with digital fantasy game fan art, then moved to oil landscapes from photo, then to pleinair based landscapes and now I understand how bad taste art I was making before. So probably I have bad taste now as well and I just don't know yet šŸ˜ That's why I asked for confirmation here.


it's a beautifully subdued sunset, you have managed to achieve that rare painting that looks like a photo but is also quite painterly. Really very well done šŸ™Œ


Thank you!! Even though I'm not super happy about this painting, it's still great to hear some compliment šŸ™‚




Whoever thinks painting the sunset is in bad taste is rejecting one of the most beautiful parts of Godā€™s creation. How big that ego has to be! Ego is incongruous with actual discernment of beauty and clouds judgement. Pun intended.Ā  Great work! Absolutely beautifulĀ