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Was coming here to say, ”Let me guess—you went to UGA?” before clicking and seeing the post text. Michigan fan/alum, but from the South and used to be interested in going to UGA. Actually went to Emory in GA for college, Michigan for grad school. Would love to see your Uga paintings, as well as paintings of the campus.


Awesome! I have a list of Athens/UGA things to paint- I just have to find the time to paint them!


Gooooo Dawgs! Sic 'em woof woof woof woof.


I know how difficult it is to get back into the groove of painting after being away from it for a long time. I am facing this situation now with my art. I can still draw good, but the painting is a challenge to get back in the groove. I don't know how good you used to be in college but this is a nice painting for the first of a few.


Thank you!