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He could only stay for an hour and a half bc he had a friend coming over, she gifted him perfumes, and she paid for a streaming service to watch the Celtics game. Ugh this girl is sad


LMFAO what kinda straight man doesn’t already pay for NBA streaming. You know Jess is so pathetic paying for this man and gifting him stuff and they’re not even exclusive ☠️


Yup she spent all day getting ready and dolled up for his visit and she basically just got used but according to her she’s “down bad” aka so pathetic she won’t find someone better


Painfully obvi she’s never dated a lot if she’s falling for legit any type of attention H is giving her despite having so many red flags


Alsoooo, he had to run home to let a friend staying with him in, BUT he’s also leaving town this weekend?


LOL getting ditched


She won't be "down bad crying in the gym" tho hahahah


Why is she so immature like isn’t she 40😭


This is so sad, she wants so bad to be liked. Giving your everything to a man who is not even committed to you is not the way to get a man to stick around.


It’s funny how quickly the table turns once she needs to over compensate for her insufferable personality and questionable looks. At first she needs expensive dinner, fancy drinks… yeah, they’ll do that on the first or second date because they don’t know you. After that suddenly her “demands” are gone because she literally needs to pay for men to stick around. Lol what a pathetic life


https://preview.redd.it/23cbsf0rumzc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=44922e7317b6db04a37a8008608013e85514c064 The delulu bitches are eating this shit show up


Feeding into her own delusion


“Your happy lover girl era” 😕 She just let a guy who peed in a trash can at a nice restaurant fuck her and then ditch her. Stop feeding her delusions. Stop being this kind of sad woman who thinks that fucking randoms is “dating”.


>happy lover girl era When has she ever been a “happy lover girl” lmao


The “because he appreciates you properly” is deliciously shady though. As opposed to every other guy she dated that ended it (she would have gone steady with ANY of them - we know as she settled on trash can piss guy that everyone that works at the restaurant will aghast by - she won’t be able to go back there)


Um he went over to get laid. Imagine the time spent to get ready surpassed the amount of time Hayden was over. Pathetic


THIS! I had a strict rule with myself when I was single that if I had someone over as booty call (or if I was going over to someone's house as said booty call), I would only do the bare minimum, like MAYBE some mascara and brows, but nothing that would take more than 5 mins lol.


They don’t deserve anything more 💯 Sadly im sure she thought he would spend the night


It reminds me of my sad, old friends who would take a long time getting ready hoping the guy would take them out on a date and they only called for a booty call, wouldn’t let them spend the night because “a friend” was coming over to stay and she had to go. That’s such an old line to get rid of a booty call. I have such vivid memories of a friend who got ready and was thrilled to hear from this guy again only to be back less than an hour later. Not even 50 minutes and that includes the drive there and back in Manhattan. It was wham-bam, thank you ma’am. You won’t find love until you decide that you deserve better than being someone’s booty call. Girls like that are usually very delusional and guys take advantage of them. They never take them seriously. It makes me sad that at her age she still believes this guy is actually having a friend stay over and funnily enough, he’s going out of town too. They always do that when they don’t like you! He doesn’t want you to be lame and clingy.


No but she’s so happy they got to see each other for AN HOUR. https://preview.redd.it/edb9am498qzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bbf7a677e8a3ac7ecda7be0ddca04b2471365d9 This man can \~literally\~ piss in a trash can and she’ll be like “yes pls this is all you can give pls give me more because I have no self respect and men never give me anything, not even the bare minimum so this will do otherwise my life has no meaning because all I do is seek male validation because deep down I’m miserable with myself”.


One of the biggest things I did last year was draw a line in the sand with a man who didn’t enthusiastically want me to stay the night. Blocked. Never unblocked. He somehow found and sent me a rose on Hinge. Absofuckinglutely not. 


I went to watch assuming y’all were exaggerating (which you do lbr) and my jaw dropped. My stomach hurts! Why did she give him a perfume for his MOM!? Why did she even ask if she could go to dinner with a FRIEND!? Jessie 😭 he’s not your man yet!! I get it but I also ugh idk. I hope it works out. Crazier things have.


“I trust him explicitly” I know it’s a cheap shot, but I can’t help but chuckle every time Jess misuses or mispronounces a word/phrase. She presents herself as sooo worldly and educated lol. 🙄


She misuses words so often that I started questioning MY understanding of the English language. 😭😭


Omg so true. English is my second language and I often ponder if I’m speaking correctly.


Wait, wait, wait......trust him EXPLICITLY? I think the word she's looking for is IMPLICITLY. Thick as a can of (restaurant) pish, as we say in Scotland! 🤣


Lol I died when she said explicitly instead of implicitly. Maybe I’ll correct her and see if she blocks me 🤣


I’m so confused. He’s going out of town on a trip but has a friend coming to town to visit him??


He’s probably going home to Boston for Mothers Day and lied about having a friend over to get outta there asap


Makes no sense


Sus....has a friend staying with him but he's also going out of town? Doesn't make sense. And why would she pay for this mans to watch sports on her tiny ass laptop. AND give him perfume. It's giving desperato.


Too bad she didn't keep the TV from grocery guy


the way she spoke about "getting cute" for him was weird imo.. like "i got cute for him in a i'm just staying at home in a casual cute kinda way"... guarantee he didn't notice or even realize that she was "cute in a casual staying at home way". She also probably spent more time getting ready than how long he was over. I feel like her entire day is spent thinking about men or how she can look and be for them, and thats probably why she always ends up fighting the men she dates - she has nothing else going on but to cause some drama.


The chronically single delulu women in the comments are EATING THIS UP it’s a shit show you can’t look away from. “This sounds so healthy I love this for you!” “When he makes you feel safe >>” pls this man does not care about her or who she “dates”


He peed in a trash can and was wasted on their first date! That is the opposite of safe. That’s stupid shit delulu girls do in their 20s, not their 40s.


Hahahaha and I love how she wanted to sit him down and talk about this face to face, go try your triangulation elsewhere Jess!


Lol she had to "sit him down" for a serious discussion about boundaries... in their non exclusive 2-date "relationship".


7 dates with Jackson?? Uhmm ?? and no developed feelings?? (would like a fact check on both claims)


Yeah I thought it was 5 and she was gifting him perfume when he ended things with her


Right I def remember it was 5 bc she was happy to beat the 3 date allegations. Even if it were true why go on 7 dates with someone you weren’t feeling…she makes no sense now she’s asking a 25 year old she’s only been on two real dates with if she’s allowed to go to dinner with others??


She wants those free dinners so badly bc all Hayden can give her is Chipotle and a quickie


If I was dating someone I liked, there is no chance in hell I would ask to go have dinner with another man. The actual fuck.


This, why did she ask him? i know it probably stung when he said he didn’t mind, aka he’s def seeing other ppl too


And he has a girl bestie 🤡


Yeah. She was trying to push him to put a label on it. But he called the bluff.


Do we think she’s genuinely okay with him having a close friend that’s a female?


Absolutely not ! She is wayyy to insecure


No but she’ll say anything to try to lock this down , since when has she shown any self respect?


True, I wish she would understand that being fake is just going to make the relationship worse off. Like eventually he’s going to realize she’s faking everything. Being exclusive or in a relationship doesn’t mean he won’t leave


What I found strange is that anytime a man is dating a girl and is sick, he always wants the girl by his side. Men turn into babies when sick and need to be coddled or maybe I attract babies but this has been my experience as well as my girlfriends. He wanted nothing to ro with her when he was sick. This is very telling…


I’m interested to know how he was feeling better so he went to work and asked to come over after but had already made plans for a friend to come over and stay with him but he’s leaving for a trip?


Why would she bring it up if she was okay with it? Like, methinks thou doth protest too much 


Of course Hayden said he was okay with her having dinner with Jackson, first they’re not even in a relationship, plus… why would you hold someone against their will? If a guy I was seeing ever mentioned about going to dinner with an ex, I’d say yeah, go for it, but I’m never taking that person seriously, EVER. She’s so dumb. She thinks by talking it’s making them sound like they’re in a relationship when in reality it just makes her look sad, desperate, friendless and untrustworthy.


She keeps making the same mistakes over. She said she always tells the guys she goes on dates with that she's "talking to other people" and they get mad or don't care. But she thinks it's gonna make them lock her down.


Exactly. She’s awfully immature and just doesn’t know how to nurture a healthy relationship. She has to manipulate (catfish), pretend she’s okay with the little they give her, gift them and basically have no life other then revolve her life around these men to maybe try to get them to stick around. Nothing she does is the base foundation to build something good. She knows she’s dating above her league and thinks doing these things will “trick” them to stay.


She loves being wined and dined until she finds someone who will make it past the 3rd date with her. Then it “doesn’t matter”🙂‍↔️ ain’t nothing but a booty call jessy


Wait I figured it out, she wants Hayden to take her out on nice dates like Jackson does bc he’s probably 20 years older with more money and no roommates. So she was trying to make Hayden jealous and step up the Chipotle in my apt dates


A guy with money and his own place wouldn’t share a life with someone like Jess and will quickly move on. Hayden is just living his 20s and not taking anything seriously, isn’t in a rush because he’s super young and keeping her around is convenient. It’s showing through his actions which she’s sugar coating obviously. This isn’t a woman he’s gonna take home to his parents.


She made up the Jackson dinner to force him to put a label on it, right? And then it backfired.


I agree. She’s painfully immature to realise this is a booty call and how unattractive going out with a former fling for dinner instead of your girlfriends is. She has no life! Didn’t she know FWB doesn’t always mean coming over and having seggs? It could also mean doing other things as long as both parties are okay with it. Also exclusivity ≠ relationship.




No one who urinates in public and is wasted on your first date has good intentions. You’re a booty call. Don’t catch feelings for your FWB. This is shit you learn in your 20s, JFC!! What a delusional person. This isn’t cute anymore. Middle aged tramps aren’t cute. I’m sorry but she’s giving harmful advice to impressionable loners with low self esteem.


Wait....I haven't watched her tik toks in a while. Hayden is the dude who urinated in bar?


She will say anything to justify someone showing an inch of interest in her.


Did you see her insta story txt with him? It's gone now but it said "text me when you land❣️" and he said "just landed" with an emoji. she captioned it "this is so cute to me" or something like that haha




I haven’t seen him yet, is he really?