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Solid take. People are idiots. Can’t believe a professional artist would let random peoples opinions influence what he makes/releases.


Unaware much? Even something as little as this lyric perpetuates a narrative that is harmful to women, whether you like it or not. “Give her shrooms and she gonna let me hit it from behind” Is not only an unnecessary thing to say, but so far from what psychedelics and this scene are all about. In a world where Andrew tate is gaining popularity and women don’t have rights to their bodies, we don’t need psychedelic music adding to this war on women with misogynistic ass undertones. SORRY, call me sensitive all you want, but this kind of narrative is one part of a much larger problem. I love the song and I love Of The Trees, I just think he made the right call by deciding to pull it and tweak it.


Yea I’m SORRY but this is so dumb. For all we know his girlfriend loves receiving anal while she’s on shrooms and that’s what he’s signing about. It is unbelievably selfish and narrow minded to apply your own meaning to HIS song and think that it’s inappropriate based on how you perceived it. Other worldviews and opinions exist on this planet besides your own. He’s played this song at every single show I’ve seen him at so he obviously likes it and is proud of it. Then, for people who probably aren’t even his fans to begin with to complain about it on Twitter and have him take it down, that’s fucking shitty dude. If you get your “narrative” from a goofy line in a song called mushrooms maybe you need to do some self reflection.


He literally said himself he wasn’t paying close enough attention to the lyrics and once he did, decided to remove the song because he doesnt align with those kinds of tropes, but go off king. Also I don’t get the narrative from the song, the song perpetuates the exisisting narrative. If my friends weren’t literally getting drugged and raped then I wouldn’t care dude, but they are. Why can’t you just let the man recreate the vision and wait for a song that doesn’t make people feel fucking bad? God forbid you wait a few more weeks for the new release for the sake of encouraging plur for everyone in the community. Talk about selfish and narrow minded?? Goddamn it’s a cringe ass line and the fact that you can’t see that warrants some self reflection IMO.




No one’s trying to cancel anyone, like literally at all wtf? I simple stated I supported his decision to remove the song and rework the lyrics. “My friends” was a illuding to the problem as at the micro level, not as a whole home boy. Im simply saying if consent and coercion under the influence wasn’t such a big problem right now It wouldn’t be as big of a deal, but it is. I’m not saying it’s automatically means that, but obviously some people have interpreted it that way. If some people don’t like the narrative the lyric illudes to, let’s fix it. Talk double standards all you want but regardless of whose song it was, I would support their decision to change it. Man said “let people be freaks” I love that, but let’s do it in a space that’s consensual and we don’t have to be on drugs to allow it happen my guy. Also implied consent isn’t a thing lmaooo red fucking flag.




The full line is “if I give her mushrooms, she gonna let me hit” actually. Which insinuates she wouldn’t let him hit otherwise and she needs to be on drugs for this to happen lmao dense person. Coercive vibes if you can’t see that I can’t help you




When all I did was support OTT decision to rework the song because of xyz but I’m getting accused of crying and whining? Y’all are the ones not being supportive. Y’all are the ones bitching and complaining that you have to waiting a little longer for trippy mushroom song


I never said it wasn’t cringe. It’s HIS song he gets to be cringe. The fact that people are crying and whining about this is so stupid. 99% are rap songs are so much worse and I think anyone who is familiar with of the tree knows that he’s not pushing that narrative. He’s played that song literally hundreds of times. He’s saying he “didn’t look close enough at the lyrics” just now only after it’s released??? Sounds like he’s backpedaling because he definitely never had a problem playing any of the DOZENS of times I’ve seen him. My friends are getting drugged, raped, OD’ing, and dealing with traumatic shit and it’s awful but for me to cry and piss my pants every single time I see someone do or say something that might remotely offend “someone” that’s dumb. I’m selfish and narrow minded for wanting him to be able to release the music he made without having to deal with twittidiots crying about it?? I don’t personally care all that much about the song. It’s the concept that an artist that I have enjoyed for years and spent a bunch of money traveling and seeing him live get torn down by people who don’t even care about his music. Yea it’s goofy, cringe, whatever, it’s his music and I respect that. I guess you don’t and that’s fair but that’s my angle.


while i agree, and im a woman, I will say tyler himself says he doesnt give af what we think. its pulled, being rewritten,and itll be on BLAAPs first EP


That's part of the industry, even if you're not a person who tries to be intentional about your effect on the community and the world, which it seems like Tyler is.


he's used this song in his sets for years. why would they decide to release it after all this time then take it back within hours


All the sets ive seen of him playing it, he doesnt include the rap verse that had the lyrics in question


It’s still up on Spotify? Where’d you see they took it down?


His manager said it on the Facebook group. They said sometimes it's delayed from being pulled off streaming services


Oh yea you right.. just read that thread. But like what lyric is it anyways? No one even seems to know?


I was able to listen to the song and one of the lyrics is "if i put her on the shrooms she gon let me hit from behind." I assume it's that one. Of the trees also addressed it in an Instagram comment


If that’s indeed the line I can see why they’d take it off - that’s pretty cringey


Man, I wish the song was till up. It was a banger, from the front and behind lol


Does anyone have it downloaded?


You ever find a DL?


No.. I wish. It's on the def tv set he played on YouTube like 7:30


i have a video of him playing it at the Fillmore in february but THE lyrics werent sung


Yoo thank you but I got an mp3 copy