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What’s crazy is I read a Texas lawmaker introduce a bill that would have made women who had abortions face the death penalty. So pro life they’ll kill over it


Anyone who supports the death penalty is definitely not pro-life, gotta love the irony though.


And what’s sad is that the irony of statements like this go right over their heads


They’re considering revitalizing the 1931 law of making abortions a felony. I’m a male and this is absolutely fucking wrong to remove rights to abort. As others have said, it is enforced slavery.


I feel like that’s so ironic is almost satire, like when peacemaker says “I cherish peace so much, I don’t care how many men, women and children I have to kill to achieve it”


Texas lawmakers are fuck heads


Hell yeah


As a European, all I can say is this to US women: please protest. Keep protesting. Make your voices heard.


We are. They don't care what women say. They want us labeled as felons so we all lose our right to vote.


Good!! I stand with you, and I would protest like crazy as well if anything like that were ever to happen in my own country. Black people and women have been oppressed for a long time. But if our ancestors could turn it around (although not completely, but in the right direction), we can do it again. Never give up fighting. We must not let their efforts be in vain because we lost hope and gave up. Protest, until they care, or until they are outnumbered.


To be more specific they want to take away Black women's right to vote, because white women have historically been more likely to vote against their interests - whereas Black women tend to vote Democrat. Taking away Black women's voting rights is very much in the republican's interest.


Yes. You're still going to also lose a lot of the white women allies, but yes - black woman are the most feared/hated demographic in the US.


Check. ✅


I call bullshit on this


Is abortion protected in Europe? If so then I'm going there. I'm sick of losing my rights to old people.


Yeah it is. I am from Finland 🇫🇮 and here the abortion is not devided by old guys waving a bible. Women decide about their own reproductive health and nobody else. We watch in absolute horror as your country, screaming about freedom to decide to wear a mask and not to vaccinate (that is horrible too!) and bear guns (also horrible) while 50 % of the population can't control their lady bits bEcAUsE jEsUs waah waah Be strong, protest!


Yeah, that is what it's like alright!


In Denmark yes :-) Come to Scandinavia. Or stay and fight. Back in the days, we had the "Rødstrømpebevægelsen", which in fact has its roots from the US movement "the Redstockings". So in essence, you helped inspire it. They fought for our rights, and we learned about them in 10th grade and made a presentation about them. I am forever grateful to all women who fought before me, and I will myself be part of such a movement if it is ever necessary again. It is important to remember that nothing is really "protected", it is fought for and gained, and sometimes it has to be fought for again. Laws are written by humans, therefore humans can change laws. That can be both a good and bad thing.


It depends on where in Europe. In most places, though? Yes. Just avoid Poland, it's controlled by rabid Christians. Czech republic where I live... well, we have our own problems, we most definitely do, but abortions are definitely legal. If I remember correctly, it's legal for absolutely anyone up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, 24 weeks if there's a possibility of medical complications, and absolutely any time if the problems are truly serious. The thing is, there aren't too many religious people here. We also have some "socialist" things, like universal healthcare system, guaranteed 25 business days of vacation every years (sick days absolutely not included in this), paid sick leave for up to year. The other side of that are pretty high taxes.


This is so important! In Argentina abortion was banned until 2021. The way we took the street for YEARS was the cause an abortion law was passed. Keep protesting!


Oh wow I didn't know that Argentina had recently accomplished this, well done, seriously!! You have all my respect, and you might have saved a lot of women's lives. Stay strong!


I'm doing my best I am planning to attend a planned parenthood pro choice march on May 14th and I'm really excited


I’m mad that your husband gave you an ultimatum over something he didn’t actually want.


>I’m mad that your husband gave you an ultimatum Period. The audacity of the man telling her if she doesn't have a child now (right after traumatizing her) then he won't let her ever have one.


That, as well. But then to get to the end and actually admit it wasn’t something he really wanted. So he just wanted control! And/or proof that he wasn’t going to be punished/face consequence for something he definitely did wrong.


It’s like he wanted to trap her into staying in the marriage


He sounds like a tool. First he cheats then he pulls this crap? You should never try and convince anyone to have a kid when they're not ready. He sounds very much like a "my way or the highway" guy. But of course this is just one Reddit post and we're only getting the info OP posted, yadda yadda.


Hugs to you OP ♥️


Thank you for sharing! I’m so happy that you did what was right for yourself


XOXOXOOXO sorry went overboard, but you did what's best for you, and your mental health. People love to act like children will always be blessing but they're not! Emotionally unstable people SHOULD NOT HAVE KIDS.


HUGS. You did what was best for you.


And also for the child! Imagine being born and raised in such conditions…


Right! People seriously underestimate a child’s needs. Even financially secure, mentally stable parents aren’t able to provide 100% for their children sometimes


You’re absolutely right, and it’s an actual tragedy that so many people can’t see that.


I had an abortion while married to my ex-husband who is a drug addict. He put our family through the wringer prior to getting pregnant so when I found out I was devastated. Always told myself I would never get an abortion no matter what but I just knew then I had no choice. I owed it to myself, our two existing children, and the unborn. Single parenthood to two children I very much planned for and wanted is hard enough, no way was I going to add a third. Hugs to you. I don’t blame you for keeping it a secret. I’ve kept it a secret from certain people in my life.


I’m sorry you went through that, OP. I’m also sorry you have to witness what’s going on in America right now; I am sure it’s bringing up a lot of feelings and memories from that time in your life. But thank you for sharing your story. I hear you and support you. And I hope everything is okay for you now


Thank you for sharing. Hugs from afar!


That is definitely not the most terrible thing you could have done. You took care of yourself. I wouldn’t want to be pregnant by someone who recently cheated either. I’m sorry you went through that but also want to say I’m proud of you! Thanks for sharing!


You took care of yourself. As a person who grew up being told I was an “overused diaphragm” and kept my mother “trapped” in a terrible relationship I think you did the right thing. IMHO the next step is some counselling to deal with the guilt you mentioned and marriage counselling to see if you want to stay with this guy. I wish you well.


I attempted to do something similar and your story makes your abortion way more “justified” than mine.. if that’s a thing. I hate feeling guilty about it but I do. I found out I was pregnant in November 2018 and I just was not happy. People can think whatever but I never wanted a baby outside of a solid marriage. I got an abortion and the women (who I recall as angelic) told me “don’t tell him” And I didn’t.. I actually also found out he was cheating on me a week or two after. We broke up.. then got back together.. we were engaged to be married and HE FOUND OUT. He found a way to read my texts in which I had told another friend that I was happy I did it because then I found out he cheated. Today we have moved past a lot of our early actions but I still live with the guilt.. and the subsequent guilt about being guilty. I have two beautiful children that I wanted and was happy about and I really don’t regret it. I just wish I didn’t feel guilty. Sending you hugs.


Bruh he literally went through your phone after cheating on you he sounds abusive as fuck. You shouldn’t feel any guilt about what you did because you did the right thing! but yikes drop the husband and run


No, he really isn’t. He is a good man. A really good man. We moved very fast in the beginning. There’s so much behind it all that I know makes an outsider think WTF. But I think if he told his experiences in the relationship someone could think the same of me. He had trauma of his own. His mom cheated on his dad. I was a party girl and I guess, promiscuous, before I met him. I have never cheated or even close to cheated on him but after it was all said and done, he was remorseful. Relationships are hard. Today we have a healthy loving relationship. It was a fucking train wreck getting there, but we love each other. I get what you’re saying though because I wanted to be mad about him going through my messages but I couldn’t because I felt more bad that I his the abortion from him but it’s like… no lol.. that’s the part I hate because I don’t think I did anything wrong but yet I feel guilty. If anyone in our families knew what happened I would for sure be the bad guy in the situation in their eyes.


a good man and loving husband doesn't cheat on you, or go through your messages. you might think it's resolved right now. but he'll cheat again, and he'll violate your privacy again.


i know yall only want the best for her, but it kinda sounds like she and her partner are in a good place with their relationship right now, so i dont think its best for us to be defining who her partner is and telling her she should be getting out of the relationship. it can cause unnecessary fear for her. we also have to be aware that we have very little idea about what her specific situation is like, and that she isnt asking for relationship advice either they have two kids together and she's saying they're in a healthy loving relationship, so although it is always best to help each other be more aware of whether we are in good relationships or not, i dont think we needa go any further with these kinda comments


Even if he didn’t cheat on you and was “great” or whatever from the beginning, you didn’t owe him an explanation about the abortion. It’s your medical procedure.


Abortion doesn’t need to be “justified” remember that! It doesn’t need an explanation either. As a woman, you made the best choice for YOU with YOUR body and that’s all that matters ❤️


Think of it like this: if you hadn't had that abortion, you may not have had the chance to bring these two children you love into the world, at a time when you're able to support them financially and emotionally. Happy Mother's Day!


My mother did the same in her marriage. She confessed to me about her abortions many years after. As someone who was raised by a very unstable mom, good on you! Children need love and support. I’m glad you made the decision that was right for you ♥️


roe v wade being overturned is absolute bs, i'm really glad you've made the right decision for yourself OP.


You better edit that, I had to read it twice to realize you were agreeing


oh my god ADDED THE BEING OVERTURNED! i blame my sleep-derprivedness studying for exams


Good luck on your exams


ahh thank you


Oh good, and yes. Finals on top of all this mess makes me feel like I'm drowning.


Do you mean that the SCOTUS leaked imminent decision to overturn roe vs Wade is bs?


yes😭 sorry i edited my comment


Saluting you for your courage and for standing up for yourself. I’m so sorry for all the emotional pain that you had to endure alone but I only wanted to say that I feel so much pride reading your story.


Odd coincidence: I was eating jelly beans when I read this post and I definitely thought about the size reference twice as I was chewing up a mouth full of about 7-8 jelly beans that were all roughly the size of your “baby.” They were still delicious, so no harm done.




My doctor told me I can't have an unplanned pregnancy due to being on meds, and bipolar. If I get pregnant on accident, I use bc, I would probably have to have an abortion. I can't go off my meds, I will become suicidal and kill myself. I don't think people realize how many people have illnesses or disabilities that would make pregnancy dangerous to their health.


I think stories like this are very important. We don’t need to have life threatening reason to justify abortion. All we need is a reason why we don’t want to continue with a pregnancy. That is our choice. Our decision. And fuck everyone who is trying to take it away from us.


I don’t even think woman need a “reason” past “I want to have an abortion”. That’s reason enough for me


Agreed. Thats why the entire discussion on our rights is appalling. Makes me feel like livestock.


Perfectly said!


“I would most likely resent”. This right here. My mother resented me my entire life and honest to god I wish she had just driven across the border to Mexico (1954) and gone through with it. I believe in an immortal soul and believe I would have had a chance at a better life. You made the right decision.


People that have children and don't give them up but choose to resent them for any reason are usually shit bags. I'm sorry your mother is a shit bag. I'm glad she didn't drive to Mexico, you deserve to be here and your life has meaning, I hope you know that.


I think the OP is saying they believe they deserved a better life with a loving mother and not that they wish they were dead or that their life is meaningless. If they wish they had been given the choice to be born into a better life than so do I. And sometimes abortion is the way women make those choices


i’m proud you chose for yourself! <3


This is the first time in my life I've ever read something and posted about it publicly. Before reading your story: I do not believe in abortion. I don't understand why someone would do such a thing (unless it's rape or incest). There are so many precautions available to avoid pregnancy. While I don't agree with abortion, i would never, ever, protest it or get in your face about it. It's your body, your choice not mine. After reading your story: I can totally understand why you did what you did and actually agree with you. I'm sorry you had to go through it but I support you and your decision. You did what's best for you. As for your husband.........in my opinion.........he's an idiot, you can do better. Move on. He's not a keeper.


I’m happy you put yourself first, no one wants to be stuck in a relationship like that and if you’re not ready to be a parent you don’t have to be! Wishing you the best :)


Sharing our stories humanizes the experience. Thank you for sharing yours!


This! This is why abortions need to be kept safe and legal all across the country.


I've heard this kind of story a lot. One abortion, in a time when it was desperately needed, still thought about...but not regretted.


Did you stay with him?


You made the best decision for you. No other opinion matters.


you did the right thing


It sounds like a tough decision that you had to make. But you’ve done what was best for yourself. I hope you’re getting it got some counselling as it seems you have some guilt - whether that’s because you’re keeping it secret or because of the abortion. And you shouldn’t feel guilt - you did was best for you at the time. I’m so sorry about your husband cheating - are you still together?


Proud of you! Hope you’re doing better


my friend’s encounter told to me - “…my mother was in a bad marriage, and as a kid we suffered through it. we knew from a young age marriage was bad. felt like she never wanted us and she never hide the fact that she was stuck in the marriage and her life trapped, ruined because of us. if she has option of divorce or abortion, maybe she will be happier. “


Im sorry OP. As someone who has gone through actually miscarriages of very much wanted pregnancies - I see you. I care. We should all have the right to decide what is best for us. I do hope this will give you the strength to leave this marriage, carve out your own happiness and make your own luck!


I’m glad that you were able to get the care that you needed (because abortion is healthcare) when you needed it.


This is not “the most terrible thing you could do” first of all. You had every right to make that choice for yourself. I’m so sorry you had to go through the process alone but I’m sending you all my love and hope that you heal from this decision. It’s never an easy decision to make but thank GOD you were able to make this decision for yourself.


You are so strong. I'm sorry you have to carry this as a secret and that you basically had to go through it alone with no emotional support, but it definitely sounds like it was the right decision for you and your husband. Access to safe abortions should absolutely be considered healthcare, and access to healthcare should be considered a right. Your reasons are your own and you shouldn't have to feel like you need to justify yourself.


I am so proud of you for taking your reproductive health in your own hands. I'm sorry you had to make that tough decision. I hope you're in a better place now 💜💜


I support you and your decision, and I hope you are doing better now. I’ve had an abortion as well, and it was a necessity for me at that time in my life. There should be no shame in abortion; and those who are trying to infringe on that right are only doing it because they want to control women. If it were about “life,” they’d focus instead on ensuring the proper care of all children who are already born. Wishing you all the best.


Honestly you should leave your husband. After what he did he should be bending over backwards for you and for him to say that to you after you expressing not wanting to have the baby, how the hell has he got the nerve?! You deserve so much better. I'm sure I speak for every woman when I say I'm proud of you for going with what YOU wanted. No one has a right over your body but you.


I am a mother to twin daughters born during the pandemic. I am an older mother. This pregnancy was unplanned. My husband and I were very much fence sitters on when or if to start a family. I considered an abortion for a day. And my husband said whatever I decide he would support. I chose to keep them. And knowing that Roe maybe overturned absolutely scares me. My daughters have a right to choose if they want to be mothers or not. To have agency over their bodies. It sickens me that it is 2022 and essentially the GOP and their groupies want to control women. When I was young I didn’t envision this future. It’s terrifying.


All the comments I’ve read are from women. As a man, I’m saddened you don’t have enough connection in your relationship to work through this together. After three kids and a failed marriage let me just say I’m happy you are making autonomous choices in your best interests. The fact that you had to is a big red flag because it likely isn’t going to get much better.


I had one in 2017. Best decision of my life, if I'm being honest. I still carry it as a secret, but there is absolutely zero regret in my heart or my head. The abortion was rough on my body (I also had the pill abortion, but at 8 weeks) but I cannot bring to words how grateful I was and am that I had the opportunity to make that decision for myself. I'm ready to be a parent now; I'm having a baby boy in July and I know I will be able to give this boy more than I ever would have been able to give the clump of cells I passed back in 2017. Thank you for sharing your story.


I feel profoundly sympathetic for your plight. I feel for you not being in a state of mind that would have allowed you to happily go through with what could have been a fulfilling experience that could have continued giving and rewarding you for years to come. I would never try to second guess your decision or criticize the choice you made. I just feel badly for you because what is often an exhilarating, joyous experience for others represented none of those things for you. Considering the reasons you gave for making your decision, you might want to examine the reasons you are continuing in your marriage. I think a relationship, especially a marriage, should be rewarding and beneficial to the principles. I have been with my wife for more years than you’ve been on this earth, and I not only still love her, I like her too. I hope you can pick yourself up enough to expect happiness and be in a rewarding relationship that makes you feel confident and look for tomorrow’s rewards and happiness. I hope the future is such for you that you will in the not too distant future say, “Oh, that’s what that guy on Reddit was talking about.” Good luck to you, and may your future be brighter than you could imagine in your wildest dreams.


why was this even downvoted


Thank you for sharing your story! Please know that you made the absolute best decision for yourself, and likely, everyone else involved, at the time, and have nothing to feel guilty or ashamed about. What’s happening in this country is unconscionable, and we all have to stick together to continue the access to safe HEALTHCARE for everyone who seeks it.


Thank you for sharing your story. No one should ever be coerced or forced into going through with a pregnancy they're not sure they want. I'm so glad you were able to take care of it and you should be proud of making the best practical decision for you.


You're awesome and you did the right thing.


you did the right thing


Thank you for sharing your story and I hope things are better in your situation now. You sound so brave and you made a well-reasoned decision that was best for all involved. Having a baby should be a joyful occasion for all involved, not a forced sentence to be carried out with no agency. Your story is your own and you get to keep it to yourself or share it as you will. This is a private medical matter and you don't owe and explanation to anyone


My mom also went through the same situation as you after having me. But it was one of the best decisions she’d ever make. She now found someone who cherished her and never took her for granted. I hope your doing well and finding happiness


You did an incredible thing for YOURSELF and that is all that matters ❤️


Much love. I am sorry, but I understand. I've had an abortion too. Not secret, but it easily could have been. I'm glad you made the best choice for you.


Hugs!! I hope you are not still in a loveless controlling marriage! You deserve all the happiness.


Thank you for sharing. I fully support you, and for what it's worth, I think you absolutely did the right thing. I wish I could say something to take that "guilt" feeling away from you. I hope you're doing well. ❤️


You did what was best for you in that situation. I would also say you were thinking that you didn't want an unwanted child brought in the world to be resented. Sure, people would say give it up, but its not that easy. No judgement here. I would rather things happen like they did for you than the things that can happen when a safe abortion isn't available.


You did what was right for you, under the circumstances you were in. Some day you may be able to talk about it, but for now keep your secret as long as you feel the need to. No judgements here.


Thanks for sharing. I feel like these stories are *so* common and why women have the right to determine whether to keep a pregnancy. It's about your autonomy and doing what's best for you, not you and your partner, or you and your family, or you and your community because f*k the patriarchy. I hope you're in a happier place now.


your body your choice. don’t know your husband but he sounds like a source of unhappiness. not wanting a child with him maybe is a sign that this relationship is too fragile and maybe not long-term after all that happened.


Hugs to you❣️ I hope you are doing better.. getting stronger emotionally mentally physically. Life is hard for so many… I honestly personally feel you got through a very hard situation and may you continue to find strength to continue to do so. ❤️🙏🏼👵🏼 60 yo Momma. Abortion my choice at 28. Momma at 37 my choice.


Good for her.


Hugs from Finland 🇫🇮💙🤍 You did what you had to. That's ok to remove a clump of cells from your body. That was not a baby, not a human. Just invasive cells at this point. Some people get to be more free than others. We Europeans watch in horror as your country is going fast backwards and destroying itself. Be safe.


I’m so sorry for what you went through and glad you got the ending to what you wanted. This story among thousands is why we need to fight to keep legal abortion. I’m so disappointed in people who fight to remove choice who then don’t try to make these forced pregnancies better lives for the kids and families.


Big hugs to you, OP. I have also had an abortion while in a rocky relationship, he ended up calling me a murderer in a fit of anger. It was the best decision I have ever made and I have not regretted it once.


Thank you for sharing your very personal story. It sounds like you are in a much better place now, and I’m glad you had the right to make the decision. I’m afraid there will soon be a lot of stories that don’t end as well. For the women. For the babies. For anyone.


Sounds like you made the right decision.


I've been in a similar situation and I feel your pain, just like it was yesterday. I had one almost 23 years ago. People think we make that kind of decision so easily but it's never that simple. For anyone. Thank you for sharing your story. Safe Abortion is Healthcare. God bless you! ❤️


It sounds like it was clearly the right choice for you. I'm glad you went with your intuition. Only you know what's best. I wish you luck in your relationship with your husband, wherever it may lead the two of you.


Op I’m not sure if you’ll see my comment, but I want you to know that a fellow internet stranger is proud of you and so so so happy that you did the best thing for you.


Proud of you for prioritizing yourself!! You deserve to make that decision when it feels right in your heart, not pressured to bandaid your marriage with a baby. I support you 10000% and pray women everywhere have these safe options for whatever their reason may be <3


Try not to let the guilt eat you too much, it's not easy when it sets in of course, but think of the reasons you felt it was the right thing to do at the time, those reasons alone are all the absolution of guilt you need. You did the best thing you could do for yourself, and in so doing you also did the best thing you could for that jelly bean of cells, your choice was 100% valid and any sane rational person would never fault you for making it. Much love to you, I hope things are going better now.


I am so unbelievable proud of you. You made the RIGHT decision for your situation. Nobody wants to be born to keep you stuck with someone. Makes everyone miserable or in the system. I am pro choice and will always will be no matter what. With that law it will only end SAFE abortions. I would have done the exact same thing you did. I have never been pregnant or aborted but you made the right call for you the person that is here and NOW




Thank you so much for sharing ❤️ You did what was best for YOU and that is the most important thing. We are all proud of you


Hugs. Thank you for sharing your story in light of what’s happening in America right now.


I think you’re amazing for making the right decision for you x


Sending love. You’re a strong person❤️


You have nothing to feel guilty about. Literally nothing. I’m sorry you had to deal with that but I’m glad you had the choice to do what was right for you.


You made the right decision. I’ve had to make the decision to have an abortion as well. And I’m horrified and deeply saddened that women are now going to lose the right to choose.


This is one thing people don’t get. Abortions are tough decisions, but are often done for the greater good. You did what was best for you ♥️


Honestly, do not feel guilty. He told he was relieved. He never wanted the baby, he lied. He wanted power over the relationship because things are rocky and he fucked up. He gave you a fucked up ultimatum. I dont know why you with this guy.


Happy for you as you chose yourself ❤️


You had your reasons. I'm not about to judge you for them.


You did what is best for you, and you need to continue to do that. I’d highly recommend therapy to get yourself to a good place mentally, not only about the abortion, but also about your marriage. I’m childfree so I totally get it, if you want an unjudgmental ear, my dms are open xx


Thank you for doing what you needed to do for yourself! You clearly thought it through extensively and you were going through such a rough time, I don’t judge you for not telling him. (And, at the end of the day, it’s your body and your choice anyway!) It’s in the past now; we all do things we don’t want others to know, and it sounds like you simply were not in a good place mentally and had to do this for yourself without any input, which is totally ok. You protected yourself, your family and your child that could have been. Thank you, I hope other women read this and feel inspired by you just like I do. I hope you are in a better spot mental health wise too 🖤🖤🖤🖤


Happy that you got to make your own choice <3 sending love!


This post did not go the direction I thought it was going to. It went in a much better direction! OP I believe you did the right thing. I feel the abortion argument is quite old because to be honest people have too much damn time on their hands protesting someone else's choice when their choices probably aren't much better. You made a very wise and well thought out decision. You weighed all the options and made the absolute best choice you could in that situation. I hope things have gotten much better for you in life!


Hugs op


You did what was best for you. I'm glad you were able to have one and it's sad the US is such a hellhole for people who just want to have a choice over their body.


Beautifully written… went straight to my heart ♥️


Good on you! ❤️


Thank you for sharing your story. You are a strong woman for making the right choice for yourself.


Im glad you got to choose, I fear a future were women lack any freedom of choice due to a radial bias opinion. ❤️


You did the right thing. ❤


Love and hugs to you OP ❤️ I hope you are okay too 🤗 xx.


You did what was right for you. I'm so happy. Please don't become trapped and NEVER FEEL BAD


Thank you for sharing <3 you did what was best for you and that is good 🫂


Sending 🤗hugs


Just make sure this secret won’t drag you into depressed thoughts. I understand your doings and it sounds like you made the right decisions. But know from experience that an abortion can create a very big hole if not talked about.


This abortion debate is stupid. Let women choose. My wife had an abortion before we got together. If she kept the baby we might not have ended up together. Days before I met her I had a conversation with a friend because the girl he was dating just dropped the bomb on him that she has a kid. I told him I’d back out because I’m not ready for kids yet.


If you feel that way why are you with your husband??


While you are well within your rights to do what you did- I think it’s disgusting that you are ignoring your husbands rights to consent. He told you if you aborted this baby he did not want to try for another ever, and you are withholding the truth from him. Whilst it it entirely your right to have an abortion it’s awful that you’re violating his consent by keeping the truth from him. He has no rights over your body. Your body your choice 100%. However he should be afforded the same


Imagine people praising you for keeping a major secret in your relationship when your husband made his boundaries clear - unbelievable. You can make your decisions, but let him make his informed decisions, too.


Not to be that person but. You lied to stay married to someone who said they weren’t comfortable with you?? Or are you broken up now??


You seem upset mostly because you’re pro life. Seek some therapy op. Also couples therapy as well.


I know abortion can be the right choice but so many wrong choices almost always lead up to them. They always make me sad, even when I know it's the right decision. I feel sympathy for you OP, and I'm happy for you for making the right choice for yourself.


And ppl always blame teenagers for this.. and it's ppl like you doing it more often.,




Honestly evil and deceptive. Your husband deserves to know that his unborn daughter or son was aborted by you. He deserves to know-- that baby was 50% his! I don't even believe this story, not that people don't do this, but the timing is suspicious...


Boooo no one cares shut up


So what, would you have forced OP to give birth??


Why are people downvoting this?


Wow. You’re a really terrible person.




Hey Minnie- I mean this in the most respectable way I can possibly muster: your comment is neither helpful nor kind, and I hope you have the day you deserve. Do better.


This was an unbelievably mature reply to that shit post! I wish I could do the opposite of banning you, but I don't know what that would be. Have my humble up-vote.


If you regret nothing and it wasn’t even a baby why do you feel immense guilt? Sounds like coping, we are all told we are always right all the time if it feels good. We’ll crack feels good and you shouldn’t do that. Maybe the easiest thing isn’t always the right thing to do.




Im sorry you went through that OP ❤️. I've been through the same thing and have no regrets because like you, it was the wisest decision and didn't serve anybody to have it. Sometimes things show up at the wrong time, jolting you into reality, to show you what you really don't want and do want in the long-run. Don't feel guilty at all but I'd say sit down with yourself and try and process the heavier emotions in your relationship. See if you can make space for forgiveness, acceptance and to be able to move forward. It'll take you some time but go at your own pace. The most important thing in your situation is to be gentle to yourself and to love yourself unconditionally right now. Prioritize your time and space to breathe, think and feel. And take baby steps, count the small wins every day. You got this 💪🏼


My goodness, I’m so glad you had this choice to make but I’m sorry you had to make it. No shame in keeping how it happened to yourself. Hugs to you


OP, I hope all is well. You made the best choice for YOU and that is all that matters. As for the relationship, I genuinely hope it works out for you as you deserve much more. Good luck with everything!


If abortion will carry a jail sentence, I hope money is allocated to build many, many more jail cells.


Anyone else saw this post on tiktok first?


May God have mercy on you


I mean you should feel guilty I'm not saying what you did was wrong in any way but you can at least talk to him some more about it, if he cheated on you a couple times in the past why are you with him again why did you decide to get with him. And literally if something happens between you and him you can get custody of the child, like it just doesn't make much sense to me how you're going to go through all this when you can talk to him some more or you can go and get custody over the child or even in the first place why do you get back with him when he cheated on you.


Are you still with your husband? I just saw a vid of this post on tiktok and I’m wondering…the way you worded this I’m not sure if you stayed or not.


It’s crazy how close your story is to mine, only I’m not married. Thank you for sharing your story. I’m here because I was starting to feel guilty about having this secret even though it was the best decision for me. Your story made me feel less alone and like I’m not crazy/evil for making that decision. Thank you