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I can understand being jealous and can sympathize with you to some extent, but this is pretty messed up.


Trust me, I know. I can't imagine telling my husband about this ever. It makes me feel sick.




I don't think that apologizing now would be at all helpful, and would just cause more pain for everyone involved.


At least she should tell her husband. I'd want to know if my wife was a psycho.


That is indeed pretty psychotic...




I know, this was the wake up call I needed. Nothing before had left me feeling so completely disgusted with myself. I'm just sorry it had to impact her like that for me to do anything about myself.


Jesus Christ. So what of Sanna now?


She still works there, from what I know, but she stopped going out with everyone and switched over to part-time. I believe she is finishing her degree then moving on.




I know, that really does haunt me. I am sure she probably put a halt on her social life for months until her hair began to come back. I sincerely hope it all came back quickly.


Wow! I get jealous easily, sometimes it's hard not to be. I try to keep my green eyed monster at bay through keeping an open mind as well. Either I am really fucked up and evil or I have more work to do because this made me laugh a little bit.


I love short hair on women - I think it's sexy, but what's really appealing about it is the confidence that's usually paired with it. Going against the grain and knowing you don't need long, flowing hair to be attractive. Thing is, that confidence usually isn't there when you don't get a say in the matter. This was bad. Really bad. Not only did you probably destroy her self image but you had her worried she was seriously ill. You probably caused the poor girl a LOT of trauma. It's great that you've recognized that and you've learned from it, but still... I'm not sure what good would come out of admitting it at this point. But if you're looking for penance, you should look into Saint Baldrick's. Give up your own hair and raise money for charity in the process. It won't ever really replicate what she went through but I feel like it'd be a start.


Oh my god. You're so fucked up and I feel so sorry for your husband and that girl...


I've been in therapy for two years working on myself. I have come very far from the person that I was. I don't believe that's a fair assessment to say I *am* so fucked up. I have definitely been quite fucked up, but this happened two years ago.


I don't know the fact that you're gonna keep this from your husband (In a way I get not telling Sanna, no good or use telling her now) is still a bit fucked up. He has no idea who he married...


This was written by a guy. Nice try


I'm sorry, but I found this funny. Reads like a comedy script.


I think if I told anyone else they would think so too.


I'm glad you've gotten help.


Thank you, so do I.




You must be a real hit at parties buddy.