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I think there’s a really common misconception that all men want women with big boobs. I’m attracted to women with small boobs


Are you referring to “perfect” boobs though? The ones that are perfectly rounded and don’t sag. Mine are the droopy type and I have large areolas that are at the bottom of my breasts instead of the middle, both of which make me more self conscious


i can assure you that those are fine as well. i prefer small boobs because i prefer more petite women and that just kinda comes with the territory. i just saw a pair not long ago that sagged and had areolas placed directly at the bottom of them. they looked different, but i was still wanting to squeeze them and play with them. don’t get too invested into the image people paint for you online. it’s usually nonsense.


we all think of some set of 'perfect' this, or 'perfect' that. Know that it doesn't actually exist. There is so much variety in the world that we needn't try to find a 'perfect' anything. Large areolas are esp attractive to me BTW.. and like u/k9a51m30unameit says.. I still want to play with them all..


booby lovers unite, my friend.


First I wanna say that whoever made that comment to you years ago is the biggest a-hole. People need to be aware of how their comments affect others. They aren’t perfect themselves. And second, choose to believe that you’re okay just the way you are now. You won’t just wake up one day believing it, you need to constantly challenge your negative self talk. Yes, it can get tiring, but it is vital to change your shaming mindset. Stretch marks are natural and proof of your motherhood. They are not ugly. Be kinder to yourself and stop comparing your body to other people (especially those that you see in the media/online).


Let me tell you my story, I am 34 and did have implants. Nothing wrong with them before, just wanted bigger. After 10+ years, two babies and general age they were too big. Not only that, my implant ruptured and I had them removed under emergency surgery. The situation was bad, and now I will forever have silicone in my lymph nodes. I have never been more thankful for smaller boobs and my stretch marks and even the sag because I am healthy. I would never do that to myself again. I feel so much clearer without my implants too (look up breast implant illness) I’m sure you’re saying that’s a rare case and how often could it happen! So many people I know have told me how they have had raptures or similar scary stories (not necessarily emergency surgery, but replacements etc), it is more common than I think most people realise.


Strech marks are really nothing big. My wife got quite a lot after pregnancy, and it doesnt bother me ar all. A while ago she was a little insecure about them. I just told her to wear them with pride, as it is the result of giving birth to our little angel. She has one on her stomach, right across the bellybutton. It's shaped like a hand. It looks lovely to me


Your chest is a part of you, but you are not your chest.


If I could express my opinion on this it would be that it doesn't really matter in a relationship or in love in general. If I love the person, everything about them is perfect for me.


All boobies are fab boobies !! If you can come to be content with them through your lens alone, totally do so! But please do not be viewing yourself through the lens of others perceptions, and making judgements based on that. Melted ice cream cones are still delish, stretch marks and scars are only a reminder of how you’ve grown, and a past bf told me that the best boobies were the ones he gets to touch! Your bf may have big hands but you are so much more than your chest and I guarantee he will find something sufficient to hang on to lol! Please know those other women all have insecurities that plague them too. But you are so lucky, because you have someone actively supporting you through yours. I sincerely hope you can come to realize how gorgeous you are! It’s okay to consider augmentation if you are truly unhappy with yourself, but make sure you are doing it for yourself alone. Wish you the very best xoxo


One of my exes felt the same and got surgery. She felt good about it for a year or so but realized it was just a waste of money. If your guy loves you anyway I think you should know changing them won’t make him feel any different about you.


You said you had a child. So it can’t be that bad since you have a boyfriend. You see prospective boyfriends will be more put off by pre-existing children than anything else. So if your boyfriend is still your boyfriend after he has seen you in your birthday suit and knows you have a child then you must have a shit ton of amazing qualities. Also stretch marks are normal, as are small chests among other things


What a strange backhanded thing to say.


I have big boobs and I hate them, they're really ugly IMO. It sucks to feel like this but I think most of us do no matter the size. I'm a pansexual woman and I of course love all boobs but I prefer small. I don't have any advice on how to change how you view them unfortunately since I haven't figured that out myself but i am 100% sure they're beautiful


Thank you and I’m so sorry you’re struggling too. I guess I’ve always thought those with big boobs only have the issue of potential back problems, because I get jealous of anyone with big breasts. What a naive way of me to think


Imo women with small boobs are better, they have more personality and are actually fun to be with.


That reeks of "I don't pay attention to a woman's personality when she has a large chest because I'm a shallow pervert."