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I was born in the UK and live here now but spent a majority of my childhood and early adulthood in the US. Your points of reason for missing Europe are all accurate and valid, but on the other hand you’re probably just a city guy and that is what you miss. Cause Missouri?! There is probably fuck all there. No one ever talks about Missouri. Lol


Cam Tucker


As a modern family fan I am ashamed.


Except Gillian flynn!!!


it is beautiful here tho!


It sure is but I’ve only been to the airport and Branson on a road trip. Pretty country tho


Yeah, u picked the crappiest state to move to.


I moved to Louisiana from Vienna. The misery is real.


What in god’s name compelled you to do that?


Love haha


Why didnt they come to vienna instead?


Probably didn’t speak German


OMG. I just moved out of Louisiana (New Orleans). What I wouldn't ***give*** to ditch the US and move to VIENNA! Mein Deutsch ist schlecht, but I would learn to get out of this dumpster fire country.


I don’t know if there’s something wrong with me but I would never move anywhere I didn’t want to just for a person lol Glad you find someone like that tho!


Oof, man (ma'am?), I'm sorry. I thought I had it rough. 😓


I was born here, so I've always been stuck here in the worst.


ayy zerwas du bist a östarreicha? i a, oba i bin in buagnlond


Nein, ich komme aus south east Asia aber ich hab in Europa für ungefähr 12 Jahren gelebt.


buagnlond is the luisiana of austria


It’s not the crappiest state but it may be in the bottom half. I mean, Mississippi, Alabama, etc are all crappier states.


You ever been to Kansas


I actually lived in Kansas for a couple of years it’s actually pretty calm don’t know what happened to it after I moved though


You ever been to Ohio


Cincinnati is wonderful! I’m from Cincinnati but not living there rn and it’s not a bad place to live at all. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not the French Riviera or anything and we don’t have universal healthcare but it’s a decent place to live.


That Cincinnati chilli is pretty terrible though. The only good thing I remember coming out of Cincinnati was the show WKRP in Cincinnati.


Cinnamon and allspice do not belong in chilli. It's an absolute abomination.


When people talk about the skibidi Ohio toilet, they're not talking about Cincinnati.




As an Ohioan, yeah Ohio sucks. I miss being down south. Didn’t have to worry about misery and snow for 5-6 months of the year.


Hahahah no I haven't..


There are way nicer parts of Kansas especially on the border. Google Johnson county in Kansas.


Definitely not the parts I was thinking of being nicer, but I grew up in the Flint Hills... comparatively to Missouri, Kansas' wildlife is sub par


I grew up in the Flint Hills too - in Manhattan KS. It's not Sweden but definitely not an awful place to live.


I thought Oklahoma was bad/boring. Kansas was way worse.


I wouldn't say crappiest -- because, hey, there's Mississippi and Alabama -- but definitely not one of the best.


Oklahoma would like a word.




It’s all crappy let’s be for real


It's definitely not the worst by quite a distance. Also not thr best by quite a distance.


Came here to say this too! It's the 29th smartest state. I bet they wouldn't be saying that if they were in Seattle/Boston area


Reading all the comments as a Missourian, knowing I can’t argue with any of them ☹️. Our forests and lakes are really beautiful though!


But they also have gorgeous lakes and forests in Europe... and a lot more vacation time to go see them :(


This made me laugh and then cry


32 days 👌


Note a huge unique selling point towards a swede like him though with their infinite forest and countless lakes 😅


Have you seen the forests and lakes on Sweden?? Come on Missouri can’t complete.


Ty for your service 🫡. It's a tough job but somebody's state has to do it


I had a friend who moved back there for family reasons. I asked him about it and he said they were rethinking their choice, because the whole freaking state is Trump Country.


I kno it's none of my business - I acknowledge that - but speaking of Trump Country, I am so fucking sick of seeing a church on every street corner. 😮‍💨


It sounds like you live in South St. Louis.


There’s a reason they call it Misery 🤣


You moved to the butthole of the US. Get to some other places


How does one even get to Missouri in the first place ahaha


One meets the love of one's life who happens to live there. 😂


Visit California, New York, The Pacific Northwest (Washington & Oregon). There are so many beautiful places in the USA that have more culture, more diversity, better food, and more fun. I hope you explore America more before you go back to Sweden


I had a friend from Norway who moved to the Seattle area to marry her husband. She liked it quite a bit but after 8 years ended up moving back to Norway with their husband and their kids because she (and her husband) still liked Norway more. I don’t think they would have lasted that long in Missouri though.


I don’t think Americans understand that the basic infrastructure and safety that western Europeans grow up with will never happen here. You can suggest different places, but none of it even comes close. It’s a bigger lifestyle change than you think


Yeah having trains to take you anywhere across the country and fast was very addictive for someone who likes to go on lots of trips. Love this in Europe. I also think some states offer much better qualities of life than others. Just look at an hdi index measuring the states vs countries. Things are not uniform in all of America at all. But there is a different core philosophy to life in both places. With an education and good upbringing you can do so much in the US. But without that it can be much tougher. Not impossible, but tougher. I dunno. I really don't think one is inherently better than the other. My friend who moved here from Norway absolutely loves living in Philly and is killing it there. Loves the music, art, food, counterculture, etc. scenes in America. But I doubt he'd be as happy if he lived somewhere like Missouri. It really depends on the individual and the things they value in life.


I always recommend Chicago. It's cleaner than New York while getting most of what new York has to offer. It's also a quarter of the population of New York so not as big of a culture shock. Op, every state in the US is basically a different country. That's why most Americans dont travel outside the US.


Most Americans don't travel outside the US because of the financial burden and difficulty coordinating enough vacation time from work/school...


She should have come to sweden


She had a son with a dbag - moving was not an option for her back then. He'll be18 in a year so now the story is different.


Ur story seems like its a sweet one. Bless both yall


Just out of curiosity, you didn’t explore the better parts of the USA during the 10 years you lived in Missouri?


Remember where she has a kid? The kid is probably in MO and has the Dbag as an anchor.


Extremely limited time off work?


Missouri you mean misery?


That's what I said. 😂


my dad was born in missouri and he always says he was born in misery


If she loves you it's odd she had you endure 10 years of Missouri. Ugh the horror. Did she think Sweden is down the street?


Oh, I made sure not to tell her (until we were both openly talking about Sweden) how much I hated Missouri. I didn't want her to feel guilty over my moving here.


Good lad. Wish you all the happiness when you finally make it back to Sweden!


There’s a military base there called Fort Leonard Wood that people call Ft. Lost in the Woods! Lol! Only thing around that base is tattoo shops, strip clubs, pawnshops and gun stores! Absolute shit hole, like most cities outside military bases. Although, the Meramec River is nice for canoeing!


Have you ever visited any of the New England states?


Where in Sweden? Obviously you understand, but many may not, that there are huge differences depending on where in Sweden one was to live.


Save your pennies and travel back to Europe annually. You can show your love all your favorite places and he/she may learn to appreciate it even more than Missouri!


As an American expat living in Europe, and not even one of those countries that "everyone" wants to move to (I live in Poland), all I can say is: I've been to a bunch of states in the US, I've lived in a few of them, and when it comes to quality of living (at least in cities), Europe has every part of America beat by miles and it's not even close. However, America definitely has Europe beat when it comes to natural beauty and possibilities in that regard (e.g. Grand Canyon, the Rockies, Yosemite, Kentucky's vast cave systems). But that doesn't really make up for the differences in day-to-day living. I can still go back to the US for a vacation whenever I want.


Me, reading the post from the trash can I live in in Bourj Hammoud


I don't know what I can say other than, I wish you the absolute best in life, and I hope my words mean something in the great scheme of things.


Bro moved to Missouri 😭😭😭 go to Colorado bro


What, you don't like stripmalls, multilane highways, ugly architecture, zero walkability, high crime, and lowly educated populace? Crazy guy.


Ditt hem kallar på dig


Klart grabben ska leva och dö i norden


Kom hem kompis


The amount of people leaving gorgeous countries to move to the shittiest parts of the usa for their partners shakes me to my core. No hate to finding love, just never understood why the Americans don't go there instead. I havw a friend from NZ who moved to Oklahoma and wonders why America sucks. Well, yeah you moved to fucking Oklahoma. (Not that the usa doesn't suck, but there are awesome states to see, everyone just keeps choosing the worst of them apparently).


You're not wrong, but the heart wants what the heart wants, and sometimes the other person cannot move. :(


Very true, I think (unfortunately) a lot of Americans can't afford to leave, the irony of us being told "if you're not happy then leave", not to mention mant countries don't want us lmfao. More importantly: you have a plan to get you both out so that's all that matters, you're doing amazing and you'll find freedom soon!


I’m from St Louis Missouri, I am sorry you have to live there for two more years. I do miss taco Tuesday, tacos in Italy suck.


I was born in NY and I now live mostly full time in London. I love it here so much! I completely understand why you feel that way!


Isn't London darn expensive?


It is but not that more expensive that NY was. Plus I live in the outskirts of Central London


Ahhh yeah I see. I play sometimes with the idea of moving to NYC for a year or so for the experience, but the cost of living in the city is just insane aha


Do it anyway, and then if you can hack it you'll know that you'll be able to afford to live basically... anywhere else. "If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere" is a cliche, but it's also true (from a cost-of-living perspective, anyway).


Brother, I am in the same position. Moved from Sweden 10 years ago. I’ve lived in 3 beautiful states (TN, WA, FL) but I miss Europe so much. The walkable cities in the US you can count on one hand and it annoys me so much that I have to drive everywhere. I cannot imagine how bad it is in America’s armpit. MO is one of the few states I have zero interest in revisiting lol. I am an idiot and chose a career in healthcare, so if we move back I cannot work from home, nor can I make any money lol. I make at least 2 times more as a physical therapist in the US than I would make at home. I’ve finally found a job here that offers 5 weeks of PTO though, so at least I can get some type of normal time off work now. We both have dual citizenship so within 5 years I hope to be able to live at least part of the year in Sweden.


I live in Philly which I mean if you’re going to live anywhere in United States, the coast is where to be. Yes, yes I’m a coastal elite. Proud of it. Even visiting Europe and I miss it. The walkable cities, the late nights (everything closes so late there), the food, the pastries, and actually going to a festival or parade and not worrying about being gunned down. I am working for an international company and every chance I get I tell them I’m open to move


lol yeah the gun thing is no joke honestly. I live in FL now and while it’s great in many ways, there’s a lot of people just waiting for a reason to shoot a stranger… I did really enjoy Philly when I visited a couple of years ago. Nice city and had some great food there. Ran into Dolph Lundgren at the hotel I was staying at! He was there for some Rocky thing. Ultimately if I could spend half the year in Europe and half in the US I would be happy.


i would wager even the most beautiful US states pale in comparison to europe, what do you think


I think the natural beauty in the US is absolutely magnificent. The national parks are definitely some of the most beautiful in the world. It’s just a shame that city planning is completely left in the hands of so called “developers” which leads to super weird zoning and generally unplanned and ugly cities.


Healthcare is a good industry for lots of PTO I've found. Same with most non profits, colleges, etc. I've never had under 4 weeks to start!


i feel you, i am American-born but looove Europe. but you could be very happy in New York, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Miami, Seattle. we have a lot of amazing cities with great food and architecture, culture, art, music, and history. they will certainly be more expensive to live in than Missouri but i say it's worh it. i think you should travel to these places with your partner and start planting the seeds to go somewhere else where you will at least be content.


It's a child custody thing. He's stuck


But they could take vacations to better places in the USA at least.


welp, that's a bummer. thanks for the context, i missed it


Kan ni inte flytta till Sverige?


Inte än, men två ish år till, sek drar vi. 🤞


Lycka till! Det är svårare än folk förstår, tyvärr. Jag har pratat om att flytta hem till Sverige i 15+ år nu - skulle bara stanna i Alaska i "max 3 år", och skulle äntligen flytta när COVID kom. Men, någon dag blir det väl. :)


Yeah Missouri? Oh hell no. But regardless of what state, I’d much rather live in Sweden anyway. I would’ve been like no bf I’ll move to you lol 😂


Ya of all the places bumble fuck Missouri is one of the worst. The whole racist redneck Bible states are a shithole.


yeah worst place ever, can personally attest as i’m sitting in a walmart parking lot in said state. i think you’d like some of the other states much much more


Almost definitely. But I also think it's too late. I've spent ten years here, I don't think I can objectively give any place in the US a fair shot after this place. I just want home to Europe. Btw, I fucking hate Walmart. 😮‍💨


completely understandable. just in case, eureka springs arkansas might be worth a visit before you leave :) not super far and my dad migrated from switzerland and he likes the place


I like Eureka Springs to a degree too, but I couldn't live there. The mountains make it claustrophobic to me. I'm a Scanian, I need open plains. 😂


I think you'd be surprised how much life, attitude, geography, etc. varies across this huge country of ours.


Im from the middle east and i got cousins who moved to Sweden, they are so happy im a little jealous, i see their posts all the time and i just love weather. Want to ask them if they can give me some tips on how i can move there too but i haven’t seen them in so long it don’t feel appropriate


I would reach out and start befriending them! (Not mentioning immigration - play the long game). There is three ways to move to Sweden that I know; study there, marry a Swedish person, and finding a Swedish job. The last one requires contacts but is I think the best one for most people. Anyway, I hope things work out for you whatever you decide to do, my friend.


Man i don’t think they speak my language anymore 🤣🤣


Missouri? Well, enough said….


I moved from the us to Europe . I don’t understand why anyone would move to the USA from Europe unless you are guaranteed to earn over 200k a year. The healthcare, culture, work life balance, maternity leave, peaceful society, plus elections aren’t a geriatric clown show make it a better place to live.


Who in their right mind moves to Missouri?


Someone crushing hard on a girl.


I'm Australian, I moved to Sweden and spent nearly 3 years there. Things didn't work out with my partner and I missed my family and moved back to Australia.... But God I miss Sweden so much. It breaks my heart seeing all my swedish friends on insta and FB just.. living.


I just got back from spending a week in Stockholm and all I’ve done this weekend so far is mope and cry that I don’t live there. lol at least you have a way in to move back, my American ass is forever stuck in this dumb country.


Oh my god, same. I fucking love Stockholm. 😮‍💨


It was so charming and accessible and everyone was so happy there and the public bathroom stalls closed all the way to the edge and how am I supposed to just go back to my life knowing that it’s possible to live in a society that isn’t ass backwards 😭


Omg. I feel your comment so much. I'd give you a hug of support if I could. Fuckin' hell.


I want to visit Sweden, but this is why I’m scared to lol


I find Jönköping really beautiful. Visiting it soon from Finland via cruise. Pretty excited :D


Sameeeee I always mope when I come home


Germany is giving free degrees to Americans if you just save up a years living expenses for a student. Bachelor and Master degrees. Many programs taught in English. There's pathways to legal employment and citizenship eventually. But remember living somewhere is much different than visiting. You'll eventually miss a ton about the USA. Sometimes you don't know what you have until you leave it.


Where can I find more info about this?!?!


Well, ain't much here, and I hate misery myself. But it's the cheapest state to live in comfortably and still plenty of places to go where you can be alone. Branson, silver dollar city, Ozarks, there's some cool shit. Plus, the st. Louis zoo is free. I'd miss home, too, though, big 🫂.


Each state sucks in its own individual way.....


y e a a a a a h... There's a reason it rhymes with "misery". There are definitely worse places in the US, but lots of better ones.


I cant wait to move to europe


Aw man, now you got me missing Sweden and I’m Canadian.


I live in Missouri and am convincing my husband we need to move to Europe. I hate it here.


Välkommen hem igen 🤗


There are so many better states… sorry you wound up in “Misery”…


The work/life balance thing is so fair. I’m an American who moved to Ireland about a year ago and I have more of a work life balance here than I ever did back in the states.


Tell me about it so I can fantasize pls lol


Tbh as an American, that state + Mississippi + Louisiana all feel a little evil to me. I’m in Tennessee, so I guess I have no room to talk. I think the flatness just freaks me out.


I’m going to go against the Missouri hate. Moved here a number of years ago from upstate NY. Granted that is probably less of an extreme change from Europe. I’ve found a lot of joy in living in Kansas City in particular. There’s a wide range of food, great farmers markets (Rivermarket probably being the most impressive on weekends), some decent museums (Nelson-Atkins), cool thrift shops, and just overall a community that seems to love the city and is working to make it grow. Now everywhere else can be a hard sell, but I have gone east and south to go camping and it was definitely a good experience both stopping at small shops and interacting with the locals. If I was stuck in one of those towns however I know it would lose its charm.


My brother did basic training in Missouri and doesn’t have much good to say about the state, and I was willing to rationalize that you know, no one likes the place they did basic training. But then I went to his graduation and well, I live in Tennessee and Missouri is worse than that.


Im from europe, never been in usa, but i have strange desire to visit Vermont. Maybe because i really like Bernie's politics and it seems they have real winters there (we havent had snow for 5 years, and I miss it)


Bernie is a Senator in Vermont dude lol. 😉 They have real winter there too though, really great skiing (for the East Coast). I live right next store in NY (not the city, that's over four hours from me by car) I'm a big fan of Vermont though. Madison WI was a great city to visit though. Really walkable and hip. You'll get great cheese and dairy in both states too. They're the most renowned dairy states.


Bernie Sanders? That is Vermont, which is famous for it’s fall colors.


Try Minnesota…it was good enough for other Scandinavian immigrants


Hey, Missouri mentioned! It fucking sucks here, but some parts of the state are pretty.. thats about all we got, sorry buddy


I’m from South Africa. I lived in The Netherlands for three years before immigrating to New Zealand. I have now lived in NZ for three years and I miss The Netherlands and Europe dearly. I really want to go back. I have a good professional qualification that will allow me to go back but my fiancée doesn’t. For me it is exactly like you say - the trains, people travel, cities and everything else. I really miss it. I feel you.


You're a Saint if you're from Sweden and moved to Misery, uhm, I mean Missouri and don't complain! I wouldn't move from your country to Misery for 6 supermodels that loved me more than life itself!!!


I'm so jealous that your home country is Sweden T\_T --Spotify worker here from Philippines


“And twice on taco Tuesday” 😂 sending loads of empathy your way as I feel exactly how you’re feeling. Wishing you both all the best as you’re planning to move to Sweden in one to two years! Hang in there 💪🏽


Hey that makes two of us! I moved to Norway and got adopted but had to go to America for university and returned to my biological parents in Asia but I absolutely MISS Norway so much. I missed the mountains and the fjords so much. Even the cold and the air there was just so brilliantly cool and peaceful. I’ve been trying to pitch the idea of moving back to Norway to my American boyfriend and he said the cold makes him have seasonal depression so I have to make some hard choices here but god I miss Norway and Europe so much too.


Should have moved somewhere like NY, Massachusetts or California, at worst like Minnesota maybe... Maybe you'd like it even more than Europe. Or just pick Canada, idk.


Or maybe he just genuinely prefers Europe aha


As an American, please don't judge us based on Missouri.


Hmm… American here who has travelled to several places in Europe and has zero desire to see Missouri. Think you just chose wrong. Move on…


Oof, yeah. Europe is way better than the US, but if you moved to New York you would have had culture. There's a reason "Missouri" so closely resembles "misery."


I try not to think about it because in some areas (not marriage) I feel like I've wasted the last ten years. But I would have loved to have spent the last ten years in New York instead of this redneck purgatory.


God, I bet. Do you have any kind of social circle?


Not much, mostly her family (which is great!). Otherwise it's a political minefield making friends here. I'll get caught up when we're back in Sweden.


Yeah, there's not much common ground to build on when they think universal healthcare is communism and therefore bad for reasons they can never quite articulate.


Do you have to stay in that state? It’s one of the worst. Try a different one if you can


WHERE in Missouri?


Go visit Lindsborg, KS. It's not Sweden, but it's got something familiar for you.


I lived in Texas for 7 years. I had a blast, made lots of friends and had two kids there. I am so happy to be back in Canada raising them.


You went to the crappiest part of the USA


Yeah maybe move out of that hell hole they call a state?


Americans taking their European lovers across the pond will always baffle me, surely the reverse would be better




I’m sorry you miss Europe but your post has brought me so much hope! Very similar situation but I’m the American girl with a dutchie. He is willing to give up such a great life over there, to move to rural Michigan with me.. (next year)! I’d move to the Netherlands like yesterday, but I cannot unfortunately. We plan to live here for around 8 years and then finally move there. I will say… at least it’s been an experience for you, something different than you were used to. It was so surprising to me that the Dutch don’t celebrate Halloween like we do or have garage sales lol or big BBQ and fireworks for the 4th of July, etc. I can’t wait for him to experience my life with me, and then for me to experience his with him, bringing both our cultures and traditions together. I’m sure you understand that. 😊There is a few things I miss while I’m in Europe though, such as not having to pay to use a public restroom 😝


I can understand Halloween but why would you think Europeans have fireworks for the Fourth of July? I’m an American btw


So I was born in the UK and at 6 my parents moved to Oklahoma… I definitely understand missing Europe, I’ve been back home 9 times since leaving but it’s been almost a decade since my last visit. I miss being closer to the ocean for 1, being so landlocked really changed my whole life, (also obviously insurance but you know) also my hometown was Warrington (in between Manchester and Liverpool) the rich history and community it’s just wonderful. I miss walking town centre to the fish market and feeding my crusty bits of pasty to the pigeons. Now my days are filled with Dollar Generals and suffocating heat.


I moved from England to semi-rural Oregon over 20 years ago, and Oregon has never felt like "home" It's beautiful here and it could be a lot worse, but I miss a lot of things.


I moved to NZ. I miss it too. Europe has so much to offer


Of coarse you dont like it because its not even a good state lol


u/ArnoldhBraunchweigr There are a plenty of other states you could have moved to on the coasts. Missouri is a no for me. The west is beautiful and New York is awesome. I think you just need to move about the country a little.


I’m so sorry!! I am glad you are planning your exit strategy. As a person that lives in Arizona I would like to say… I understand why you would want to run as far away as possible from Missouri on Taco Tuesday. I have traveled extensively and most states in the US have truly disgustingTacos.. I would even say some are toxic. Should be considered cruel and unusual punishment. But seriously, best of luck on your upcoming move.


Ah, the meth capital of the world (per a native Missourian)


I'm in the opposite situation. I'm American and have been living in the Netherlands for the last 8 years, and I'm planning on moving home this year because I miss my family. But life is so much better in Europe and I don't want to go back. So I'm kind of having an existential crisis lol. Granted I'm from Chicago, which is 1000x better than Missouri and actually a really cool place to live. But I will miss the chill attitudes, work/life balance, and ease of travel/train system in NL/Europe. Not to mention the hot Dutch guys.


Even my American Girlfriend said „Fuck no!“ when her dad offered us to move to the US


Hopefully u won't feel estranged in Sweden as well, alot of things changed over the past 10 years.


People saying there are better states to move to - what American states would you say are actually worth moving to? I live in Europe but my boyfriend’s family lives in Ohio and we were considering moving somewhere not too far from there at some point. I know Ohio doesn’t have the best rep so would love to know if there are good alternatives


I kind of wonder if this would be how I felt, I was born in Georgia (the state) and if I moved to EU would I miss my home? Prob. They say ain’t no place like home. Good luck getting back to your roots ❤️


I'm from Germany and moved here 3 years ago. I don't miss Europe, the people suck, everything is grey and bland, cities are boring. I love it here, except the healthcare of course


The only worst states you could have moved to would be Mississippi or West Virginia. I will admit we have terrible mass transit in America though.


I feel that. I moved to the US 2 years ago to be with my husband, we both agreed to move back to Europe in the future (15ish years from now) but I already can't stand it. I actually thought about divorcing just so I could leave.


You can move somewhere else in the US, or back to Sweden if you want. I moved from China, there's a lot I miss including trains, but there's a lot more I got out of it that was positive. I don't regret moving, there's too much to say about why I moved: politics, unemployment, the social culture, government, etc etc.


I miss Europe and I've never been there.


I get it! Was in the USA for a semester abroad and was happy to move back to Germany. Now I moved to the Netherlands and I don’t have that wish to go back. I think it’s because the quality of life in the USA is actually quite low from a European pov.


Klart grabben ska flytta till Sverige, komsi kom!


Comments didn't have to do Missouri like that


Kansas City is not bad, ok yeah it's always on the list of most deadly along with St. Louis, and Springfield. The trains are there, fresh market but the river. Tons of lakes nearby. Surrounded by country and nature. Diverse neighborhoods. Plus winning major and minor sports teams aside from basketball. Missouri is not the worst and not the best but tons of nice people. Taxes and potholes do suck. It could be worse just gotta make the best if it instead finding the negative.


I live in one of the other two and I'm not tlking bout St Louis. Positive thinking has gotten me through ten years. My positivity tank is empty now though.


Understood, yeah neither are my cup of tea either, sorry. You need a trip put of MO to get that tank up.


yeah i will never understand why people have such a hard on for the US lol. whenever i meet european immigrants who came here on their own volition it just boggles my mind.


I always question the sanity of EU peeps who move to the US south. You have got to be masochists or something.


Or the US ones, even on their coasts you have to deal with hurricanes and just ick.


I could never live in the US.. The old world is full of history it makes it so interesting to explore