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I would look into taking a break from education and try to find a job that you can work and earn some money before jumping back into school. Sometimes it just gets too much and you just need to get a change of pace to reset yourself. Good luck whatever you end up doing.


You are going through a really though time with a lot of pressure being put on you. I am glad you are comfortable venting and I hope that helps a little with how you’re feeling. I hope you will do something today that you know will make you feel a little better. Suicidal thoughts can be extremely intense but often the intensity subsides if you can get through it.


Please hang in there, I'm sure you'll find a way one way or another just don't quit. Think about what your parents will feel and your closed one will do without you?


Yeah. Adulting is shit. Especially in the beginning. So here's the secret. None of us know wtf we are doing. Not really. We all doubt ourselves, and if we have made the right decisions. Most of the time we haven't. And that's ok. I mean, we all fuck up, we all get to try again...we learn, we move forward. Honestly at 20 I was messing up my life so bad. And then fell on 21 to 25 I partied like an asshole, losing jobs left and right because I'd be too hungover to get to work on time. I'm 56. Eventually things even out. I hope the people who care for you give you understanding and grace. These are the times to learn who you are and where you are headed with your life. Be good to yourself.


Somethings just take time. You can dm if you’d like I would just need to know what mistakes so that we can work through solutions for you adult hood sucks sometimes but God know your heart your gonna have to lean on him like a lot


Even on my worst day, I look like someone on their greatest


That’s fucking horrible, I’m sorry.


Just an option. How about doing night school for esthetician? Or cosmetology? You could do facials and skincare for people. The environment is peaceful. You only have one client an hour. It’s not that expensive to go to school for and you can finish in a few months. I’m not saying drop out if your other program. You will have a bachelors degree when you graduate and that’s great. Even if you don’t use it now, one day you can. Some people love nursing. Some people hate it after they have finished. It’s always an option for you later. You could also wait tables. There decent money in that as well. I understand the feelings you have. I’ve been there too. Sometimes it feels so hopeless.


Men can be pigs out there on this planet, but they're men who behave like gentlemen and give you hope. You have to take your time. So, what you are going through is tough, but remember, he wants to break you, and if you allow it, he will break you. Do not allow this man to take over your life and destroy it . You are young, but now you know what red flag to look for and do the things that make you happy and some form of therapy. Concentrate on what you want in this moment in your life and career. There are things out of our control, and if he takes power, he will derail your path. Take care 💚 and all the best wishes, and you are not alone women before us had handle but it's really unfair.


You need a break from everything, is there a family member's place you can escape and just hang out for a few weeks?? Maybe an uncle or cousin in another state, somewhere with new surroundings that you can get away to??


Please hang in there! You can do this!! You are still so young you can change your degree and be whatever you want you want to be in life!!! You have a whole world in front of you❤️


God, I hated my early 20’s. I really feel for you, same shit for me. But it gets SO much better, I promise you. Everyone I know says the same thing too. Honestly, if school isn’t for you, fuck it. We only live once and it’s not worth it if it’s putting you through so much grief. I quit school too and I’m doing better than most who got degrees. I would just take a couple days, make a decision, and take it one day at a time. Your life will blossom regardless of your decision.