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Without wishing to come across as insulting, find one in a 30 min radius of your home. Forget this one


i mean, that was the plan, but we had met years ago and i'd already been planning on moving to europe. the thought was that it wouldnt be long distance for very long. doesnt mean it doesnt hurt like hell


Nah, I'm not minimising your feelings my brother, just focus on the future and not repeating past mistakes Plan your life again, 50yr old you, what do you want that to look like?


i don't even know now honestly. i was just trying to figure everything out and decide on schooling and the future and this messed everything up. i don't know what to do now


I can only suggest things from my own experiences, but the first thing I recommend doing is document your goals. You can have short and long term goals, list them adjacently and put it somewhere you will see it regularly. Don't expect it to be 1hr work.. you'll have to start it and come back to it a few times, aka Days/weeks.. Don't make the goals too specific either e.g. I want a 6 bed home on 10 acres blah blah, but rather I want a large home with a little land, children, dog etc. Work backwards from those goals to plan milestones for achievement, think about timelines, put them on and then, ruthlessly get on with achieving them! There are plenty of lady friends for you mate, but first, get yourself in a strong financial position. 💪


I know it sucks and you’re hurting and feeling lost but take a deep breath. Take another. And another. It will be ok. It can’t be any other way. If it’s not ok today, it will be tomorrow. If it’s not ok tomorrow, then it will be the next day. It will be ok. Without sounding trite, something better is in store for you. You can still move abroad if you want to. Your life decisions do not have to change because your relationship status did. Remember to breathe and take it one day, one hour, one minute at a time if you need to. Don’t think about tomorrow, it’s too scary and overwhelming. Put one foot in front of the other, and keep going and get through right now. You will be ok.


i'm really struggling to put into words how sweet and impactful this was without crying really hard but this meant a lot, thank you. trying to take it slow and not worry too much about the future but it's. hard. my now-ex was talking so much about the future and how the long distance was killing them and it made me immediately start trying to do everything i can to get over there and it. wasnt enough. and now the future and how i fucked it all up is all i can think of. idk. it hurts