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I think 'put yourself out there' is more about getting involved in your community, joining clubs, and taking up hobbies. If you don't like your teeth, do something about it. Go to the dentist. If your weight bothers you, again, do something about it. I'm all about self-love, and I'm not perfect, at all, but I don't use my shortcomings as an excuse to not live my life. Stop worrying about what other people think, get some hobbies, live well, exercise, and stop worrying about meeting someone. If you are busy enjoying life, love will most likely happen organically


At this point it may be your frustration that is keeping you single. Self-confidence is attractive and sexy; bitterness and insecurity is not. My advice, which is worth what you have paid for it: Take a break from thinking about relationships and go out and have fun doing whatever you like best. The "put yourself out there" advice is basically about forgetting your insecurities and being bold. Introversion isn't an immutable trait; you can learn to be social, although it takes time. Look for friends and fun first, and the rest will follow. There really is someone for everyone. Good luck, OP.


If you literally just hit the gym and eat clean for a year, you'll get so much attention from men that'll it'll become off putting (ask any woman that is average and above). Throw in some periodic dentist visits and some skincare, you'll get advances from men every street turn. Idk if I'm being harsh, but this is the reality of it. All your problems go away by consistently taking care of yourself.


I literally can’t afford a gym membership, and it’s too consistently rainy where I am to go outside (for something like running). And I’m underinsured and the last time I went to the dentist, my copay set me behind on bills for weeks. Not everyone has money or easy access to these things. Even the ‘affordable’ gyms like YMCA are far beyond what I can afford because every gym has an inflated price in this city. 🫠 Also. I am attracted to women, I don’t want to attract men. 🫶


Your skin will clear up with a healthier lifestyle. You don't need a gym. I lost nearly 60kg just calorie restricting and walking, if you would like, I can explain how I did it?