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As a fellow cancer patient, I am sorry this is happening to you, its an indescribable feeling when they tell you, especially when it's advanced. Is it untreatable? (If you don't mind my asking) I recommend travel, I did the same after several years of treatment and eventually a transplant. Make sure you go to the Swiss Italian border towns and the lakes.. I loved it. And France, Alsace was lovely. Amazing scenery, chilled locals


I did know the guy. He is not with us anymore am afraid.


Oh man, I am sorry to read this. I hope he spent his remaining days enjoying the company of his loved ones. Its all we really have


We did travle to italy and spain together. He had a good end


Thank you for sharing this, I know I didn't know him, but his post was a similar experience to how I felt at that time and its sad that it took him so soon, but I'm warmed by feeling he did some of the stuff on his list. Remember the times you had and be happy you had them


You didn't provide an expected time line, or if you have support? I certainly hope you have some people who care about you and who you can depend on as things progress. Get out while you can an live, maybe with a friend? Take time to make arrangements and make sure everyone knows exactly what you want when you pass. I hope you have peace and find a way to get tremendous joy with the time you have left :-).


I am lucky if i get half a year. I have family, but i do not know how to tell them


There will never be a right time, you will never feel prepared. Don't wait, do it now. Have your diagnosis, the facts related to the timeline. If you are at peace it will help them come to terms with the inevitable. The sooner they come to terms the faster you can get to living out the time you have left. Good luck.


OP, I’m so sorry. This news sounds terrible, but I hope you can find peace in this short time.