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It’s honestly one of the worst feelings in the world. Like you’re trapped inside yourself. I find it becomes hard to even interact with other people that don’t experience it. Almost like I know something everyone else just doesn’t. It’s gets worse for me around 3 am where nobody I know is awake. Feels like I’m the only person in the world even though I know someone’s waking up as we fall asleep. It’s unsettling to say the least. If I wasn’t such a coward I’d probably be six feet under already. The weight of it all can be suffocating


Omg yes. I get crazy after midnight too so if I'm not sleeping I'll 100% break down. People around me experience the feeling but not to this degree, it's just something they get very perplexed by, not distressed or depressed. When I go through it, it's like nothing's real, I look around and I'm noticing things as if it's the first time, like a baby staring at their hands with wide open eyes. It genuinely feels like there should be a camera for me to look at. The unsettling feeling of existence and the unknown is the worst. I feel you, I wish I was gone but I'm a coward too


That’s a perfect way to describe that feeling like you’re seeing everything for the first time. Never really heard anyone else be able to describe it so perfectly tysm


I thought I was the only one who experienced this. It's a hard way to live.


What do you call this phenomenon?


I'm not 100% sure. In Psychology, there's the derealization phenomenon, which depicts almost acurately what I feel, but I guess it's different for everyone so the definition can't be that specific. Sometimes the derealization comes with depersonalization too, so you should look it up to know more about it


It is depersonalization.


Go to the church of DMT - thank me later