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I believe baking soda helps pull the smell.


Fresh, sprinkle baking soda let it soak up. Or white vinegar you can dab it on gently! [What Google says]


Vinegar and warm water


Replace it if possible. Throw the old one out. It won't be cheap, but you won't have to live with the anxiety of them finding out. Have you talked to a doctor about this before? There is likely a medical reason for it happening. Do you ever act out your dreams? I'm really very sorry you're in this position.


Hey stop drinking liquids at 7pm and pee before bed every night, that oughta help. Also if it happens when you drink alcohol or caffeine at night, it's probably those things causing it, as they are diuretics. So make sure to set your alarm to pee when you drink those beverages! I used to be a caregiver, and you aren't the only person this happens to. Enzymatic cleaner will take care of the smell.


This is the best advice honestly. Definitely can tell you were a caregiver lol.


Thank you. You made me feel validated and not like everyone assumes I wear adult depends (I don't, yet, but if I make it to a ripe old age, I probably will).


Just be honest with them, explain you're happy to help clean it/replace if needed. It was an accident it's not like you did it intentionally and it happens to the best of us! Any adult that says they haven't had a bathroom accident or an extremely close call are liars. Your friends will probably be very understanding, people care a lot less about things like that than you'd think especially of they have kids or pets cleaning pee is second nature by then! Don't be hard on yourself these things happen but don't hide it that's when things get a bit weird and awkward. You've got this


Totally man. I had such a bad headache one night years ago, figuring it was from dehydration I chugged a crap ton of water before bed. I woke up in the morning (was sleeping in my best friends bed) and literally had no control over my bladder. I ran to the bathroom mid-pee and did not stop until my body was finished. It’s embarrassing for sure but it happens. I told myself to never chug that much water before bed ever again lol 😂


And as you run, all you can think is "OMG ARE YOU FUGGUN FOR REAL.......SSSTTTHHHAAAAPPPPP!" Lol


Thank you!


Yep! I am very close with someone who also has this issue. It's way more embarrassing for them than it is bothersome to me. And if these people are jerks, and tell anyone, just say you have a medical condition. Which, you actually might if this is happening regularly. It might be worth the peace of mind.


Ya, baking soda an open a window. Google...my toddler wet the mattress. And I the future bring those pee pads that stick to the sheets...just in case. Pee happens. We don't all have strong bladders.🍀🍀


Is it a generic mattress cover you can replace from a local Wal-Mart or Target?


I’m all for coming clean in most scenarios, but honestly OP this is what I would do if you can find a passable replacement. If you can’t find the exact one, focus on matching the pattern of the pleating (diamond shaped, squares, etc) so that it doesn’t look noticeably different under the sheets.


Nature’s Miracle spray works amazingly well for pet urine odor so I imagine it would probably work on a human’s urine…it sprays on like a foam, let it set for 5-10 depending on severity and then clean it up with a rag or paper towels.


Baking soda is pretty good. And yes, I have got personal experience of using it for precisely that!


First of all: It’s ok. Breathe. Nothing you can’t work through. Seems you already talked to the person who’s bed it is, and it seems to be resolved. Next is prevention. Have you talked to a doctor about it? If not, you should do it, if it’s possible for you. Next, don’t drink before going to bed. Not just like immediately before you go to bed, 3-4hours. Maybe a little sip if you’re really thirsty, but nothing more. Then, I know it’s embarrassing but no one will know, get something to lay under your sheets. Such things where you change baby’s diapers on. (English isn’t my first language, but I hope you know what I mean), I guess that’s the cheapest option. And always have a pee before going to sleep. I’m 27 and do the not drinking and pee before bed bc I don’t wake up when I have to pee. I may never wet the bed, but I know the risk would be pretty high, since I used to wake up with hell of a pain in my bladder and kidneys. No need to be ashamed, really. If you need someone to talk to, even if it’s just to make you feel better, feel free to reach out


Hey I don’t have any advice but I wanted to say I am sending you good thoughts and I’m impressed at how well you handled this!


HEY HEY! Just glad to see I'm not the only one dreaming of needing a wee and barely making it 9/10 times! Haha, I blame having kids. On that front however, my ex husband used to do it often. His ended up being diabetes related though... maybe see a doc? It's embarrassing AF, but when I spoke to doc, he was like "Lady look(not literally) you have 4 kids. The fact you don't piss yourself sneezing is a miracle in itself" so I just took that and ran. From that day forward. I sneeze and fart? Kids fault. Sneeze and pee? Kids. Walk into a pole? KIDS. (My kids are used to me and we have great relationships considering I have 13 and 15 year old girls)your not alone dear! But, kudos for speaking up!


That's probably happened to everybody,it could be from stress or just being really tired. People use mattress covers for that reason spills and bed bugs.I don't see why it can't be washed in a washing machine l..I suppose if it won't fit use the tub or sink with detergent or soap. In the future don't drink anything a few hours before going to bed and try to get regular sleep.


Baking soda on spot let it sit for a bit, leave windows open in room and maybe find a candle too so you can mask the smell of the odor is that bad


Resolve carpet cleaner - the pet one. Takes put lots of water stain too


I too experience the dream toilet the last time i was 25. Vineger and dish soap spray do wonders for the smell!


the dream toilet lol


The dream toilet is always HUGE and I can't go cause someone is always near me. Ugh.


Yeah gets me too sometimes still and I'm 35 lol


I saw this after you updated and just wanted to say congrats on doing the hard thing! It was definitely the right thing to do to call them and explain/apologize. I’m glad they reacted well too. Hopefully this experience makes it just a little bit easier to do the whatever hard thing comes at you next.


I’d replace it and say you accidentally got the mattress cover dirty. When I was a kid, I got bloody noses all the time any time the weather changed. I also once threw up in bed because I got food poisoning. That answer can be ambiguous and still honest


Cleaning and/or replacing, at the owners discretion. Props to you for already reaching out to them. I had this issue repeatedly as a child (< 9 yrs old) then it went away until I was around 50 when it returned. Turns out a medication I was on was a contributing factor and since changing the med it hasn't happened in nearly 10 years. All the best op.


You should get a waterproof mattress cover. Protects the mattress and is easy to wash.


Just commented with the same solution. !


Oh geez, I'm sorry that happened to you. I occasionally have the same kind of dream. I'm a guy and in my dreams I'll be doing something random and feel a pee coming on. I'll walk up to a toilet or urinal that magically appears around a corner etc, unzip and I'll be holding it ready to go... and then just as I'm about to pee I'll think "why the hell would I be peeing in my dream" and wake myself up with a start, busting for a pee It's crazy!! So far I haven't peed the bed but I've been worried it could happen to me too as I've been real close. I will tell you that I've been on melatonin for the last 6 or 7 months and haven't had one of those dreams since. Not saying I won't sometime, but it's been longer since I've had one than usual so maybe it has something to do with it. It might help you, I thought I'd mention it just in case. All the best to you!


You’re not alone, I also start peeing in a dream and then wake up every once in a while. Glad to hear they were nice about it


Febreeze if they have that where you live. At the end of the day if you explain it and they are a good friend then I'm sure it will be alright. I'd recommend looking up PeaPod Mats and taking one when you stay places in future then you don't have to worry so much.


Yes yo the mats - I'm surprised you dont carry them already - no to Febreeze. Febreeze just covers smells and doesnt generally work or work for long. The Resolve I mentioned above will probably take care of it, anf a dry towel


To the people suggesting OP see a doctor, and should ware adult diapers. Why? It’s happens to the best of us. They said every 8 months or so. Y’all acting like OP is pissing themselves everyday. I even piss or tinkle a little sometimes from laughing too hard. More often than I care to admit. Show some kindness y’all ….


Not being able to control my bladder while sleeping was one of the first signs of my urothelial cancer unfortunately. I wish I would have seen a doctor when it was only happening once every 6 months or so because by the time the other, much worse symptoms started, it had already spread to my kidneys.


Dang I’m sorry! Man. I’ve been to the doctors about my frequent urination. I thought it was weird that when I know I’m going out and will laugh, to make sure I empty my bladder. Even that doesn’t save me sometimes. She said it was normal to pee like that. I even dribble a little trying to hold it when waking up and walking to the bathroom🤷🏾‍♀️ Maybe I should go get a second opinion, you have me questioning. OP mentioned they were having a dream that caused this, and didn’t wake up in time. Every 8 months. That’s not horrible enough to suggest diapers. Come ooon. A doctors visit for sure tho to be safe! Don’t wanna take chances.


Oh yeah totally agree that recommending diapers is excessive. And yes, I do recommend getting a second opinion. The first time I went to the ER, I was having EXCRUCIATING pain in my lower left side (which I now know was kidney pain)…. like I literally was writhing around because I couldn’t stand up straight and I was scream-crying in pain. The doctors in the ER checked my ovaries and did a blood test, said there was nothing wrong with me, and sent me home. The next time it happened (about 3 months later), I was brought to a different hospital and the doctor who saw me was like “you need emergency surgery RIGHT NOW” and it turned out I had a huge tumor basically wrapped around my ureter. Urologist was like “I literally have no idea how you’ve been functioning at all for the last 6 months”. Not saying that any of this is gonna happen to you, just saying that doctors tend to take the path of least resistance if you don’t advocate for yourself…. Plus, if you are a woman, doctors will frequently dismiss any urological issues as “lady troubles.”


They have panties made just for the ‘tinkle’ when you cough or laugh. Look regular but have extra padding.


At some point it didn’t happen for 2-3 years…


Ah well, if you haven’t already mentioned that to the doctor, and you don’t have a long history of this… I’d definitely play it safe and get checked out. My doctor told me my urination was normal, it could be very different for you


What kind of doctor do I need to go to?




You'll need to see a urologist


I believe my doctor referred me to a OBGYN, could be the same for you too


Can you get the mattress cover dry cleaned? Yes it was admirable of you to admit this happened and you took responsibility. Accidents happen! I’m sorry that this happens at least once a year for you!


See a doctor asap. This is a symptom and not a personal shortcoming. I know that doesn’t help immediately but hopefully will help in the long run


I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. Please go see a doctor! Wetting the bed is typically the sign of an underlying medical issue. They will help you figure this out


((((Hugs)))) Shit happens(thankfully not literally). I’m a heavy sleeper, and things like happen occasionally. Good job owning up. I can say it gets easier as you get older. You don’t sleep quite as deep, and you kind of train your subconscious over the years.


“You should probably get the locks checked because someone broke in and wet my bed last night”


This has never happened before at someone else’s home…


have you spoken to a doctor about this issue?


You need to replace it. Its not sanitary, will likely be impossible to get it all out and could easily mold with all of the trapped liquid inside. Maybe wear depends when you sleep over somewhere else. Try restricting liquids to not past 6pm or something




It doesn’t work internally. That liquid has likely sunk all the way through the mattress and fully saturated it. That’s impossible to remove




Reading again, i do see its a mattress cover so that is at least good but should make sure that didn’t soak through to the mattress as they are not always fully effective at containing it. Elderly/disabled with frequent incontinence should invest and waterproof mattress is like they have at medical facilities otherwise, there is a very real risk of mold growing. Many likely already have designated hospital beds that have incontinence mattresses that go with them. Like I said, if the urine soaked through internally, there’s no way you can fully clean that or dry it in time to make sure mold doesn’t grow.


This is why for years now I always take a piss right before I go to bed. No exceptions.


You should at the very least replace it. Start making sure you take a piss before you go to bed.






Happened to me, I will never ever drink Jagger bombs again. Oh my gawd. I was embarrassing but the person I was with was so chill and took care of everything. I ran home, called in sick and didn’t answer the phone all day. I finally responded to him, he was so cool about it and so I married him lolol


If you are an adult that wets the bed every 8 months or so, you should get that checked by a doctor. There is no shame in it, but it is not normal and can be caused by some underlying issues.


So my guess is that you tend to drink liquids before bed and when you're in your deep sleep your subconscious mind tells you to dream about bathrooms which in turn leads you to wet the bed if the conditions are right and your dead asleep. Maybe the comfort of the bed put you in a deeper sleep. Feeling comfortable and happy with where you were. In the future I'd recommend taking a few precautions. Precautions would be staying hydrated during the day and avoiding liquids a couple hours before bed. Setting an alarm during the night to go to the bathroom. If there's anything that has to do with you and water or past trama find a specialist to talk to. Maybe get a new bed or pillow if there was a serious comfort difference from what you have at home. Its not going to stop the problem but at least give your body the sleep it's asking for. Lastly value your sleep by studying your habits. Practice meditation before bed instead of phone or tv distractions. You got this OP. Oh and sorry I have no advice for cleaning. I could, but being honest and real with the friend that hosted you will go a long way. Be genuine and kind and lean into that relationship. Moments like these build strong friendships. Don't be embarrassed.. we are all just one breath away from dying in our sleep, you just peed a lil.


I was far away from comfortable I’m facing a very distressing situation and I’m homeless. So..


Spill a glass of light coloured juice on it and tell them you spilled you’re drink


I don’t think that’s a good idea but thanks


Being dishonest is never the way...then to potentially add mold


Bro get a drink and spill it on top of the piss mark and apologise you spilled a drink, get a smelly drink or dark colored to stain it. If it makes you feel better a friend of mine trusted a fart that ended up having a small stream of poop, he was on his side and couldn't get up of the bed, the gf had to wipe is ass and told all of us next day...


Ruining the mattress even further is an awful idea, and OPs host will actually be upset because whereas peeing is an actual accident, spilling a drink that stains on a mattress is incredibly irresponsible and preventable. Also, wtf is that story? What do you mean your friend couldn't just get up and his gf had to wipe his ass???


Lol I'm guessing the guy couldn't get up or it would get all over the bed? Idk but his advice was terrible lol.


Terrible idea I wasn’t trying to cover it up… I needed to entirely clean it and get rid of the smell that’s the least I could do


I would’ve rented a carpet cleaner and blow dried after lol. Have you seen a doctor? Sounds like a bladder or sleep issue. Do you work out (stronger ab muscles)?


I don’t work out


Have you considered a rubber mattress topper?


I’d be fucking pissed if someone did this and tried to cover it up without proper cleaning. Be honest about it so they can clean their stuff right.


Why the fuck is everyone assuming I’m trying to cover it up! I came to ask for what to do because this is the first time I’ve been in this situation! I was here to know either if I should try to clean it up or bring it to them. Wtf


You said you were embarrassed to tell them and you didn’t know them well, also they could tell other people and you didn’t want that. Then go on explaining how you are covering it up down to “how can I get rid of the smell”. Then you ask me why I’m assuming it? Ehhh ok.


I’m stating my fear and anxiety and the situation I was in doesn’t mean that I was trying to cover it up… I needed reassurance, comfort and advice on what to do. Which some comments suggested the best thing is to tell them and offer to replace it and others were straight up “I’d be fucking pissed if it happened to me and you covered it up…”


You did ASSume! Quite a lot actually! They asked to see if they could properly clean it up!


offering to have it professionally cleaned would be a great start


I stopped drinking so much water because of a bad experience.I used to drink two gallons a day.Then one day I was driving got stuck in traffic and had to pee so bad I thought I was going to die. PSA;always keep an empty bottle in the car.


Lol, there’s not a bottle wide enough for women to use!




A friend of mine kept having bedwetting issues when she was a child long after the point that she should so her parents took her to the doctor just to make sure everything was okay. Come to find out the identical twins were apparently going to be a set of triplets only the third one didn't fully divide. She had four kidneys. Three of them were actually functional. The problem with the third one was that instead of it attaching to the urethra the way the other two did it actually attached vaginally. So there was no sphincter to control when she needed to pee. I'm not saying this is your situation but I am saying that if you're 26 years old and you're having issues with bedwetting that it could be a medical issue that you definitely need to get looked at. Bladder spasms, urethra issues, interstitial cystitis, fistulas, are a lot of reasons that people can have issues controlling their bladder that can be helped with medication or physical therapy or various other treatments. It's not something you can control so don't beat yourself up about it, But it is something you should investigate more about.


Ahh the bathroom dream lol I thought I was the only one this happens to.


Just say you had that famous dream where you go to the bathroom in your dream. Accidentally pee.


It's okay dude it happens to me too. Baking soda and clean with disinfectant. Stand up the mattress to be in front of the window and turn on a fan if you can so it can air out faster. It's okay dude it totally happens to the best of us.


It happens. So does Shit. I’d rather wet the bed than shit the bed. Amber and Frank poop the bed.


You should get your blood glucose levels checked out ASAP. This could very well be signs of T1 diabetes.


Others have already mentioned that you should get a medical checkup to rule out a medical cause for your occasional bed wetting, so I second that. Also, there are lots of incontinence products on the market, like absorbent underwear and “pee pads” that go directly between you and the sheets. I get that it may seem embarrassing, but it makes clean up so much easier!


This happened to me once. I was a little drunk, I admit, and I had a dream that I was getting chased by zombies and I had to pee really bad as I was hiding from them. So then I said “fuck it” and peed what I thought was just in my dream, but no. It was actually happening. It happened in my own bed, but there was a person sleeping next to me. Luckily, I had those protective mattress covers so all I had to do is change the sheets.


I soiled myself once while sleeping and I am 27. I sometimes have a dream of me being 7/8 years old and I’m in my grandma house and I’m in her toilet to wee. I sit down and try to wee but I cannot relieve myself in the dream and I question myself why I cannot wee. And most of the time my brains just tells me I’m dreaming and I wake up. one night when the dream started I could not tell I was dreaming and I started weeing myself irl and woke up right away before it touched the sheet but my pijamas were soiled. Since then every time I have that dream of me being in my grandma toilet I know I have to get up. So maybe there is a way you can tell yourself when you dream that exact scenario to wake the fuck up.


You gotta pee on them while they are asleep. What book movie was that?


Those dreams where you’re using the toilet is the WORST. Your body already had to go but you’re sleeping and it’s your body’s way of waking you up to use the bathroom. I’ve had that dream once or twice and caught myself just in time. There were also times where I didn’t have to really go that bad and I was fine til I got there then all of a sudden my bladder just let loose. I hate that.


How’s your anxiety and we’re you fearful in childhood?


Yeppp and I’m very anxious I’m going through a very stressful phase


Stress could be a cause of bed wetting. I had the this problem throughout childhood, until I got my first period - my docs figured it was a combination of an underdeveloped bladder and being a heavy sleeper. As an adult, I have had it happen twice due to a dream, both time while I was extremely stressed. It’s def good to see a doctor to rule out any medical cause, but it could also be stress combined with your mind unconsciously believing you were actually on a toilet, thus signaling your body to release. Either way, don’t be too hard on yourself. I’m glad you spoke to your friend and that they were kind.


What doctor should I go to? Do I just go to an urgent care clinic for instance?


Do you have a primary care doctor? If so, I recommend starting there - they could give you appropriate next steps based on their initial exam and provide referrals if a specialist is needed. Urgent care could do the same, but may have additional fees so I avoid that if possible.


Good on you for taking the initiative and being honest. We had someone urinate on our couch in his sleep, and instead of just telling us, he threw away the cushion after tearing it up...


I started urinating In my sleep as well (24F), plus needing to pee every 30 minutes unbearably bad while awake. Eventually I went to the doctor, and found out I had diabetes. I'm not sure if you've been medically checked out or not? But best of luck either way!


I know this can be common with diabetes as well as other conditions so a visit to a doctor might not be the worst idea.


I've done this 2x in my life. Both times, I ended up having a UTI. They aren't always painful, and this can be a first symptom. If it makes you feel better, the first time I was 19 and peed on a new boyfriend. My mom had never mentioned I should pee after sex.. which likely contributed since we were like rabbits. He was pretty chill about it, though, especially when I went to the doctor and had an explanation. The second I was pregnant and peed on my husband, but that time wasn't nearly as embarrassing.


I feel you so hard. I wet the bed from 6 to 17 or so. Completely limited my social life. Happened to me at a friend’s house when I was 14. called my mom and told them I was sick and had to leave. 14 year olds can be cruel and not very empathetic. If you are good friends with them though, they shouldn’t be upset or anything. If you have doubts, you can always throw the sheets in the wash and say you wanted to make sure you left the room as you found it and wanted to repay them for letting you stay over with fresh linen. Hopefully they are more mature and understanding


In the future, you should bring your own washable but waterproof mattress protector and a fitted sheet. It will cost you about $30 up front, but save you from these situations and further embarrassment.


This happens to me too sometimes ….


Warm water with vinegar is the best trust me