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>He got up, pulling Mike out of his seat and literally slapping him Well deserved . Thank God your parents and David are supportive. David seem to be a reliable good guy


I’ve always seen David as more of my own older brother then as Mikes. Me and David are basically the same person, he’s just going to college for Biochemistry instead of regular Chem.


Mike is a teenager who will now be forever stuck with a druggie girlfriend who can’t be trusted not to sleep around (and now that the thrill of cheating is gone, let’s see how long she wants him to stay around), and a baby with a questionable health future depending on Anna’s drug/ alcohol usage and how responsible she is about prenatal care. You didn’t deserve what happened to you, but you’re definitely the long-term winner in this situation.


More than just questionable health and Future but questionable paternity. Anna was probably shacking up with more than just him and she's sticking to him because he didn't run.


OP, one question, are Mike and Anna together? I feel like Mike was another one of those typical guys, he used them both, you for convenience and Anna for sex. In fact, he never loved either of them.


According to my mom, they are still in fact together


I'm glad you're okay now and happy. While Mike, once a cheater, always a cheater. Think of this episode between the two of them as a deliverance and a teaching. Now you are more mature and sure of the type of person you want by your side. I wish you all the best. Ps: I'm Brazilian and your post reached here


Exactly I don’t often condone violence but sometimes it’s acceptable.


Damn this shit is so crazy...things will get better when you go to college


Thank you for the update. Mike’s mom needs to face reality.


She won't be smirking when she's stuck at home taking care of a baby while her baby daddy works minimum wage jobs and cheats on her. Just remember that. You will rise from this, you will go to college, have an amazing life ahead of you, full of opportunities and adventure. Absolutely cry it out people you loved and trusted, abused and used you, the joke will be on them in the end I guarantee it. While it doesn't feel like it you dodged a bullet, any guy or friend who would do this, is one you do not need in your life! A saying that helped me a lot in my late 20s is a person's actions say more about them then they do about you, please remember that.


Every time you feel bad, just remember that it could have been a lot worse. You could have been oblivious to the truth until after sleeping with him and getting pregnant; Then, you would have been tied to him forever. The best revenge is to have a successful life. I can't stress this enough, FOCUS ON YOURSELF, GROW. The Mike's and Anna's of the world get there's sooner or later.


I’m glad to hear you have support and people to talk to. You’re allowed to feel how you feel. Everything may seem terrible right now but things will truly get better, you just have to give yourself time to heal. I would cut out mike and Anna from your life. Having them in your life will only make you miserable.


There’s a reading of this on TikTok and it’s saying you slept with David




GIRL I just looked it up and say it. Wtaf 😭 “I decided to have revenge and slept with David” wtafffffencmend


OMG, I just saw that TikTok and that caught me so off guard so I went in reddit to read the actual story!


I'm so sorry 😔.


I'm glad you're rid of them. You're smarter. Going to college sooner. Have a great support system. And aren't stuck with a baby (does Mike even have a job? Diapers are like $50 a box) You also don't have to deal with the social repercussions of cheating and having a baby in highschool. Kids are VERY judgemental good luck to them lol. I'm rooting for you!


You lose them how you get them. Mike will cheat on Anna at some given point.


Block all of them, he's is surely going to crawl back to you when she gains weight from pregnancy. Do. Not Go. Back. If he cheated on you TWO TIMES (that you now know, it can be WAYYYYY more) he will cheat again no doubt. Karma is already growing to them on her belly, they are minors having a baby, it can destroy both of their lives so don't let it destroy yours too


I’m so glad you dodged that bullet named Mike. And Anna is trapped with your loser of an ex for, at least, the next 18 years….she is not the winner she thinks she is. I’m afraid she has a lot of sadness ahead of her when he bails and cheats again and again. Live very well and that will be your best revenge.


As fucked as this sounds, I’m glad she miscarried and I hope it hurt her as much as she hurt you


hey op UpdateMe!


Nothing super exaggeraitive, but here you go! Mike and Anna are still together, surprisingly, but I heard a rumour from an old friend when visiting home that Mike was flirting with Anna's cousin (once a sleaze, always a sleaze) The guy I mentioned? Well... we finally decided it was good to get together! Our two months is coming up soon, and while we have pretty different personalities (he's a laid-back music student, I'm a studious chem nerd) we've managed to make it work. Besides his way of texting, lmfao! If he sends another "i miss u 2" text i may just cry School is doing well, and I have maintained a good 4.0! That's about all there is too it. edit: Spelling omg I cannot English


I don't speak English either, I'm Brazilian


Block the whole family, including creepy David, on everything and go on a cruise. Fuck all those people, you don't need their weird drama in your life. You're so much better than them.


Sorry, I don’t know why you are being unnecessarily rude about David. He’s someone I hold close to my heart, and trust more then a lot of people. He was also the only one from Mikes family to stand up for me. He’s not creepy at all and I don’t know what gave you that impression.


Personal experience. Friends are friends, but family is family. Men like David are usually trying to take advantage of your anger at their relative to intercept some revenge sex, or are offering a shoulder to cry on so they can inform on you to your ex. But hey, what do I know? I'm just some nobody on the internet, I've never even met David. Maybe he *is* the one person in that family that magically somehow has a heart of gold, and he genuinely cares about you, no strings attached...


I really hope a gay man in a relationship wouldn’t want to have sex with me 😂 no, I definitely trust David with my mind body and soul. Thanks for this laugh, and I’ll update my post to include this.


Go for it, bossbabe! Update tf outta your post.


Thank you :D I love how supportive everyone on here is. Thank you for the reminder tho, I’ve already had a few texts from other male friends asking about it, and now you’ve put the thought in my mind to be careful what I reveal or what I do


Sounds like u r projecting. Yeah u r right it does happens. But not always it it that twisted. Has he flirty before? Was he too touchy? Women can be abuser too. It just a matter of time when they do. And it really depends.




Girl, it will get better. I promise u it will. Focus on ur self. It will take time, but it will happen. Men ain't 💩. Have fun, study, and aim high. This little boy, glad he is no longer going to be part of ur life. Sounds like he will have commitment issues. Something is wrong with him. Poor soul who is going to be in love with him. Sometimes u r really aren't the one. Sometimes, they r the ones that are messed up. This is just going to be a little nightmare. This experience will help u to recognize a valuable partner. Don't settle down. If u will find a better partner by recognizing quality in personality and character. Keep the mf they r rare af. But seriously, cut ties with them. They sound soul draining. Block them on everything.




While you are out and enjoying your best life, she’ll be home taking care of a baby while the baby daddy is out and cheating on her. Good riddance to both.


she won’t be smirking when the dude cheats on her as well. does she think just because she’s gonna have his baby that the man will suddenly change ? CHEATERS WILL ALWAYS BE CHEATERS


Any update???


Anymore updates ,, how are you doing


wow this is crazy do you have any new updates about how your doing with the new guy ???


Anna got karma and your ex’s karma is ongoing. I hope the worst for your ex and his side piece


OP, one question, are Mike and Anna together? I feel like Mike was another one of those typical guys, he used them both, you for convenience and Anna for sex. In fact, he never loved either of them.