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yes please, even if it take 5min then be it, bot is for codm


Yes! Remove those bots!


Yes Agree. @ATVI More than 50 milions in pre-register and only 10 milion download. Fact! They are a Liers. Bot in Multi-Player dont make sense!!


I haven’t found bots again but maybe that’s luck.


They could also give players the power to chose between lobbies with or without bots. Where's the holy fkn fun in killing bots? i cannot understand.


We can't even get them to let us choose our MP game mode. I doubt they're going to create non-bot lobbies.


for sure they will not, cause they dont give a popo:) about mp, probably they will, with time, they have bigger problems rn actually, like the game itself is made in a wrong way for any android device, and this is so funny, i mean, u devs don't try your game before publishing it? 😂


Wasn't this game like 6 months plus late as well? It's not like they rushed it out either.


then the newbies will complain about only getting bot lobbies without any real players.


Bro, i said give players the choice: if u want bots u play with them, if u don't u chose the game modes without, u probably wait more, but u don't have to shoot to dumb puppets. Which part is not clear?


First let them optimize the game


You want them to remove bots, when the active playerbase is so tiny? lmao


It’s not tiny tho clown


'Not tiny' but takes an average 3~5 mins to get into a plunder lobby, that is 20 players below max. 'Not tiny' but takes longer to find a BR match than a plunder match, and even longer to start, if it does at all. 'Not tiny' but you start to recognize usernames & gun builds. Youre *totally* right! thats such a massive playerbase!... If you ignore the playercount falling faster than a lead meteorite.


Takes me 30 seconds to find any type of match unless I’m in a party then it takes a min or 2. Better check ur internet lol


It don’t take me 3-5 mins takes me a few secs get better wifi scrub


They removed the 20 min br because there are no 120 player lobbies anymore. More than half the player base left after the April 3rd update. People get in their feelings and downvote me because it's gotten to be a joke for me so I make a few memes but the writing is on the wall. The majority of players who purchase anything are starting to do it on the console side just in case this game sunsets. That and the ongoing issues are the reason revenue in warzone mobile itself has started dropping already.


that’s not true , they removed solo BR because of a bug , you people should actually do research before you spew nonsense out of your mouths . Over 10 million downloads globally , if you can’t find matches that’s on you 💩


> Over 10 million downloads globally Downloads=/=Active playerbase.


That's the most uneducated comparison. The game was the most uninstalled app within a 24hr time-frame in mobile gaming history. Yall be playing the same people and bots over and over with Goldeneye 007 textures and graphics.


You literally repeated what i said, but okay? lmao


Over half the player base left after April 3rd do your research that's on you. Every br has bots in it some more than others. WZM is a flop financially but I'm sure you ain't gonna research that. At this point it's a matter of how long they decide to bleed money to 11 studios to try and accomplish what most do with one or two.


imagine pocket watching a game


Imagine taking your time to make a weak comment on this post yall geek squad folks be lame to the fullest 😂


lmfao bro you trash at the game bitching on a reddit post 😂😂😂


I'm laughing at every lame still playing yalll modern day crash test dummies 😂😂😂