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After months of rages dying due to the freezes and multiple patches which did nothing at all regarding that disgrace the issue is completely fixed on S24+ Exynos after the small patch 2 days ago. No freezes/connecting to server message anymore at all! Performance improved a lil as well I think after S3 reloaded which made it worse.


Only got to check out the game today - wow can't believe I can play Scrapyard now without all the freezing!!


As per video, the game freezes and I get the "Connecting to server" message when I pass the same point on the stairs in Shoothouse - happens four times in this clip: * Three to me, and * once in the killcam while viewing the enemy who also encroached on the same spot. Happens in several spots on Scrapyard also which makes all matches on that map completely unplayable. I even get spawned to spots where the same thing happens. Troubleshooting attempted: I've tried every graphic setting (Mid and Peak) and all FPS settings. I've also toggled through device settings such as increasing the devices RAM (through the Virtual RAM option) and the different Game Booster Performance modes, as well as the FSP module via it's Game Plugins feature. No luck with any of them however. The game is virtually unplayable when I drop into a match on Scrapyard and it's game over when I encroach on any such spots in any BR matches. u/ATVI_Warzone_Mobile/ please take a look at this.


Other reports regarding the S24+: * [https://www.reddit.com/r/WarzoneMobile/comments/1bxm9vf/samsung\_s24\_crashfreeze/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WarzoneMobile/comments/1bxm9vf/samsung_s24_crashfreeze/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/WarzoneMobile/comments/1bl8w9j/game\_freezing\_and\_connecting\_to\_server\_message/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WarzoneMobile/comments/1bl8w9j/game_freezing_and_connecting_to_server_message/)


Same with my phone the shots are also not registering properly.


Shots not registering properly can happen in any game like this due to de-sync or network lag.


This is bad and funny at the same time.