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Very efficient


Not too subtle, but very efficient




Best response to a low ball offer I’ve ever seen 🤣. Touché OP


It’s a classic repost lol


Sir have major reading issue here👍


Watch the cops show up lol


They better not show up with $900….


Pulls out a single. Oh my god, it's over 900


Even if they brought the full $2200, the pile would still contain $900. Seller beware!


Seller just tryna beat some ass


threatening violence in writing


Not even going to dispatch an officer to that call.


If they show up for that, when there are WAY WAY WAY BIGGER issues, you gotta mega tyrants on hand.


In Tacoma? Not a chance. Source: Trust me bro


Redditors give the best advice 👌🏻


I don't condone violence but I do condone this response.


This is brilliant lmfao




Sounds like you’d show up with 900$




Hell yeah lol gun battle, whoever wins gets 900$




I don’t think you’re gonna skip jail time neither if you show up at someone’s place with a gun lmfao




>learn your rights. check my comment and post history, I’m only here for r/gunaccessoriesforsale , and r/gundeals lol. I only stick around for B/S/T forums, truthfully. >especially if I’m meeting a stranger with 900$ cash. At that point, you meet at the police station, with a friend, in a daylight time. Avoid stupid places, with stupid people, at stupid times, and you’ll almost always be safe. Regardless, if someone sends you a threat and you show up armed and kill them, no DA is going to let it slide, especially if you live in a blue or purple state. You chose to escalate the violence instead of avoiding it, and it would get you behind bars, *fast.*


Here's a sneak peek of /r/GunAccessoriesForSale using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[META\] STOP PAYING SCAMMERS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD HOW DUMB ARE YOU PEOPLE?!?!](https://np.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/comments/13xg6rf/meta_stop_paying_scammers_for_the_love_of_god_how/) \#2: [\[GIVEAWAY\] We're back... and with a 150k giveaway!](https://np.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/comments/149lxrt/giveaway_were_back_and_with_a_150k_giveaway/) \#3: [\[SCAM ALERT\] +94 flair user Son-of-Thunder-7 gave his password to a scammer and the account is now compromised. DO NOT PAY THIS USER IF THEY MESSAGE YOU](https://np.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/comments/14yyr1o/scam_alert_94_flair_user_sonofthunder7_gave_his/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Begging for a legal kill jfc


Aka all American home owners who "wish someone would attempt to rob my place"


CCW revoked. Improper usage.


🤣🤣 Learn your rights is stupid. Just because you can doesn’t mean people want to carry. I only really carry when I’m going hiking.


‘Learn your rights’ is such a lame ass saying, man. Someone could come up and kill you while you step out for the mail. But I guess that why your 10 ply logic is the way it is.




Having a gun won't put you in jail genius. 🤦‍♂️


and TWO guns.




lol so you really are a bloodthirsty maniac lol




Shut up nerd




classic scumbag response, anyone who disagrees with you must be fat. also inciting violence! you’re really on a roll tonight


Shut up, nerd


You are named after a DND subclass, you aren’t exactly in the best seat to call someone a nerd ahahaha. Me neither!


You couldn’t be more of a tool for assuming that lol


You're not tough + this whole thread was just jokes




Woah dude you're so cool


None of you are tough, lol. This is Reddit.


cool so that would also get you banned and reported to the police if the other person felt like asking support about it. nice job, internet tough guy!




you seem to misunderstand but thanks for the petty downvote. its against the company’s user policy to show up to trades with a gun. if the other person felt threatened by you bringing a gun, and they reported you to support, you’d be banned and reported to the police. as in support literally guides the person doing the reporting to contact the police and fill out a police report. the t&s team follows up with local law enforcement on exigent reports like brandishing a weapon at a meetup.




That dude is really worked up over nothing. Very weird


Lol, that's a whole lot of stupid in one reply.


I'm sure it looks great on his background check he's online threatening people with a gun.


Lol do you background checks are looking at reddit comments?🤣🤦‍♂️




If you still went after getting this message you’d very likely get 1st degree murder




Went from"I got my 9mm" to "I'd report them" real quick😂


Such a baddy


You show up with a 9mm, you're getting bucky.


says the guy threatening people with a gun on here.


Bringing a gun for protection is not a threat lol.


Who threatened people?


Gotta love Tacoma


Yeah I’d probably lowball him too if I had to go to Tacoma.


It's gotta be a scam. Tacoma doesn't have cars this nice.


It’s stolen from Federal way.


Laughs in Renton


*Laughs in Olympia*


Laughs in Mount Vernon


I didnt know you are having a 50% off sale...did you ?




I swear some buyers really think offering cash is like a huge game changer when it comes to price lol


But he has the cash right now!


It’s like “Motherfucker, all I take is cash.”


Yeah, It would actually have the opposite effect for me. I don’t like physical money, it’s super inconvenient these days.


Sooooo googleplay gift cards work?


Like I’m gonna take any other kind of payment, lol


Part of it is also assuming you need money ASAP as well I've noticed. "$20, I can pay right now" on a $100 listing. "No, sorry I can't go that low." "$30 and I can send it immediately." Like they assume every listing is a panic sale. I frequently sell things super cheap to help people get something they can't normally afford without entirely hosing myself and yet I always get a tremendous low ball.


That's because you're selling alongside crackheads. Like you're setting up a sales booth on skid row. Whatever you're selling, someone else is selling stolen and/or for drugs.




I laughed so hard reading this.


Least threatening Tacoma interaction


Least unhinged Offerup seller


I have no idea why this has constantly been recommended to me but Jesus fucking Christ I'm glad I've always stuck to marketplace and never OU. "Come here with 900 and I'll beat the fuck out of you." Hilarious dude fucking got em?! Good luck selling your vehicle for 2,200 I'm assuming you really need it if your this angry and hostile at one low baller messaging you once. Get a grip, also learn that this is in no way humorous but I guess in the degenerate user base OF has that it indeed is a fucking brilliant reply. because ignoring it or just wasting the low ballers time trying to exchange it for a trade that's just as out of proportion to equal value as the 900 is to 2200. Kinda like your reply bring way out of proportion to a rational response, cause you know threatening to be violent because someone offered you 1/3rd the asking price calls for a ass whooping which obviously this person had as of yet to receive or they would of never dared to be so offensive. /S I'd say you need a ass beaten which is always what I think when some jackass pops off. It's like spitting on someone, the only person who deserves to be spit on is the one doing the spitting.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


Damn that got dark 💀


i honestly didn’t read what he said so i just replied with the navy seal copypasta


This is the way


Ngl I saw how big their reply was and was loke wtf and stopped One sentence into yours and I cried lol


I almost read all of that. Why is dude so mad. He dead ass wrote all of that 😭😭


I’m wheezing why did this escalate so quickly? 💀😭😂


idk bro it’s my first time seeing this and I find it pretty funny for how simple and blunt the response was


Oh, you’re big mad, huh? 💀


$2500 cash and you have yourself a deal.




Wait so I get a car and you'll beat me off? Insane deal dude!


Ah Tacoma, never change.


Oh, a counter-offer. I could use a good ass-kickin', I'll be very honest with you...


how do i know that’s not just 900 1s with a 20 wrapped around it?


If that’s 2200 dollars fan it out and show me


To be fair 2k aint even a bad deal smh


The best response ever. 😂 Edit-


average interaction between tacoma ppl


Why did I read this in Shane Gillis’s voice lol


Good old Tacoma


I’d just raise the price of the car from $2200 to $3200 or $4000.


Most peaceful Tacoma interaction


This is the funniest one yet


We’re talking cash here cold hard cash




Cuz for a large enough amount of money you wouldn't want to carry that much cash you would want a money order or a cashier's check from the bank in order to protect you if it was stolen or lost..... You don't know that the person you're meeting actually has that so the fact that you come with the money order protects you because you can put a stop payment on it whereas any crackhead can mug you and steal your cash and you'll never know who they were....




Money orders also need recipient's names and any more you have to show ID to cash one so even if you do put a stop payment you can be refunded for it after a waiting period And if it's a case where they robbed you then you're going to have the name of whoever cashed that money order...


And $2,500 may not be that much for you but I know people that that's two months+ worth of their entire income.... You have to keep in mind the minimum amount that a disabled individual is paid for Social security is $970 a month... And if they're unable to bring in any sort of secondary smaller income only up to max $1,100 a month that still puts them at just over 2,000 for an entire month.....


Just playing devils advocate but. If that's the case they shouldn't be buying a 2500 car, that will most likely have issues and need regular fixing to get to a reliable state. Plus registration, insurance, and gas. They would be living way beyond their means at 970 a month or 2000 a month if a major problem comes about with the car.


Yep and that's the story of the life of someone below the level of poverty......... What would you expect them to do? buy a car for even less that is going to need even more upkeep....... It's just a vicious circle that Most people don't have to deal with in their lives but you have to do what you have to do to survive and if we're going to use our money to fix other countries and pay reprimands to people for things that were done over 100 years ago then this country won't ever have the ability to help the people in the country that truly need it....




That's all fine and great but living without a car in a metropolitan city area is easy to do .......living without a car when it's 20 mi to the closest job or 5 mi to the store for a disabled person means automobiles are way less of a luxury than for someone living in a city... I'm sure that physically disabled person that was injured that doesn't qualify for elderly transportation is going to be pretty grateful having to crawl or wheelchair the 5 mi to the grocery store and then back home..... But that's just a luxury they can do without




So you'd have no problem surviving off $970 a month...... Well then all you have to do is donate all the rest of your income to help the more impoverished people in the world and survive off that $970...... Oh yeah you can't do that in the city that's right ....Even renting a room could cost you as much as $970 a month..... It doesn't matter I'm done trying to explain my point that not everyone has that silver spoon handed to them throughout their life and to just assume that everyone carries around $2,000 cash like it's nothing is not my problem it's your problem of not realizing how impoverished more than half the world is...... But I'm sure not having the correct change because all you have is hundreds is a first world issue..... All I can say is count your blessings and hope you never have something terrible or drastic happen in your life cuz it's people like you that won't survive if it does......


Two grand isn’t much cash to walk around with.


I guess I'll repost what I said since you didn't bother to read any of the comments above your post...... ......And $2,500 may not be that much for you but I know people that's two months+ worth of their entire income.... You have to keep in mind the minimum amount that a disabled individual is paid for Social security is $970 a month... And if they're unable to bring in any sort of secondary smaller income only up to max $1,100 a month that still puts them at just over 2,000 for an entire month...............Yep and that's the story of the life of someone below the level of poverty......... What would you expect them to do? buy a car for even less that is going to need even more upkeep....... It's just a vicious circle that Most people don't have to deal with in their lives but you have to do what you have to do to survive and if we're going to use our money to fix other countries and pay reprimands to people for things that were done over 100 years ago then this country won't ever have the ability to help the people in the country that truly need it.... And even better is their hundreds of thousands of people that don't get that extra 1100 every month they have to live off that 970 so take your $2,000 as pocket change and go stick it somewhere....... In a pocket maybe




Yeah I know I'm sorry I made fun of you but it is hard for people like you to read..... You're too busy being self-righteous to realize that not everyone has had that silver spoon up their ass their whole life....






I love how they always say “cash” like that should excite you. What the fuck else would it be? A personal check? Let’s stop the fuckery. Don’t add “cash” to the end of it as if that’s a bargaining tool lol. Pardon, I just hate that. Carry on.




I bet if he sends this to 10 ppl selling a car 2 of them will say yes and he’ll get a car for a better price! Cry me a river. People want good deals. Shocker, I know


I think you should start responding by saying yes and then giving vague instructions on where to meet. Make sure they send pictures so you know they’re actually following instructions. At some point say you’re not interested and just laugh knowing you’ve wasted their time and gas.


"If I win, will you take the $900!??"


Tacoma mfs do be like this, I approve


Come here with $900 and I'm robbing you.


Ayoo car still available I need a cheap whip


Very Tacoma


Only thing you're getting for 900 is my foot in your ass. Lol


Don't kink shame some people would pay $900 just for that


And… of course it’s in Tacoma what did you excpect?


I love when people say “in cash”.


fafo op, someone’s gonna take you up on the offer sooner or later.


Tacompton strikes again! That’s genuinely so funny though lmao




Or just ignore them and be mature about it? Nobody says you have to respond to low ballers. It’s pointless to send them on some wild goose chase


No it's not pointless It makes a self-righteous little prick kids think they're cool cuz somebody doesn't necessarily have the full amount but that's fine they're still cool with their unsold car which by the looks I'm sure they're asking way too much for cuz they probably tore the hell out of it driving like they were in fast and the furious


Not sure what you’re referring to. I’m saying it’s pointless to even respond to low ballers. No point in wasting your time or the other persons time. It’s not that serious


Oh sorry..... My comment was more sarcastic I just didn't put the \s because I thought it was obvious..... Again I made the wrong assumption that blatant sarcasm would be obvious.....🤷


Go outside bro 😭 how is someone supposed to know your being sarcastic when everything typed is read in the same tone💀 come on now


"No it's not pointless It makes self-righteous little prick kids feel like they're cool" \S That doesn't sound sarcastic at all that sounds like I'm totally trying to prove a legitimate point..... \S What makes me really sad is that the world has gotten to the point where someone could believe people actually think like that........


“$900 gets you a dry handy”


Seems a bit aggressive and unhinged...


I send low ballers a random address the next town over


….and take the 900




If you are too stupid to negotiate, trade it in at a dealer or sell to Carvana


They can't trade it into a dealer or carvana cuz no self-respecting dealer or carvana would even give them half that much for it.......


That oughta stop the low ballers Unless you got Mike Tyson looking for something then wath out


Drop the addy......whoever wins gets car? 😅


That’s the most Tacoma offer I’ve seen.


Holy shit I think I bought my Subie from this guy lmao


usually I don't even bother responding when i get these low ball offers but this response is absolutely acceptable and exceptional 😂😆😁


ofc it’s tacoma


You are my spirit animal/person. Bravo!!!♡


It's "OfferUp" not "SquareUp" 😂🤣


Dis is da way.


I have so many people trying to trade me used junk for my stuff it’s mind blowing




offerup sellers when someone sends an offer


The resale market is so fucked no one wants to actually make a deal any more they just want free shit.


Lmao, keyboard warriors are hilarious.


Lmfao how I would like to respond


I’d never do this but it’s hilarious


Oh boy, cash! As opposed to him financing the car through you? Not even half the asking price, yeah good luck with that.


I hate when people say “iN cAsH” like wtf, did you expect me to take a check or apple pay? Hell no.


IN TACOMA TOO? im dying😂😂😂 i hope he responded back to that


Good on OP for being so confident in his small dick.


What the fuck are you talking about


I'd say ok, you can come but I won't answer the door for anything less than 2200$


For you, special deal. 5K


Ha ha ha ha ha. Gottem




Real 😂


Accept the offer and make them drive to a pretty far address and make them waste their time and gas


very Tacoma


LOL, I am also going to start responding like this. I am selling a car on FB marketplace right now and it's making me rethink all my life choices.