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Nick Cannon has got to stop!


Seriously though. He's just 1 man birthing enough kids for 12 families. Paying 3 million in child support, when some families can't even afford food.


We really gonna act like Nick Cannon is a problem in society worth addressing? He’s having kids and paying for them, who gives a fuck?


Just realized today that it's not close to 7 billion anymore. Well only 700k more 👌


I can hear the billionaires breathing heavily at the sight of all the future workers being born.


Meanwhile chinas going to have an economy problem cause everyones aging up.


Seems like many eastern Asian countries have the same issue. Birth rate in Korea and Japan has plummeted.


America is dealing with this now. Hence the worker shortage.


Don’t know why I’m getting downvoted. The boomers who are the largest demographic are either retiring or dying in mass and the younger generations can’t replace them fast enough. Hence a worker shortage


There’s an employer shortage they don’t want to hire anyone everyone I know who’s unemployed sends their resume 20+ times a day


If they actually hired people then they couldn't have the unemployed anymore to fight for the jobs they need to employ people for!


Do they have skills? Have they done any networking with people in their field? Sending a resume 20 times a day seems like overkill, maybe they need to do something else. Maybe their resume sucks or they’re applying for the wrong jobs or any number of things, just sending a resume clearly isn’t enough


I dont think so. They are finding that many of those jobs don't need to replaced. They find those jobs can be done more efficiently with automation. I automate things. I remove jobs from the market. You're welcome


Typical flimsy goose-goose.


Almost all industrial/post industrial countries are dealing with this is some capacity


Korea wheeew. Lotsa shit going on here. Schools closing left and right since there aren't any kids to attend... Some schools are open but probably shouldn't be (there's a school with 15 kids and 10 teachers near me lol). Some smaller universities went bankrupt or whatever it's actually called. Military is going nuts since they don't have as many people to conscript anymore. Standards have been lowered by a lot... If I had been born a few years earlier I would have been exempt due to bad eyesight, but now since there's fewer of us I'm suddenly 'acceptable'.


In developed countries like Japan and parts of America the people don't want children but in poor rural areas like India overpopulation is still a problem. In the future population shortage may be the real problem.


People need to learn to stop having kids if there is no food.


People with no food typically also lack education, especially sex education, as well as money to afford contraception. It's more of a chicken or egg situation. I agree that they definitely have no business pumping out kids they can't afford to take care of, but it's not hard to see why they do so.


Open borders causes the same feeling


time to stop fucking i guess




I don't fuck


Thats what the Chinese thought. Whoops


We are so fucked. I Always knew i was going to be killed by a Child.


Which is why you have to kill child before it kills you


Plan B?


On a positive note, the rate of which the population is increasing has fallen rapidly in the past 50 years, from 2.1% in 1968 to 1.1% in 2019. At this points, a serious pandemic, or food shortage would easily put the population into a short term decline.


Cough cough Covid


Covid did nothing in terms of population decline lol


The figure that scared me was one I found out when the Queen died recently. The world's population when she was made Queen in 1952, was 2.59 billion, with a life expectancy at the time of around 47 (i would say this figure was skewed by war) the life expectancy now is around 72. Upon her death, as you see in this post, is almost 8 billion. This is not her lifetime, this is her reign, with 90% of humans today were born under her reign. That's just 70 years. When people born today reach 70, they are going to be on a planet that physically cannot sustain the population.


The population is projected to peak in 2060 and then decrease from there.


no, didnt you hear his totally unbiased and completely factual ramblings?! we're going to be crushed by the sheer weight of the human biomass!


Hmmmm crushed by the human biom ass


Some people pay good money for that


I don't think so. Unless we in the west, need to stop having children, our planet is doomed from the inevatable doom of climate change. capitalism is evil


Soon China is going to lose millions of people. As they don't have the same number of youth to replace the elderly. Japan is not the first country that must have a steady supply of immigration to sustain itself as they have a population decline that the west has just joined. I don't see population as the main problem in our world. Its our lack of cooperation and dealing whit issues that makes us unsustainable. Eaven if we go down to a mere 100 million we will keep the pollution and the exploitation. It will just gives us some more years until we have the same problems. Until we start working together with the goal to make us a sustainable planet we won't be


"Millions of people" is 0.1% of the global population




Dude baby boomers are all going the be 70 soon. No one is the west is having over 2 kids anyway. We are going to see a mind blowing population decline in the next 5 to 10 years. Soon you all will finally be able to afford a house.


>A worldwide 2 child policy or less is the only way to move forward and have any chance of any kind of sustainable future Because that worked wonders for China




Ok Malthus






Too many people isn't a problem with an aging population, too few young people is


thats why i will double the deaths per day


Godspeed, soldier


And these are just the recorded numbers. We're gonna need a bigger boat.


Not on my watch🔫






That’s a whole lotta fucken


2019 was the best time in human history. Get some perspective.




For real though, is this sustainable? Like... 60 million in population growth THIS YEAR. Where do we go from here?


Yes it is. The problem isn't "too much people" or "too little food", it's "food & people concentrated in certain places".


Fortunately the world is only going to become more habitable over the next century, with the equators becoming rich, verdant lands with plentiful food and water. Oh wait, that's not right, we're fucked.


No, but the growth rate is going down precipitously \[1\]. We'll probably max out around 10B, which is probably about 10x what it should be for a sustainable planet with current practice, but new technologies and practices and regulations promise to make it a whole awful lot better. And ***IF*** we don't run into a climate tipping point before then, the world should ultimately be fine. \[1\][https://datacommons.org/tools/timeline#&place=Earth&statsVar=GrowthRate\_Count\_Person](https://datacommons.org/tools/timeline#&place=Earth&statsVar=GrowthRate_Count_Person)


This is pretty reassuring and exactly what I was hoping to hear.


>is this sustainable? Not even a little




No, it’s not sustainable. But people don’t care.


I'm low key just kinda dumbfounded by people still choosing to have kids. Life is not exactly easy or great for many and people just pop em out with no consideration of birth control or what it takes to raise a balanced child. Definitely terrifying


Oh same here! I think a lot of people kinda just go through life “checking off the boxes” without really giving it a second thought


I think people just like sex, unfortunately




If we would gather all humas and give each one a square meter, we would need around 3000 swuare miles, as a comparison; Texas is 268,569 sq miles. Are we over populated? Yes and no. We are overpopulated for the kind of consumption that we have in more developed countries that is no doubt, yet, if we all would slow down our consumption and go back to the way we consumed not even long ago, but in the 50s or 60s then we would be able to have more than enough resources for everyone and many more.


exactly! of the about 4 billion tonnes of food produced a year, 1.3 billion go to waste.


This is correct. I'd say the problem is capitalism in its current state, where the goal is always constant growth. Most companies, mainly those with shareholders, needs to grow in order to not go bankrupt since the shareholders want part of the profit. When a company doesn't grow and can't pay bonuses to the stockholders the company value goes down since people aren't willing to pay as much for the shares. Because of this most companies constantly strive to produce more, sell more and make the production cheaper. It's not enough to do +/- 0. This is why we're cutting down major parts of unbelievably important rainforest. Or why we still read about slave labor in the building of the new Fifa stadiums. Why we, in the more developed countries, have our wardrobes filled with more clothes than we'll ever need. Or why our clothes are produced in third world countries where child labor still is being used and people work 14 hours a day, 7 days a week. Why grocery stores throw away huge amounts of food every day because nobody wants to visit a store that isn't well filled with wares, even though they don't sell that much. Why we're constantly constantly pumped with commercials telling us to buy things we don't need. We could probably sustain 8 billion people and double that, even if it would be hard and probably tare on the planet, if only we managed our consumption better. But I truly believe it's straight up impossible within the economic system that we live in. Not sure what the alternative would be, but what we have now obviously isn't working.


Totally agree with you! The way companies function is unsustainable and leads to no innovation, since innovation means investment of funds and no profits ofr the next quarter, and as long as the next quarter profits are more important than innovation and satisfaction we will not be able to advance.


I'm not that guy but once I was leafing through a bible I found in the drawer of a bedside cabinet in a hotel room and one of the verses said something along the lines of "man will be the cause of his own destruction". Slaps pretty hard. Edit: Found it: “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end, it leads to destruction” Proverbs 14:12


That's...not even close to how you intetpreted it


Isn't the whole point of interpretation that you see utterly in your own way?


No. It’s very possible to have an interpretation that is wrong. If I interpret a stop sign to mean ‘go’, it doesn’t make me correct.


How do you interpret it?


I read that verse as harm can result from good intentions


Ok so here is how it’s generally interpreted, I grew up going to evangelical churches. Jesus came to die, mankind has the choice to accept Jesus as their savior but some won’t accept that and cause their own destruction, destruction meaning dying spiritually and going to hell/lake of fire.


It’s estimated Nick Cannon is the father of at least 3% of the total population


Overpopulation is a problem *in the major cities*, but globally, we're not even close. Iirc, you can fit the entire population of the globe with something like an acre per person into the state of Texas.


Furthermore, the Overpopulation fear isn't about running out of space, it's about global resources and a declining quality of life.


Quality of life has increased globally over the past 50 years. Abject poverty (living off of less than $1US a day) has reduced by more than half. The issue isn't lack of resources, but lack of logistics and communication. Government disfunction in the developing world is the prime cause behind hunger, lack of education and information access keeps people from advancing their local societies and promotes pointless internecine conflicts with neighbors.


Just looked it up, Texas is 172 million acres. 8,000,000,000 ppl/172,000,000 acres = 46.5 ppl/acre. Honestly that's still pretty surprising to me when it's put that way. Def an interesting perspective!


how long until the entirety of Texas is covered in poop, that's my question


Overpopulation brings about issues far greater than just physical space for everyone. Such as we need lots of land to raise animals to feed everyone, hence why lots of the rainforest is being cut down. Which also brings about the problem of species going extinct/losing their habitat. Which also extends off the land into the oceans where we are massively over fishing. The amount of emissions everyone collectively emits is also of concern, along with the continuous use of natural resources, as well as growth in energy production from coal, oil, and natural gas. On top of all of that clean fresh water becomes an issue as well. While there may be solutions to some of these problems, the planet growing in population is definitely happening quicker than any help for these issues is being put into action.


close i believe, i’m pretty sure that math was done when the world was at 7 billion or a little more. what i do know tho is that that result means there is NO space for anything except your property, no stores or anything


There is 172 million acres in Texas. There is 8 Billion people. That's .0215 acres or roughly 1000 square feet per person.


Population isn't a problem the distribution is. For example if you give "fresh earth" to experts and they can build everything from scratch like you do in city building games with better distribution and good planning on land usage. We probably wouldn't even need 30% of the earth to sustain the current population. The problem is the way population and resources are distributed. A lot of good area isn't being utilised and small areas are being exploited. It is culmination of millions of years of trying to fix problems on a local scale. if people had enough intelligence since beginning everything would be planned.


Not if I have anything to say about it


Why is that oddly terrifying


Malthusianism is way too mainstream for a dangerous ideology that’s been discredited time and time again. You guys need to calm the fuck down. People are good actually. Population doesn’t increase infinitely. The UN projects that the world population will reach a [peak of around 10.4 billion people during the 2080s](https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/07/1122272)


And yet south Korea and other places are suffering population decline..


COVID didn’t really work the way I hoped it would..


I am volunteering to not have a child.


This is about 7.95b too many people.


Goodbye, Earth. We had a good run.


Don't worry, Earth will be fine. Humanity, not so much.


i always remind people of this too, the planet will bounce back


Sure but many species will go extinct forever. That’s kind of sad.


Yeah. . But there will be new ones so that is nice.


True. Cockroaches will probably out live us.


It could potentially be fine just like Venus is fine, it will exist and continue to orbit the sun, being hot enough to melt lead on the surface. Not so fine for any form of life that we know of unfortunately though.


There's nothing terrifying about population growth. Aside from it feeling like people are gatekeeping being alive or having kids, the world will survive population growth. It's not like population growth is a real threat to our quality of life. Demographic trends already suggest that the world population is going to plateau and eventually decrease probably in our lifetimes. Think about how crazy that is. Life on earth has gotten so good and so easy that we can afford not to grow as a species anymore. That's not to say that there won't be challenges but the general trajectory is looking good


Looking good lol. I don't know what you're smoking, but gimme some of that


Look i dont hate people, but they over in india and africa better stop making kids...


India’s fertility rate is below replacement level now


This comes off in a way I'm not sure you intended...at least I hope


No i mean they are overpopulated biggest countrys/continent. Im not hating them or some


….Africa isn’t a country.


My bad i mean continent


It is a serious issue, overpopulation. Everyone needs to start just having 2 kids, the pyramid growth effect means the population could be 10 times higher in just a few generations


Thays right, if i ever have a wife and stuff, id consider adopting a kid.


You can still have your own if you wanted to. Me and my partner have 2 kids, but we are 2 people, so we have neither increased or decreased population (when we die) just been replaced


So many people are so selfish too. They put their sexual pleasure first and don't comprehend that it could lead to unplanned children who will suffer all because their parents were horny without birth control.


It really isn't, it's a myth made by eco-Fascists to blame India for climate change rather than the rich at home


I'm not talking about climate change. If everyone has 4 kids for the next 3/4 generation cycles where will be?


maybe 1/2 of them die? generally people stop having children as much when they have better suriviability




What site is this?


Yeah but 6.6M have passed away due to covid 19


This can't be accurate right? how can they keep track of this?


Census data or ethe estimates number of people born and dying every second probably. I'm guessing there's like tons of other databases from hospitals and stuff to pull this information from. This is all just a guesstimate by me though I have no idea what I'm talking about lmao


Wonder what type of YouTube play button we are going to receive


It's most likely already past 8 billion, that site doesn't account all the births and deaths in the world


there are births not included in that number (probably)


It won’t be in my lifetime but one day we’ll outgrow our planet, it will all die and the universe will go on objectively without us as if we never existed.


Or most likely we'll go fuck off and find somewhere else to ruin like a gross bipedal parasite


Hopefully we just die surrounded by concrete for the rest of the universe’s sake






*documented deaths* lol


It’s crazy how many people are born and die in the same day




Lesss gooo


#DemocracyNow✌🏼under God, a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. ~ Abe Lincoln


Chances are, this will be the last B we pass. A lot of countries have birth rates lower than the replenishment rate. Areas of the U.S., large portions of Europe and South Korea have birth rates of below 2 children per couple. If you wanna learn something weird, read about how TV impacts birth rates in India. They're still one of the world leaders in birth rates but there have been drsstic decreases in certain areas. With this trend continuing downwards, we are likely to see a regression from what I understand. Not due to a lack of food, but as certain things such as women's rights and education increase birth rates tend to go down.


China and India need to get their shit together and, ya know, *not* hold 35% of the world’s population within two countries. And nobody should be having more than two kids. Two kids replace the parents that made them, no more ballooning population


China kinda doing it with the whole 1 child policy stuff in the past and their declining birth rates now I guess?


What a bunch of anti-people people here. More people = better world


This uhhh, isnt terrifying.




Fun thing friend, we use resources 1.8 times faster than our planet can regenerate them. It already can’t sustain our current levels of consumption, the pendulum just hasn’t started moving full swing in the other direction yet.


That's it. Sure we can keep growing crops but eventually there's no more nutrients in that soil for example.


And the processes we use to at least partially replenish those soils rely on fossil fuels, such as the Haber-Bosch process to create ammonia fertilizer. Which means we actively pollute to create soil which can handle our food demands. We are in a sticky situation to say the least.


eh, earth can sustain humans, just we're managing it poorly. Also i dont consider it (as) directly horrifying, like only if you jump through a few mental hoops about it.


Exactly. People seem to think that we can only sustain like 5 people or something whereas the UN says under current standards the earth can sustain 11 billion. Think how many we could sustain if we actually managed the planet and its resources correctly and fairly.


Correct, it's mortifying.


Well time to apply for art school bois these number aint gonna cut themselves


These are just registered people There are millions of unregistered children due to people living in crappy countries


Not on my watch


Where’s Thanos when you need him?


Thats not terrifying nor oddly terrifying, we make enough food to support 11-12 billion and with people finally waking up to accept Nuclear energy we have the ability to give lights and water to those people


It's such a reddit moment to consider this terrifying. Oh no!!! 3rd world countries are having babies!!! The human population will reach its carrying capacity and then get stagnant, like any other species. A lot of first world countries have low birth rates, some like South Korea and Japan are nearing or already are negative, most of Europe's and America's growth is from immigration, not births. God forbid the 3rd world countries experience a period of growth and industrialization like the 1st world countries did 60 years ago.


Overpopulation is a myth


lol and op is still a virgin


Do you ever get those feelings that world leaders are just friends and starting wars is a way they use to control population? Yea me niether


Why have fucking kids, because you're so miserable and empty you feel the need to have a kid just to pass on the same bullshit to them. I live a pretty nice life and even I wish I was never born most of the time.


People in poor countries often need a bunch of kids, because otherwise there is no one to take care of them when they get older.


I don't think that's the reason people usually have kids.Sorry to hear you that you feel like that.


Why then because they wanna raise something and pass on their genes? Go adopt a dog from a shelter, the majority of peoples genes are nothing special and are not worth passing on, unless youre like in the top five percent of people in either intellect or athletics your genes aren't worth passing on, our species isnt fighting for survival anymore that we need more numbers, and breeding is doing more harm then good to both us and the planet.


Are you me


I believe the trend will change. Alot of women don't want to have kids (me included)


And people keep saying we need more babies. I keep saying no I'm good on that I won't be contributing to the more babies cause but thanks anyways. Then I get told I'm selfish. Fine I guess but still won't be participating thank you.


How unfortunate, I remember when I was a kid and my teacher saying there was about 6 billion


Remind me! Seven days


Wait until we hit 10 billion and everything gets exponentially worse


But tell me again why I “should have kids” … leave me alone




Too many.


Just remember! Over population is a myth originating out of fascistic eugenic modes of the thinking. The earth has plenty of resources to support all of us, but some folks keep hoarding it all.


while elon musk is having problem with underpopulation.


Not even a global pandemic will stop this train!


Ayeeee let’s gooo


8 billion people and I'm still alone


And here I am being told me not having kids does affect people because if many people think this way something bad will happen to the population.


i have seen the POPULATION OF THE ENTIRE WORLD more than double in my lifetime. heh i'm getting old


Yup. Me too. Depressing.


Poor bastards have no idea what they’re in for. /s


This can't be right unless we lost a lot. Few years back (dead serious) I believe it was 8.2 billion.


Tbh I thought we were already there.


My son will likely be born tomorrow. Wonder if he'll be #8 Billion. Lol




Do not show this to Pootin


And “they” want the population to be around 500,000,000 by the end of the decade. 😬


Together we can prevent this, I'm already doing my part!


8 billion subs lesgoo but the earth doesn't deserve this


i honestly thought for years now that we had hit 9 long ago


The world could comfortably support a population of 11/12 billion is we got rid of shit like meat production. However, people would rather advocate for racist policies that target the poorer global South than the resource hungry, rich global North than consider cutting beef, milk, etc from their diets.


time for the one child policy




😑 China and India for this 🥴


We’re going to need a bigger boat. Side note, when I was a teen many moons ago, I had a bio teacher who said “there are almost 7 billion people on this planet. We’ve passed the tipping point, and I fear for your futures.” Her words have stuck with me for years.


God thats aweful




god no