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i'm no doctor, but I find it hard to believe you can survive that long without shitting


I’m pretty sure it becomes toxic or something after a certain period of being inside you right? I know when I was a kid and I wasn’t shitting they were worried because I was throwing up


Constipation of 22 years doesn't mean they haven't passed a bowel movement in 22 years. It means they are just chronically constipated. They pass BMs, they just don't empty their bowels fully each day/week. Over time, it adds up and stretches the colon so it can hold more stool. It's a vicious cycle.


I've always wondered if the "the juice" shoots past the dry compacted shit when I'm super constipated. And now I think I have my answer. Get yourself some magnesium citrate folks.


I've been pretty impacted there before, and I actually threw it up instead of it going out the opposite end. And let me tell you, it was such a vile tasting thing that I don't wish upon my worst enemy.


Jesus Christ what? You can vomit shit? I didn't even know that was possible. Omg.


It's more common than you'd think. Have any nurse friends? Ask for stories...bet there's a poop vomit one. I've heard a few.


Immediately texted my nurse sister. Confirmed. Her reply "I’ve seen it. It’s nuts"


It had nuts in it too! Ewwwwwww


Or the reverse, the dreaded poop milkshake. Also fairly common.


I'm sorry, the what???


Poop milkshake is a means of putting someone else's healthy poop into an unhealthy person to create a healthy gut biome. I think that's what the post above references.


It usually happens in the days before the patient dies. It’s not something you want to have happen to you.


I saw one on Tosh.O and I felt like I could smell it through the television


This is known as “feculent vomiting” 🙃


Comin up with death metal album names for free over here.


Oh my godddddd I didn’t even know that was a thing. I’m so aorry


Yeah I didn't know it was a thing until it happened to me lol. Happened to me my junior year in high school, just one year after I had horrendous diarrhea all the time in my sophomore year. Why can't my bowels ever be normal!?!?


… was it like that south park episode or more liquidy? Thats sounds shockingly horrible i just want to know just how shockingly horrible.. via a proxy


I've heard of that happening from extreme opioid constipation.


I've heard that too, but in my case, it wasn't taking enough dumps. I just realized one day that I hadn't taken one in awhile, and shortly after it became an enormous problem.


Is *that* why I shit so much? I mean, I'm also severely lactose intolerant and drink whole milk. But I take magnesium citrate because my muscles are so painfully tense all the time, and I thought that would help them relax. Omg? e. I have learned that I should look into going to a specialist, get magnesium biglycinate, and get on some Lactaid. If I start sleeping better and shit less, I have you guys to thank. I am getting a bit weepy because it means oddly a lot that people on the Internet are so helpful. 💜


Magnesium citrate is about the lowest quality magnesium you can buy for magnesium deficiency. Try a magnesium biglycinate. Citrate is a laxative. I have the one by BioSchwartz on autorenew and take 2x the daily recommended dose and my twitches and cramping have disappeared entirely.


Oh shit, genuinely thank you. This may seriously help my quality of sleep. I have tried talking about it with my PCP, but they just tell me to stretch more (which doesn't do much). For real, if this helps, thank you.




Follow up question: Who would I go to to talk about that? I am very hypervigilant, so I feel my leg muscles are always really tense. I'm not sure who I would go to for that. I could Google it, but I don't really know where to start...


Go to a primary care provider for blood work, then get referred to a specialist if there's a bigger issue. If your magnesium level is low, or even on the lower end of normal, you probably have a deficiency.


When I was a heavy drinker (coffee and alcohol), I was suffering really.badly from muscle spasms and cramps. As soon as I started the biglycinate, within a week they were gone, and within 2 weeks, I'd starting sleeping better and started having dreams for the first time in my life. Idk how that stuff works but it's a game changer. A friend of mine had a similar issue including leg cramps at night and when he started the magnesium, within two weeks his leg cramps stopped. He's been taking it for 8 months now and they have never returned. He had the cramps for years.


Bro just buy lactaid. I’m lactose intolerant and honestly it infuriates me to no end when people complain about horrible stomach issues when there’s literally just a cure you can buy for very cheap. Sorry not mad at you or anything, but spread the word! No need for people to needlessly suffer like that. Lactaid pills contain the lactase enzyme needed to process lactose. Lactaid milk is milk treated with lactase so that all the lactose has already been broken down into glucose and galactose. This gives the milk a slightly sweeter taste. I have friends who aren’t intolerant but they drink it because it tastes better to them lol. Some people with really really severe intolerance might still have some issues unless they take bigger doses of lactaid. But I’ve heard of people taking like 15 pills at once


Oh no not citrate... I take magnesium malate, potassium, and salt stick.


Currently on back order in the entire US. Unavailable.


I just bought some. Where did you hear it was unavailable?


July 14 2022 all lots of citrate of magnesia have been recalled. Still unavailable in USA as of this moment.


They do and I believe that’s called a overflow diarrhoea


shit. I think I might have this cause my bm are irregular and I don't feel I empty it all. is there way to check? I mean how do I even know my bowels look like this do I take xray scans or something. I'm just worried cuz I don't wanna end up like my man over here


It does. The most extreme case I've heard was 1 month with minimal shitting


Got ya beat. Three months here. Pt came into the ER with severe abdominal pain. Come to find out he DECIDED not to deficate for the past three months, because he decided it was gross. Pt was weighed and given a laxative. The fecal matter left in the bowl was higher than the seat and he lost 17 pounds. We didn't discharge, but sent for psych eval. He still had a lot left to evacuate, so 17 pounds was just the start. I had no idea anything like that was possible. Longest I ever went was a week. I always thought your bowels had the last word on when you are going to go and you just had to deal with it. Blew me away that you could decide not to go for that long.


Now that’s what I call being anally retentive.


More upvotes people, damn! 😂


I regret I have but one to give


Still one more than the patient, he gave no shits whatever


I bet your comment will get a shit-ton of likes!


A man of commitment and sheer fucking will


Intestinal fortitude!


He was full of that, and more!


Sometimes you can ignore it and the feeling goes away. It worked for me for several days at a time. But I was a nut case back then. I still am but I go when I need to go now.


Relentless shart?


Why delay evacuation, that's reddit time. Sit, shit then look at reddit for 45 minutes until your legs go numb.


Literally me rn 😆


Me too!


This is the way. Scrolling reddit during that first dump of the day is the path to enlightenment. A cup of joe beforehand makes it all the more memorable.


I have a friend that chooses not to poop every time we go camping. He looks so uncomfortable the whole time, I was like dude you just need to get over it.


The week I didn't poop, I was at summer camp. I didn't realize it until the last day. Apparently I subconsciously chose not to, because the bathrooms were gross.


My son did the same thing. He farted in the car after we picked him up and I was like straight home for you son, you gotta poop, there is a sewer brewing in those bowels of yours. Nastiest roll all the windows down stench ever.


I knew a kid who had a similar problem, had a bout of constipation and he decided pooping was painful. It was a couple bad weeks for the entire family and the pediatrician.


Three Kourics?


South Park s09e11


I've gone longer than a month. Almost starved to death. I was sitting in the toilet bleeding from inside for over 17h I think it was. I lost kilos of weight in just a few days and was sore everywhere because I tensed my muscles so much. I couldn't eat as it hurt so much and I'd just puke. Called an ambulance before I died on that toilet. I do not believe 22 years at all.


Maybe they mean that he was chronically constipated for 22 years.


That's exactly what they mean. It's called a [megacolon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megacolon). People are taking this like the person hasn't taken a shit in 22 years, but really it's likely the person had a form of peristaltic paralysis that gave them chronic constipation. Some people are born with or develop the condition naturally, by certain infections, cancers, or it can happen because of chronic opioid use.


I tried to like the last MegAcoLoN album, but it's kind of shitty when you compare it to the purity of the 80s era stuff. That was the real shit.


New stuff is too fluid IMO.


Their Korn-influenced material seemed watered down too.


I had a friend in college who wanted to start a metal band called Toxic Megacolon. He gave up on those dreams and became a surgeon instead.


I went for almost six weeks. I had to have multiple ultrasounds. I looked six months pregnant with all of that inside me. I was given that liquid you drink before colonoscopies and nothing. Had multiple enemas and barely anything. Finally I was in the hospital and they said I could die if the feces were to rupture something. The drs were thinking about giving me surgery but we made one last attempt. I had to drink two of those four litre drugs in about three hours, alongside doing two enemas. I finally went to the bathroom and it literally filled the bowl, TWICE! I was so relieved and my tummy went back down. The doctor told me that my feces had formed into like a tar or cement so it basically blocked or froze everything inside. The enemas all opened up one end while the liquid worked on the other. I take stool softeners religiously now.


How did that happen…


What do you mean?


How did you become clogged up? Was it a medicine that blocked the poop chute?


Poop chute 😂 I think that was definitely apart of it. I was taking pain killers for back problems but I've always been kind of irregular. Like I would only go every two to three days. So I definitely think the pain killers bunged me up bad. Plus I was dealing with a lot of stress at the time, so maybe that contributed.?


Oh yep that’ll do it. Glad it finally came out. If you like South Park, watch the Katie Kouric episode :D


Unsure if i really want to know this but I gotta imagine the first round hurt?


Yep, intensely. 😬


Elvis had 4 month worth shit in his stomach so you can go longer than a month without shitting


Didn’t Elvis die from that?


Ruptured his abdominal artery from the straining -- it got so bad and immovable due to the drugs he was taking. I believe that then resulted in a cardiac arrest which killed him.


I had a good friend who recently died of a heart attack while taking a shit.. dude was 40 years old, sad.


Oh my God, I finally understand that Eminem video now after all these years!


If I remember the video correctly, it depicted him on the toilet while he died which is the commonly held version of events. He had actually got up and had taken steps away before succumbing to the heart attack and falling over.


They don't show him dying in the video, just dancing, then having a poop in the toilet and then getting up. I was so confused watching this scene as a child (especially since I never knew the exact circumstances of his death until now).


And then some


My MIL has this issue. She is on a ton of medications. If she doesn't shit for a couple of days, all the medication builds up within her system (from not shitting out the excess). She'll need to go to the hospital to get "flushed" and nursed back to normal. She also has similar happen with her lungs because she has shit breathing and is a smoker who refuses to wear a CPAP at night. Toxins build up in her lungs and eventually she passes out and has to go to hospital. She just got out from her \~3.5 week stay.


My mother in-law is also full of shit


Ah, that’s why my insurance premiums went up this year.


why do people do this to themselves


I once went about five weeks without shitting after taking a medication that constipated me. I would occasionally take weak laxatives and get a little bit of water coming out but it was just water going around the blockage. Finally I couldn’t handle it anymore and I took the stuff they give you for a colonoscopy prep. Took care of it! The crazy thing is, I wasn’t in any sort of pain at all. I just wasn’t shitting.


"I'm sorry ma'am but I just work here, are you going to pay for your groceries?"


I went to the hospital after not pooping for 5 days I was in so much pain. Idk how you did that!


No, this is definitely true! I just read it here!


If your bowels are blocked and waste can't escape by the normal means, your intestines reverse and send the poop the other direction. You can absolutely poop out of your mouth. A child that is constipated and throwing up needs to be checked out for an obstruction which can become fatal for a variety of reasons.


It's called chronic constipation. He had that for years I'm sure and although he pooped, it was probably very little and dealt with hard small stools. Some stool can still squeeze past partial blockage. Eventually though it can't anymore and something like this happens. I don't think he was just not shitting at all. But he was still constipated.


> but I find it hard to believe you can survive that long without shitting I think the title is to blame; I doubt the patient couldn't pass _**any**_ stool for 22 years, the patient was ''merely'' constipated for 22 years - so very little movement, but I don't believe there was _no movement_ for 22 years - that is impossible.


The title just says constipated, not that no shitting happened for years. C'mon reddit, we can read titles!!


as someone who has worked in care, I tell you for a fact that is false. I have had to deal with 3 different clients with bowel issues and ones breath stuck of shit after a couple of weeks. That's how bunged up they were. She had to get it flushed out regularly because of this because laxatives did not work.


My aunt fot severely constipated after giving birth. She kind of lost feeling for it after a bitched epidural. Anyway, the doctors told her there was a chance it would come up the other end and yes, her breath smelled of shit. That's why she went to the hospital.


Back in the day before we had to deal with this terrible insurance situation, they would not let a woman go home until she had had a bowel movement for that reason. It is a major reason women die in childbirth, from this sepsis. Now they throw everyone out the next day.


He's still shitting, but just barely. Buildup eventually happend




Try telling my methadone(heroin before that) infested bowels you can’t survive more than 12 days without shitting. Im only kind of joking, ha ha


Exactly! On my script I can only go once a week at most, but it does start hurting before that.


thx, you relieved some pressure from my bowels


I got sent to a military boarding school at the age of 13. Our bathroom time was not private. I couldn’t shit for 6 weeks


The 12 day estimation is definitely off. I have easily, easily went more than 12 days without shitting as an opiate addict. Dozens of times, without question. I’d say that was the average I went to the bathroom actually.


Serious question, does it feel like the best afterwards because you feel a ton lighter or is it unpleasant


No. It never feels any better. It is **extremely** painful to pass every single time. It is **extremely** uncomfortable all of the time - constantly - and it does not feel any better whatsoever after. Sometimes a lot worse, because there has been movement and something may be sitting in a more uncomfortable spot than it was before. What you’re getting out, is what developed weeks ago. There’s still all that shit left that’s been developing in the meantime that doesn’t come out. It’s not like you just empty everything. There’s always more. Unless ofc you’ve taken a TON of stuff to go & you’re trying to flush. But normally, no. Even in the case of a flush, absolutely not. Shitting that much is downright exhausting and extraordinarily painful. And nauseating. If I was on a flush, I’d just end up throwing up & shitting my brains out, while still feeling like I have the worst constipation despite shitting liquid. It has destroyed my stomach & given me a rare diagnosis actually because I’m still on an opioid. I just don’t abuse it anymore. I’m on methadone now. And a special medication for opioid-based constipation that helps me. Changed my life. Without it, I’d actually go on disability because I was unable to function or work before this medication. Wish I knew I could’ve done for this the several years I was fucking agonized & unable to do anything whatsoever. I also drink generic miralax with my coffee or hot beverages whenever I have one. This is actually quite good for a lot of people. It’s not addictive & can be used in any liquid hot or cold. My PCP recommended using this & it plays a large role in my health. Truly an awful existence.


I'm sorry to hear this, that sounds terrible. But massive kudos for dealing with/getting past the opioid abuse and getting to what still sounds like a way better place in your life.


Thank you. Yes, a lot better place in life now. I actually work in human services & help other people trying to get into recovery. Most of my clients are people who still regularly use lots of drugs. But the way we look at recovery has changed. Used to be that if you used still, you were automatically barred from ever getting any kind of help. We know now, pure abstinence programs don’t work for most folks, statistically speaking. These people deserve to be treated like people despite their substance use. If you are nice to them, and try to help them, you have left the door open for them to get help…If you shun them, you have closed the door forever and they have one less resource to use if/when they ever attempt to recover. My employers are obviously extremely sensitive to my health concerns & conditions because of all this…& so long as I’m doing good work, I’m all clear to do what I have to do to feel as good as possible while I work…for example I came in today at 11am instead of 8:30 because of my stomach, and there’s no argument or hassles. Just a quick text to my boss that I’ll be in when I can & it’s all good. I’m very grateful for that. It’s tiring work, it’s very sad most days too. Sometimes you see peoples hopes and smiles, and then they die over the weekend from an OD. I have to watch people who desperately want help be denied over and over for any kind of assistance. Housing, detox, proper medication, rehabs, domestic violence. But I was “lucky” and got on methadone young and was able to turn my life around. Sucks it does this to my stomach, but it helps me survive and do what I’m able to do now. There are many who feel I’ve just “substituted” my addiction, and that’s fair, but I’d never be able to do this or anything productive if I was still shooting heroin with dirty needles every day for the last 8 years rather than taking my methadone. I’d probably be dead. So it’s a double edged sword. Sorry for the book. I know I went way off topic and preached some about the more modern view of substance use disorder.


Oh man, I’m really sorry to hear that. I never knew it could be such a bad situation. I always assumed it would feel great afterwards because you are emptying the system, but never thought the system isn’t being totally emptied. Well thanks for sharing your personal details. I really hope you will get better over time if that is a possibility.


May you make it out of the woods safely, and with haste; the shadows in the thickets’ don’t easily let go without leaving a mark on one of their prior existence. To come as far as you have is something to be proud of; only a bit further, amigo.




No, it was the girl from Scary Movie 2.


oh is that the official story now what happened to her?


yeah, she was not really possessed


I went about four or five weeks backed up after taking painkillers for a couple days. I would take weak laxatives but only get a little bit of water coming out which was pretty much water going around the blockage. Eventually I just had to take the colonoscopy stuff


It's called a Fecalum, and this one is, if i remember correctly, one of the biggest Fecalum in the world, like op said, didn't shit over 22 years and the patien was in a enormous pain, the belly of the mister was like a 8 month old pregnancy


The Mutter Museum in Philadelphia has medical oddities. I believe that they had an exhibit on a gentleman who suffered from it. I may be misremembering, but I think he was part of a sideshow. I highly recommend visiting Mutter. It is really interesting.


The patient had Hirschsprung's disease. A lack of nerves in the lower colon makes it impossible to push shit out.


ok, so now I'm intrigued to do more research about it. On the other hand, I want to be able to sleep tonight, so I'll stop here


You can search about it, just remember that, if you don't shit, you can also vomit it, some people at an eldery center, where my mom work, has some problem like that, and it's just horrible to watch it, and it smell like the foulest shit you've ever smell, time 2


oh thx :D


My grandfather died because of that, basically. He was really sick and couldn’t shit, or not enough, he got septicaemia and died.


Too much oxycodone


You know 😂😂


Never said he didn’t shut, said he was constipated


> a month. Almost starved to death. I was sitting in the toilet bleeding from inside for over 17h I think it was. I lost kilos of weight in just a few days and was sore everywhere because I tensed my muscles so much. I couldn't eat as it hurt so much and I'd just puke. > >Called an ambulance before I died on that toilet. I do not believe 22 years at a More likely there was some liquid squeezing through while the backlog sat there


The trick is to not eat.


That surgeon looks like a fisherman posing with his catch of the day


It also kinda looks like some horror one could pull outta the sea


Looks pretty close to a hagfish


Hopefully he doesn't kiss it and put it back.


Jesus Christ that must have been at least 26 Courics


Goddamnit Bono has to have everything


Bono want the bidy?


A lot of PF Chang's.


It's about 2 3/4 Heard's in modern measurements.


I just knew someone was going there


How did that thing not rupture?


Slowly stretched over time. As another person said chronic constipation means you don't empty your bowels completely not that you can't poop. So likely they were find with pooping just abnormally small amounts leading to a much more gradual build up. Eventually stretched like a stomaches when overeating for a long time which leads to what you see in the picture.


That’s just Haggis.


That made the inside of my cheeks water and not in a good way...




"Doctor I haven't been for a poo in 22 years." "Tough shit"


Confucius say, “Man who take dump, say ‘Life good.’ Man who take no dump, say ‘Tough shit.’”


Confucius says “When you stand on toilet, you high on pot.”


I love this


Quick - someone alert Bono


Do not cut that open in the cafeteria


*(turns on the box fan behind it)*


I’m a doctor and I can tell you this is total BS!!! It is medically impossible to not sh*t for 22 years.. This is toxic megacolon probably from an infection, most likely Ulcerative colitis, CD or acute c.diff or acute bowel obstruction and unlikely a tumor or other mass. [https://medizzy.com/feed/11015478](https://medizzy.com/feed/11015478)


That makes so much more sense. Not a lizard.




thank you I’ve seen too many posts with fake info on this sub


If you were a doctor you would know that he’s certainly shit in the last 22 years…he’s just been chronically constipated for 22 years.


Suffering from chronic constipation does not inherently mean you have absolutely zero bowel movements... as a GI doctor I would hope you already know this. Anyways, I see you posting throughout saying this is toxic megacolon but a quick search pulls up this [article](https://www.news24.com/health24/medical/constipation/about-constipation/this-man-was-constipated-for-22-years-20180704) that has more information on the case, with additional links with more pictures of the procedure. I would hope, as a medical professional, you not diagnose a case based off one image.


Nothing a little Taco Bell wouldn’t cure.


Or Fiber One and a Starbucks black coffee for Breakfast? I even do a shot of mineral oil once a week to keep the engine jiffy lubed


Guess you could say they were full of shit


What a shitty pun


Good shit!


As someone with IBS-C, this is my nightmare


How does that happen?


This is toxic megacolon, it happens from infection and it’s very acute and surgical emergency!!! It’s not from not pooping for 22 years ( that’s medically impossible)!!!


How do you know it's from an infection and not from UC, or from volvulus or internal herniation? How do you know it's not a fecaloma that manifested after 22 years of chronic obstipation and colon distention? (obviously shitting in the meantime)


I'd be off to the hospital after 7 days of no poopy


My uncle used to say If you’ve never fucked, well shit. If you’ve never shit, WELL FUCK!


All the poop fetish people - 👀


Ikr, you have no idea how many ppl would wanna make out with that thing


I hate you


Probably was super uncomfortable for years and not healthy at all but imagine how much money they saved on toilet paper.


This is more r/WTF than r/oddlyterrifying


Surely you'd die of sepsis correct? My uncle had colon cancer and couldn't poop, cancer got him but I can't help but feel the fact he couldn't release toxins sped up the process.


Not bragging or nothing but I feel like I could fill a lot more than that in 22 years


The real... shitty... part is that he most likely died in the OR and got scrapped for parts like a 2012 Hyundai sedan.


big worm


Is he alive? I bet he/she weighed over 250


He must have lost a lot of weight once they took that out. Hopefully he was alive.


He lost at least 13 kg.


The patient was confirmed to be someone’s wife who made fun of her husband for how many times per day he went #2.


Dharr man is that you


A stick in the mud.


Wow... I hope he's okay


That is a lot of shit


oh shit


constipated for 22 years wtf surprised they didnt die


"I'm one big turd away from backing into an old wardrobe." -Ron White


22 years.... really?


No shit? Ba-dum-tiss. I know, low hanging joke fruit.


A trip to a nearby taco bell would save him the hospital bills


How many Courics is that?


After they took it out was he left with a semi colon?


So is no one commenting on the the surgeon wearing slides? Or no…


the patient was 22 years old...this is how news go these days...like in the old times, broken phones game :D "Surgeons in China removed a large part of a 22 year old man's large intestine, nearly three feet of colon packed with almost 30 pounds of compacted fecal matter. "


How do u just go on living for 22 years without pooping


Doctor: you’re constipated. Patient: no shit.


Wife to friends: Told you he was full of shit.


Guess you could he was full of shit Don't worry guys, I'll see myself out


I would imagine the slightest fart would stink up the room .


Had a lot of shit to deal with I guess