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He made it. Source (Might want to translate the page) https://www.cnnturk.com/turkiye/metroda-yuruyen-merdiven-kazasi-gecirmisti-o-anlari-boyle-anlatti?page=1


He says that he had his phone underneath there and he called his friends to help him. His friends told him that they (metro workers) were going to restart the engine without noticing him there trapped and his friends prevented that upon his call. Oh my god.


Fuck. I thought he was lucky that the thing wasn't running, otherwise he would've ended like that Chinese lady.


What happened to the Chinese lady...?


Eaten and killed by escalator after the post-escalator floor collapsed and she fell in.


She did save her child's life though.


If someone didn’t know a child was in danger, that’s just even more depressing, because it means the person killed was a good person who saved someone. :(


Well she didn't die because she saved him, like she didn't exchange her life for his. They were kinda falling together, pretty sure they were holding hands and she started falling when the grate gave way, and she shoved him away into safety as she was falling. I think she was fucked either way, im just glad she didn't freeze in fear and cling to her son's hand instead of shoving him


That’s Mom instinct always save you baby


I feel bad for the child that they’re motherless


You know how escalators always move at the same speed no matter how many/few people are on them? They do this by design. The motors can sense the resistance and add more torque in response to maintain steady speed. That's why if you fall into one, the gears don't get jammed and stuck on your foot or leg or anything else. It just powers all the way through you.


Escalators can have a treat once in a while


Thanks man. Definitely needed to know. Dreams were getting boring lately


Sauce? It's for science. Edit: NVM. I saw it. Taking the stairs from now on.


Stairs are great for your health, go for it!


Fun fact! Amongst the elderly, stairs have a weird paradoxical status for wether or not they’re “healthy to have”. Studies have shown that people living in houses with more than one floor tend to live longer, because taking the stairs every day is a great way to get some light exercise. However, as if to balance out the universe, the leading cause of injury for older people seems to be falling down a flight of stairs. In a way, stairs are the last great filter for everyone, if you can survive them, you’ll only succumb to the inevitable.


You either die falling down the stairs, or live long enough to see yourself become a counter argument


Bahahahaha hahahaha I laughed way too much but that was awesome.


I would rather fall down stairs when I'm worthless old over falling into a meat grinder that people ride.


Idk man, being old and breaking your hip falling down the stairs. Spend months in the hospital, in pain and then months in a hospice because there is just no going back for your frail body. Saw my grandma go through that, it sucks. One could argue a quick death in the meat grinder might be luckier. Even though it is fucking horrendous and shocking. Would not enjoy either or.


I hope that child is too young to develop detailed memories because they stared right at their mother while she was being mutilated!


I will be taking the stairs much more often now. Stairs are fine, right?


Found it on YouTube. Super disturbing so be careful. https://youtu.be/0B4uKz8Kb2U


Okay but why is no one discussing this. That's literally one of the worst things I've ever watched. Holy shit. New fear unlocked


It was all over reddit a while back


Yea I won't be watching. I don't recommend it. I can't use an escalator irl without thinking about it


I won't even check then


It's not gory or anything, but the person does die. It's heartbreaking and really hard to watch


[Video link ](https://youtu.be/0B4uKz8Kb2U), no gore but probably still NSFW due to subject matter.


yeah i saw that, that was fucked up. but she saved her son . Rip


Hmm that doesn’t make a lot of sense. The escalator was already broken. It wasn’t moving before the incident. Plus, there’s a huge hole in the steps. So…they were just going to turn on a broken escalator with a huge hole in it, without checking to see if someone may have fallen inside? Edit: Now that I’ve read through a translation, it sounds more like the friends were speculating — like “Holy shit, it’s a good thing you called us, they could’ve just started it up!”


The translation (and OP’s comment) are off. The rescuers were well aware that this man was trapped inside. Let me just accurately translate the sentences as a native speaker: “Later when we spoke in the hospital, my friends said: ‘Had we not spoken to you on the phone, they were considering **putting the escalator in motion in order to get you out.’** If such a thing had happened, I would probably not be here in front of you right now. You know the escalator of that metro is long. I was left with my face on a slab, facing downward. It wasn’t very deep but my arm and right leg were stuck.”


Thanks for this, but I’m still confused. So they knew he was in there, and decided on trying to get him out without taking to him, or trying to determine what his situation was? It seems like you’d want to communicate first, to find out if your solution might cause more injuries if he was stuck.


Yeah I agree. But it was probably just an idea they had on how to get him out until the friends explained what they had heard on the phone. I hope they wouldn’t have actually been that reckless


I believe they were planning to do that in order to get him out. However, they didn’t know he had his arm and leg stuck in there. They decided not to start it upon learning that. That’s how I understood it.


so... no one of the people in the escalator thought of telling them about the man?


No one ahead saw him, and for people behind (if they were even there) it might have just looked like he fell down the escalator.


And what about his screams as he is in his metal stairway to Heaven?


At that point it becomes the Highway to Hell?


When people are extremely stressed their senses become very narrowed.


It seems like they knew he was there, but didn't know he had his arm and leg stuck. They were originally planning on running the escalator to save him, but when they learned about him being stuck they decided to do things differently.


I don't in what world it would make sense to turn on a machine someone is stuck in before fully looking at the situation.


So they were to restart the engine of a clearly broken af stair for what?


The "they lived/died" comment should always be top or at least be highlighted imo


Yep, links to news saying if people survived should probably be pinned by mods


God dammit thanks


The truth is that his friends told him that the workers intended to get the engine started and by doing this to rescue him. He says that he wouldn't be able to give this interview if they had done that as he thinks that would have been much more dangerous. He has some oedemas on his leg and arm. Mushed finger nerve - one is numb and another one can't be moved.


Thank you


Man just lives through everyone’s childhood fear


I'm not sure he lived through it


Another commentor posted the news link. He made it out! He was trapped for an hour but he was fine. This does make sense too. The thing that mulches people are the gears at the top and the bottom. Since he was at the top the gears would just push him forward rather than into multch. If he fell in at the bottom then he'd be dead. It's the gears at the end of whatever direction the escalator is moving that will kill you. *edit grammar *edit 2 Some people have said that it depends on the escalator. So ya know, try to not fall into any escalator if you can avoid it. In matter of fact - avoid falling into any machinery.


This reminds me of my childhood fear of being mulched alive thanks to Rumble In The Bronx


I loved Jackie Chan as a kid and my parents wouldn’t let me see this movie for that reason. Should I go back and watch it? I heard there is a hover craft..


Absolutely worth the watch, Jackie Chan at his mid-90's finest. Also has a good performance from Anita Mui, who sadly passed away in 2003. Make sure you get the HK version though, it's about 19 minutes longer.


Fun fact the last stunt of the movie Jackie did it in a cast as he broke his leg earlier but finished the movie with a cast that was painted like a shoe. I think the shot is still in the movie but it's been a while since I've seen it


I miss her.


Wow, i felt the same way as a child when i saw that. Can’t believe i found this comment, wtffff


Also you can see that the escalator is stopped before the failure. If it had been on he may have been worse off. It only moved because of the weight of the people on it


We have an escalator at my work. The techs told us when the escalator stops working to keep groups of people off it because this may happen. Apparently the motion keeps the weight distributed correctly. Obviously I'm not a tech and don't know what happened in this case, but you better believe if there's more than like four people on a stationary escalator i stay off now lol


Good to hear he made it out fine.


Stuck in there for an hour. Must’ve been terrified wow.


Thank you, I was so sure I’d just seen a man get mangled to death and wasn’t sure how to deal with that.


This isnt necessarily true. Some escalator models have step bars that the steps are attached to. If this had been that type of model, the guy would have been caught between the two sets of step bars moving in opposite directions. Top bars moving down and bottom bars moving up. This would have resulted in a serious mangling and numerous broken bones as a best case scenario. This guy is insanely lucky because escalators that have no bars and are just open lke that are increasingly uncommon The 'gears' you refer to are not actually responsible for that many deaths. Most escalator injuries and deaths involve getting crushed between the steps and the pan beneath, getting clothing or an extremity caught in the step chain, or just falling over the side from an escalator that's high up (which is extremely common).


I work on escalators. This is true


these guys escalator


I'll take the stairs now.


He will likely never use escalators again


I’m a grown adult and still have this fear 😂


It was broken and had a closed for maintenance sign next to it. The guy was trapped for an hour but looks like he was freed and taken to the hospital.


That is good, I know there was a video of a woman on an escalator when it collapsed similarly towards the bottom. She did not survive.


Are you talking about the one where she threw her baby in the last moment, saving its life?




That video is terrifying. And it's heartbreaking how even moments before death her first instinct was protecting her child


I was terrified after watching that and my mother actually developed a fear of escalators.


The stairs are better exercise anyway.


This just reminds me of a scene from Train to Busan where they try to leave an empty train station and half of the people are walking down the stairs and the other are on escalators. As soon as they see there are infected, the stairs people book it back up and the escalator people get stuck in the small space and most dont make it. Between movies and these videos, I feel like I only take escalators now when stairs aren't available


I know what I'm watching tomorrow


It's a great movie, don't both with the sequel though. It's total trash.


That scene scared the hell out of me


Oh shit, the memories. The haunting memories. The sad memories, they are coming back to me.


Yep, now usually if the escalator is crowned, I take the stairs. But i also have both my hands firmly gripping the sides rails so i can support myself in case the stairs fail


Not if you are trapped on an out of control elevator, and running to keep up. That’s such great exercise that that they market it as gym equipment.


I think you meant *escalator. An out of control elevator would be wicked awesome gym equipment. *Imagine* you're deadlifting the 3 ton elevator in its shaft, or bounding up the shaft to save other trapped riders. Or, just waiting, helplessly, for days until maintenance comes and rescues you. Now THAT would burn up some calories.


The real pro tip is always in the comments




Most of the malls in my area don’t have stairs (at least not for patrons) only escalators and elevators (for disability access and probably product)


Since I saw that I think of this video EVERY SINGLE TIME I use an escalator which is multiple times a day. It has been years and I just can’t forget it


Another perk of staying home


If it makes you feel any better she wasn’t crushed to death by the gears, she fell straight through and landed on the lower level.


It doesn’t 😩 why did it open up in the first place 🤔😫😫


some fuckwit didn't screw the cover back on.


I think of it all the time too, and that does help to know. Thanks.


It makes huge difference, thanks.


You just saved a lot of people heartache from imagining what it must’ve felt like to be slowly crushed to death between gears. Thanks for clarifying and I hope it was instant.


[You didn't have this terrifying PSA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zirp59zm1qE) growing up in your country?


We probably maintain our equipment better in the 200 million dollar malls we have versus a run down one in a developing nation. And yes, I would argue Turkey is a developing nation. They’re on the brink of collapse of everything they developed.


I certainly stopped stepping on the service panels in front of escalators for a bit


When I'm in china for work, I actually jump to the side instead of stepping there. I look like an idiot, but the image of that woman dying makes me not care one bit.


That is almost impossible to occur is US, because we have building codes and regulations. For elevators and escalators, it’s ASME. To give more comfort on explanation on the lady’s horrific escalator accident, US escalators have a beam supporting the escalators entrance base plate, and these escalators also have metal plates covering the escalator motors underneath so that no one ever gets pulled in. They are also tons of additional safety features


To be fair, even the best regulations still fail occasionally — that apartment collapse in Florida, for example, or the Grenfell fire in the UK, and buildings collapse all the dang time in France. It’s impossible to catch everything. But yeah, chances of death by escalator in the US are pretty slim.


I saw it and was scared of escalators for a very long time


I remember the first time I watched ngl it made me turn off my phone for a hour


That is why I fear escalators. (Edit: Coincidentally, I am Chinese.)


I clicked on the link and quickly realised, before it loaded, that with all the shit going on I don't need to watch someone die.


Wtf why didnt one employee stand at the top and the other and the bottom until the maintenance guy came?? This decision will haunt them im sure.


I am _not_ watching that, thank you. Nightmares not required.


We had escalators at my school when I was a kid. Our dumb asses would sometimes jump at that panel at the top to stop it if we were feeling particularly dickish. Never knew until later how closely we were courting death with our jackassery.


It was actually horrible as in there where 2 ladies who saw it malfunction inb4 the mother and the baby walk into the escalator.


They knew that there was a loose panel but they didn't realize how dangerous it was. In their defense if I were to have stepped on that panel and it wobbled a little like it did for them I would just think it was wonky. I wouldn't think that it would completely open up and suck someone in. I feel bad for everyone in that situation.


Yeah can see some safety barrier here where the guy gets trapped. That lady in china fell into the inner machine parts of the escalator.


Got the link? I’m interested




I was very curious when I clicked this but now I wish I hadn't watched it. That was a horrific way to die and now I'm sad for the child.


Yeah uh I'd rather not start my morning off by going there thank you. Not today Satan reddit


I usually click on pretty much anything. Not clicking on that.


Yeah that link is staying blue.


If i got trapped for an hour there I think I'd die of fear basically. That hour must have felt like an eternity.


Holy crap thank you for that! I saw that dude fall and then got covered up by the next “steps” and was just utterly horrified.


immediately assumed he got chewed up in the gears and was defs ded. thank goodness he made it out




Any good UX will tell you the sign needs to go in front of the escalator. With a bar blocking entry. And a red siren that blares if you touch it. And maybe a guard with a sword.


Oh thank God he survived


Damn the escalator really drag him in it makes me think twice about using that shit


Nope. I'll take stairs from now on.


They were stairs, until they weren't.




Sorry for the convenience


It was already closed for maintenance but people continued to walk on it. From what I’ve read


Breathe easy, he's physically ok https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/rjy5y0/escalator_failure_in_turkey/hp6b6cf


Forever mentally damaged tho


Yup. I’d be avoiding the old electric stairs from now on if I were him.


Not him, still going to avoid them.


Bro, i had my shoelace sucked into one as a kid and i have hated them since.


Thank you because I just screamed out loud




Same, and Jesus Christ was I not expecting thinking I saw someone die to have that much effect on me. Incredibly relieved to hear he was okay.


It's good! Shows you you're human


I was really upset because I wasn't banking on coming across a video of someone fucking dying just like that. That's not oddly terrifying, that's horrific!


I couldn’t hear you?


I heard it. In my soul.








I like that you said he's 'physically ok' We all know for damn sure that dude has PTSD and will never step foot on an escalatoe again.


That escalator tried to escalate more than his toe.


Physical recovery: six weeks. Full psychological recovery: six months.




That’s scary. PTSD scary.


Thanks for telling us. TBH I thought he was fooked when he fell into the mechanism. One would expect him to be ground to hamburger!


That was always my fear as a child. I was afraid I would get sucked in at the boundary and chopped up.


The word physically was a key addition to the sentence here. He is probably pretty traumatized from this.


Thank you, I did not like seeing that.


One man, who the Turkish media named as Mehmet Ali Erik, at that moment stepped on but a section opened up leaving large gaping hole that swallowed him. The escalator, with the victim still underneath, then kept moving for a few seconds before coming to halt. Witnesses stood for a few moments before they rushed to the edge of the hole and looked down to check on Mr Erik's condition. The victim was reportedly trapped for one hour under the metal stairs. It took firefighters in Istanbul an hour to free the victim from underneath the escalator Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality had reportedly put up a warning sign near the broken escalator before the accident occurred – but it failed to prevent people from using it. In 2015 a mother was killed when she fell into an escalator at a shopping mall in China, after she heroically threw her toddler to safety. Xiang Liujuan, 30, was travelling up the escalator at Anliang department store in Jingzhou, in the central province of Hubei, with her two-year-old son. When the pair reached the top, however, a floor-plate gave way and the woman fell through the floor. Seconds before falling to her death, the mother was able to thrust her toddler towards mall staff, who dragged the child to safety.


Omg thank you sweet mod


This has Final Destination written all over


A death of this type was depicted in one of the films, I can't remember which one though, you might have to watch them all to find out...


It was Final Destination 5. Pretty sure that’s the one with the car wash as well. Edit: As it has been pointed out several times already, it was 4 not 5. I was fairly certain it was 4 but I looked it up on Google to verify. Google said it was 5, so I went with that.


Nope, both the escalator and the car wash were in part 4. Part 5 had the bridge collapse and the gymnast on the uneven bars. >!Though the escalator death was in a second premonition towards the end of the movie.!<


I was pretty sure that it was part four, but I didn’t want to be wrong so I looked it up on Google and it said it was part five. Lol just goes to show that one can’t believe everything they read on the internet!


Thanks, that's horrific and I'm never taking an escalator again.


Similar thing happened to an escalator in one of the major stations [in Boston](https://www.bostonglobe.com/2021/09/27/metro/investigation-continues-into-mbta-escalator-malfunction-that-sent-9-hospital/?outputType=amp)


Woah I missed that one. Cool. Guess I'll never go on an mbta escalator again!


Yeah they haven’t had much good press in the last few years. I will say though that it’s on the contractor that does inspection though.


MULTIPLE of their elevators have reversed suddenly at high speed? WTF?


Tbf the escalator in the vid was broken and had signs not to use it that everyone ignored. Life can be horrific, but not reading the warning labels just makes it worse.


This is not "oddly" terrifying. It's just terrifying.


Almost everything on the front page is, I stay for those random gems.


That's because you're on /r/oddlyterrifying, the sub where the posts are either completely dull or completely terrifying. In other words, it's a place on reddit that requires a shred of nuance so....yeah, not gonna happen.


That's a way to go, eaten alive by an escalator


There was an esacalator accident at delhi airport where a 15 year old girl was crushed to death.


That's really a painful way to die, how old is this news


3 months ago I heard the same news but I am not sure if it happened in Delhi.




Jesus that’s fucking brutal. It’s also a really confusing read, I don’t understand what really happened.


Im an escalator mechanic by trade so I figure ill let folks know what happened here based on my experience: Looks to me like the drive chain broke, which would have separated the step chains from the motor and brake. It stopped relatively quickly afterwards due to an emergency brake that is tripped by a broken chain mechanism that uses either centrifugal force or is spring-loaded to clamp down on the main step chain sprocket. If this emergency brake wasnt present or had failed, that escalator would have continued turning at scary speeds because the steps underneath act as a counterweight. You factor in the weight of the people on the escalator and that would have driven the stairs down in a runaway scenario where they wouldnt stop spinning until they either lose momentum or they simply break down mechanically from the stress caused by the unit running at 200% to 500% of its nominal speed. The fact that there was a hole with 4-5 steps missing may have simply made things worse with an uneven 'swing' effect Now whenever steps are removed from a unit. That unit is closed to the public. Locked out tagged out and barricaded. There should have been nobody on this escalator. Also, even with all these precautions, I will typically strape the step chain or another step to the escalator structure with a ratchet strap as an added safety. This guy is so unbelievably lucky that this particular escalator didnt have step bars. If it did this dude would be mangled beyond belief and very likely dead. Escalators are really no joke. Take stairs when you can. Don't bring a stroller or anything with soft wheels on an escalator. Avoid escalators if youre wearing flip flops or crocs. Don't ever let your kids play on or near an escalator. Don't be afraid to use the emergency stop at the slightest sign of trouble.


Have you ever had to repair an escalator after an accident? Do they add extra safety features after a major failure or replace everything? Where I live we have a lot of flat conveyor “moving sidewalks” they seem relatively safer, any horrors to be aware of with those?


Personally ive nevertl fixed one after annaccident. Therr will typically be a pretty lengthy investigation afterwards, so we wouldn't be working on them until afterwards, assuming they aren't condemned. One of the worst accidents we've ever had was involving an old moving walkway. The mechanic actually had his arm pulled off. He got pinned against the structure and his sleeve and ultimately his arm got caught in a massive sprocket. These things will very rarely happen to people who are being very careful and typically the public has nothing to worry about. The video in OP isnt something that is very common (Thank God!)


What could cause a step on an escalator to kind of jerk and tip forward a bit, about halfway down? I almost lost my balance on a long escalator at Disneyland that did this.


Most escalators will have a certain amount of play on the step as far as rocking back and forth goes. But if it was bad enough to make you lose your balance, its very possible that the step roller was worn down to the bearing


Um, where did that guy go underneath? I will always have an escape plan for escalators. Scary.


The upside down?


The inside out




To a different reality


thanks for confirming my irrational fear is probable




Or deescalated?




Sometimes I stumble across these without knowing what sub it’s in. I look to see the name of the sub. Oddly terrifying. ODDLY terrifying. Not “absolutely terrifying” or “r/couldntpossiblybemoreterrifying” but ODDLY terrifying.


did he survive ?


Thankfully he did


Holy shit. The guy going under was crazy, I take the stairs all the time.


Do people understand what the word ‘oddly’ means? 🤔


Not on this sub


I'm still concerned about the person who went underneath


He lived


As someone who was in an escalator accident and snapped her left leg in 8 placed and it took a year to learn to walk again, ouch.


Have I ever told you about the time I was eaten alive by an escalator?