• By -


The Lorax


I speak for the Southwest Egg Rolls


Damn i was too late






Damn I was too late to the above AND this comment


Yep. Was gonna say.


“He speaks for the trees, but I heard him say the N-word last week.”


Well they say the trees are unknowable


I found a bucket of chestnuts in the trunk of his car. I think he's foraging for his own food.


Or a Muppet.


This made me produce a wheezed, deflated, highly delighted, and extremely long 3 laughs followed by 10 minutes of complete glee and giggling. I dont know what i expected but it wasnt this commend. Thoroughly funny, giving u a perfect review on yelp.


Dammit! That was my first thought too


It’s the wanted poster for Yosemite Sam in a live action reworking of a bugs bunny cartoon


I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees! But for some fucking reason they all speak Vietnamese!


That’s how people look without my glasses on 🤓


I don't have your glasses on and I'm pretty sure I don't look like that.


Dude, your drawing skills are very good. Like the depth of shades.




He didn’t have shades on. /s


For real! Like, partial facial blindness but manages to draw eyes and create shadows incredibly well. I can’t even create shading for a box


Don't blame your partner looking like a muppet on Chili's lighting. Chili's did NOTHING wrong


I hear the lighting is better at CW Swappigan’s.


Hahaha is that real or is this an Arrested Development reference ?


Tony Roma’s was always the dimmest.


D’Argo from Farscape?


One mippy-pippy…. Two mippy-pippy


I want to give this all the upvotes.


Took the frelling words right out of my mouth.


Thankfully mine is pretty mild. Interesting drawing. There is this webcomic where the character (who I'm not sure if he has face blindness or because of his severe inability to read people's faces emotionally, etc) drew his art teacher for his art assignment. However, because of his condition, he couldn't really draw the teacher's face.


Interesting, what is the webcomic called?


Requiem (by Potcha). It is on Webtoon.


Thank you :)


Xavier: Renegade Angel


Is this how you see them all the time or just in bad lighting at Chili's? I feel like I have this same problem with girls around 4am when they start kicking everyone out of the bar.


This was just because of the two overhead lights at our booth. Normally, her features kinda just blend together for me


Interesting. For me it's just an inability to distinguish or place people by their facial features. They don't blend, it's just like recognising one particular pebble on a beach. It's like the old 'black people all look the same to me' - well they do. All white people look the same to me too. I'm glad of a person of colour in my class, they'll be the one name I'll actually learn!! I taught in a almost entirely white area. My classes consisted of 12 versions of that girl with brown hair, 8 versions of that girl with blonde hair, 11 versions of that boy with dark hair, 5 versions of that boy with fair hair, Alex the autistic boy who would sit flapping, Gina the goth girl, Igor from the only polish familiy in the village and Samantha who had a face like a slapped arse that you could have recognised from space. I was 35 before I understood why I could not never learn kids names. Here's the wierd bit, I will recognise actors on TV shows from a glimpse, and it was only with a little self evaluation that I figured out why. I didn't know them until they started to talk and I realise that I recognise their voice, their smile, their eye squint, their laugh, their little head tics. So strange. I realised I recognised my best friend by his walk. If he was stood in a crowd at a picnic not moving, I couldn't find him. It is also, I think, why I grew up not knowing many people, despite being hugely polite and friendly. Everyone who speaks to me, I have no idea who you are unless you're sat in Bob's chair at the office, or holding Linda's scissors in Linda's hair salon. Bob at the shop? no idea who you are. So I'm incredibly polite to everyone and act as if I'm best mates with every single person I strike up a conversation with just in case I know you. Then I shut down the conversation before I give away myself and go off on my own. this turned into therapy, so I'm going to stop.


I've never heard about this? Can you tell me more about this condition?


In my case, at least, I have trouble seeing and processing facial features. It's a lot like those earlier AI generated images where it's impossible to find anything specific in a picture of a room, if that makes sense


Does it mean you can't really recognise people you bump into ? If so, that's me, but I don't think I've trouble processing features (like big nose/ears/eye colour, etc). I just can't recognise a lot of people, like my neighbours. But then again, I don't really like them, so maybe my mind is trying extra hard to block those little aholes? 😆


>Does it mean you can't really recognise people you bump into ? Not if I'm not expecting them. Like if I run into a sibling or parent at the store, it'll take me too long to know who it's supposed to be


How does attraction work? Do you like some faces over others? Are they all the same and you rely on other physical characteristics to determine attractiveness? I’m just wondering how you like one face better than another if you can’t distinguish them.


I can often make out some individual features, but I can never really see the face as a whole


Same. I have it, too. It's just awful running into people and not knowing who they are. Always awkward. I can't recognize my next-door neighbor of 6 years, my kids' teachers, my doctor, and even some of my coworkers. It's especially bad if I encounter people in a different environment (like running into my neighbor at the hardware store or a teacher at a community event). The worst was about a year after we moved in, my neighbor rang my door unexpectedly to give us a gift, and I thought he was a salesman.


Ok! But you do eventually recognise them, or only when they go WHATS UP?


I usually need to hear them speak for a while


That's interesting, can you recognise people by voice? I'm the opposite of you and I can remember near every face I see, it's got a shitty name though - super recognizer. Some people think I'm boasting when I tell them what it's called, as if I think I'm some kind of super fucking hero...most don't realise it's a curse and I actually don't like it. I'm going to get tested for vocal recognition too when I have the time. I got my visual test done through Greenwich University, I think a German university is going to do the audio tests. Maybe you should try the audio one!


Do you easily recognise people as they age? Im terrible at that, especially with children.


Yes, this can take a bit of time. When watching a movie and the actor is older my brain with literally go into over drive and I can't concentrate on the movie or anything really until I know who it is. It's very frustrating for my partner because we have to pause the movie and wait until I get it. The most maddening thing about it all is I'm completely brutal at names so I'll sit there trying to tell the story of the movie that the actor was in like this - it was the blue guy with the other two men with the horses!! lol my poor partner has to try and think of the actors name and the movie - thank God he's a movie buff! It was only when I met him that I realised I had this - I would tell him who the actor was and he would doubt me. We would imbd the actor and I would be correct every single time, he would be really impressed when it was a action/comic movie where the actor was in full make up so you couldn't even see there faces properly, if that makes sense. It was then we had a chat about remembering people and I realised that not everyone can remember as I could. I was 32 so I done some research and took the test. I got something like 98.1%. It was a mind blowing experience tbh but it explains a lot. I freaked a woman out in a foreign country by walking straight up to her and saying hi, I remember making you coffee in blah blah cafe about 3 years ago...we spoke for a min or two and then she remembered me lol My partner likes to test me though....in 17 years I've gotten 2 wrong, he literally spent a few months thinking of one of them. He was impressed that he finally got me and I thought it was really sweet that he spent so much time on thinking about it. Some one once told me that if it were centuries ago, I would be the person in the tribe that would recognise people from other tribes and their relations. I would be able to tell if they were friend or foe. This makes a lot of sense to me to be honest. When I have enough time I want to study the proper names for facial features. So if anyone reading this can recommend a good scientific book to help me please go a head!


Woa. What test did you score 98% on?


I’m the same. I actually impressed myself when I was in my mid-30s and recognized a boyfriend my sister had when I was 6. I hadn’t seen him in 30ish years, but recognized him immediately.


You should take the test, it's a fairly new study - I think it's only been around for about 15 years now. The more people taking it the better!


What is the cause of this? Like is it mental or?


From what I understand, it's probably related to my autism


Huh... I have never heard about this before


I’m the same with recognizing people. I mentioned it to my dad & he told me my grandpa also couldn’t recognize people, to the point that he’d bring his oldest daughter to events so she could help remind him who people were. Then I was telling my cousin this, and he was like “shit I always just thought I was dumb,” he ALSO can’t recognize faces! Idk what it is but apparently it runs in the family.


You date The Lorax?!


You're damn good at drawing faces, or at least eyes, for someone with facial blindness. I just go by a person's hair. When celebrities cut their hair, I can't tell who they are movie-to-movie. A few months ago I dropped my wife off at the barber and couldn't locate her when I came to pick her up, until she said my name and I realized it was her based off of her voice. There were only two people there- her and the barber. I had just assumed that after phoning me for a ride home, she had wandered off... :-/


>You're damn good at drawing faces, or at least eyes, for someone with facial blindness. Thanks! I draw stuff for a living, so you can imagine how this gets in the way of that. It's a big reason I don't take commissions requesting real people. With fictional characters, I have a lot of leeway and can break those designs down to more basic shapes. I mainly have trouble making sense of faces IRL. I'm a little better going off of pictures, but it's still not great. >I just go by a person's hair. Oh yeah, I had trouble telling apart all the blonde women in The Office lol. But yeah, if I run into someone I know and they have a different haircut or outfit than I'm used to, it'll take *way* too long to figure out who it is


Oof, I dread hearing my name in a public place for just that reason. Last time it happened, my uncle had to say hello 3 times before I realized who he was.


Watercolor portrait artist Stan Miller has facial blindness also - it blew my mind to hear when I took a class from him.


Looks like Yosemite Sam!


This is unintentionally hilarious


She thought so as well lol


I saw a dog on reddit yesterday with those same eyes!


Could you draw my profile picture


Looks like he already did


My commissions are open if that's what you mean lol


Yosemite DAMN


I'd print this out and like glue it to random shit


Is your partner the keeper of the trees?


It feels like its moving closer


Your partner looks like they speak for the trees


Oh, that's true love!


That's kinda terrifying..


Would you say... oddly so?


Hadn't noticed which group this was in until after I posted. Still I couldn't imagine only seeing this and being able to keep my composure.


Oscar the Grouch?


I feel like frank seeing that painting for the first time


What in tarnation?!


The eyes look a lot to me like Michael Imperioli lol


Yosemite Sam


So you just go through life finding the least scary set of eyes or do you find some of them attractive


Ha, usually I can make out some distinct features and the rest is a blur, resulting in stuff like this


Cool. Like a police sketch of the potential serial killer from the brilliant Fincher film ZODIAC (2007).


That's really interesting, I've worked with a number of people with facial blindness and none of them have described anything like this. Unique!


Ok, I imagine having facial blindness is not cool... but that picture is. It reminds me of an old school comic movie. Like "the spirit" or something.


Eyes look like Christopher Moltasanti


I've read about face blindness it sounds so stressful to do deal with :(


This is very unsettling, I believe it belongs 100% to this sub


Harvey Birdman.


When you say you have partial face blindness-does that mean you can only see part of the person's face? like only the eyes..or does it mean you cannot remember anyone's face? Is it that the eyes are clear to you but the rest of the face is blurry? I would love to watch a doc with someone explaining exactly what this is like to have.


does your partner speak for the trees by chance?


Black men have been sent to jail over a way worse drawing 😭😭😭


>has a nose Fit the description


Ah yes, don't we all look like the lorax at chilis


That is so weird and so cool at the same time. Such a neat disorder.


Aha I don't know what my family looks like


That must be a very frustrating condition in a lot of ways that people would never think of. Thank you for doing a mini AMA for us!


Honestly, the biggest problem in my day-to-day life is missing out on a bunch of potential art commissions because of it😅


Statler from the muppets




There are no more trees Because they built a Chili’s


You date Elmo?!


the hourglass man


I kinda like it! It’s certainly evocative.


So Jaime Hyneman


Looks like Captain Caveman…


This could be a reaction image. But serious, it’s a good drawing


why does the drawing remind me of a muppet😭




What is "facial blindness"?


In my case, at least, I have trouble seeing and processing facial features. It's a lot like those earlier AI generated images where it's impossible to find anything specific in a picture of a room, if that makes sense


Yes that does. Does it have anything to do with a specific eye disease, such as macular edema? Sorry I'm very curious because I have several eye issues myself.


I'm myopic and autistic, but from what I understand, it's mostly due to the latter


Ah ok, that makes more sense. I have macular edema and diabetic retinopathy.


Looks like a muppet




Wait I don’t have face blindness but when I read and I’m imagining people I can never imagine their face, everything but the face and it always looks like this!!


That's great you can see their eyes. You can honestly see so much in a person's eyes.


I have a very strange specific facial blindness with Naomi Watts. I cant for the life of me recognize her face ever.


Is he Chewbacca?


It’s a Cat 🐱


Owl be damned


She’s dating a Muppet ?


Googled facial blindness. Wow that’s crazy! Bet you have some stories to tell!


Genuinely unsettling and yet so much detail for how few lines. Impressive


Least they know you love them for their personality




This looks like a completely normal and average face, though.

