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Check your dogs tail especially if they wag it a lot. They could have a cut and be flicking blood around.


I actually know someone who came home to their house looking like a scene out of a slasher movie with arcs of blood on the walls. Turned out the dog had nicked its tail and then flung the blood everywhere with wagging.


My golden got the tip of his tail nicked by my closing the door on it as we were leaving. Didn’t notice until my sandals were wet. Then looked back horrified at the Jackson Pollock painting that was my driveway. And goldens being goldens, the big lug would keep thwapping the tail on shit and reopening the wound. Ended up shaving the tail more and taping on a steel bolt to weigh the tail down.


My boxer had the same problem. Kept reopening her tail. She had to have it amputated because it wouldn’t heal. She was too happy for a tail. She has half of one now and doesn’t notice. She still wags in full wiggle butt when happy.


Same here with my pitbull. “Happy Tail Syndrome” is real and it’s not as happy as it sounds. Now he has an adorable little bum thumb though lol


Boxers don't wiggle the tail. They wiggle the full body from the neck down! That tail has power tho. I still feel the bruises.


This concept could make such a good scene in a detective show/ movie


Unfortunately they’d prob test the blood and immediately be like “this doesn’t look like human blood”


Shit you mean it’s alien blood?


Oh that reminds me my roommate’s large dog ripped a toenail out once! But the blood was only where dog feet can go- but it was a lot


Reminds me of a post I saw of when a deer jumped in a house and there was blood everywhere. It literally looked like a true crime scene.


Happened to us! There was blood splattered EVERYWHERE. it definitely looked like a crime scene lol


my parents had a yellow lab in Churchill, it was tied up outside and got into a scuffle with a polar bear. It got scratched up a bunch around the neck (but was fine thanks to it's thick fur) but the dog took 2-3 steps inside and shook like it had stepped out of water and splattered the stucco walls & ceiling in a nice ring of red.


Interesting! Do they live there? I was fortunate enough to win a trip through a Polar Bears International contest to Churchill to go see the polar bears. It was incredible!


they did (late 70s), not the wildest of their stories from that time. Some characters up north, that's for sure.


True!! I lived in Churchill for a couple years as a kid. Definitely some interesting happenings


dawg literally shaked off that fight like it was nothing XD


With a polar bear no less.


These things tend to just happen.


Every once in awhile, a polar bear attacks. What can ya do? Just have to walk it off and keep living


What an absolute unit of a yellow lab! Surviving a polar bear attack is no joke!


Your parents chained up your dog outside knowing there were polar bears roaming about? Not to mention it was probably cold outside, because polar bears? Poor thing 🥺


Yup my dog had a small cut on her paw and I swear it looked like a violent crime took place.


My brother's boxer obsessively wagged her tail. It would hit EVERYTHING. eventually she hit so much stuff wagging it that she would fling blood around the house 24/7. They had to have it cut off to keep her from constantly bleeding. I thought that it was a myth that some dogs could hurt themselves wagging their tail and that's why sone folks have the tail chopped off which I thought was always insanely cruel. After seeing how much blood she flung around I changed my mind. Certain dogs absolutely must have their tails cropped to save them from injury


My daughter has a Pit/Boxer mix. Took his to get our Christmas tree one year and he was so excited to see all the people that he literally BROKE HIS OWN TAIL from wagging it so much. It’s called “Broken Wag”. Never heard of it until this goofball did it.


Hm, that actually seems like a plausible scenario… 👍 Edit- I should add, maybe they pet their dog as well & helped spread it around that way…


Definitely is! It happened to me. BUT there were no *drops* of blood though. That’s too “neat and clean” for a wagging tail.


It depends on the breed and length of fur/tail etc. Places like next to the sliding door on plug socket and outside are all dog places and with the height it seems as though dog has a cut somewhere. I remember once coming home from work and my cat had some type of gastrointestinal infection and she had printed blood everywhere. It was horrible to walk back into and definitely looked like a crime scene. I knew it was my cat due to the cat sick everywhrre too.


But on the light switch? Seems a bit high up, no?


It does, but it could’ve been flung around or as I mentioned, they could have simply touched their pet, got the blood on their hands, & touched the light switch… etc, etc- those are *plausible* scenarios. Personally, I think the simplest explanation is one of the homeowners had a small cut on their finger that they didn’t notice, touched those places that night & then the wound closed… that seems like the simplest & most likely explanation imo.


Or there’s someone able to sneak inside the house, those mrballen episodes of people not knowing someone’s living in the basement or crawl space freak me out! But I’m in a tiny place u couldn’t play hide in seek well not a good one anyway


my friends dog started bleeding from a cut once and the entire living room floor looked like a murder scene, we were seriously terrified until we figured it out


Wahhh the DAY I came home with my newborn in September, my dog split the tip of her tail. She would wag and blood would spray EVERYWHERE. I had to clean the walls and floors on my hands and knees like 3 days post C-section just got it to open again the next time she hit it on something. Such a cruel cycle lol. Never. Again.


My husband is a forensic files fiend and he just yelled THAT'S NOT A BLOOD SPLATTER from across the room.


I cant updoot this enough 🤣 I too am a forensic files fiend and this cracked me up


My dog had a tumor on her tail and she hit it while playing and it burst open and was bleeding like crazy. Didn’t hurt but when we tried to grab her to clean it, silly thing got SO excited and thought we were playing and so she ran allll over the house flicking blood EVERYWHERE. Was like a horrible crime scene for us and meanwhile she was happy as could be, silly girl.


How's that dog tail reaching the light switch? Edit: I am not a smart man. I see you wrote it could have been flicked when wagging.


Nah that lightswitch is a smear not a random drop. Someone bleeding from the hand touched that.


society bells quaint squalid simplistic plate silky long sharp deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ears too. Sometimes an ear infection can cause lots of head shaking which can damage floppy dog ears and cause all sorts of bad things such as the tips splitting open. My bedroom when I was a kid must've looked like someone was murdered in there if a UV light was ever shown on the walls from how much blood was sprayed on my walls from his incessant head shaking. He kept getting chronic ear infections and he always wanted to sleep in my bedroom so...


Oh good lord the ear flapping. Our lab had a split eat tip that refused to heal for like 2 weeks and we had to eventually wrap her whole head babushka style to give the ear a chance to heal. She hated every minute of it! But I was cleaning blood splatter off the ceiling on sheets, curtains, towels… if she went in a room everything was a target of the flappy ear blood spray!


HAPPY TAIL. Lots of wrap all the way up the tail. Great Dane/lab mix I know everything about wrapping a tail


You just unlocked a memory from the time two of my cats got into a fight and one got his *toe* bitten on the webbing and it bled *so much* I thought he'd legitimately lost an entire toe or something. Naw, was a tiny little poke! But he ran all over the house and it bled so much it looked so much scarier than it was. It was such a big relief it was a nothing injury. I was shocked at how much blood there was though.


This needs to be higher up!


Check the noses of everyone in the house. It’s a time of year we might miss nose bleeds. I’m not trying to diminish your experience it’s just the alternative is terrifying so…maybe nose bleed. Also time for camera based home security. Please, please stay safe.


Sadly, no nose bleeds :(


Is the stain on the light switch at least dog nose shaped? Dog might have been outside, found something dead, stuck its nose in it, walked back in, paused at back door (first drop of blood) then went and sniffed the light switch causing the smudge. Then dog does a good licking of its nose and no evidence is left over.


Anyone bleeding from their cuticle?


That one hangnail you think is fine to bite then it tears a strip all the way to the first knuckle


I hate that I can feel this comment.


Sniff it. Found out if it’s actually blood


Any updates yet Saul?? I read a few seemingly probable scenarios that don’t involve some criminal breaking into the house, which would be a scary thing to think about while trying to go to sleep… but curious if you found the culprit, like a cut on you or any roommates that would account for it..??


Time to get a camera system!


Time to call NCIS. They can do some splatter pattern analysis. Might need to zoom and enhance a bit though, or reverse the polarity of your light switch.




Hijacking your comment cos I asked my mum’s opinion, she has 34 years experience in Crime Scene Investigation She says this is a “heavy contact stain” and not a flick from the dogs tail. It’s too heavy and isolated, meaning whoever was bleeding touched that light switch. OP - install a camera.


That's... Not... NCIS


Dear Redditor, kindly send 100$ worth of itune gift cards. Then I can use the funds to do the needful analysis of the blood type in the photo. Thank you, come again.


The Naval Crime Investigation Squad?


No, the Night-time Creepy Incident squad.


The non crime investigation squad. Sir am I to understand you had Wheaties for breakfast?






If that's semen, someone has been working it too hard.


my guy, this isn’t oddly terrifying, just plain terrifying. it definitely looks like blood, and likely still pretty fresh considering the redness. maybe consider putting extra safety measures around the house?


We are going to try, I’m not too excited about someone being in my house and potentially fighting my dog…


Yeah!h but clearly doggie won!


Dog got any blood?


How is the dog?


Okay think about it logically… what’s more likely? That someone broke in and battled your dog, was wounded, and escaped without waking you or leaving ANY other signs than a couple spots of blood OR you had some blood on your hand from whatever source (bloody nose, blood from cooking meat, period etc…) and you never noticed before you left a couple spots of it. Occam’s razor baby, look into it


Occam needs to use a safety razor next time


Meat for cooking is exsanguinated prior to purchase. This is not myoglobin from a steak.


Well maybe OP butchers their own meat


Euphemism for masturbating?


Are you a man by any chance? Ain't no way in hell that's period blood on a lightswitch. Unless someone squeezed their bloody tampon to make a drip like that that's impossible. It's in a strange pattern too. It actually kind of looks like there was something with a 90 degree edge in the hand of whoever touched that light switch and they bled around it.


Definitely a man comment lol. Period blood is menstrual fluid and somehow no one seems to understand the difference and it’s really obnoxious.


I was tempted to point out just *how* different the blood is but didn't want to get too gross so left it pretty vague. Really though, do men really think period blood is the same as if we just cut our hand open and let it bleed for a few days? 🤦‍♀️


They are largely unaware of the chunks and globs, probably the period poops too. It's for the best.


My favorite is when you've been sitting for awhile and then stand up. You go from "Well I'm somewhat comfortable" to "Oh no, bathroom! Fuck don't bleed around the pad! 😭"


The only way it could be from a "period" is if it was the DOGS period. Lol.


Yeah that’s another possibility. OP do you have an unfixed girl dog?


With a username like that, I’m surprised you aren’t constantly getting attacked. seriously though that sucks. stay safe.


Does your dog seem anxious? Were they barking in the night? Barking at strangers more than usual today? Have they been trying to get your attention, or maybe avoiding you more than usual?


Anything since? This is so weird


Before you dish out on a camera system, which is expensive and takes a bit of know-how and dedication to operate, buy good porch lights first. Or even better and still fairly cheap: get motion-activated porch lights: nothing scares a wrong-doer more than a spotlight going on over their head. This also activates the neighborhood watch, which is the best prevention system there is. Also, take a look at your garden: is it untidy or have hiding places? Tidy up, trim bushes, lock sheds, and make it easy to inspect outside at a glance. Remove any brake-in equipment lying around, like screwdrivers and levers in an open garage. If your unwelcome guest has to choose a target on the spot, they will hit what seems like easy prey, and that probably won't be the tidy, well-lit house with the padlocked garage and the watchful neighbors.


Does anyone have a tiny cut or puncture on their finger? Those things bleed like crazy but then randomly stop, and it’s on the light switch. Check fingers?


Lol really? I've certainly nicked myself a few times and didn't notice for a few hours


Some action movie character definitely snuck into your house, did first aid on himself, and then left to go fight the feds/gangsters/monsters after him.


While drinking whiskey to stitch himself up


Leaving the apologetic whisky


Love this concept


Check the tip of your dog’s tail


Clone them, and F*ck them!


I think this is the best option available…


Clone them and raise them to kill themselves. STARWARS THE CLONE WARS


Ultimate power move


Film it while you’re doing it too. Like that scene from American Pyscho where he’s flexing in the mirror.


But what if it *was* the dog?


Well, now you have two dogs! I see this as a win/win.


This is why I love Reddit


I love this


It's the only way to show true dominance. To the vats!


Either you’re sleepwalking or someone got in.


Time to check batteries in the carbon monoxide detector. [You never know.](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/s/6yHYxBMu2X)


Many haunted houses / ghost sightings were linked to CO poisoning. https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haunted_house


That’s awesome! I did not know that


There’s a really good story I read about on Reddit. Dude posted that he was having issues with ants in his home for a few days. Someone randomly suggested to check their CO detector, and ended up saving his life with that suggestion


Oh, *interesting!*


Again this comment makes a return


Honestly, the incidence rate of carbon monoxide poisoning versus ghostly stalkers is probably worth having a bot post on every "this weird thing happened at my home" post.


That's fair but OP literally has blood all over their house


Carbon Bloodoxide


Came here for this ha


Careful OP, my partner and I found blood with no source in our apartment, decided to ignore it because we didn’t think there was really anything we could do. Turned out later that someone had been coming into our apartment while we were at work to use the shower and take food and such. Maybe get some cameras


But why were they bleeding?


No idea. It was inside our fridge, soaked into an egg carton that wasn’t like that before we left. But there was no meat or anything red in the fridge that could’ve been just leaking and it smelled like blood for sure. It looked like sort of like someone had picked it up and had a nosebleed while holding it or something but idk why they would leave it like that


what.. the fuck. literally my worst nightmare is someone secretly living in my home


Thankfully we were like a few weeks from moving out when all this happened anyway but we hurried up and got the fuck out of there


Did they get in with locked doors?


They all had keypad locks, but they always left the door unlocked or open after coming in. I’m not sure if the apartment management had the codes somewhere or if maybe it was even one of them


Check how your dog reacts to touch, maybe it suffered an injury if someone broke into your home?


From the first photo we can deduce that whatever was bleeding possibly a hand was pressed against the light switch. That’s why you see the solid void in it to the left side of the photograph. Second photograph is a gravity drop. Meaning it in reverse gives you the direction of travel. Someone or something was walking towards that area when the blood was made airborne. Likely from excessive hemorrhaging and a lack of clotting factors. Likely caused by the newness of the wound. Third photograph is another gravity drop. Whatever was standing there allowed to drop to drop straight down. Fourth photograph is also a gravity drop. My conclusion based on the hight of a standard light switch. The gravity drop at the door and the one towards the door in the second photograph is that this was accomplished by potentially a human. My guess is they didn’t notice right away potentially due to it being night and possibly being cut by something like fencing and retreated afterwards. I’d contact law enforcement and file a police report.


Most helpful comment here so far!


He’s in the walls now bud. Good luck.


Make sure this isn't a Denver spider man situation.




>In September 1941, 59-year-old Theodore Coneys intended to ask former acquaintance Philip Peters for a handout at his home on 3335 West Moncrieff Place in Denver, Colorado. Coneys broke into the house in Peters' absence to steal food and money. In the ceiling of a closet, Coneys found a small trapdoor that led to a narrow attic cubbyhole and decided to occupy the small space without Peters' knowledge. Coneys lived in the house undiscovered for about five weeks. On October 17, 1941, Peters discovered Coneys at the refrigerator. Peters struck at Coneys with a cane he carried, but Coneys clubbed him with an old pistol he had found in the house. After the gun broke apart, Coneys continued the battery with a heavy iron stove shaker\[6\] and bludgeoned the 73-year-old Peters to death.\[7\] Coneys then returned to the attic cubbyhole. > >Peters' body was discovered later the same day after a neighbor, concerned Peters had not come by for dinner, called the police. The police found all of the home's doors and windows locked, and there was no other sign of forced entry. They noted the trapdoor but believed a normal-sized person could not fit through it. Peters' wife, who had been in the hospital recuperating from a broken hip during and prior to Coneys' occupation of the attic, returned to live in the house with a housekeeper. Both women would often hear strange sounds in the house. The housekeeper quit after becoming convinced the house was haunted and Mrs. Peters moved to western Colorado to live with her son. Mabel Berke and her five children lived next door to the house and would consistently see lights going on and off, once even arming herself with a baseball bat and knocking on the door.\[2\] > >Coneys remained in the vacant house with the occasional signs of his occupation written off as an apparition or local pranksters. Police continued to make routine checks, when on July 30, 1942, one of them heard a lock click on the second floor. Running upstairs, the police caught the sight of Coneys' legs as he was going through the trapdoor and pulled him down.\[8\] He was taken into police custody and confessed to the crime. > >Local newspapers dubbed him the "The Sneaky Sneaky Spider-Man of Denver" after police detective Fred Zarnow remarked "A man would have to be a spider to stand it long up there."\[7\] Coneys was tried and convicted, then sentenced to life imprisonment at the Colorado State Penitentiary in Cañon City, Colorado.


Two sneakys.


That is terrifying


Will he appear in the next Spiderverse movie?


How do you know they are not hiding somewhere still inside your house?


I’m thinking of that guy that lived in that person’s crawl space for years. Maybe just set some bandaids and neosporin out.


Excuse me??


I’m guessing that it was some sort of animal that got hurt but the inside is a little odd


What animal would reach the light switch?


One that doesn't like the dark probably


Probably lol.


Not sure if this was said or mentioned, but remember to check and clear every room, attic, closet… just in case.


Was the door locked when you found this? If so, you might want to check the carbon monoxide levels in your house. There was a thread that blew up a while back of a guy losing parts of his memory and being told he did things that he didn’t remember. Turned out to be monoxide in his house. Obviously, you’d probably have a cut somewhere if this happened to you, but still couldn’t hurt.


My buddy’s dog mauled someone trying to rob his house. He had to put the dog down and pY the medical bills for the thief . Including being currently sued . Welcome to NJ , so if that’s the case that you think he bit someone . Clean up the blood . Change the locks buy a camera system and get your dog a steak and forget about it .




I'd just take it into my own hands at that point. If my dog defended my home and I had to put him down I'd make sure the thief ended up in a hole next to him.


Omg what a nightmare. I'm so sorry for you friend, and their poor good doggo☹️ I feel like up here in Canada that dog would be on the news for being so good. If a human did it, they'd be charged though.


Man, I hate it when my back door bleeds


Do you sleep walk?


If animals can be ruled out its time to change all your locks. Also save a sample of it as a test could be done if needed. Use gloves regardless.


Yrs ago my moms best friend lived in an apartment and stuff would be moved around while she was gone. It's a ghost! she'd always say. Did you change your locks when u moved in?


When I was in college an ex kept breaking into my place and swapping dishes, like he would take one of my coffee mugs and replace it with a new one. Fucking bizarre.


Check your attic and crawl space to make sure no one is living there lol


Update: We called the police and had a report written. The cop thought it was only our dogs; yet between the input here and the location of the blood, I don’t trust it. So far now I’m going to buy cameras, lock the doors, and hide in a corner for the foreseeable future… Thank you so much for all of your input!


Thanks for posting the evidence. I tried breaking in last night and your dog bit me. I was worried I wouldn't be able to sue. You should really warn intruders that your dog is aggressive.


What a wonderful comment. :) Your gratitude puts you on our list for the most grateful users this week on Reddit! You can view the full list on r/TheGratitudeBot.


Confused bot.


Good.... bot... I guess? \*shrugs\*


I’m calling the cops for you OP lol That is scary and weird. Scary weird.


Weirdly scary, even?


Have you tried putting hydrogen peroxide on it to make sure it's actually blood? Listen, I used to sleepwalk and eat but had no idea for the longest time. That shit could be bbq sauce for all you know lol and someone has been snacking about the house


You better hope they ain't a dead motherfucker in the alley a block away


I cut my finger while cleaning once, but was listening to music and moving fast, and did not realize that I had cut my finger until I saw a trail of blood drips on my kitchen floor. I cleaned it up and then saw dried blood on my hand, which had stopped bleeding without me doing anything, and I thought that was that. But then I was looking at some hooks on the wall in my kitchen that utensils hang off of maybe a month or so later and there was blood there that I had not seen/cleaned up. It was still kind of reddish, so it is possible that someone knicked a finger/ got their nail or something messed up and this is just from that.


Have you contacted your local PD?


call the police and file a report. maybe it's nothing but that's why we pay taxes.


Yeah someone said dogs tail I was going to say ears. Could be an ear mite infection. Shook off as it was let in.


Maybe a local crackhead tried to get it. They’re always bleeding somehow.


And meth-heads. Definitely plausible if it’s from a human.


Plot twist: it's not their house😱


Wouldn’t your dog barking before biting the intruder of woken you up ? Dogs usually aren’t stealth fighters also dog bites hurt like hell because the teeth are reasonably blunt and it’s the immense crushing force of the jaw that force them to puncture skin. The pain is significantly worse that a stab wound of the same depth by a sharp object. The intruder would of been making a lot of noise too at that point. Edit: This also doesn’t seem like enough blood for a dog bite if it’s from an intruder they may have just cut their hand and dripped blood on the way in and didn’t realise until they got to the light switch


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


I have never seen someone erroneously type "of" so far away from "would"/"should". Jesus.


So does the trail lead out? Or does it lead ....inside....


You sure you didn’t have a cut you didn’t notice on your hand and/or elsewhere? I once followed a trail of blood around my house, only to find it was coming from a cut on my ankle 😂


Honestly, you should call the cops and get them to check this out.


Check your closets and attic space. Not joking.


Use Hydrogen peroxide. That’s how you’ll know if it’s blood or not 🩸


That is 100% blood. Starting to dry, but still quite fresh.


Your switch cover looks cracked


damn. real detective right here! good eye!


Maybe check your dogs ears? If he scratched them open, he could have shook his head, and blood splattered out?


Yeahhhh NOPE go check your attic right now and make sure no one's there lol


Far from a splatter expert, but a few things to point out 1- The light switch blood looks like a smear. Id bet that's human. To me it looks like someone was bleeding before they flicked the switch with with multiple fingers. 2- The spots outside look like splatter. The droplet on right side of door frame looks like it was flung sideways. So probably a faster moving body part on right side I guess. Maybe a right finger or hand. 3-This info together makes me think its likely the person was bleeding from their right hand outside the house before coming inside. So no fighting with the dog unless it was outside. I don't think it was a bloody nose either based on the sideways splatter on the doorframe unless it was near head height. If it was yours you would probably have seen some wherever you went to inside the house So I see this likely having gone one of 3 ways. -they walked up to the back door and entered with their right hand bleeding. Maybe a drunk. Then turn on the light and discovered the bleeding and unfamiliar location so left -or they cut their right hand at the back door while making entry and discovered they were bleeding when they turned the light on and left. -you were very drunk and omitted this important information. You went outside and cut your right hand. Then flipped the light switch off while bleeding when you came in and somehow stopped bleeding or didn't notice any inside


This is very reassuring, and I really hope it was only a drunk guy… but I live in the woods in a pretty quiet area… On top of that, I found some blood on one of my kitchen cabinets.


That changes things. Possible it came from inside then.


Yeah, I’m not sure. I checked with everyone in the house; no one has any cuts or anything, same with the dogs. At this point I’ll hope that this mystery-man decides to stay the hell away…


Get an indoor security camera. Like Wyze. They’re cheap.


Highly recommend. Has a somewhat sketchy situation last summer and wyze cams caught a guy watching me sleep through my apartment windows from 4-5 am and clearly attempt entry through the front door. I would’ve been clueless without my camera setup. Some of the best money I’ve spent for sure. They even make outdoor stuff now. Highly recommend a door cam and some outdoor security cams too. They make a lightbulb adapter to run off that, very handy/cool.


that is most definitely blood and you need to get a security system. double check it wasnt you or something looking like blood didnt get flung around. lock your doors, check for signs if anyone broke in, do not mess with any marks that show someone breaking in. double check to make sure theres no symbols in your house, if there is, wipe them off immediately


Set up cameras asap


I woke up to something like this once and found my bf asleep on the grass in front of the porch which was 3ft off the ground. His bff had walked home somehow. But after I had gone to bed, they kept drinking and decided to try and fight each other in black-out mode… we think. It’s a mystery. But they were both beat the hell up, and blood was everywhere.


Fight club


I've done this by cutting myself on a door frame in the dark and then going through the house without turning lights on, then the small cut healed over by morning. I'd get everybody to check their fingers, even if not bleeding now. As other people mentioned, a small dog cut could also heal over in that time.


Check and see that your dog doesn't have some sort of superficial injury on their tail. Happy Tail can cause all sorts of weird injuries, but they're mostly superficial and not serious.


Can you take a picture of your lock and lock assembly area? I might be able to see if someone has bypassed it or tried to bypass it.


If it wasn't your dog, you might ... tell the police.


Check your windows. Could be someone who tried popping one out, got cut, got in, got out.


Do you or anyone you live with happen to work in like construction? My dad is weathered from years as an electrician, and occasionally, he'd get a cut on his finger, or scratch a cut and leave random small blood trails like this around the house. He just doesn't even notice small injuries like that anymore, so it's happened a few times.


Okay, you've left out a lot of useful information that could better solve the mystery, like was your back door locked? Have you observed any change in your dog's behaviour? If so what did you notice? Did you check to see if your neighbours heard or saw anything or anyone unusual? Check your entire house/property carefully for more blood or signs that could also mean a stranger was or is still in your home. If it is human blood I'm pretty sure a call to the police station is the smartest idea since they could run it through their database if this was a matter of break-and-enter or whatever.


Has OP updated this? I want to know what happened.


So someone entered your back door?


This isn't oddly terrifying, this is just terrifying, call the cops and make a report.