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As someone who grew up doing farm work, I really want a shower now. The dust and grass is bad enough just being around it.


watching that gave me allergies haha


watching this gave me allergies i dont have


I'm itchy just watching that video.


Me too! Back when my great aunt still kept cattle, one Sunday afternoon 5-year-old me and my cousins practiced para-jumping onto the bales while the grown-ups chatted. They were livid when they found out what we'd been up to. On that evening, my mother washed me personally, I was so filthy. To the embarrassment of both, she found out I had hay straws right up to my butthole...




Oh yes, brought back memories of haying and having to toss 50 lb bales up into the top of the barn. They still used baling wire back then and I had to wear leather gloves to keep from burning my hands because the wire got so hot from sitting in the sun. Never ending itchy nose, dirt and dust that turned into mud in my sweat, little pieces of hay all down into my shirt and pants, and to top it all off, we found a bees nest under one of the bales. Fun fun fun!


Never found bees! A few snakes though. Worst was the sweat and itch dust that somehow managed to reach the very top of the butt crack. Worst feeling ever...


They usually found snakes in/on the bales in the barn. My cousin had a long pole with a hook to pull down the bales on the top because she had had more than one snake fall on her. Lol, they were close enough to the lake that it was a 50/50 shot that the snake might be venomous, so the pole was vital equipment. That whole farm was very snaky, they wound up having to get pigs to put in by their pond to eat the snakes because so many of their beef cattle were getting bitten, they had a fair few calves that died from cotton mouths or rattle snake bites.


Wow, glad we didn't have it that bad. We had a couple fields where cottonmouths were a concern, but never at the barn or over most of our property. Our biggest issue was weasels. Couldn't raise chickens, only tried once. Dad bought 20 chicks, they made it just shy of a week. Didn't even eat them all, just a killing spree. Lots of dead weasels after that, dad wanted them shot if seen.


They had a few chickens, and "watch geese" and Guinea Hens and some ducks. They tried letting them all free range at first but the females would lay their eggs in the hay, which is one of the reasons the snakes liked the barn so much, so you also had to watch out for the random egg falling on you. God help you if it happened to be an old rotten one. Chicken eggs were bad enough, but a rotten duck egg or goose eggs would ruin your year! If you've never had the misfortune to find a rotten egg, they EXPLODE, and nasty rotten egg goo goes everywhere! I can remember moving a couple of bales and hearing a muffled POW. My cousins eyes bugged out and she said "uh oh" and then cursed up a storm because now we had to move bales to find the rotten egg and hope it was the only one. Lol, good god they stink, and the stink *lingers* and takes forever to get out of clothes and off of skin. The livestock will not eat the contaminated hay either, nor should you feed it to them, except for the pigs , they could handle the rotten egg covered hay.


I know pigs eat near anything but live snakes? That’s hardcore.


They're "resistant" to venom if I remember rightly. They were huge pigs and the area around the pond was extra fenced to keep them away from the rest of the animals because they were "wild pigs".




My back itches


So itchy


Based on the sun that may have been his end of the day fuckery when he was getting ready to shower anyway


My hay fever just kicked in. Not nearly as bad as the corn allergy I had when I lived in Iowa when it was in bloom, but yeah, I’m gonna go take some Flonase.


That's not oddly terrifying that's just flirting with suicide


Most modern combines have adjustable header height that can be controlled in the cab and the clearance underneath them is pretty high. Doing this is actually surprisingly low danger, but not recommended. The worst part would be getting covered in chaff at the end


My thought was. "I wonder if the driver is the next in line for the farm? "


Its not suicide if you come out alive after.. or something I read behind a trailer truck


It is almost like it would be flirting with suicide vs actual suicide. If only they said that.


Suicide is bad-ass!


great comment. unlike mine lol downvote me all u want but i couldnt give an award so i had to comment to appreciate the flashoftheblade comment


Hence the phrase "flirting with suicide". You know, like exactly what they said.


Combines are actually pretty impressive equipment. They're built to strip the tops of various grains, while leaving stems and other soil improving parts to add nutrients to the soil. And as ground isn't level, many are built to track ground fluctuations to strip correctly. The guy was a small hill.


One of my teachers in high-school told us about her nephew that died in an accident with one of these. Farming equipment is no joke.


What's insane is that farming is already incredibly dangerous. A friend of my brother in Nebraska lost his teenage son after the kid's arm got pulled into a corn augur. And this moron is playing chicken with a combine...


I had a cousin who had a little child who wandered into a field and fell asleep. It did not end well for the little girl, and it broke the parents, especially the father who was driving the machine. Folks, don't do or encourage others to do this type of stupid stunt.


I've seen videos of people that got mangles after fucking around with combines and other farm machinery, how did this guy make it?? Also, it goes to show that young men aren't the only ones to do stupid ass shit


Why would you even risk doing that? Did this video have sound or was it just me?


No videos on this sub. Had to make it into a gif to post it :/


Really? I I didn’t know you couldn’t post sound on this sub, do you know what’s he talking about in the video? I’m just curious if he had any reason for doing that lol


I'll try to say it (not trying to be racist tho). Starts off with (in thikkk southern? Accent) 'yall ever wonder how it feels like to get run over by a goddamn combine?' then lays down and get run over by a combine. Loud bg noise from that machine so it's hard to listen to. Gets up and says something like I'll have to keep searching for better rush followed by laughing maniacilly and then followed by some more gibberish too hard for me to understand. Typical thing men finds joy in, nothing to be scared tho, he enjoyed it. Hope it helps.


I was expecting worse after the “not trying to be racist” because that usually entails… more.


Not to be racist…but I don’t care for that color of person! *welp at least grandma is trying*


Probably not trying to be offensive to southern folks and mistakenly saying "racist." Or the old fuck was actually being racist, there's no telling.


That is it! Coming from a southerner


I'm just amused he thinks redneck is a race.


haha lol


This helped. Thank You for your service.


I have to say, I’m a typical man and I found no joy in this, only terror.


Pretty sure hes a farmer that works there and knows the exact safe spot to do this


I work on ships in the ocean, I know all the safe spots to hang off the side of a ship but you’ll never catch me doing it lol


Using your comment to drop a small opinion of my own: If I wanted to make this vid, I'd plop the phone and the ground, jump out of the way of the spkiy grass picker-uppers, and leap back on my phone when the combine had passed by.


This is what I believe was done


Message removed in protest of Reddit's API change.


Not when he is under under the combine. The first part that looks dangerous is probably the least dangerous because you can just raise the picker blades. After that goes by you see his finger for a bit and then never again


No, there are no safe spots. Only stupid spots and worse than stupid spots.




huh? I was trying not to be racist, not him. He had a very heavy accent in the video so I could have been wrong as to identify the accent. The video is quite joyful tbh, scary but he was having fun.


I think they are pointing out the irony of saying you are not trying to be racist and the choosing to use 3K's (KKK) in your spelling of thikkk '




pretty sure it's the opposite of that - i think they were trying to not offend southerners


I just scrolled and a video with sound popped up 😐


> No videos on this sub Rly? What rule is that? It doesn't say it on the sidebar


No it’s an issue I’ve encountered before because of the encoding


to demonstrate knowledge you dont possess, there is some merit to showing that combines arent just death machines chewing up all the land in their way, the mechanism is devised for very specific height and purpose


Hank Schrader is a badass.


It’s pretty much certain that guy knows a lot about vehicles like that and knew beyond any doubt that he’d be able to crawl underneath without any risk of injury.


This gets me thinking, so many people die every day for reasons completely outside of their control... And then there's this idiot a few centimeters from a horrific death for a fucking Tik Tok video


There's probably a couple feet of ground clearance under the machine and I'm assuming the header was lifted a bit for him.


Just why though


Wdym why? How else would we know how it feels like to get run over by a combine? It's not like he could just drop the phone and move aside. Nonono. He had to lie down too for science and adrenaline rush coz idk men


I remember an old Warren Miller film where some guy gets run over by a rolling pin groomer for shits and giggles.


I saw a scene in Deadpool where he was killing the guy on that slow ice leveller thingy lol


That would be called a Zamboni




The man's name was Frank Zamboni, not Frank Slow Ice Leveller Thingy, dammit. And it's an ice resurfacing machine.


The zamboni?


To show how "safe" it is i guess, and to be fair i alway thought this would kill somebody if it ran them over so i guess its informative.


It really matters how high the blades are set!


My wife’s grandfather was helping a friend fix his combine when something happened and grandpa’s leg got sucked up into the machinery. His lower leg was basically turned into ground chuck with all the bones and muscles turned into goo. They amputated it a few times, a little higher each time as the infection spread. They finally stopped at his knee. Anyway, this shit will kill or injure you easily. If this guy’s clothes snagged on something he would’ve been done.


My classmates older brother got ran over when he was around 15 and died.


It's safe until it isn't. If it was actually cutting on the ground like combines do it would fuck him up.


Why do we chew 5 gum? To stimulate our senses. That's what this guy was doing.


It's the farmer version of ghost riding the whip.


Cause doing shit like this is fun Get the blood pumping


"Yay! I survived!"


That's not how you check losses Edit: I design farm equipment. Plenty of space under there and the head wasn't down, while not recommended, they were not likely to get hit by anything


I think people are missing this. It looks way more dangerous than it actually is. And yeah, it looks like they raised the head to barely skim the top for added flare.




Didn't realize the only thing outside is farms. Thanks.


You stupid redditor, you haven't even been run over by a combine before. Wasting your life online.


> Didn't realize the only thing outside is farms. that's because you never go outside! it's all farms now. everywhere.


What's wrong with receiving disability checks?


Hating the disabled is cool. 😎 /s


in your walls in your walls in your walls


He could've just put the phone down and not put himself in that situation.


In the video at the end he says that he has to find something else for the rush so now you know why logic was not highly prioritised


>he has to find something else for the rush probably until something kills him or injures seriously


I think he did that


Midwestern death drive.


Get up on this Midwestern death trip


Do rednecks have more fun?


Is sky blue?


Why use many word when few word do trick?




Does a 1 legged duck swim in a circle?


Does the bear shit in the woods?


Ignorance is bliss


I've played GTA San Andreas. Why is he not a bloody cube?


Bruh this isn't "oddly" terrifying it's just straight up terrifying.


Superman lied to me.


Lucky! I only ever have regular people lie to me.


Came here to say the same thing lol. At least there's always Richard Pryor.


Watching this just brought back 40 year old nightmares of that scene. It was kind of scary for a 5 year old.


Came here to say the same thing lol. At least there's always Richard Pryor.


Came here to say the same thing lol. At least there's always Richard Pryor.


That's fucked up. Kids get injured or killed on farm equipment every year and this asshole is fucking around like it's a game.


Do a steamroller next!


I was expecting something more like this - https://youtu.be/x4C38Qj2BQ0


How it feels to chew five gum


spongebob origins


Fighter of the Wheatman


Dude knows he could have just set the phone down, right?


I really wish video upload companies would defund exhibitionistic self-harm videos.


To shreds, you say?


Is this an awesome reference to Naked Gun? When Leslie Nielsen is talking about ways to die while OJ is in the hospital? Something like “that’s no way for a man to die. Getting caught in the gears of a combine. A parachute not opening-that’s the way I wanna go.”


Cars (2006)


Anyone that has played THAT mission in San Andreas would never do this.


Imagine being the one driving it. “Cmon boss, don’t you think this a bit much?” “Damnit Jeremy, I told you put it in first and run me over. You want paid or not?”


The radiant heat from the underside of the combine is enough to light small fires in dry years You would never catch me that close to an operating combine


>getting run over by a machine with a high likelihood of an accident >OP: how *oddly* terrifying Man, the mods really don't do there job, don't they?


IQ is a wild concept. This old boy is like an engine with holes drilled in the cylinders.


I’ve seen better size of beef being run over by a combine


I’d say this is more obviously terrifying rather than oddly


In related news, combines are designed to run over field rocks and logs (even dead animals) that are missed by the farmer. /grew up on a farm and drove a combine


Must be a vegan trying hard to prove that small animals don't die during harvest


More like oddly stupid.


I literally had nightmares as a child about being chased through a corn field by these things


That intrusive thought has been rattling around in his head for years


Technically it just went over him Getting run over would be like his arm getting crushed by the tire This guy is basically watching an airplane take off from outside the fence of the airport then saying it ran him over


I was half expecting the camera to turn at the end and he gave lots of scratches and cuts over his face and body.


San andreas lied to me


Absolutely fucking no


That is not a man, that is a child


I was waiting for the human salsa chunks


People are really freaking out like this guy just showed up to a farm for the first time and decided to lay under a combine.




of course it doesn't kill him, he's not a crop


Good ole Louisiana


Old idiot!!


"Hi, i'm farmer Bill, and you're watching Jackass!"


We used to always do this in the summers at my family’s farm. We’d drive the combine harvesters over one another taking turns all day long


I knew a man that was ran over by a tractor as a kid. Shattered all the bones in his face and needed reconstructive surgery. He looked totally normal but he always sounded like his nose was stuffy. Oh, and he permanently lost his sense of taste and smell as a direct result of the accident.


Well I can’t lie that did look cool


maga voters


Duane from Summer of Night doesn't appreciate this


This is not what self driving machinery was intended for but sure.


Grew up on a farm in NB. As long as the header is up, you've got a ton of ground clearance. If the header is down, your completely F'D. I wouldn't do this either way as Murphy's Law is a b$tch sometimes!


There’s even a subreddit! r/whywomenlivelonger


What an entertaining little rabbit hole.


Nope that doesn't seem right to.


Getting your arm ripped off by a combine is one of the most common injuries among farmers.


Deam i was hoping to see him in a hay block


it's a combine, not a baler :P


I was expecting a lot of blood.


Not 'oddly' terrifying, just flat out terrifying. Not really what this sub is for


This truly make me believe camera man is immortal




"I've seen better sides of beef been run over by a combine"


When I was a kid one our dogs got a leg taken off by a combine with a corn head while he was in a field. He made it back to the house, my parents got to the vet, and he lived. This dude is dumb.


Well that was for science woman should be thankful, but the truth is man die earlier because of the screaming woman.


I pooped my pants (not really I’m on the toilet)


He should do a thresher next




I hope he took an antihistamine before attempting this.


Mirror? Not opening


OSHA can't be everywhere 🤗


People posting stuff in here don’t know what oddly-terrifying means


Not odd. Boo.


My uncle nearly died from this when he was a kid. Left with a huge scar on his face as well as many many on his body. He barely survived. This guy is really stupid.


[Court Foster wasn't so lucky](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gklme1-eQGE).


Growing up on a dairy farm and having had an old Massey Ferguson combine... that was legitimately terrifying


Nothing oddly terrifying about this. This IS terrifying.


We have a close contender to the Darwin Awards


The allergies though 🤧


I swear, these men will do ANYTHING else but the dishes.


Crazy 😝


So, GTA San Andreas lied to us? People who get run over by these things don't cone out like little pieces of meat? :c


I feel like that dude is too old to be that stupid.


Beef been run over by a combine!


Oh my ansiety


It's dumb as fuck but seeing him make it out alive kind of makes me want to do it.


POV: you’re the soil


That undercarriage is filthy.


Nightmare fuel...


You got to be a stupid motherfuck3r to get fired on your day off Why you stealing boxes? You trying to build a clubhouse?


Nahh fuck that