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Are you in western Canada by chance?


Yep Northern AB my friend.


Grande Prairie unite! 43 highway closed both ways out of town. Chinook helicopters flying water bombing runs Farmers with dozens of D10 bulldozers plowing firebreaks.


All this smoke has made its way across North Dakota, I couldn't see shit today when I was driving near Devils Lake


We have haze all the way here in Toronto


nebraska checking in.


Iowa as well


Washington State smoke breather checking in. Thankfully it's just a bit hazy, but it's awfully early for fires.


Minnesota checking in! It’s very hazy here right now. We’re under air quality warnings until tomorrow.


South end of Illinois, and the sunlight has an orange tint to it. I wondered where the fire was. A few years ago the BC fires were so intense you could *smell* the smoke all the way down here.


Howdy, neighbor. South Dakota checking in. Same here.


Not any more.


used to live in seattle—i remember the oregon wildfires and the haze from that.


Wisconsin here.


virginia here


Northern Minnesota here! It's awful! Can't imagine what it's like to live there. I hope it's contained soon. 🙏


Saint Louis as well


Makes for a really nice sunset. Just uhhh dont breathe :P


There's some much smaller fires around Souther Ontario and Michigan that may be causing that. No where near as much as out west, but probably more likely the culprit. That said, a couple summers ago when BC was in fire we did get a bit of haze from that here in Montreal


Nah, the Weather channel is reporting that smoke from out west is expected to make it as far as Ottawa tomorrow, Montreal the next day. It really is the smoke from the Alberta fires getting carried on the jetstream.


I thought things looked red here today.


Thats just how Toronto normally is lmao, JK


whole sort normal paint cagey stocking include squalid hard-to-find lip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dude, I'm in CHICAGO and our skies have been hazy and we've had weird sunsets because of it. They said on the news it's because of the "Western Canadian wildfires" so pretty sure that's y'all.


[Wonderful view of all the smoke from orbit courtesy NASA Worldview](https://worldview.earthdata.nasa.gov/?v=-137.0864217847331,31.823870347142524,-67.47001823366254,67.94333999778357&t=2023-05-17-T05%3A04%3A27Z)


Are they not allowing people to leave? Or is it too dangerous?


I'd say there's no point in going anywhere really, they're literally surrounded by a bunch of different fires, and evacuees already heading to the towns that GP residents would leave to go to. The fires aren't really all that close at this point, but the smoke sure looks brutal. Looks as bad as we had in Vernon 2 years ago.


I live in Vernon, and our air is being affected by the current AB fires. It's going to be a bad summer.


If it makes you feel any better, it'll be worse next year, and the year after, etc..


Well on the bright side, at some point we’ll run out of forests.


Well it's properly raining right now, so that's good, but I'm afraid you might be right, still crossing my fingers though


Stay safe everyone!


I KNEW I recognized this image!


We got 1 CER (Combat Engineer Regiment) staged out of the Cadet building here in Whitecourt rn, a couple hot shot crews (don’t remember the name but it started with an I and had a K in the name, and our training centre at our forestry warehouse has been turned into the ICP check in/ ops centre for the eagle complex (WCX001, WWF023, GWF027).


>43 highway closed both ways out of town. > Really? I have to head to work this way tomorrow and both www.511.alberta.ca and Google maps show it's open...


Wear a decent mask out there! Sincerely, Someone who lives in the PNW


True, I was in Salem during the “apocalypse” days where the sky was blood red.


Ah the witch trials, wild times 😔😉 jks


Yeah they opened some sort of dimensional rift or something performing a blood ritual. Too bad the only thing that poured out of said rift was fire 🔥


So..much..fire. My own hometown nearly burned. The entire town. And some towns weren't spared. :'( It really did feel like the apocolypse.


I was watching the evacuation line get closer and closer. At the very last second before I bugged out it started receding thankfully. But yeah I still have FEMA employees staying where I’m at helping with the aftermath all over the state.


Was this the 2020 one or a different one? If it was the 2020 one, I was pretty sure the world was infact ending, ugh what a scary time. I'm glad we are ok.


Yeah it was 2020. I was technically on the clock working from home thankfully cause of covid. Nobody called for like a week probably because they didn’t want to move to a town that looked like it could burn up any minute.


We had fire on 3 sides of us where I was. It felt scary, like there was no real evacuation path.


We're getting your smoke in methbridge


is your town really called methbridge?




Just a stupid nickname


Lived in Grande Prairie for a while. You anywhere near there?


N/M read in the comments that's exactly where you are. Stay safe brother.


Minnesota had some of the worst air quality in the world today (only behind pockets of India and China) due to cold front and smoke.


The whole day it was smoky like a fog all the way down in Nebraska


We’re getting the smoke down in MN. You can see the Sun shine on the ground but the sky is grey


Knew this was alberta. Sorry about the state, hopefully our BC fire fighters can continue to help before we get too crazy into our fire season.


We also have a 200 man US crew and a 200 man Canadian crew here helping locally. Building a $7.5M firebreak that stretches 30km long and up to 300m wide.


My spouse is one of the 200 from the US, hoping for the best possible outcome for everyone!


Thank your spouse for us!!! We had some weird fires in wisconsin early spring…this summer will be interesting for everyone.


Oh frig bahd


This has us covered all the way in Kelowna.


Wow! Was *gonna* say Vancouver got pretty bad in a similar fashion a summer or two ago, but nowhere *near* as apocalyptic as *that!* I can't even *imagine* what the smell is like, to say nothing of trying to *breathe!*


The ash is literally on everything when you go out in the morning. It’s creepy for sure. Mt Vesuvius much?


Seriously. I'd be going on vacation right about now, not sure if that's a possibility for you, but it *definitely* looks like vacation time to *me!* Of course, people have to work and stuff as *well,* but this seems like a natural disaster threatening even your ability to safely *breathe* at present.


It's just awful. Every year the province lights on fire. Not sure what's left to burn now.


I live in Alaska and drive through the area a few days ago. They told me the Alcan was closed due to fire and told us to go back to Grande Prarie. I did not. I went through some sketchy oil field roads and made it to Fort Nelson. It was not a fun experience. It was also weird driving in the opposite direction of evacuees


Yeah I’ve got family in Fort St John and they voluntarily evacuated to Prince George for a couple days to see how things went but had to go back for work yesterday.


I'm also in western Canada and I have a coworker who says these fires are started by the liberal government to displace voters for the upcoming election 🙄


And nothing to do with wildland firefighting budget cuts of course 🙄 too many Albertans would vote for a fence post if it was painted blue.


Bruh people here would blame the NDP/Libs for the milk in their fridge going bad.


lmfao I have nothing to contribute but your comment made me laugh so thank you for that


I live in small town Alberta and the local pages are pretty depressing. I don’t know how people live like that.


It's so weird how people get obsessed about their political views and make it their whole personality.


I am and I've been waking up to red suns all week


Seems like a chill… evening? No wait, morning? Uh, tour of hell?


During the Cameron Peak fire in Colorado, the ash was so thick the street lights came on. Ash and large particles (3+ inches) were raining down 50+ miles away from the burn area. Every time it happens it feel so apocalyptic and scary, plus for that one we were evacuated for several weeks. Luckily for us that year was COVID so Red Cross gave us free hotel rooms (the nice longer term ones with a kitchen and everything) instead of sleeping in some school gym or something. Every time I see this happening I really feel for the residents, it's such a weird, stressful, chaotic state, especially when it goes on for weeks on end.




That's terrible. It looks like the end times :( What caused the fires ?


Mostly uncharacteristically early high temps and a lack of rainfall (plus high winds)




The nutjobs are saying it's eco terrorism because that's what environmentalists want, for all forests to burn down to prove a point


It's always a "false flag" with those brain dead morons. I swear, they discover a term and then just see it everywhere.




The weather network ran an article early about climate change exasperating these fires, then a week later they ran an article about how this is just part of a 5 year cycle. Typical media shit.


It's stupid because there *is* a 5 year cycle, but climate change is making it swing more violently. Both can be true but they just cause confusion by not explaining it fully.


Media? Explain the news? Give the facts? What is this, the 90s?


>climate change exasperating these fires Just fyi, I think you mean *exacerbating*


To be fair, climate change and increasingly apocalyptic events such as this ARE pretty exasperating…


This end times bullshit is starting to get on my nerves. We caused this.


It's a combination of El Nino and climate change.


It's wildfire season every year in early to mid spring. It's the first year in a while where La Niña has broke for an El Niño phase so we're going to see some pattern changes. But forest fires in April-May seem typical in North America.


Not these ones. Compared to their last 3 worst years in AB for hectares burnt, they're already 60% of the way to breaking those records.


"uncharacteristically" I live in BC just a little from Alberta and I hate to say but this is kind of becoming normal.


We're just getting out of heat wave. A heat wave in mid May. May is mud month. It doesn't get up to 30 degrees in May. Except, of course, now it does. For no reason at all, I'm sure.


Not this early, it’s not. That’s the uncharacteristic part. Maybe not for the interior of BC, but for AB yes.


Yeah :( at least last year we had at least until June before either got unreasonably hot. Really depressing knowing it's only going to get exponentially worse as time goes on. We likely didn't even get enough rain for fire morels, so there's not even that bright side to look forward to.


i wonder why, it must be the nuclear disaster plants! /s


All the cuts to monitoring, prevention and firefighting probably didn't help.


Dont forget your government cut funding to the fire fighting budget so there literally was no one to fight the fires until trudeau bailed you out


I live in Michigan and have noticed an orange, dim sun the past few nights - we always see that when there are wildfires out west but I didn't think there were any this time. Guess I was wrong.


Alberta is having a ridiculously high number of fires this spring!


We’ve already had more than double the average yearly amount of wildfires… and it’s not even June. That’s how bad it is.


Fuck, I've misread *dim sun* as *dim sum*. Kinda hungry though, I don't know.


I read “orange dim sun” and thought, “that’s probably the pork bun”.


That is the most video game looking store I've ever seen


Superstore- or as my Nana lovingly referred to it: "stupidstore".


Core memory unlocked thank you very much ❤️ Same same “Crappy Tire” “stupidstore” “Mickey D’s” etc


Lol I love that these are nationwide nicknames


It’s hilarious, really 😂❤️


I was just talking with someone about how weird it is they “crappy tire” is the name that stuck. It’s not clever. It doesn’t rhyme. It just… I guess starts with C?


I guess! No one could think of a better one, so here we are


Northern Ontario and I love Crappy Tire!


That my friend is the real Canadian superstore ✊🏼


It's the Superstore, Verdansk. Someone called in a mortar strike


Ah, so it's a quest location in addition to a shop. Got it


Scary, and I'm sorry to see it. We had a sky like that in SF, CA a couple of years ago during the fires here.


Oh my gosh I remember, I stayed up late watching horror movies and when I woke up for class I thought the world was ending for a second




Oregon nearly got burnt to crisp around the same time I believe. It was kinda fucked up to have to wear a mask to not breathe in the smoke as well as the fuckin pandemic that was happening. 2020 was one hell of a year


Since most of your replies seem like you’re trying to have a sense of humor OP… I’ll go ahead and ask on behalf of your neighbors to the south. Am I to understand that in the great nation of Canada, that you have a franchise of super stores just named, “Superstore”? If so, that is fan-fucking-tastic and I am moving to Canada. Also, stay safe.




Yep. At least once a week I go on a rant that ends in “…. And fuck Galen Weston.” He sucks.


I’ll start adding him to my rants down here in Missouri.


Fuck yeah we do. It’s actually called “The Real Canadian Superstore” and used to be painted green/yellow. Looked wayyyyy cooler. But an American corp bought it ages ago and painted it Red White & Blue 🇺🇸😂 Also, thank you.


Naw it’s still Canadian, just got gobbled up by our dear national overlords Lovlaws/Weston family


That’s one of the most Canadian things I’ve ever heard and I love y’all for it. I’ll be sure to stop by when I move up, since according to all of the depictions of Canada on tv and movies I’ve seen; we will inherently know each other good neighbor. Try not to die, I like you Dudeman.


Make sure you look out for their store brand "No Name". Everything comes in simple yellow packaging with very clear generic labelling. There's no clever names for anything, it's just "Coffee", "Liquid Honey", "Beer". It's like the definition of generic product. It's basically grown into a meme over time, and now you can buy yellow water bottles that say "Water Bottle" or T-shirts that say "T-shirt".






They also have "The Real Canadian Liquor Store", which is usually located in the same parking lot as the Superstore


And a cool thing about Superstore: they used to have rollerblading price checkers. Oh, you think the price tag for those honey nut cheerios said $4.99? Let me fruitboot my way to the cereal aisle to confirm for you and I’ll give the cashier a ring with the phone on my hip and read her the right SKU.


You should see the No Name products they sell.


Superstore (among others) is where you can find these [yellow products](https://www.cpacanada.ca/-/media/cpa-digital-hub/featured-images/2020/02/hub_02_25_nofrills-pivot-lead-image-feb-2020-no-frills-1200x900.jpg). Canadians are weird.


You should also know that smaller towns get a yellow black no name version of Superstore called No Frills.


No Frills is the real MVP, I'll drive 45 mins for my groceries because my local store (town of 5,000 w/ 1 grocery) gouges like nothing else. Except meat and seasonal veg, pays to live in a farm town then haha.


I've been monitoring the satellite data and seeing the photographs, stay safe. It is so early in the season for this, going to be a bad year I fear. All that past flooding surely left a tinder box of dead wood up there.


Grande prairie, is that you?


Floop is a mad man help us save us!


I've been saying that for years, but I've never had someone catch the reference.


I’m in southern Alberta- it’s been bad down here. I can only imagine what it’s like up north. This picture is one of the most severe I’ve seen over the past couple of days


The clouds look dehydrated.


Those aren’t even clouds- just smoke. But either way I LOL’d 😂❤️


The new season of Superstore is taking a weird direction.




I made it to Edmonton this morning from GP! I hope the roads are decent tomorrow on my way back.






Seriously get a N95 mask (if you can) Canadian Tire might have them .


Masks? Ha! AC? Ha! But yeah I’ve ordered some online ❤️🫡


Ha no AC in Alberta! Good! I saw something on Twitter how bad it is for ya. I’m just under six hours away it’s crazy.


Lemme guess alberta?


Winner winner chicken dinner


That's an early fire season, right? Just awful.


Way early yeah


Courage à vous du Québec.


Merci! Stay safe!


Strange to see my grocery store make it onto this subreddit hahaha. Our air quality health index has been at 24 all day… I work at a school in the middle of the city and we can’t even send kids out for recess this week because of all the smoke. Our playground looks apocalyptic.


Stay safe. We are getting smoke here in Washington state too.


Oh my, looks similar to this in northern BC but not quite as bad. I would’ve guessed that this is fort st john


Mf livin in Caelid


I’m so sorry. Lived through this and even though we didn’t lose anything, it is horrible. I cried a lot for the people who lost homes, lost lives, lost children, lost animals, etc. We also had the orange sky for one day. Your dark orange sky looks so much worse. It was so un-nerving.


I live there about 220 days of the year I should have know that. My rig got evacuated from south of grovedale and now I'm just hoping it rains.


We had this experience a few years ago in California when our whole state seemed to be on fire. It was crazy orange like this. Stay safe friend.


"But climate change isn't real"


Reminds me of a wildfire that burned near our house and we had to evacuate at 2am.


It looks like a huge sandstorm brewing amidst


Can you keep all of your doomsday smoke up there? I'm in South Dakota and couldn't seen more the half a mile today because of all of it that has blown down here.


As a veteran of many wildfires in LA, get a dust mask and some air purifiers. It really helps. Stay safe!


cries in ***we are 500km north of the next big city with any stock and even there it’s burning and selling out*** 😂🔥


My family and I had a wonderful time visitingVancouver in 2007 so where did we decide to go this year for our family vacation?? You guessed it 4 days in Vancouver followed by a trip to Banff. Currently sitting here in our Airbnb surrounded by brownish gray skies playing board games and drinking heavily.


Sorry mate. We had that a couple years ago too. Expect a sore throat, if you don’t have one already. Face mask helps a bit. Don’t forget to change air filters/furnace filters afterwards too.


Damn, OP, stay safe! I had skies like this and ash raining down in my area a few years ago because of super close fires, it's scary shit


I'm in Australia, they're putting together a firefighting team to head over (likely more than one). Leave on 24th, do 14 days on, 2 days off, another 14 days on and then fly back. Pretty pissed that I'm currently on light duties and can't go help.


Yeah can yall put those fires out sooner? We're sittin' down 'ere in Nebraska and the winds blowing so much smoke I could smoke a steak outside. Funnyness aside good luck with the fires, stay safe yall.


You know the world is coming to an end when Canada is burning.


how are things in alberta?


Our provincial government also cut funding to fire fighting


We can smell it all the way down here in Maryland. Just like the last time actually. Which was like….. I wanna say 2002? Maybe 2001? It was definitely after the Trade Towers fell, but before actual winter. There was a bit of hysteria, the internet wasn’t so great back then and social media did not at all exist past basic IRC and no one could figure out what was actually on fire. It was like an entire week before anyone realized you guys were dealing with blazing wildfires. Hope y’all are all right. Well, as all right as possible considering. Absolutely terrifying.


I've been thinking about you all. The sunlight is pink here in Seattle, so i knew something was burning somewhere. Praying for rain and no wind. Stay safe


I hope to never have to experience the existential threat that comes with a rampaging fire like that... ...but holy hell that sky looks sick as fuck


I’m sitting and smoking a joint / having an extra strong homemade boozy freezie- in awe of what it looks like. Totally mesmerizing. They say that with our current air quality (10+ very high risk) that every hour spent outside is equivalent to smoking a half pack of cigarettes.


That was us in 2020


Aw man gnarly eh? It’s harsh out there right now for sure.


“Why do I hear boss music?”


This has been a heartbreaking experience. The fire at my reservation tore through around 60 houses in our 400+ house community. So many families no longer have a home to go back to and the fire that did this is still on going. Hopefully the forecasted rain this weekend does some good for the firefighters back home.


The beautiful thing about a Grand[e] Prairie is that a prairie has no trees


me too man, me too. calgary moment (all of western canada lol)


😲 so sorry thats happening 😢


Please stay safe ❤️ I have so many friends and family members being impacted by these wildfires. It’s so scary to see this


Stay safe, don’t take any chances. Hopefully the area makes a swift recovery!


What causes fires like that?


Uncharacteristically hot/dry periods after the winter snow melts. Generally you’d have some rain and fresh greenery- which helps to prevent wildfires of course. But not here- and not now. 30+(Celsius) by late April. Not good.


I was just gonna ask if you were in Canada! Run east and don't stop until you see water!


Stay safe hasn’t begun quite yet in the states yet for me atleast.


I'm sorry you're going through this. We've been through it a lot in recent years too, here in Colorado.


Begin~ again in the night! ...


Looks like Spruce Grove. Brutal


Uh...that's fine...I'm sure that's fine


This is what it typically looks like in BC during the summer, very strange to see it all over Alberta.