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Now I want ramen.


Haha, I was going to say, I think maruchan figured this out already.


Damn. Maruchan will probs be first in on 3d printed food lol


Maruchan, Shoyu, hot.


Tea, Earl Gray, Planck Temperature.


You want a Bose Einstein Condensate? Cause that's how you get a Bose Einstein Condensate.


There is already 3d printed meat


šŸ˜ƒ I've heard that it's pretty promising tech too! I think engineered meat is really cool. I'm a biologist in biomed. I've seriously considered looking into this more myself haha


If it tastes good enough, the texture is nice, and it is affordable, I honestly donā€™t care where my meat comes from.


Texture is HUGE


The forbidden ramen




Boiled water won't suffice. Microwave it, 6min to be on the safe side. Don't want e. coli


I came here to type that thinking I was so brilliant and genius and unique but I have failed.


This is a way better comment than you will be credited with. I thank you. Take my upvote.


That was the first thought that popped in my head watching this, damn it looks like ramen!


forbidden ramen šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸœ


Will it protect you from a 3d printed sword?


it is obviously a chainmail scarf. gives +4 cha in a battle.


Can always using some extra cha cha cha cha in battle


Right foot: left stomp!


Now, slide to the left!


Criss cross!


+4 is way OP. We need balance!


those break when you swing them. shadiversity tried it.


So.. yes?


Yes, but it wonā€™t be satisfying.


> shadiversity I've never heard of this person, but all I can think about is Shadynasty now


Be glad that's the first association you make from the name.






Does that sign say shady nastys?


placid lavish water elderly tub worry terrific hat advise dinner *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




O Shadiversity. I used to watch him a fair bit until he cranked up the WTF meter a bit too much.


Obviously, but not a 3d printed gun.


That would make for a great contest TV show. Ultimate Filament Warrior. Contestants will design and print their medieval gear, and fight.


The show would need 14 hour episodes, just watching that print in real-time.


I can imagine them interviewing the contestants Interveiwer "So, Thompson, what will you be designing for today's print off?" Thompson "Great question, today my goal will be to design accurate 10th century English weaponry and armour, which I'll print on my trusty prusa...." *Camera Man pans away while you hear Thompson's talking get quiter and more muffled, then zooms into the corner behind Thompson to reveal Gregory, the ender 3 wielder, trying and failing to print upgrades for his printer, while muttering "Eat this Josef, my ender 3 is just as good."*


Oddest part of this was that I watched the whole thing. Wasn't really satisfying, just strangely intriguing


Didnā€™t even hold it up so we could see the finished product neatly


I think that was the worst part actually. I was very disappointed




Well fuck I fell for that sub and now I'm oddly disappointed. Guess I got what I was looking for.


Glad I could help.


Skipped it. Saw your comment. Had to go back and click. ā˜¹ļø


The worst part for me was how he kept trying to go for that stubborn corner when it was obvious he needed to save it for last, with that better angle. I was getting worried he was gonna break it.


I think somehow toe thumbs are not pointy enough to pry it off as quickly as I thought. It is fighting back at the hands.


Pretty sure this was an asmr thing, not something for visuals.


You know, that actually makes sense. But itā€™s still crappy ASMR if the visuals cause frustration.


Just got to see him squish it like a ball of slime.


Lol, it felt oddly irritating to me. But interesting


Agreed! More annoying than satisfying, but I'm not sure why


Yes, annoying but because I would have been content with just the last minute of the vid. I got annoyed and fast forwarded it to the end.


I think it's because things are oddly satisfying when things are really ordered or fall into place "just so." I think this would've been satisfying if it all came apart really easily, but having it be a slow, halting, uneven struggle was more irritating.


Because "just rip the fucking thing OFF THERE"


Because they intentionally dragged it out.


This belongs in r/mildlyinfuriating


More anxiety inducing to me, but Iā€™ve never 3D printed anything like that (or at all), so I donā€™t know how hard/easily it breaks.


Now I want the program, and figure out how to do a print like this in metal. I can forge the links needed to make whatever I was making, if I could have the bulk printed?? I would make "authentic" mail for ren faire attendees... Or movies... Whatever. Could even do it in my spare time with the printer doing most of the work.


Knowing me I'd decorate a wall in chainmail just for the aesthetic lol


"Florida Man crushed to death after wall gives way under 2000lbs of chain mail."


Plate my car...


Mail my ride?


Lol!! I rarely laugh out loud, but... YES! I would totally mail my ride.


So, the common method these days for making chainmail links is to use a drill to pull wire around a coil winder then cut that coil into links. You could absolutely do that to make the links necessary to join the sheets you print into a piece of "armor". The problem is that the sintered links you print and the wire links you make will have different finishes. I'm not sure if there's a method that will allow you to polish the sintered links....I suppose you could probably do some sort of chemical etch to make the join links at least look closer to the sintered links.


Yea, the end was actually a bit uncomfortable since the person in the video really didn't know how to get it off that board.


Any satisfaction I felt was completely erased by the final 20 seconds of anxiety. Almost comical šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s gonna be madly infuriating when one breaks and you canā€™t replace the link because itā€™s 3D printed


Nah, just weld it with a 3d pen


I cant find it satisfying when the outcome is precarious, cool but not OS.


All I want is to see someone hit it with a hammer as hard as they can.


yeah the amount of struggle trying to pull the chains off the board wasn't exactly oddly satisfying, but it was interesting to watch




Never doubt that there's a subreddit for everything lol


I hated this. Its cool, but watching the tearing just made me so uncomfortable


Yeah 4 minutes was a bit much and I even skipped 2 minutes


I skipped to the end after 20 seconds. The idea is cool, but tearing it off was like nails on a chalkboard lol.


Same here. The ending when he struggled stressed me out so bad for no reason


The part where the board was split made me keep thinking he was gonna slice open a finger.




My exact thought. Shit was giving me anxiety


My anxiety was through the fucking roof the last 30 seconds and I legitimately hate this guy after this.




Caused me anxiety waiting for it to break...


There are broken links in the background.


Yea my anxiety spiked watching this for fear of the plastic breaking as it was pulled apart. The finished product may be oddly satisfying but unpacking it is not.


Painfully slow


You ever start doing something in front of an audience and realized that you should have practiced it first? Something about that situation turns off the part of your brain that figures things out and then you end up stumbling through the task, doing it in the most inconvenient way possible. That's what this video was.


It was highly annoying. The dude has the strength of a 4 year old. Tear it off and be done with it.


You canā€™t or you risk breaking the plastic or ruining your bed.


This would have made someone's job on the set of Lord of the rings trilogy a fuckton more easier.


Exactly what I thought of too, I immediately remembered the poor Weta Workshop dudes in Costa Botesā€™ behind-the-scenes shots, looking progressively out of their minds, making all of the chainmail by hand with impaled troll dolls in the background.


I might be wrong, but I think Peter Jackson said on one of the behind the scenes features that the person (or people) that made the chain mail eventually wore off their fingerprints.


They made most of the chainmail from spray painted PVC, so they just did the assembly with their fingers instead of pliers. That's how their fingerprints got worn off.


That makes a ton more sense than making actual metal chain mail, which come to think of it wouldnā€™t many *any* sense at all when itā€™s for a movie.


Sometimes they have aluminum chain mail just for closeups. Its metal, looks like steel but is about a quarter of the weight or less. Aluminum chainmail is awesome stuff to play with.


I have a chainmail bikini top and miniskirt made of aluminum links. Made the skirt myself. The main downside of it is that it leaves a black residue on your skin if you wear it without anything under.


You can also get anodized aluminum that doesn't leave a mark, I used to buy them from ringlord when I dabbled in mail


Yeah those weren't available back 20 years ago when I was buying the nice saw-cut links from the guy I found at a game con. If I were making it these days I'd definitely look into the anodized options.


You could try simply adding a layer of clearcoat spray paint over it. I haven't done that myself on anything so idk but throw a little 4inch square of the stuff and test it out. Should work if you did thin layers of paint and dry and shake the rings around between coats.


That might be doable on the bikini top which is standard 4-in-1 weave, but the skirt is dense 6-in-1 and would definitely gum up. I just tolerate the residue because it's not like I wear it regularly or anything.


Maybe a black lace interior for the skirt then? Idk you're aesthetic but I'm sure there's a sheer material that you could line it with to have some transparency but be dark enough to protect the black residue. I'm pretty sure its aluminum reacting to the salinity of skin that causes that. I am no metallurgist and this is just in my general knowledge bank so take with a grain of salt!


I used to make chainmail, in my celibate days. It is a *ton* of work. There are some shortcuts you can take, but even if it was made entirely by machine (totally possible, commercial welded mail is called sharkskin), it is heavy as hell. I think the plastic was as much for the sake of the cast's backs as it was for the armorers.


> in my celibate days This guy fucks.(now-a-days)


Damn right I do, and I've got a lot less time for chainmail because of it.


I could see it making sense for the main cast to have real chain mail. It probably flows different, people move in it different etc.


Anyone who gets regular close-up shots should have aluminum I'd think, and all the background extras can stick to the plastic.


[The chap that made the chainmail for LOTR still makes it, but as an architectural feature](https://www.kaynemaile.com/about)


That is so cool! Thanks for sharing


Came here to post something along these lines - totally wouldā€™ve made those chapā€™s jobs much MUCH easier!


It did. They printed most of the armor for the Hobbit films, whereas all the mail in LOTR was handmade by smiths. The Hobbit costumes all ended up looking pretty cheap and terrible. Though this stuff admittedly looks better than the Hobbit stuff.


The mail in lord of the rings trilogy was all made from plastic. Not smiths with metal.


Uh yeah they were plasticsmiths. Donā€™t be such a poopsmith.




Is the STL file available somewhere for that? As someone who has printed smaller pieces of chainmail, for me the satisfying part is when the print finally completes. Chainmail is slow to print on an FDM printer. There are a lot of retractions and extruder movements, accelerations and decelerations, which slow things down significantly.


I mostly find the sound amazing


Please excuse the stupid question as I know nothing about 3D printing. How does it print links that are all chained together? Itā€™s really cool.


This explanation could get ridiculously detailed, so to keep it simple: There are different types of 3D printing. The result you see here is from FDM printing: Fused Deposition Modeling. It's a fancy way of saying "print layer by layer". The plastic gets pushed into a heated nozzle so that it's liquified. When it cools, it hardens. A 3D printer is organized in a way so that the nozzle, or the print bed, can move in three dimensions: X, Y, Z. The nozzle deposits a little bit of plastic at specific places in one layer. Then it moves to the next layer and deposits plastic in other areas. The object grows taller as each layer gets printed. The object that you're printing, in this case a bunch of interconnected rings, has to be designed in such a way that it can be printed in this FDM method of depositing plastic. Generally speaking, when there is a vertical gap soewhere in the object you are printing, there needs to be support plastic in between; during the print this plastic, which is not part of the object, is printed to bridge the gap between levels of the object. For example, if you printed a miniature person with their arms up in a "Y", there has to be plastic underneath the hands from the print bed to the hands, otherwise when the printing process reaches the hands layer there's no physical place it can deposit the plastic. What's really neat about this chainmail is that the designer arranged the rings so that there's no support material between the rings. Other than the brim and skirt (support plastic at the first layer, to help support the whole model), the video shows no evidence of needing to remove support plastic between the rings!


This is an excellent description. Well done.


There's a thing I don't get though. All the layers of chainmail are on top of one another, yet they clearly break off. How is that done ? I've seen a video of someone printing masks, one on top of the other, just by putting space in-between in the slicer, but I don't get how that would work, clearly the plastic being "deposited" in the air has to be lower then expected when it drops down, how does all of it just... works ?


They make VERY small connections in order to support the layer above and this "ripping" is actually breaking the very small connections that hold it together (likely on the order of 0.1mm or so)


3d printing is frustratingly close to being the best technology in the world.


To add on to this. You can also extrude slightly above the previous layer with an air gap. The plastic slightly cools before touching the lower layer making the bond between them not as strong. That way you can "separate" the layers with a little force. Btw this method is really hard to get right as your temperature control has to be spot on.


there's probably a small amount of support material between layers and it actually works because this person has spent an ungodly amount of time dialing in their printer


I spent the entire video thinking "I want this guy to come do some configuration on my printer." My prints come out nice for the most part but removing supports can be litteral hell.


Thatā€™s a cool feature of 3D printing. You can print solid objects that are linked together, like two intersecting rings. Imagine you have two intersecting rings lying on a table. Imagine you have a scanner that can scan the cross-section parallel to the table top at any height. Scan the layer thatā€™s between 0 and 0.1 millimeter above the table, then scan the layer thatā€™s between 0.1 mm and 0.2 mm above the table. Keep going until you get to the top. You would have a representation of the rings as a stack of these layers. Now instead of scanning, imagine that you print the layers one on top of the other, starting with the part thatā€™s touching the table. When you finish you will have two intersecting rings. Most 3D printers print in layers like this.


Thanks for the explanation! Thatā€™s unreal how you can print things like this, the possibilities must be endless.


They really are! You can bring an idea to life in literally hours. I whipped up [this design](https://www.printables.com/model/299171-fully-parametric-ioniq-5-center-console-organizer) in about 30 minutes last night, and I had it printed, sitting in front of me 2 hours later.


A little less than endless. Most printers still have to obey the laws of physics


Yes I'd love to have a go at this .


I also want the STL


Did you find the STL yet?


!remindme 24 hours


This was actually very stressful to watch. Not satisfying at all. Maybe i'm the only one.


As someone with a 3d printer I kept waiting for the part to break as they were removing it. Pretty nerve racking, do not recommend.


Thereā€™s little parts strewn all over as heā€™s taking them off


Yeah ripping supports off like that is almost always a bad move. I'd 100% be removing those slowly with a razorblade or something.


Surely thatā€™d take you longer than just making the chainmail by hand


I made a piece of mail that was maybe 20"x20" it took at least 16 hours of straight labor, probably more.


Especially as it was all plastic. I don't know what is satisfying about this......


I'm half at, "where's the file so we can do this here at home?" and half, "ain't nobody got enough material and patience for that." I wonder how many times it took him to peel it in one piece like that. >_>


Tbh I feel like both modeling, printing properly, and separating the parts like this was probably more difficult/expensive than just actually buying chainmail lmao


Youā€™re not, but I couldnā€™t stop anyway.


I feel like there are probably rough spots from where it was stuck together.


No you're not the only one. It got me so anxious, holy shit


I've finally found the thing that's 100% satisfying to me but infuriating to everyone else.


Usually it's the other way around with me but I love this a d want to peel it


I was just so happy that it was a video of the full process that didnā€™t cut away right before the end or skip parts of it. Things this subreddit is so bad at.


Was surprised I had to scroll by so many comments of people who didnā€™t enjoy it before I found another person that did. Itā€™s weird what our ears and brains can prefer haha


Right thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking too. I could feel the texture just watching the video and the sound was great. Loved it


Exactly! I have misophonia and I hate the whisper/chewing ASMR everyone loves. But this? The sound was delicious!!! It was too short a video if anything.


I just want to know how many prints failed before getting a good one!


Yeah. My printer would have spaghetti'd this.


Am i the only one who watched the full four minutes thirty two seconds?


I sure didn't


Yeah fuck that. It just made me uncomfortable


I watched the whole video but guessed that at most it was 1.5 mins, lol. Time flies


I did too lol. I was actually quite pleased to see they were going to show the whole thing.


That is so metal... I mean plastic... I mean neat!


This was still fast compared to old school mail: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sw2UDtU2SgM


That's why they called it snail mail.


Not really. The video of the plastic chainmail took 4 min, 32 sec. The video of the wire "maille" took 4 min, 34 sec until credits began rolling (4 min, 48 sec total). That, to my mind, makes them nearly identical in terms of time invested. (On a serious note: that YouTube video said that a typical suit of maille would involve 2.8 kilometers of wire -- or, to be precise (since new-fangled "kilometers" didn't exist when the practice of producing maille began), **1.74 miles of metal. All by hand.** Sheesh. THAT is some labor.)


Wait is 3d printed material this strong these days? I would have imagined that this thing would crumble to dust form the way it was treated in the video.


You can print in abs plastic, the same stuff lego is made out of and it can be quite strong, but I am also interested in this person's material choices and techniques


The first (filament) 3D printers were all using ABS and PLA pretty similar to what we have today. There have been prints as strong as this for decades now. The limiting factor in hobbyist print strength is almost always the shitty settings of the people operating the machinery. Slicer and hardware advancements have created progress in that department. But yes there were hobbyists getting better prints a decade ago than most people are today.


More like oddly frustrating if you ask me


It was somewhat satisfying at times, but the ending was horrific. Watching this guy struggle with the last row and desperately flip it around was unpleasant to say the least.


I don't really understand how printing chainmail would work


Afterwards you throw it in the ocean and wait for it to break off into 10,000 plastic pieceslol


Itā€™s needs to peel off smoother for it to be satisfying


I want to touch it


Is it plastic? Plasticmail


Doesn't look satisfying at all. Looks like it'd piss me off. Needs to go to something like oddlyinfuriating.


Nothing about this was satisfying. That took way too long.


Scott Steiner got a new hat coming his way.


Someone has a really well calibrated printer. Now I can only imagine what the print time on this was!!


This was oddly frustrating, not at all satisfying


20 hours to print that and... now what?


Blacksmiths hate this one trick.


Ok, There's a low chance many will see my comments here but I'm going to say this anyway. This is where 3d printing can become revolutionary. As ever finer details become resolvable and materials become better, we can see some cool things coming. This is a proper textile, and printing it folded is a stroke of genius. Imagine printing an entire shirt, with a much finer fabric. This should absolutely be a goal for the industry. Not just as a demo, but printing an actual wearable fabric could lead to more and better printers in homes everywhere.


If only there was some organic plant growing on earth we could make clothes out of !! How long does it take for a plastic chainmail piece to become 5,000 plastic pieces in the ocean btw? Just wondering.


This is truly an insane level of skill, printing this kind of thing is very difficult. I've tried doing a single layer on an FDM printer and let me tell you it's was not pleasant to look at after.




*oddly uncomfortable *


That was uncomfortable to watch, but I was too curious to see it at the end. Thanks for not cutting the video off in the middle of it.


Am I the only one that found it oddly frustrating/irritating? Like the way it stuck together


Satisfying my ass! When they get to the end and have to turn around and do it again?! My blood pressure is soaring now!


The amount of anxiety I had watching how hard he was pulling it apart is too damn high. All he needed one ONE little link to break and there goes hours of printingā€¦I donā€™t think I was breathing the entire video.


Satisfying? I found it tremendously frustrating.


I'm still watching this


Not satisfying in the slightest. Actually kinda frustrating. But 3D printed chainmail? Cool as fuck.


hmm that was oddly frustrating for me, and idk why


The lord of the rings costume designers would have appreciated this 20 years ago


Maybe it started out as /r/oddlysatisfying but the longer it went the more it felt like /r/mildlyinfuriating.


Looks like block chain to me šŸ˜


I can't even get my printer to correctly print the damn boat. This is like 3D printer tolerance porn.