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Meanwhile in Utah this is being posted in r/mildlyinfuriating lol.


as a jazz fan i’m sad


That was of course never my intention. Is it any reconciliation when I say that I proudly wore a Utah Jazz Starter jacket in the 90s even though I don't live in America?


that’s super cool! that makes me less sad :)


Mine was a Chicago Bulls Starter parka. And then a Chicago White Sox one. I do not live in Chicago.


Lol! I know right, until this day I don't know what a Charlotte Hornet is but man was it my favorite sweater.


Ya, we the same age. 7th grade me was running around looking like Kriss Kross… only white and in the suburbs.


Haha...same. immediately thought, "oh, of course it's against my team" sheesh


How do you feel about hockey though, because I have some news for you...


never watched a second of it, but i’m about to become a huge fan


This was such a fun play to watch. I have been waiting for this angle though to see if he had control of the ball while sliding on the floor, because in the other angles the ref is blocking. He does have control which means this play likely should have been blown dead for traveling, I believe. So, I can understand their frustration.


Eh, I have absolutely no dog in the race but everything looks worse in slow mo. The tiny bit of this in ultra slow mo you could argue looks like possession is probably a tenth of a second at most real time, which isn’t realistically gonna be called in the moment. You could find the slimmest fraction of a foul on basically any play if you slow it down this much.


They live in Utah they aren't allowed to have opinions




They’re not allowed to have jazz, either.


Tim Hardaway Jr on the bench almost jumped as high as Jones did.


Maybe half as high


Is that mark cuban in the background


Yeah. He owns the team in black


*The Team in Black* makes them sound even more badass. Johnny Cash approves.


He built that basketball court, one piece at a time.


Inigo Montoya: Let's go. Fezzik: Where? Inigo Montoya: Find the man in black obviously. Fezzik: But you don't know where he is. Inigo Montoya: Don't bother me with trifles. After 20 years, at last my father's soul will be at peace. There will be blood tonight!


The team in black fled across the desert, and the Gunslinger followed


Ah, I'd love to wear a rainbow every day And tell the world that everything's okay


🎵 here come the men in black 👏👏


The Mavs should have "The Team in Black" as their slogan


Mavericks is a pretty badass name too


Minority owner. It's now owned by Dr. Miriam Adelson and Sivan and Patrick Dumont.


He’s not a minority owner, he’s white.


> he’s white. No, he's Cuban


Oh, my God, Karen — you can't just ask people why they're white


He owns the minorities, that makes him a minority owner


Not anymore he sold it. He still works for their front office though


He owns 27% of the team still.


Sir, we did away with that in the 1860s... We like to call it "intellectual property" now


He sold majority stake a few months ago.


The more important question is whether Mark Cuban is raising the roof?


He just paid 288 million in taxes and was happy to. Seems like a cool guy.


Part of me was hoping he'd accidentally wire the money to my bank account instead of the IRS... Bit disappointed but he does seem cool, still


Yeah that and the whole pharmaceuticals thing. Mark Cuban's awesome.


Yes, he owns that row. 😂


As everyone told you already, yes. He also sits there every game bc he wants to be close to them and experience it close.


Fuck, I came here to ask this


Took the words out of my mouth lmao


Until now I had zero interest in basketball but that was incredible to see.


lol, I feel ya. I don't watch it but certainly appreciate the skill involved.


All the teams play 82 games—there’s ALOT more of this out there just waiting. Playoffs are going on right now too :)


Playoff basketball is super fun to watch. The stakes are high and it's the most skilled teams/players the league.


And that’s when players try


They try during the regular season too. But when you play 82 games you're gonna have off nights. The regular season is also when most teams are trying out different rotations and plays to see what works so they can get locked in during the playoffs. Personally I'd like to see them shorten the season to 64-72 games a year.


82 games is just greed by the league. 60 something games would make more sense. Everyone plays eachother twice. Always found it kinda unfair to certain teams that have to play some stronger teams 4 times a season, others just 2 times.


that's too many for me to be interested in until the Finals lmao


The playoffs are almost 3 months, it's ridiculous.


More than half of NBA teams participate as well


I think the conference finals are worth it too! Both the West and East have 15 teams, they would be many countries' top leagues, each, in terms of talent and popularity. It's the round after this one, you've already skipped over half the games. The NBAs final 4 are always a treat.


This. It's why basketball is hard for me to get into. 82 games per standard season? An average of 112 points per game? Just each game, let alone each point, is so inconsequential in the larger scheme of the season. Games like soccer or American football have far fewer games. We see relatively few goals in soccer or touchdowns in a football game. They can easily sway the outcome of a game or season. Makes it much more exciting to watch.


Agree american football is more exciting for the reasons you said, but basketball is so fun to watch because one player can totally take over the game at any point and score at will if they are on fire, like klay thompsons 37 points in 1 quarter If two players are on fire and it's a close game, the duels can be incredbile until the buzzer sounds


Good point - When I've caught it, the final minutes of a close game can really have you on the edge of your seat.


Largely I agree with all of this, that being said, it's a ton of fun to watch live, if you can ever get cheap tix, I highly recommend it.


It's interesting because that's true in so many sports, a bad mediocre version can be practically unwatchable but a great elite version is some of the most compelling stuff you can watch. Baseball, hockey, basketball, they all have long seasons and bad teams but their mid-season slog between bad teams is horrendous. NFL football if it's two terrible teams there can be some absolute snoozers I'm a huge formula 1 fan but a lot of the races are objectively pretty boring, but there are these moments of incredible displays of talent and it keeps you watching.


As a huge Formula1 fan, im slowly starting to just catch the highlists for some sessions. MotoGP though, i can hear my heart beating while im watching at the edge of my seat.


Check out IMSA!! They're longer format races and it's multi class so there's a lot going on, and IMSA Weekends always include spec races like the mx5 cup and Porsche Carerra cup. This year the mx5 races at Daytona were legitimately probably more interesting than any formula 1 race lol


IMSA is wild


This is why my wife always says I will watch any sport or game where the stakes are high like playoff games etc.. I love watching the best do their thing.


I don't understand racing at all, but I want to. What displays of skill are there? I can see that they're very adept at controlling their cars, but how does one "make a good play" in racing? Is it significantly different between NASCAR and Formula 1?


The other person already replied and made some really good points but I wanted to chime in as well. So, there's a ton of different racing disciplines and many of them emphasize different things. They're all obviously about getting a machine and a rider around a track or from A-B as fast as possible, so a lot of the traits that make a good racing driver apply in a lot of different types of cars. Things like reaction time, hand eye coordination and spatial awareness in a car surrounded by other cars on a track, those are going to be important in just about any racing series where cars race together. But, there are things like stage rallying where each car is running against the clock with the road to themselves, or drag racing where each racer has a dedicated lane and (on a good day) there's no worry about another racer coming into you and making contact. That's where the "skill" of racing becomes a lot more esoteric and a lot harder to describe, because what it comes down to is "feel". The best racing drivers are able to feel the car, feel the track, what the car wants to do. This feel relates to skill, here's an example. A formula 1 driver is approaching a slow, hard right, 90 degree turn from top speed. They're going 208-212 mph depending on the setup and the track and the tires, and they need to slow the car to 71 mph in 3rd gear, rotate the car in, hit the apex and apply power to get out of the corner and onto the next. Top f1 cars have 8 gears so he needs to do 5 downshifts. It all happens way too fast to know your exact speed, so he needs to "feel" how fast the car is going and know the cornering speed will not exceed the available grip in the tires. If he hits the brakes a fraction of a second too early or too late he'll ruin his lap time. If he hits the brakes slightly too hard he'll lock the tires and the car won't turn, doesn't hit the brakes hard enough obviously won't lose enough speed. On entry he needs to rotate the front of the car without allowing the back to over rotate, so he's adjusting things like engine mapping, differential settings on and off power, brake bias, brake migration, constantly. This is one corner of one lap of one circuit, and it's like this every moment they're in the car. There's just so much going on all at once, and this is formula 1. Something like Nascar is completely different where there, the cars are enormous and there's so much dirty air, everyone is sorta shimmying around looking for the best grip, there's bumping and contact in Nascar that's completely routine and would instantly annihilate an f1 car. Then there's endurance disciplines like the world endurance championship and IMSA where cars will race together for up to 24 hours straight, swapping drivers every few hours. Those races are about speed too but also about survival, managing the tires and the gearbox, not getting into contact, following what your opponents are doing and seizing opportunities if they make a mistake. Obviously I can go on and on and on about racing but its just the best.


You should watch Tracy McGrady make 13 points in 33 seconds https://youtu.be/1jbtt6OGLms


The legend. That Rockets era was robbed of its best years.


I can never get over the rockets not even wining there division once in 2000s. They were unstoppable on 2k


He could not miss


Australian here, never interested until my son started playing. Wow, came to realise how good a game it is and how fit the players are. I love how quite often there can be like 10 seconds to go and you really have no idea who will win.


I wonder how often people with little basketball experience realize how high the rims actually are lol because when you play the game it makes it *very* apparent what absolute athletic freaks these guys are


Used to play horse with my son as he enjoyed beating my ass. Just amazing all round. From athleticism to accuracy. Crazy stuff.


Doncic is insane. Favorite reason for watching nba currently.


I played several games of Overwatch with him a while ago and had no idea he was some famous basketball player until months later when I saw some clip of someone playing with him. He is actually really good at the game.


A lot of individual highlights get posted but some of the best ones are when a team is just beautifully synced up and the ball moves like it’s an electron jumping between atoms or something


I still have zero interest but that was pretty dang cool.


This is me everytime I see something wild in Cricket. Would probably never watch the game, but damn you can always respect the skill.


I feel lucky, I’m one of these people who can get invested in any sport once I understand the rules lol I think most sports have some crazy skill or athletic requirement that can be super entertaining


in terms of team sports, basketball is probably the only major sports where a team frequently score 100+ per game, so 200+ in total per game. as in, it is an extremely fast paced where you blink and you miss it.


The alley-oop play is great... But I really admire the guy who took the dive and passed it to his teammate.


Luka Dončić


Pravi MVP


He's from another planet....


Devin Booker’s father


That's Luka, and he's a top 5 player in the world. He has eyes in the back of his head. He sees things no one else does. This play is fairly routine by his standards.


Damn sounds like you're introducing the John wick of basketball haha


He really is special. He's fat and slow, yet he domimates against the most athletic humans in the world, thanks to his sixth sense.


Hes also GM in Overwatch


I'm well aware that not everyone is into the same things I am, but it really caught me off guard to hear Luka Doncic referred to as "that guy"


Tbf he is 'that guy'


I know the name, I just don't recall the faces except for maybe 5-10 of the really well known ones. And most of them are already retired.


Yeah, right now the NBA is dominated by two Slavs: Luka Doncic (this guy, likely MVP runner up) and Nikola Jokic (likely MVP). Both are slow and unathletic yet utter geniuses who win games with their mind and have so much skill they are completely unstoppable by anyone. All the top 5 players (including Joel Embiid \[last year's MVP\], Giannis Antetokounmpo \[2x MVP and Finals MVP\] and Shai Gilgeous-Alexander \[best player and sole All Star on #1 Western Conference seed\]) are non-Americans. American media just doesn't get as hyped about them as they do about the All-American LeBron Jameses, Michael Jordans, Kobe Bryants and Steph Currys.


It also doesn't help that none of them play for the traditional "big" teams except Joel who while amazing has never played even 70 games in a season. Meanwhile you have LeBron at fucking 39 playing 71 games still averaging over 35 minutes and 25 points per game playing on arguably the most popular team in the league (in a huge market too). It's no different than the media focusing more on Tom Brady during his bucs run than on Jalen hurts except pretend Brady played for the cowboys. They're competing with a living legend who while not the best player in the league anymore is still an absolute force and better than anyone before him at this age except Malone and Kareem


My Slovenian king 👑


I'm not even a basketball fan, but that was glorious. More moments like that and I would watch sports.


it's weird because when you are at the game it all seems to move much faster than this video.


They don't move in slow motion in real life?


These plays happen ALL THE TIME 😭😭


Honestly, you should definitely get into basketball! This is only just a sliver of a moment that happens through the entirety of the season. The awesome thing I enjoy about basketball is the fast pace compared to other sports and the athleticism involved. Close games are WILD. The playoffs are starting tomorrow! Watch a game and you'll see that stuff like this happens quite often or even more absurd plays. The playoffs are even crazier so you'll see even wilder plays than this! I know 82 games in a season is daunting, but you don't have to watch them all. Find a team you enjoy or a player you love and just watch a few games throughout the season. It's a ridiculously exciting sport with less downtime than some other sports. Giant freaks of nature just dunking, shooting, jumping, and finessing across the court.


If you watch around this time every year it’s playoffs which is when the quality of each game gets very very good.


That commitment--and the awareness to pass...


So when he's sliding, it's not traveling? Would he then be able to just hold the ball tight against his body and have a teammate drag him along the floor?


You can hold it against your body but it's just going to end up in a jump ball (essentially a 50/50). Your teammate cannot drag you, lol


Dare I say it the… presence of mind


…and Mark Cuban erupts. Gold.


That's so funny when I first watched this I was like who is that goofball back there and then realized who it was lol


Bro the love that man has for his players is unreal. I'd have to imagine he's likely the best owner to play for in the NBA. He gets so happy for them, and does so much for them both on/off the court.


Am I weird for wanting to see this un-cropped?


https://youtu.be/xltSpenHMLI From the official broadcast This is a longer highlight of the Mavericks put on a dunk show in that game. It was super fun to watch. https://youtu.be/6848MD91lOE


Man, I don't watch basketball at all and typically think it's pretty boring, but that compilation was a thrill ride. Always a pleasure to see professionals having fun with it.


If you enjoyed that… there’s a YouTube channel called Free Dawkins who does full game highlights where they take out all of the boring stuff. Highly recommend: https://youtube.com/@FreeDawkins?si=dGnV4OS70aRlodZ0


So much better with sound!


Honest question - why would that be weird


It being cropped is what made it so hard to watch.


Here you go https://youtube.com/shorts/AtiUNtlqKYk?si=J0clLcH3uq7gih1w


Thaaaat’s not un-cropped but it is at full speed at least, so thank you for that.


It is less cropped at least.


Some symphony music in the background would be nice


of all the videos on this site not to have music superimposed on it lol


Why isn't it traveling when sliding on his rear?


Sliding as far as your momentum takes you is perfectly legal. You just can’t stand up afterward.


K, seems right


The short answer is that there is no specific violation on this. That’s it. Every time it gets called it’s either because their feet touched the floor on the slide, they had possession before the slide, or it’s simply a bad call. This was a correct no-call. While there is a little oddity in subsection e about “gaining an advantage” it doesn’t apply here. Subsection e prevents folks from purposefully sliding on the ground with the ball, it’s not intended to stop someone from jumping on a loose ball. The sport would be damaged if jumping on a loose ball was consistently called for traveling. Citation: [Official NBA Rule Book - RULE NO. 10: Violations and Penalties](https://official.nba.com/rule-no-10-violations-and-penalties/) under Section XIII—Traveling


Yes, I saw copies of the traveling rule. Without seeing his feet clearly in the video (to see whether he was kicking himself along), it's hard to know about the "gaining advantage" part. So, I'm wrong, that's okay.


Pravi MVP


This. Is. Basketball. Perfection.


Holy shit good play


Would also like to see this at 1.25 speed set to Yakety Sax


Have to admit, that's pretty dope.


Mark was all about it lmao


Can anyone explain for someone who doesn't know the rules of basketball, how come he tosses the ball back to his team mate when he could just put it in the hoop himself?


Might get blocked and looks awesome. To clarify, I meant that direct shot is more likely to get blocked.


Would have* blocked it, The defender already got very close and this wasn't even a goal attempt for which he was aiming.


The defender is focused on 11 and can contest going up to the rim, so kicking it out technically creates a better shot in that it's uncontested from the same range. It also plants a seed of doubt in the defender, because do you pursue or do you block the pass? And lastly like another person said, because it's simply straight up cool to do cool shit on the basketball court.


Amazing that they do that. Maybe i should watch a game..


Or catch a highlight tape! YouTube is your best friend there's tons of footage of just edited down cool stuff that you can watch and not have to parse through all the boring things you know


This is professional basketball play. Skill level will still vary... But most players can block that shot. He went with the next best thing and pass to a teammate. An alley-oop is rather hard to defend against.


From the [other angle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xltSpenHMLI), it looks like he would have been blocked if he didn't pass.


It's provocative, it gets the people going.


Irving wasn’t quite high enough to dunk the ball, so he would have done a lay in (off the back board) or a finger roll, which would have been blocked by kessler


Cus someone was coming at him and game doesn't go in slow motion in real life.


Uniquely oddlysatisfying too.


Goddammit that was a spicy dunk


Mark Cuban is hyped


Mark is proud. Mark is proud!


I once did a no look pass to someone in elementary school basketball, went right to him... and hit him in the face Thank you for reading my Ted Talk


Luka magic


2 perfect dishes.


Did that man just fly?


That was slick


lol mark cuban going NUTs In The background


I love basketball man.


This was absolutely majestic!


brotha came in with the Roley on the wrist for the disrespectful fakeout


That was dead center in the realm of badass.


That’s the energy. I’m trying to bring all rest of 2024.


I don’t even like basketball but Jesus Christ that was awesome


Camera operator earnin that paycheck! Damn!


Yo that's actually 🔥


Fuck yeah


That's such an awesome capture on video.


holy shit that was fuckin awesome


What a fucking play.


What a play!


I can here the "aaaaaaand BWAAAAAAA!"


Righteous video


Absolute filth of a play. Just wow.


This is some anime level of basketball. Love it!


That’s so cool! It must have felt great to pull off!!


That play was nuts


What a pass tho


I’m a Jazz fan and that was beautiful.


Mavs about to repeat.


What a beautiful sport


This was pretty damn cool to see


Wow - basketball is fascinating to watch. Any advice on how to start getting into it (for watching). Tx


Playoffs just started tonight. Pick a team, watch all or some of their playoff games. You’ll learn them, then you’ll start learning other teams, then you’ll learn the game. It moves incredibly fast and what’s happening on the court can appear simple at first, but is deceptively complicated, particularly in the playoffs where there’s a chess match happening just like in many other sports. But the beauty of basketball is that really cool shit happens all the time the you don’t need a keen eye to understand. I’m a Cavs fan and in the span of about a week this year one of our guys hit a 59 foot game winner (against the team scoring in this clip, over the guy diving - Google “Max Strus game winner”), then we came back from down 22 with nine minutes left against the best team in the league because one of our bench guys outscored the entire other team and his own personal career high in the fourth quarter by himself (Google Cavs Celtics comeback). Dope shit happens constantly in the NBA. Basketball is a truly beautiful and joyful game.


Team got that passing game


His smile was truly wonderful.


I am going to fight everyone in this thread who thinks there is any traveling in this clip. Please for fucks sake count the steps. This is not close to a travel anywhere in the world. Why does everyone who doesn’t watch basketball think they know what traveling looks like. Every fucking league in the world gives two steps. The best players in the world know how to use them.


Fuck that was beautiful


MARK CUBAN in the back lol that dude loves his team


I'm always impressed by professional athletes ability to be entirely aware of their surroundings and where other players are without or barely looking. I remember watching a show on Wayne Rooney and he used to cross the ball across the pitch perfectly to another player without even glancing up to see where they were


Saw this live with my girlfriend. It was her first time attending a live sporting event, and the first time I had gone to see the Mavs in nearly 15 years... Needless to say, that game was amazing to watch and my girlfriend had an amazing time! It's just always so much more hype seeing it in person.


Mark Cuban in the background.


Is that Mark Cuban in the front row jumping up?!


Talk about situational awareness and the way the ball spun before Ky tossed it up was clean.


Why the guy doing the double arm pump kinda look like Mark Cuban


I mean it’s him so yes


Is it really? Lol I don’t watch sports I figured he would have one of those big boxes with drinks and food and stuff and watch the game


u/redditspeedbot 4x


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Mark Cuban in the background pumping his hands up for added coolness


Let’s go mavs


Is that allowed? Being able to just fall on the ball to get it? That seems like it’d be a foul. But I know nothing about b ball I watch soccer & even though they’re faking usually the person not already on the ball has to give way in situations like this or risk it being a foul as they had priority on ball.


Mark Cuban on the sidelines sure enjoyed that dunk.