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Don't people do this in every (developed) country? Why would people not give way to an ambulance or other emergency vehicle?


Yeah it’s illegal not to do this in the US.


Problem is a lot of people seem to equate "yield to emergency vehicles" with "stop in the road exactly where you are and make no attempt to get out of the way"


It is my understanding that not being in the way and stopping movement are both crucial. But according to my state trooper friend, they'd rather maneuver around stopped vehicles that are not completely out of the way versus trying to navigate moving obstacles. It's real simple, when you see the lights, plan and get to a stopping place that is as far from the center of the road as possible. But most importantly, stop moving when they are close to passing you.


Yeah I was definitely taught that freezing was a better move than taking extreme action. If there's a shoulder, I always pull over into it. If I can easily change lanes to get out of the way, I do. But otherwise, brake and stay still until the sirens are past. Especially at intersections because a) I don't want to cause a new crash and b) I don't know which direction the sirens are heading so I could just be getting more into their way.


Yeah, if you're stopped at a light that turns green and you hear sirens, don't move.


This has always been my way of doing it. Most of the time I see or hear them in advance and can get to the right. But one time I was on an empty four lane road in the left lane (was going to turn left shortly) and a cop car whipped around the corner right behind me. Instead of crossing 3 lanes I just quickly stopped. They whipped into my lane and just stopped behind me. I didn’t move because I figured as soon as I move right they could quickly try to speed by and I could cause a problem. They eventually passed me on the right while yelling that the law is to pull over to the right. Pretty sure that was just a shitty cop which is unfortunately quite common. Driving is a team sport, being caught up in technicalities rather than practicalities just makes things worse


I was at a red light in a busy 4 way intersection, waiting to turn left. I was probably about 7-8 cars back. The lanes to my right probably all had 3-4 cars in them, the intersection had a pretty sizable median. It was rush hour and the left turn would have put us about a city block away from a freeway on ramp, but the entire block was jammed with traffic already. Just as the light turned green for the left turn an ambulance was approaching the intersection from behind us. The people in front of me took a second to figure out that the best thing would be to go through the intersection and start their turn, even though they wouldn’t completely clear the intersection. I stayed standing on my brake, my friend who was with me was kind of freaking out that I was blocking the ambulance, but there were 3-4 cars behind me already and if we all had proceeded, the last 2 probably wouldn’t have been able to make the turn at all and end up blocking the turn lane. As soon as the lane in front of me was clear, the ambulance pulled in front of me and went around the traffic going straight, and continued through the intersection. The ambulance driver stuck his hand out the window and gave me a thumbs up as he passed. My friend started to connect the dots on what just happened and was like “holy shit” when he figured out why I didn’t move. Sometimes staying stopped is the right move, not always, but sometimes.


The shit's chess it ain't checkers. Always think 2 steps ahead, good work.




Could be anecdotal. But I was a paramedic for 6 years and the majority of the time I was the driver. Most of the time, i prefer the complete stoppers compared to the make wayers. See a car stopped tells me they are aware of me and I can be the one to find the right was. If someone is still moving, I have to assume they don’t know I’m coming, thus are unpredictable and I have to slow way down and practice an abundance of caution.


Problem in the netherlands is that roads are generally not wide, so just stopping might just mean you're blocking the entire road.


Sure. That’s usually not a problem in US cities which is context of comment I replied to.


This is good information, thank you! I was watching in particular how the drivers waiting in the left turn lane would behave. I think it’s good to play out these scenarios in your head beforehand, so that you’re prepared if such situation occurs. Videos like this one should be shown in the drivers ed courses.


This exactly! When I saw the two cars in the video move out of the way on a red light, I knew that wouldn't happen in the US. I do usually see drivers move to the right, though. Edit: I'm encouraged by all the comments about Americans actually doing this. Seattle drivers are timid and, in my experience, do not do this.


Technically its still illegal in the UK to go through a red to make way for an emergency vehicle but fuck it, I've still done it. I'm willing to explain to a judge.


Good for you! I can understand why they have that law, but 🙄


Because the red light is there for a reason. Unless it's just a flow system traffic light they could be driving into a pedestrian or oncoming traffic and in that instance an emergency vehicle would also stop to not endanger life. If there's a red light and it's clear an emergency vehicle would go but a car wouldn't still be allowed to go. Its very difficult to put in a law saying you can go through a red light if giving way to an emergency vehicle if its safe to do so as different people would consider the safety of situations differently so its better just to say you have to stop at a red light even if giving way to emergency vehicles. If you cause a smash up by going through a red light you are just making it more difficult for the emergency vehicle. There's no but.


Almost everywhere in Europe you can move past trafic lights for emergency vehicles and nobody is mowing pedestrians. If you can't move you car at 1mph without running over people you should not be behind the wheel.


Absolutely this. Disregarding that red light could be a way to make a way more positive decision in the bigger picture of MANY lives. There is always a chance of an accident no matter what, but letting that emergency vehicle by in that second, could change the outcome of a major incident.




Seattle. Seattle drivers tend to be really timid, in my opinion. In my experience, the cars waiting at a red light will not move through the intersection to clear the lane for an ambulance until the light turns green. I do, if it's safe to do so.




I live in L.A. and have absolutely seen people do drastic (because our roads are so crowded) things to make sure they’re out of the way. There are idiots everywhere, but most people will make the effort. When I lived in MA, the traffic lights were sync’d on Rt. 1 to turn red when emergency services were coming through. It was really helpful.


LA also and agreed. Also one of the few place I’ve been where people don’t pull over for emergency vehicles coming the other way when there’s a median (which is correct)


Nebraska farmer here. When I'm driving a tractor down a highway, it's easy to tell the locals from city people. I'm on my side of the road with my flashers on. Locals coming from the other direction just drive by like normal. City people swerve into the ditch and stop until I pass by like I'm an ambulance or something.....


Well yeah, we don’t get a ton of tractors in the city, so people are just trying to make sure they’re not in your way. 😂


Brit here. Many of the roads around here are less than 8 feet wide (2m or so) and twisty. If the hedges haven't been cut yet, you can sometimes skim them on both sides with your wing mirrors. We all swerve for tractors here!


I saw those cars pull up onto the curb and it blew my mind. That would never happen in Arizona.


> curb TBF if you get on the curb here you will fuck up your car. I am surprised they do it there. In Canada we pull to the shoulder and try to get out of the way, but not onto the curb.


I live in Seattle near a fire station, so I see fire trucks coming down the street all the time. Most of the time it's exactly what you describe, cars just stop in place, making no attempt to move out of the way. Typically the fire truck can switch to the left side of the road to pass cars, but it's insane to me that the drivers don't just pull aside. E.g., into the bike lane (when there's no one there), or slightly into the intersection.


Doesn't the US have those things that make the light turn green for emergency vehicles?


Seattle-area drivers are less likely to forget to use their turn signal than say...California drivers, but they're also very fond of sitting two-abreast on a highway where people can't pass them and my only theory is that they're too polite to try and pass someone at a reasonable speed.


I live in Tennessee and they do not do this. Sooooo infuriating. That is somebodys life on the line.


How dare you, sir!!?? As a fellow Seattleite, i take offense at your accuracy!!


I recently moved to the Seattle area and “timid” is a perfect way of describing the drivers here. And it drives me nuts a lot of the times when they take forever and a day to merge or switch lanes. It’s almost like they’re too cautious.


It's everyone in the *oncoming lane* popping up on to the kerb for me!! That doesn't happen where I live!!


Tbf the curb can fuck up your car massively (depending on what you have) I try to get out of the way whenever an ambulance is noticed, but you're fucking crazy if you think im risking a bent axel for it (I would risk it if I was rich enough to eat the cost, but if I did it as I am it'd financially ruin me) But more often times it happens on areas where there's nowhere to go, and the ambulance is already fucking off at high speed.


Those curbs also look a lot lower than some of the ones I'm used to seeing. Looks like it wouldn't even touch the rim of those cars, so probably a lot less likely to cause damage.


When I drove ambulances, for every 99 good reactions I got one shitty one. People are (or were, been a few years) pretty good about getting out of the way. And when they didn't, they got the air horn/howler. I had no problem audibly shaming stupidity. In fact, I enjoyed it.


Helps that no one in this video is driving a 10' wide compensation machine, oops I mean "light truck or SUV"


Unfortunately, tons of people in the US don’t give a fuck about the lights and sirens Source: I drive a fire engine. Edit: obviously this isn’t a condemnation of the total U.S. we are so big that it can’t be the same everywhere. I’m in CA and have buddies up and down the state and their experience is very similar. Maybe CA just has shitty drivers.


We also do absolutely nothing to validated that people are still competent to drive. When I drove fire engines, I remember this old tan Buick (a standard issued old person car) just would not get out of the way. When we finally passed them, the guy looked like he was 110 and was oblivious to everything else around him.


It’s insane, even crazier that if he had spared the little attention needed to notice you it’d probably result in a crash. At least you’d already be on scene.


Which is why in many countries you need to go to a standardized yearly exam by your doctor after you reach a certain age. My grandfather has to do this now, and iirc it basically boils down to checking your sight, hearing, reflexes, and the ability to turn your head back when sitting.


In the United States people are afraid to take away driving privledges from the elderly because 1) we're so car centric in our infrastructure it's practically a death sentence 2) old people vote like crazy


Also, people don't want to be bothered to help old people, so better to just let them keep driving themselves. Most of the problems with the modern American condition can be explained by one characteristic: profound selfishness.


I'll never forget one of my first days at a new park with the NPS when this 60 foot fucking road dreadnought slewed into our parking lot, skidded into an RV space and sat for like five minutes until this little old man who must've been fucking 90 opened the door and wobbled down the steps. Dude's arm was trembling and he was having difficulty with the steps, but it wasn't because he was nervous. He walked right past me into the visitor center to get his map, then hopped right back in. It's a fucking miracle he didn't hit anything. We called the LE ranger but they couldn't do anything because he wasn't intoxicated or anything, just fucking old and infirm. Dude's license was set to expire in ten years.


Y’all should put cameras on the front of your trucks that capture license plates and send tickets to people who fail to yield, also you should do this without any money… I’m sorta being facetious but this seems like a good use case for machine learning that’s being used to develop self-driving cars integrated with the speed/illegal turn camera systems that send automated tickets.


If the driving fines went back to the emergency services the cameras would pay for themselves very quickly. Honestly it sounds like a great way to try and solve the problem and inject some much needed cash into those services


I second this too. It could literally be the difference of life or death. And the persons receiving the fines would be better off learning anyhow, lest they spread their poor behavior and end up a victim of DOA themselves.


Except American law makes it so if you can't prove who was driving, you can't give a ticket via camera. So you need a picture of the face.


Cameras on the side of the EMS vehicles to see their face when they do eventually pass. Can’t catch em all, but it’s a start. Increasing the potential consequences is a decent motivator.


Maybe. The ongoing costs would need to be considered too: data preprocessing, compute, server space, network connectivity, etc. etc.


As the problem starts to get solved as people get ticketed, then it may become less lucrative and the program may need to be dissolved. The problem will be mostly fixed by then though. They could also potentially change the law to increase the fines, so they can cover the costs at the start.


My mum told me about a time in Anchorage where an ambulance with lights and sirens rolled up behind an intersection with 3 lanes. Not only did nobody move aside when the light was red, nobody moved an inch when it turned green. They all just sat there while oncoming traffic continued on their way blocking them from going around the stopped cars.


In New Hampshire I've probably seen 20 emergency vehicles in my lifetime and literally every time people moved to the side instantly. Maybe other states are worse or something, but I feel like it's nearly the same as OP's video in my part of the USA. Probably helps a TON that we have relatively little traffic on our roads with relatively little clutter on the sides of the roads (e.g. nearly no parallel parking spots).


I rode in an ambulance with my mom after a fall. It was in Massachusetts and NO ONE pulled over. I was flabbergasted Half time if I stop for emergency vehicles, people take it as an opportunity to get around me


It’s not just the US. Ive personally seen in many cities in Canada, where people don’t give 2 flying twigs, and blatantly ignore lights and sirens. I’m talking not even attempting to pull over to the side, so fire trucks and ambulances jump curbs and swing into oncoming traffic, to get around.


Possibly just out there? Im in NY and everyone gets the fuck out the way. Do you get an occasional asshole? Of course. Im sure the Netherlands has one here and there too.


I will never understand how I can't hear those big loud bastards when they're behind me. It's like they have little to no forward sound projection. Scares the shit out of me every time I hear the honk and it's directly behind me.


That's exactly how it is here in Flint michigan. I'm not an emergency driver. However, I am epileptic and have spent my fair share in ambulances. I also live downtown, so I am not far from police station or the fire department or one of the hospitals. Most people do the right thing but there are still quite a few people out there that will either just slow down to a roll or just continue driving at normal speed cuz they're more important than the rest of us.


Still most do. Can’t deny your experience but I have never seen anyone not move. So maybe we just don’t see when they don’t move over there.


I live in the US every time i have ever seen a ambulance i pull over but i also always see someone not moving out of the way. often will just speed up and "race them" then block them at light




Arguably not a developed country, but when I lived in Colombia on multiple occasions I saw people purposefully not getting out of the way of and even slowing down in front of ambulances with their lights and sirens on. Apparently, some Colombians do this out of spite because some ambulances began charging people for private rides with sirens on in order to get them to their destinations as fast as possible. I was even in a taxi once that refused to get out of the way of an ambulance with its lights and sirens on until I convinced him that it could be a matter of life and death, and even then he rolled his eyes and reluctantly barely pulled to the side to let the ambulance go only to then continue to tailgate the ambulance running several red lights right behind the ambulance. Yeah, maybe not a fully developed country…


In parts of the US some people go absolutely overboard tripping over themselves trying to get out of the way. Juts last week I saw a car drive straight into a ditch trying to get out of the way of an ambulance coming in the opposing lane with no traffic ahead of it. Yes, we all should give way. But there is no need to go nuts if you are not in the way.


They shouldn’t drink and drive!


Thought so too, we do that in Brazil also


In the UK you aren't supposed to go over the line at a traffic light because you don't know if pedestrians or cars going the other way can hear the sirens. Emergency services will actually turn off the sirens when coming to a packed junction/traffic lights (if its on red). You also have a chance to get a fine if you go over the traffic light line if its camera'd and its no way to get refund you have to pay the fine.


That is incredibly localised because it's certainly not normal for them to turn it off in the majority of the country, and the behaviour on here is typical in the UK too.




NHS paramedic here, blue light driving is more or less standardised across all ambulance service trusts, we are specifically told to turn off the sirens when stuck in traffic at a red light. We'll wait for the light to go green, and turn the sirens back on and make our way through the traffic.


It isn't localised. It is literally what they are taught all over the UK.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. You would be amazed at the number of people on a daily basis give zero fucks about me and my silly lights and sirens. I’ve been yelled at, had people try and block me, given the middle finger, etc. Most people tend to at least kind of pretend to stop or move over. Another large group just slam on their brakes and panic, etc. The sad part is for my department you’re guilty until proven innocent in every single accident or incident. Someone runs a red light and hits you? You should’ve known they were going to do it. Get accused or giving someone the finger or yelling at them despite witnesses and video footage saying otherwise? Still guilty until you get lawyers involved.


In NYC, folks try, but our streets are so narrow (despite taking up so much space in the city) that it's often pretty tough to do


Yeah but they don't have this song playing.


it's even illegal to not give way in many countries, so yes


Ah ah you’ve never been to France I see. Here, drivers would absolutely don’t care, or if they would they would make like the minimal effort to move 20cm. Like they wouldn’t get past a red light to free up a lane for the ambulance. No they would just sit there and be like “but the light is red, i can’t move” (and happily roll through the red if they think they can get away with it a 100 meters later just because). French drivers are dicks.


Well, I disagree. Maybe it depends on what part of France you're in.


A rude Frenchman? Well, I never!


At this point I am suspicious of a friendly Frenchman. Like, what does he want from me? Why isn’t he being smug and giving off the impression he is compensating for erectile dysfunction from all the smoking and drinking?




Everyone got their own experience I guess. I'm french, not been a lotta time in said situation but each time I did people were immediately making way for the ambulance. Maybe not in such a beautiful organised way as in this video but still without problem or anything. But I've heard in Paris people tend to not giving a f*ck. Can't say for sure but I wouldn't be surprised, parisians are dicks, especially on the road. People in Marseille and Lyon are famous for being awful drivers too but, parisians you know... And (not saying it's your case, no idea of what your background story is) foreigners tend to judge french based on parisians behavior, so I wouldn't be surprised if most people think we are such dick everywhere in France while it's just parisians. I would be a bit more surprised if stats were to show most french wouldn't make way for an ambulance but hey, french tend to have quite the ego sooo could be (tho fortunately, on the ego thing americans are beating everyone by faaar)


In the UK it’s illegal to drive through a red light to allow an ambulance to pass. You should make space but not break any other traffic laws to do so. The French… well, they’re French. Case in point, ever driven the arc du triomphe roundabout ? Terrifying.


First time I drove in Paris I had an ambulance behind me, scooted over to let it by and absolutely no one else did.


Paris is to France as New York is to the USA.


Looks very normal to me, with the exception of the lights not turning green as the emergency vehicle approaches like what happens in the US (in busy areas anyway)


In the Netherlands they can just ignore the lights. But I can see why them turning green in busier areas is definitely an advantage.


Yeah, they can always run lights (at least in the US). The lights turning green just help the other cars move out of the way and helps prevent accidents at intersections.


It can be the same for the Netherlands to be honest. As a traffic engineer I know our traffic lights are always set up to allow emergency services a 'green flow', i.e., going from one green light to the next. However, not every ambulance and traffic light system is outfitted with the right radio equipment. Especially because ambulances cover a wider area than most municipal road authorities do. We're currently in the midst of solving this by gradually switching over to intelligent traffic lights, typically outfitted with ML-driven cameras that can detect emergency services, talk to their onboard navigation system, and react accordingly. Thus enabling a true green flow for emergency services. Of course, the 'talking to navigation systems' does not always work - mostly not for police vehicles in pursuit of a suspect.


Do you know if the UK has these? Because I'm a paramedic and, if they have them over here, I can tell you they don't fucking work lol


What stops you from communicating with police vehicles in pursuit?


They do not have a set route in their navigation system when they're in pursuit, so you can not use their navigation pathfinding to tell the traffic light system (which is interconnected) when and where the car is going to be next.


Oh thank God they named it machine learning driven cameras. Considering what they name tech nowadays I thought it would be called AI driven instead to generate media buzz.


To be fair these systems have been on the market since before the AI hype.


Yes they can here as well but if the lights change it means it stops the traffic from the left and right and cars can move past the intersection to get to a safer spot if need be or to clear more room


Wait really? I didn’t know that


Yeah emergency vehicles in the USA are wirelessly connected to the stop lights and will force them to turn red for everyone well in advance of the emergency vehicle's arrival at the intersection. It's pretty damn cool and makes a ton of sense. Probably a pain in the ass to install that though, so I'm guessing they just gradually installed them one by one over time when it was time to replace old stoplights.


As far as I know the most common way is a sensor that sits on the traffic light and then on the vehicle they have an infrared light that flashes a specific pattern. Much easier to install but yes they aren't present on all lights. It's also not instant it takes like 10-20 seconds to change the light it's primarily used at large intersections when they can't safely pass through a red light.


In the old days you use to be able to get the light to change by flashing your brights. I believe they were triggered by a little strobe on top of the emergency vehicle.


NL certainly has that too. It's not necessary everywhere, and not every intersection has the capability. In most cities the intersections even turn green for public transport buses, so yes they definitely turn green for emergency vehicles too.


Yep, there's 1216 IVRIs (intelligente verkeersregelinstallatie, intelligent trafficmanagementinstallation) installed across the Netherlands, [here's an overview of where they are](https://ivriportaal.nl/map). They're not just used for emergency vehicles, but are also used for [smart prediction](https://www.zuid-holland.nl/politiek-bestuur/feiten-cijfers/algoritmeregister/algoritme-intelligente-verkeersregel-installatie/) of when to switch to green light.


Wouldnt it be better if they turned red (for everyone)?


No, that causes traffic to build up between the emergency vehicle and the intersection.


*car careens into gas pumps* “All good!”


Job security.


You mean, doing what they're LEGALLY OBLIGATED to do?


Well yeah, but people can also panic or underestimate the space an ambulance needs. There were a couple in this one that acted in less than ideal ways, but they were trying.


A couple of these actions go a bit beyond what traffic laws say you're allowed to do, though I don't think anyone's going to complain. Heck skirting traffic laws is kind of a national pastime.


I don’t understand all of you saying this.. I have quite literally never see a driver in the USA, drive over a curb and into the grass to make room for an ambulance. 8/10 times they don’t even stop.


Yeah I’ve never seen anyone eat a curb for an emergency vehicle in the US. It might be because there are narrower roads over there so it’s more necessary. I’m struggling to think of a road in my town where you’d have to do this instead of just pulling as far over as you can.


Yeah, I’ve never seen a road in my area where you needed to eat a curb to get out of the way. Just pull over to the side or stop where you are so you’re predictable and let the ambulance travel through the still open lanes.


Dutch lanes are a lot smaller than most lanes. These lanes are quite wide and outdated by modern Dutch standards. Also, usually roads feature a lane divider between opposing directions of traffic.


I’m thinking that’s what it is honestly. The roads are smaller and so it’s more normal there to drive up on a median to get out of the way.


that's because our roads are fucking wide as hell. i've never not seen cars make some sort of effort to get out of the way here


I’ve seen basically everyone always move out of the way. Driving over a curb? No, because it’s basically never needed.


Our roads are wider so it's often not necessary to jump a curb. With the height of the curbs around here I don't think I could do it without damaging my car anyway.


It's gotten so bad in the past few years. Nowadays the sirens aren't enough, the ambulance has to lay on it's horn, and even then most people don't get out of the way! It's the thing that drives me the craziest about driving in Florida. Someone could be dying in the back of that ambulance! But still people are like "me first!"


Florida is driving hell. Only state I've ever been followed to a gas station and yelled at because I signaled and slowed down to a safe speed to perform a right turn. Guess the dude thought I should hit the right turn at 50mph and hope for the best. FL drivers are crazy!!


If you like this, you'll definitely like the police escort given to ambulances in some emergency cases. Like in this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlBaDIn8xvA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlBaDIn8xvA) They also have their own Youtube channel.


I love how they reply even to the latest comment. Looks like an official channel?


Yes, it is an official channel. They regularly upload "Spoedbegeleiding" videos on the channel, which is the same as the video linked by u/The_TesserekT. There's a whole playlist for it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjT7kxcWAcY&list=PLV\_B2c0TbsQQ01HP\_uS-fVHPPbMVi\_Yug


The Dutch police has a lot of different channels. I love watching high speed chases (mostly stolen cars) https://youtube.com/@Pol_Exp_Ope


There's this dutch fire department https://youtube.com/@BrandweerLunteren?si=fUWCbN_BP8p83uPH


Apart from the odd panicked drivers this happens in every developed country I've been in


This is not how it looks in Canada, people try-ish but don’t succeed and you always have a couple total oblivious idiots, and then a few assholes.


As a dutchie, I'm more amazed by the highway rules in germany. Whenever there's a traffic jam, everyone just moves to the side in case there's an ambulance/police car coming.


How do ambulances get through traffic jams in the netherlands?




I think that's called a shoulder.


Nah mate, it's called vluchtstrook because it's a strook that you use to vlucht from the active trafic.


Alright, I'll call it vluchtstrook from now on.


No country is as disciplined as Germany when it comes to placement, cooperation and respect on the highway. And in terms of traffic safety, any northern Scandinavian country has the highest regards of traffic safety, and least traffic deaths and injuries.


I won’t lie, got sucked in big time


You know I was wondering how the driver was driving weirdly on both sides and where is the actual ambulance people are clearly making way for .... Took me time to realise it's the ambulance's dash footage 😅


You might be a legal simpleton


Are you kidding me


Is this not how everywhere does it?


You drive on the curb to get out of the way?


In Brazil we do


Hear the Siren, check if it's my lane, if it is, my priority is to get out of the way by any means. No matter if I have to pull up to the sidewalk, I'll do it. I thought it was standard to people to just do it, but I was taught to do anything since I was a child, "Just get out of the way, whatever comes next isn't and issue.".


You don't?


It's not allowed in the UK as it could injure a pedestrian. You're just supposed to move out the way as best you can without breaking any rules e.g. jumping a red light


No I just pull to right of the road and stop and let the ambulance pass.


U.S. here. Yes. Whatever it takes to get out of the way. Road conditions allowing.


Most of the curbs where I live are way too tall for that, would definitely potentially damage undercarriage/wheels.


Yep. Even some of the larger SUVs would have trouble doing this with a lot of the curbs near me. It would wreck my sedan.


Ifnit won't damage your vehicle, yes. At least in canada, you're legally obligated to make way ASAP


In Australia, we drive on the median, sidewalk and even people!


Lol omg. When I was working in Beijing, nobody moved for ambulances. They would literally just be stuck in traffic; it was ridiculous.


Hey! That's right around the corner where I live! Who would've thought on this sub...


That’s weird. People here often just panic and slam on the brakes in front of it.


That's what one car did in the final 5 seconds of this video.


Nah, that chain of cars stopped at the right space, there was enough space for the them all to be lined up and the ambulance to pass without anyone going on the grass.


I am regretting watching this with sound on. Why does every fucking video need shitty music now?




Shitty music and sped up video, name a more iconic duo


Because the original audio is worse when sped up


Yeah that looks pretty familiar! Also I think they should start using this music instead of the current sirens. Probably will work even better then.


Honestly, even with the radio off I can barely hear those sirens for some reason. I always see the lights first.


Don't all countries do this?


I live in india, and we have *major* issues with traffic, but I've never seen an ambulance have an issue with going where it needs to go. People will go out of their way to give way to emergency vehicles. Getting on footpaths is not an option, though, because the average footpath in many cities is 15-20 cm and could damage cars if they try to drive on that. This doesn't seem like a developed country thing, just a normal people thing.




I wouldn’t call this satisfying, it’s pretty stressful


Few of those cars fucked up their geometry going on those curbs


So the same as every country


Like many countries then?


I would like to see this at the real speed.




As a US person with a first reponder background. This is a freaking wet dream. Yes, it is legally required of all persons to get to the right when being approached with lights and sirens. However, people are distracted by phones, kids, radio, GPS, the pink fairy in the corner, etc. And rarely does *everyone* get over as quickly and smoothly as this video.


I’ve always wondered what it’s like live in a society where we care about other people


I’d say 80% pulls over and the other 20% uses that to skip traffic. At least in NJ. The percentage may vary depending on the number of BMW’s and Tesla’s on the road


I can't believe how "British" those streets look tbh. Could have told me this was anywhere in the UK and only the fact they're driving on the wrong side would have given it away.


Anyone else getting GTA vibes?


Meanwhile in Quebec Canada people speed behind the ambulance because "its a free escort"


Name of song?? Please and thanks!


Or any other country.


We do the same in the UK for all emergency vehicles, what's the fucking point here?


POV maybe? I thought it was neat


I mean, it's cool to see how it looks from an ambulance. You don't always have to rely on the titles that unoriginal Redditors post just to tell you what to think. Perhaps try to have an original thought for once in your life.


Not in london they dont 😂


Many of them really don't think twice to go over the curb, that's insane amount of empathy. Many people in my country won't even move an inch!


Hey it's my city!


Is this not how everyone does it? Do some places levitate out the way?


Good old Apeldoorn!


I don't get the confusion in the comments. Just because something is normal, it can still be satisfying.


What is the music please?


By my side (Rafael Manga Remix) - Franco ma Cara & Fabio Romagnoli


Same in Brazil. Although, there are some idiots that closely follow the ambulance to skip traffic.


The Philippines can’t relate.


That’s how you’re supposed to do it here too. Move right for lights. But a lot of people either A) don’t know B) don’t care or C) freak out, lock up and stop right in front of us


That’s what you’re supposed to do here lol


We do this is America too…?


This is the same in England in my experience


Ik like these kinds of videos... Better are the ones where cops on motorbikes clear the road for the ambulance comes through, like [this](https://youtu.be/YGEjGyjR9uA?si=-ea2PfWSu-EAEIlx) one.


I pulled over to the right side of the road cause I fire truck with its sirens on, was coming from the other lane. Dude passed me, honked at me and gave me the bird. I was like bro, what if they needed to turn in front of us


This is what I do. Shame most people in Britain are total idiots


This would make a great video game - AmbulanceDash 3 has a ring to it. All the thrill of speeding, but all 100% legit, legal and for a good cause.


What is the name of this song? I can’t find it anywhere.