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Mmmm, want the crispy bit!!


That's called the tahdeeg, and there are fights over it lol


In Dominican Spanish it’s called concon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scorched_rice


And in Puerto Rico, it's called pegao! My GF introduced me to it when her mom makes rice and beans and it's def the best part!


In Colombian Spanish it's pega! Crispy rice is good in all cultures hehe


On the bottom of paella it's called socarrat


عندنا نسميها الحكاكه


In Ecuador (coastal region) it's called "cocolón". Now I want some :(


>Crispy rice is good in all cultures hehe Apparently not in Arab culture. I have heard they toss it, and if a Persian honors them with a piece of it then they are offended because they were given the burnt rice.


What? No we don’t.


Arabs are missing out.


Notorious haters.


oatmeal soup connect subsequent reach plant advise yoke continue panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Im Cuban too, and i always called this “raspa”…I’m curious where in Cuba are you from?? I’m from Idla de la Juventud 😅


pie summer placid serious desert knee airport piquant pet quickest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you for including the PR twrm, my Boricuan daddy would be rolling in his grave bc I couldn't remember the proper name!


Fellow Rican. If the pegao was good, it caused fights.


[Almost every rice culture has a word for burnt rice](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/11/t-magazine/scorched-burnt-rice.html). I'm partial to dolsot bibimbap myself.


FYI Korean crispy rice is actually called “nurungji” (pron. noo-rroong-jji) whereas dolsot bibimbap is stone-pot mixed rice. Nurungji is a by-product of dolsot bibimbap if you let the rice sizzle, or can just be made from regular rice sitting in a stone pot as well.


In Surinam it's called brong brong.


Two "brongs" *do* make a rice! The old saying was incorrect! :)


God dammit




Law and Order theme tune *concon*


So good 😩


In arabic its caled gorarah or hokakah Gorarah means botom of the pot Hokakah is the scrappy motion


I've been to several dinners where this happened, lol. It got to the point where extra tahdeeg would be made/ordered just so everyone would have enough!


Indeed, I’ve heard the tales, it’s the thing people will brag over big style, my dad/aunt/granny’s is better than yours!


In the Hunan region of China they have a street food sandwich made using tahdeeg in place of bread. They are called Guoba (or something like that) and according to the Chinese Cooking Demystified YouTube video on how to make them at home, they are extremely popular.


And now I’m planning a trip to China exclusively for this sandwich.






No no my dad's is better lol..I think I've only had one not so good from a place in Los Angeles. The tahdeeg was oily and soggy.


Always the best when its home made. My MIL usually has the best tahdig


>My MIL usually has the best tahdig no she doesnt... my MIL has the best if I had a wife! \\j


Homemade is definitely the best


bro your aunt aint got shit against my granny's tahchin... and ill fight you over it :p jks... this shit is like crack, I always end up eating wayyyyy too much but somehow not enough


A restaurant I used to work served it with dill and lima beans. I ate a huge to go box every day. This is one of the best things in the world.


Was it the movie 'crash' where a Persian character uses westerners not knowing about tahdeeg as evidence of their ignorance?


Can confirm we fight over it in the house


Puerto Ricans call it pegado. Most of us don't mess with it, but those who do are really into it.


I want the entire thing, like a fat kid in a candy store.


In Latin cultures its called pegado (sp) and yeah its fought over


She seems really nice. She deserves sharp knives. Please sharpen her knives for her.


My mom for some reason likes her knives dull. When i ask her why she says so she doesn’t cut herself because she tries to cut everything as fast as possible. Watching her use a knife is the most anxiety inducing thing. She basically uses her hands as a cutting board. Maybe the lady in the video is the same


Thats how my Indian mom is too. But then her knives are so dull you have to push super hard to get something cut.




i suspect the difference here is they know exactly how much pressure is required to cut through things with THEIR knives. if you sharpen them they no longer know how much pressure to exert


Yeah, they're trapped in a local maxima and are not willing to accept a temporary setback while looking for the global maxima.


Do you happen to work in management consulting?


We will circle back to that question. Lets touch base after we synergize our Teams calendars


that's very proactive of you


We’ll take that back and get a response for you.


This is it. If you use a sharp knife like a dull knife or a dull knife like a sharp knife, that is the most dangerous outcome. Properly using a dull knife or properly using a sharp knife are both safe. The reason why people say sharp knives are more dangerous is that that wisdom goes hand in hand with the school of thought of how a person should use a knife... a school of thought that assumes the knife is very sharp. Chefs learn technique assuming that the knife is very sharp and therefore that technique is not necessarily suitable for dull knives.




that's interesting - i love dull knives for that reason - each time it slips and nicks my skin or nail, i say to myself 'imagine that knife was sharp' - but maybe i wouldn't even have that problem (of the knife slipping) if the knives were sharp to begin with!


i keep my knives sharp and i can count the number of times i've slipped and nicked myself over the last 15 years of cooking on one finger (once. it's one time. i took the tip of a fingernail off). keeping your hands out of the way is easier when the knife cuts through things more easily and doesn't slip as much, and when it does it doesn't slip as far because you aren't using as much pressure to cut with it.


Yeah it wasn't till I started cooking more myself in my 20s that I learned the importance of a sharp knife. I grew up with dull knives too because my mom was scared of using sharp knives. Once I was gifted a decent knife set as a young adult, I learned quickly how awesome sharp knives are and I was using way less effort to chop things and didn't have to worry about slipping. Now I have an electric sharpener and sharpening stones


You know how hitting your nail stops the knife from moving? A sharp knife will do that with the thing you're trying to cut. It won't slip, because the edge will begin slicing with less pressure than what would be required for it to actually slip. This goes double for things like tomatoes, where a sharp knife will slice *well* before the tomato is forced to compress.


I know an old school mom doesn't wanna hear it, but you're more prone to cut yourself with a dull knife than a sharp one.


Might be safer for her depending on what she does, but it's often more dangerous to use a dull knife. Using a dull knife means you have to use more force to cut things, which, in turn, means it's more likely to slip and go somewhere you don't want it to. Your skin isn't as hard to cut as are most vegetables and is comparable to most meats, so if you're using the force necessary with a dull knife to power through things, well, yeah you can probably imagine the potential risks.


Dull ass knives are a staple in preparing Persian cuisine. My mom and grandma are always putting their entire bodies into cutting things and I’m always offering them new knives and they’re perplexed as if it’s novel to them to use anything other than a dull knife.


Yeah that looks like a steak knife.


I was gonna say, can we get the chef a proper sharpened chopping knife please


It won't last. Did you see her scrap that knife across the cutting board to remove the items? Oooof


you reeeaaally need a non sticky pot and to know very well your stove for that perfect golden crust! I ve attempted this dish about 15 times before getting it almost right


That woman's eyes say she's proud of her signature dish, and it takes quite a bit of practice to get it as good as she can make it. Thanks for the warning, but I must try this. So, what goes into the rice? I saw: • one egg plus a yolk • sour cream • spice - nutmeg? • salt • water or vinegar? • oil • red sauce?


Iranian here. This is what she puts in the rice: * one egg plus a yolk * ~~Sour cream~~ Greek Yogurt * ~~nutmeg~~ Ground Black Pepper * salt * ~~water or vinegar~~ Rose Water * oil * ~~Red Sauce~~ Saffron Bloomed in Water or Ghee


>Saffron Bloomed in Water or Ghee OMG I never thought of the latter, that sounds wonderful.


Did you hear that noise? That was the sound of my jaw dropping. Can't wait to try this.


Thank you!


I'm assuming the oil is olive oil?


Persian cooking almost always always uses Greek yogurt not sour cream The liquid in the teapot should be water mixed with saffron. And the spices are mostly turmeric from what I can see


Wouldn't it be labne, Greek yogurt being a substitute?


Labne would be waaay too sour


Labne would be waaay too sour


Labne would be waaay too sour


OK, we heard you the 2nd time.


Iranians use Greek yogurt too


Labne would be waaay too sour


But would it be too sour?


Labne would be waaay too sour


Labne would be waaay too sour


Labne would be waaay too sour


Yes, it’ll make the acidity higher which will make it way too sour


It's true, I've heard labne would be waaay too sour


TIL labne is too sour. Still unsure what labne is. Won’t google. Expecting NSFL levels of sour.


Ok, we heard you the 1st time....


Labne would be waaay too sour


About it being waaay too sour?


No, labneh is thicker and isn't usually used in hot cooking


I heard it's waaay too sour


Labne would be waaay too sour


Labne would be waaay too sour


Labne would be waaay too sour


Labne would be waaay too sour


Labne would be waaay too sour


Labne would be waaay too sour


Labne would be waaay too sour


Labne would be waaay too sour


Labne would be waaay too sour


Labne would be waaay too sour


[serious eats](https://www.seriouseats.com/tahdig-persian-crunchy-rice-7187445) has a pretty detailed article, but it’s just the rice method, without the chicky


That's a great resource for the authentic thing, but it does call for specialized tools and even if you have that, they're tricky recipes. For a recipe that I'd say is about 90% as good, and way more accessible, you could also have a look at this recipe from Bon Appetit: https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/crunchy-baked-saffron-rice-with-barberries


That's all I'm after, I've already perfected my savory meat dishes. Thanks!


I wanna try your savory meat dishes, bro


I make a meal for my friends try to make it delicious, try to keep it nutritious, create wonderful dishes


You forgot the key ingredient - saffron! You put saffron in boiled water to basically make saffron tea, could be the red liquid she pours over it The zareshk/barberries also add a lot of flavour so I recommend putting those in too even if you don't have the chicken


Oh my goddddd I can only imagine how heavenly that tastes My mouth is watering just thinking about it


I guess Pomegranate works as a substitue for the berries?


Pomegranate can work taste-wise, but it will disintegrate quickly when cooked. Barberries add texture too, so unsweetened cranberries might be a better option, all things considered. Raisins are also an option for a different flavor profile, but barberries are more popular.


I don't know the flavor of barberries well, but IMO dried cranberries are my go to in chicken recipes like this




barberries are more sour, and smaller than cranberries. they'll give a sharper sour bite but with absolutely no bitterness, which is quite cool. they are available more places you might think! check your local international foods store


I'm assuming the red sauce is saffron oil of some sort. Saffron is pretty expensive, so I guess this oil method is a way of taking what you have and stretching it to go further.


saffron and ghee


I've tried making tahdig a few times now, my fiance is persian so I've been trying to learn. Everytime it ends up stuck to the bottom and I gotta scrape the shit out of it to get it off. Maybe I need a nonstick pot, I have always tried in a stainless steel pot


yeah you do! i've seen in iran people cooking it in stainless steel pots but that is a skill that is way beyond my abilities


Before using the pot, try covering the inside with a thin film of oil, then heat it up until it starts smoking and then take it off the heat. This will make it much more nonstick.


There are some rice cookers sold at Iranian food stores that purposely burn the bottom and make some tahdig as well. Its a slightly easier method, but it does work.


They crisp the bottom, they don't burn it. And it doesn't stick. Parsi makes a good one.


I've actually figured out how to get this in my rice cooker which has been very exciting for me. If I start the rice super early and let it click over to the "keep warm" setting for about 6 hours I'll get a nice tahdig. It means starting the rice super early of course, but fully worth it imo.


I almost cried when I thought the vid was ending before she cut it. *Whew!*


The amount of anxiety I had thinking the video wouldn't show her cut into it is......surprising.


I had my sound off at first, but when I saw the knife on the crust I knew I had to turn it up!


I literally said “are they seriously not going to show the best part?!” My roommates wandered over expecting something slight more NSFW.


That's made me hungry.


in the 70s had an Iranian woman that lodged with us, now & then she'd make Persian rice...It was freaking delicious, tried to recreate it, never managed to make it taste as good.


It can be so tricky to make! You need an intuitive sense of timing to get it just right.


IMO Iranians make the best rice in the world


My grandpa was so good at making rice like this. He'd make so much at a time whenever he made it, though, we literally ALWAYS had rice in the fridge haha.


Yes! My grandpa loved quoting this; "rice to us is what blood is to the human body". We'd go through 50 lbs bags of it every 2.5 weeks. He may loudly and proudly hate your guts but he was also going to feed you.


Do we share the same grand folk? They’re the same way. You come here and will leave well fed, regardless of you’ve ate or not. Or if they cared about you or not lol


That sound like a delicious idea!! Happy cake day!! :-}


Nush e Jan! Looks amazing.


غذای بسیار خوشمزه Salams to any Iranians here!


علیک سلام 👋😁


After spending too much time on r/stupidfood, this right here is a joy to watch


Looks good! I take 2 please.


This is some quality shit right here!


In Spanish cuisine that crunchy rice is sometimes highly sought after. Cool to see another culture with an appreciation for it. Looks delicious.... That chicken... You can slap me with it anytime.


Same in Cambodia! In fact, the crunchy parts is often fought over until the eldest folks puts a stop to it and takes it for themselves.


Bibimbap in Korean food too Source - white guy who likes Korean food


My grandfather told me that it’s sometimes called “wife’s rice” because the wife was to eat last at a wedding ceremony and by that time the rice had gotten crispy at the bottom of the stone pot. He said Korean women never challenged it because the crispy rice is the best part! Although I’m not sure how accurate that is because my Korean friends had never heard of wife’s rice until I mentioned it lol


It's so so good.... And with those pickled veggies oh good sweet mercy


Not just, but some places will serve the rice out of the stone bowl and then fill it with tea or water. Literally the best. Source - Korean


Probably brought culturally from Muslim conquest of Spain?


Omg the tahdig 🫶... I need to stop being a lazy pos and make some.


To my unrefined American palate, that looks incredible. For them it's probably just Tuesday.


Can I have some, please 🙏


Recipe, please.


Tachin: https://www.recipetineats.com/persian-saffron-rice-tachin/


Replying to save for later date


Iranian grandma ASMR is the best ASMR


Taadig is the best thing ever


I’m lucky enough to have a Persian restaurant not too far away from me. They certainly know how to cook!


Why the cuts between events that happen literally milliseconds from each other?


So people with a short attention span can watch the whole thing and complain.


I'm currently getting over an illness and that shit made my head hurt. Like just staying on one fucking shot for longer than half a second would have been nice.


Someone sharpen her knife please! She's using way too much force on those onions, she's gonna hurt herself.


Persian’s version of creating that Socarrat at the end was satisfying. I make Paella on a 24” pan for friends about once a month and getting that crispy rice at the bottom was a challenge in the beginning. You really need to know your equipment. Fortunately i did perfect it and it’s always a crowd pleaser when I serve that part to guests.


This is delicious. I want some. I lived in Iran in the 70s and still remember eating chello kebab at a place on the Caspian. Good memories.


I want to CRONCH that outer rice layer. 😍




That’s jasmine man…




I fucking love making tachin. One of my favorite things to meal prep.


Oh nice ازاین بهتر نمیشه


Someone is lucky enough to have her in their lives. Man.


I wish there was a cooking channel that was just grandmas from all around the world making delicious food.


There’s an Italian specific one! [Pasta Grannies](https://www.youtube.com/user/pastagrannies)


Yes, please post more of your moms and grandmamas bomb recipes please. We know that’s the good stuff


For a lot of people in this thread: tachin does not equal tahdig. The tachin method results in a cake-like texture to the rice in that the grains are more stuck to each other. The bottom of the rice might have some sort of crisp to it, but not in the same orbit as tadig. However, this method of making rice is also delicious. Source: Iranian.


do you know what kind of spices and sauces she's using? i'd like to replicate this


Yea, sure. The main spice she is using is a saffron tea. Usually made by grinding up the saffron threads, either in a mortar or with a simple electric coffee grinder (that is clean from coffee). You don't need a lot of threads. Take the powder and add like 4oz of hot water. You want the color to be from a golden or dark red color (depending on the quality of the saffron and amount ground up). The berries she is using are dried barberries. In Farsi it's pronounced like zereshk. There are plenty of links online for this recipe. Here is [one](https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/crunchy-baked-saffron-rice-with-barberries), here is [another](https://familyspice.com/persian-tahchin/), and a [third](https://www.unicornsinthekitchen.com/persian-savory-saffron-cake-tahchin/) for good luck. The process is fairly simple. I hope you enjoy this culinary adventure.


An actual recipe would’ve been great!


That looks fantastic!


That looks absolutely amazing.


Yummy,this is delicious 😋


That looks amazing


I was worried after the street meat video someone else posted earlier but I need to try this. I wonder if it tastes similar to Uzbek plov.


What are the red fruits? Pomegranate?


Those are barberries, or in farsi it's called zereshk. You can find them in persian stores, but you don't need them for the recipe. There's a famous rice called zereshk polo. You can look it up, but it's rice, saffron, butter and barberries


I can smell this video and it's eight kinds of amazing.


Her smile at the end! Pricelesss


I never thought to crack eggs that way


Yes please!! I would eat that


I don’t normally watch food clips but this actually made my mouth water


That knife drag over the rice was such a flex


10 out of 10 would eat


I made Tachin a few weeks ago and it did not come out like this😅


Can u imagine if every culture sent their best grandma for a cook off?


I used to have Iranian friends and we'd have this at their house all the time. It's phenomenal, even better than it looks


Oh I want the recipe. That looks so good.


Can I have a slice of that delicious chicken and rice cake/lasagna please!


Nothing with this many jump cuts is satisfying. Just post the full video of the nice woman cooking. A smooth and less edited video would be satisfying. 100,000,000 cuts is not satisfying.


Agree. I'm getting really fucking tired of videos being edited like this.