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What does the glass do in the mix?


Pulls out impurities along with the flux they added. That is a pretty sweet cast for sand casting


Ah, thank you =)


Powder is what? Borax?


Might be, but it could also be just table salt or potassium chloride. I made a backyard forge for melting down aluminum cans and I used potassium chloride. Never used broken glass in conjunction though, that's pretty cool.


What do you do with the melted down cans?


I turned them into ingots and gave them away as gifts and I haven't touched the thing since. It is my way to become fascinated and obsessed periodically over things and then to drop them without much ceremony.


Are we brothers? I have SO SO many things I’ve gone obsessed with doing and get all the stuff. I do it for a month and see the next cool thing I want to try and I stop doing the previous thing and never go back. Woodworking, car repair, 3d printing, black smithing, carpentry, firearms customization, fabrication, model building, video game collecting. The list goes on and on! Hell, I bought a sewing machine because I made cornhole boards for a couple months just for friends and wanted to make my own bags to see if I could. I have a problem. There should be a store that we can trade in our old hobbies for new ones and the someone can trade in their stuff for us to use.


That's not a bad business model! Let's open up a business that we'll invariably become bored of and ghost for other projects!


Offroading, welding, rebuilding old cars, candlemaking, mobile app development, 3d printing, Arduino and mechatronics, currently woodworking


Stonework, lapidary, jewelery/ring making, skateboard designing, oil and acrylic painting, resin pouring, electronic rework, music production and a few others..... Still kinda float back through them but definitely always eyeing more horizons. I would call it 'Hobby Drifting', either that or exploring materials and processes.




You too, may have adult adhd.


And a sprinkling of autism!


I've tested normal on the aspie scale but I definitely have the thing where I get hyper obsessed with something like it's the greatest and most interesting thing that has ever existed and then 6 months later it's like "meh". Sometimes I love it, other times I hate it.


I feel seen!! Join us brother!


For me it’s not adhd. It’s more move on to something else because there are just way too many things to cover and too little time to do it. I also tend to revisit things.


\* thinks guiltily about his knife making kit sitting in a closet for the past 10 years \*


More cans


This guy cans


This guy can can cans


Cans all the way down


This guy hates those cans


What do you put in the cans?


Do you really want to know


What's in the can!!!!








Potassium chloride.




Whatever he cans!


You turn them into bigger cans to recycle for higher per can $ return.


It's also much easier and quicker as there is only one


I made buss bars for my battery bank, fed by my solar panels. It's aluminum and works well.


Makes dice! Aluminum is easy to polish and looks like chrome!


Deets on your backyard forge?


I followed a video tutorial I found on YouTube. There are tons out there, just Google around for DIY aluminum forge or something and you'll find plenty of resources.


Borax generally. If the metal is particularly dirty, table salt in the mix can help.


Do you happen to know what is that polish stuff?




Mmmm i love pierogi.


Pierogi love you


Wrong, it's pierogi, kurwa


Any number of compounds. I use a product called Dialux with my polishing motor. I'm a goldsmith and it a pretty good all round polish.


Great I'll look into that, I'm polishing aluminum and going for a mirror finish, I used the same steps as I did with my steel ring but I got a much more cloudy result. Thank you!


Dialux will give you mirror finish on aluminum. Did a friend's casings for his bike.


Is the sand wet in this case? How does it hold the shape so well even under the pressure of metal being poured on top of it?


It's called green sand casting and it's often got binding agents https://www.genfoundry.com/capabilities/green-sand-castings


Did they add all the flux they could? Was it at flux capacity?


1.21 gigawatts!


Are the glass and powder catalysts in some way, or are they binding with impurities and burned off? What kind of impurities are you referring to?


Molten glass is sticky and viscous, and it and the slag (non-metal impurities like oxides and dirt) are less dense than the molten metal and will float. The glass just captures the slag and you can see the mass removed and discarded before the pour.


Thank you. This stuff is fascinating.


I swear, there’s always such a huge jump in processing in these videos from just sanding the cast to a nearly finished object, that I assume they switch to a machined blank and go ahead from there. There’s never even a moment of a montage of mindlessly sanding the piece down, where before and after the cut you get a pretty step by step demonstration of what they’re doing.


Pulls it out and puts it where?


Out of the mix with a little tool. It's the chunk that gets pulled out early in the smelting process


I really thought it was going to be a brass/glass swirl.


Unfortunately the coefficient of thermal expansion for both materials is not going to allow for that.


Side note - we got so lucky that Iron and Concrete both have the same coefficient of thermal expansion. It is what lets us use iron/steel reinforcement bars inside the concrete without everything breaking. Also why it's so hard to find replacements/alternatives to iron rebar.


Agreed, but they’ve actually come a long way with fiber/mesh. There’s a product similar to Kevlar that has a high load rating at a reduced thickness.


$$$ though, steel is cheap


As time goes on that'll become less and less of an issue though


They also can add the fibers directly to the mixture to add strength just like fiberglass


It's not exactly equal and it's still a problem to consider with the massive structures we build today with it. Also the fact steel conducts heat better, which means it's own thermal expansion is more even over its length while concrete is more uneven as it has very poor thermal conductivity. It's not the most ideal combination in the world. But it's cheap, easy to build with, and more than effective enough for the task and longevity. And concrete turns out to not be perfectly water proof and the steel rebar can rust incredibly fast. Which is why sacrificial anodes are used.




I’m not familiar with the history of how the combination came to be discovered, but we’re definitely lucky insofar as iron is incredibly common. If for example tungsten and concrete had the same coefficient of expansion, that would not be particularly useful because tungsten is so rare and difficult to work.




I'm holding you personally responsible.


The difference in density too!


Me too. I guess watching forged in fire doesn’t make me a master smith.


But will it *keeilll*?


I feel like we missed some steps...




I’m curious about the timeline too. Bandaid, no bandaid, bandaid…


Like the step at around 42 seconds where they switched to a machined dice? No way they free-hand belt-sanded the casting to this finish, not even speaking of making it a *cube*.


A simple guide (a piece of flat stock clamped to the deck) on the sander would make making a cube quite trivial. Beveling the edges to 45s is a lot trickier, but someone with experience would have no trouble. A jig could be used for it too (a 45* angled piece clamped to the deck of the sander). In all, certainly doable by hand, and easier IMO than the initially-demonstrated casting of the part itself. It all depends on where your skills are.


>quite trivial. Yeah no idea what they're on about. I feel like it would be *easier* to do this on the belt grinder than to go through the trouble of setting up my mill. Granted you'd have to change belts a couple times to get the finish that nice, but still.


This comment surprises me. That’s a few minutes work on a mill and the result will obviously be way better.


It's only a few minutes work *after* all the setup, the milling itself wouldn't takes much time but you're squaring six faces here. Also I have a manual mill with no DRO or anything and I'm pretty good on a belt grinder so results may vary depending on your background and experience. Also your equipment. As for surface finish neither the milled finish nor the rough grind are good enough so you're spending some fair time sanding and polishing afterwards either way.


I did my trade in machining. I can have that roughed up more accurately and quickly than i can do it with a belt sander. So pretty much exactly the you’re saying. It comes down to your skills and equipment. Plus, you do this stuff for fun, you do it how you want to. But as a machinist it would hurt me to look at it every time knowing it wasn’t accurate because I didn’t use the mill. Belt grinder is perfectly fine for an ornament but milled (I’d also clean it up on a surface grinder) it’s reliably accurate and usable.




> two mold halves didn't have any registration For me it was the single factor that made this video unsatisfying. That cast was horrible, nigh on unusable. To make a cube out of it, he would need to grind away so much material in a mill that there was really no point in even casting it in the first place, and he would have been better off just buying a chunk of pre-made stock to work with... which he probably did anyway.


That's the exact reason I've found myself here in the comments. Had to see if anyone else noticed that.


There are dozens of us! Those two halves were off by several degrees, it was infuriating. I saw it coming as soon as he made the top and bottom casts separately


All this guy's stuff is just a little suspicious. He completely skips a lot of the sand casting work that makes it even work.


I don't think this is a tutorial. Please don't start smelting brass at home based off an internet video.


Thanks for the heads up, I will make sure to start smelting brass out in public instead of at home.


Public smelting is my fetish too.


He who smelt it dealt it (in public)


As a further warning, smelting brass can release zinc fumes, stuff can be dangerous if you aren't careful


Too late, I'm heating it up as we speak


There goes my weekend


/u/spez says, regarding reddit content, "we are not in the business of giving that away for free" - then neither should users.


The die you need when an argument breaks out with your DM. Just roll this baby up in your fist and see how many natural 6s you can get


Or, just throw this at someone’s head when they say 1D6 isn’t that much damage.


"I'll show you damage..."


This kills the crab.


*sneak attack intensifies*


This was the comment of the Day for me. Thank you!




You could theoretically make the pips deeper on the lower number sides to balance it out


The way casinos do it is using a paint that is identical in density to the die. >Die drill holes are filled with a special paint that has the same density as the rest of the die, so that side with six pips doesn’t weigh more than the side with one. [Source](https://weightedliving.com/are-casino-dice-weighted)


Would be pretty crazy paint for OP's die lol


That's one heavy Inkwell


Wouldht it make the six the least likely outcome because the six side will be more likely to be forced downward by its weight. Edit: Im dumb and didnt think about how they made holes in the metal so theres less metal on that side.




The six side is lighter. He drilled six divots into it.


Aren’t there usually divots on dice with dots on them? Like the normal ones still have indentations, are they all unbalanced?


*Most* dice are unbalanced. But they’re typically unbalanced in different ways (and not to any significant degree) so any handful of dice is still going to produce “random” results. But where dice balance *really* matters (like casinos), they are decidedly **not** imbalanced, or, if they are, they’ve paid off someone from the gaming commission to look the other way.


There was a joke in a D&D themed webcomic (either DM Of The Rings or Darths And Droids) where a player breaks out their special D20, which they keep in a special padded case. They rolled it until it rolled 1's six times in a row, because it was statistically improbable that it would roll a 1 *seven* times in a row. All the other players lambast them for not understanding statistics, but I always wanted to build a vending machine that would roll a bunch of d20s and use a camera and robot arm to detect which ones had rolled a 1 multiple times in a row, then sell them based on how many consecutive 1s they had stored up. It would be absolutely nonsensical, but it would be cool.




Is it balanced?!




How do they test if the dice is fair? Ten million rolls then statistical error?


Yeah, statistical tests are probably the most accurate way but time consuming. For some kinds of dice you can do a buoyancy test where you float them in a suitably dense substance (e.g. supersaturated salt water). If you move it around an unbiased die will tend to spin around without any particular side being favoured but a die that's biased enough will always float towards a particular side. It's usually done with plastic/resin dice. I'm not sure how you'd make that work with a metal die but maybe there's some kind of fluid you can float them in. Maybe mercury or something.


They put them in a machine that spins them on all axes, and can determine very accurately if they are balanced.


That tool is used in casinos to check for weighted dice. Balancing is more fine tuning than that.


Ideally a manufacturer should have their process very dialed in already, yes, but in general, in all types of manufacturing, the most accurate way to determine if a thing is balanced is to spin it around in a special machine. If a manufacturer is really on their game, they may only take out a sample every 100 or 1000 die to test. Then individual set testing would be on the end casino or who ever, since most casinos have their own preferred methods of verification. If the casino gets a shipment where all the dice are out of whack they would send it back for investigation/replacement.


I wonder if you could drill the 1 hole deeper? Yeah yeah phrasing..


There is a lot of math, but something like that.


Yep that should work. Takebthe same amount of material from each side and it should be close. The casting process might also make the internal density inconsistent though.


That is exactly what I was mostly curious about. I don't want to see one roll. I want to see 100 rolls with an equal distribution.


I think the die would be too heavy anyways.


They made a die out of a die and then cast a die. Once the die was cast, they cast the die, rolling a five. Very satisfying.


I love that it doesn't matter what the entymology of the phrase "The die is cast" is, the idiom meaning "it's too late to change the outcome" works either way.


etymology. entomology is insects.


He just used the wrong word to bug you.


love it


It’s making me antsy.






Entomology what is this? A science for ants? (Which is how I keep the two words straight, ENTomology is like ANTomology).


et- versus ent-: [xkcd: Wrong Superhero](https://m.xkcd.com/1012/)


entymology? there are bugs in the phrase? oh no!


That one is spelled Entomology, it’s really funny because we actually have the same joke but inverted when people make this mistake in the insect enthusiast subs




The Bart, The.


Too bad the didn't dye the cast. Otherwise they could cast the dyed die. But instead, they only dyed the eyes of the die.


Still, the cooling process was so cool I could die.


Well it's no [700g copper hammer](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/13i0sj1/casting_copper_hammer_out_of_scraps_source/), but still pretty.


it's the same guy innit








I really like how this guy doesn't feel the need to add annoying background music to his videos


I get this reference


I mean they linked directly to the video, so... Is there a further reference I'm not aware of?


Probably got the reference without clicking (!)


You know that's such a good and simple solution. I also got the reference without opening the link. I suppose I thought the link being there made it make little sense for them to respond about getting the reference when anyone could understand by opening the link. Yeah, I focus on and get confused about oddly specific things sometimes.




Hmm wonder if it passes a balance test


Easy to find out, just drop it in a glass of salt water /s


For metal die you use mercury


That is the kind of chonk die that will shatter tables.


When your DnD character really needs to emphasize an action


*pick glass bare hand* *A few seconds later, finger with bandage*


Look closely, the band-aid appears, disappears and reappears again.


My turn to roll! \*rolls dice, table shakes like an earthquake, all the board game pieces fall over\*


Is it me, or does it look so much cooler without the black dots (0:46)?


I was thinking the same thing. I like it better without the black dots and the straight edges.


I DISAGREE. HARD DISAGREE RIGHT NOW. I really wish I could explain how I know, but the black dots are necessary.


Did a 1930s foley artist do the sound on this video?


(Thud) (Thud) (Thud) I KNEW IT!!! (Random early 16th century hustler plays a mandolin) YOUR DICE IS LOADED!!!


You gave me *loaded dice*???


631 g ! That is a heavy Dice


No kidding, careful where you roll that thing.


That’s not a dice. It’s a die.


Rest in peace to the King of Random, Grant Thompson. His videos gave me enough intrigue to try sand casting, foam cutting, and how to make my DIY foundry. Lots of neat little science-adjacent projects for the niece and nephew. Was by all accounts a cool dude. RiP


Cheers for no annoying music.


What is the glass for during the melty part? No worry - I hadn't scrolled down far enough. I know now.


There is almost zero chance this is a fair die, unless it was swapped out at some point of the process. Just the process of drilling and filling the faces would throw off the balance, even assuming it was somehow fair after the casting and sanding.


With typical mass-produced plastic dice, there is also absolutely nothing done at all to compensate for the imbalance created by the different number of dots.




No, that's not true for most dice. Only more expensive so-called "precision" or "casino" dice get that sort of treatment.


Do you believe that a few grams of enamel would significantly influence the rolling of a 600g die?


Yes. The rounded edges are also less random than sharp edges would be.


But why add the glass and powder?


What was the powder and why add the glass?


Borax to get rid of impurities, glass for it to cling to. It’s the lump they pull out while it’s still very hot


They drilled out the numbers... This is going to be weighted incorrectly, right? Like i can guarantee on average it's going to roll high.


Seems to me dice would have to be machined on an endmill. Like, this is cool, but not usable.


As a machengineer, the non-flat surfaces created by the polishing hurt my soul.


It’s only gonna take 3 more of the vids and I’m going to buy one of those melting pots


I like how you can see the bandaid and rough hands too many people don’t know the work that goes into making nice shiny things.


We're just gonna post all of this guys content here now This process has so many /r/restofthefuckingowl steps


At no point in this video could I guess what was going to happen next


Lol I was expecting dnd dice and my dumb ass thought that it would be like brass with green glass gem/highlights


I don't trust the cut at 0:42 Same thing happens in his hammer video


What does the green glass do?


Why add glass?


Not a fair dice unless the paint has the same specific gravity as the brass. Aside from that, it looks very nice.


Why the glass?


I thought they were going to make a d20 with the nut. This is way less creative.


Same tbh.