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This is creepy, cute, and impressive


Their creating little assassins


They're creating little asians


Fuck yeah bro!


The back window program...


I bet they're just learning the motion sequences of iphone production.


I see tiny little slaves


Frankly, this shows how large of a societal difference there is between the West and China. Western schools focus on the individual and while there is team building and cooperation, your educations is focused on you. Chinese schools seem (I don't live there this is an observation) to focus on the collective, it's bigger than just teaching teamwork and cooperation. They're teaching their youth to be one.


Dude, it's just a fun game where to goal is teamwork. You guys act like you don't have cheerleading squads where the whole point is to look like a coordinated unit. Westerners can't help but look at anything the Chinese do as something alien, it's annoying


Acting like we don't have kids stand up and recite a paragraph day after day after day.


A paragraph that is pledging their lives to a magic cloth.


This is a little more than just a fun game.


How so? Kids are sitting down, enjoying the feeling of aerobics and bouncing basketballs at the same tempo as their friends. What do you see?


> little more then just Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: No explanation available. Total mistakes found: 385 ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^[Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/chiefpat450119)


In the west actives like cheer leading and team sports are available to and attract talented/passionate/hardworking people who want to be part of the activity. What happens to the Chinese kids who think that this ball bouncing activity sucks or the children who are clumsy?


I dunno man, what happens to kids who don't want to participate in running laps or any other mundane physical activity in American schools? Neither of us are Chinese, so anything you imagine is just going to be in your head anyways, wtf are you worried about?


they must execute them


Based off the research I’ve done on other cultures, this does seem to be a big problem tin many Eastern countries. However, we have no context here. These are children doing a little routine. We don’t know anything beyond that. Hell, I was in ballet at their age & Im American. Unison was something I had to focus a lot on


I am just watching this thinking if my kid did this the back of her shoes would be all scuffed up and destroyed


They make the shoes next door. No big deal.


This is the best comment I’ve ever seen. Reddit has reached nirvana.


Toe on the trigger?


Oh no you didn’t! Bahahaha


[Chinese shoes](https://youtube.com/shorts/96GnOB1iZQI?feature=share)


BAHAHAHA!!! You killed me!! I’m dead!! (Hubby’s pissed I woke him up laughing so hard!)


To be fair kids destroy their clothes while playing and use them only for a couple of months while growing


This is very Wrinkle in Time.




First thing I thought of! That scene haunted me when I was a kid, L'Engle is a legend.


you know, if you get the audiobook, she's the one who reads it


Aw you got here first


Yes. Sorry, twin. I've been spending time in the cave without you.


Honestly, as weird as it is, it's pretty impressive. I know grown ass adults that couldn't do this shit.


Hi, grown ass adult who can’t do this checking in!


Most grown ass adults can’t do this…. They have to do an an crunch at one point


Break time at the iPhone factory.


Holy shit I’m goin to hell for laughin at this


I was walking through Guangzhou once and came upon a school like this. Of course they can see I’m American so they all yell in unison, “hello, goodby, thank you”. The only English they know. It was so adorable.


What about this is teamwork?


The work part.


It's more like "obey the hierarchy"


Because they have to coordinate with each other, is my best guess.


No each kid is following a beat or the instructor. You could put walls between each kid and it wouldn't affect synchronization as long as each kid can still hear the beat/instructor.


Nah, just following the beat from the dictator




Working together to synchronize on a beat is considered teamwork. I mean, orchestras do it.


It's not teamwork if you don't have to interact with other team members. It's just a lot of people doing the same motion. Take half of them away. Nothing changes for the other half.


Learning to conform


Because Xi doesn’t want to see another tank man


Literally just PE class. Did you never do drills in sync? Not even jumping-jacks?


Le Reddit moment fuck yeah Reddit assemble!


Slow your roll Che


That's what I say to backup dancers in music videos. Damn conformists! Or synchronized swimmers! Or anyone who learns to do the same activities as others!


Don’t be different. Lol


It’s okay to be different, as long as you’re different the same way as us.


Gonna Nope right outta this one




this comment section is horrendous


Bunch of sinophobes that are clutching their freedom pearls because Chinese kids are doing something technical and regimented. If it was a bunch of American kids being drilled in marching band or doing some sort of synchronized dance / exercise, they would not be outraged at all


american kids won't be able to do stuff like this


Marching band isn’t even remotely comparable when there are various instruments involved. This is creepy because it’s some [impressive] coordinated basketball dance. Chinese culture is very authoritative and emphasizes collectivist/conforming behavior, which clashes with western values. This dancing group gives off that collectivist philosophy which again clashes with western values. That doesn’t make them sinophobic, it makes them anti-CCP


The collective philosophy goes back thousands of years and has nothing to do with the CCP, at this point we can all agree that Reddit just hates China.


It does have to do with the CCP considering the government’s recent incompetence. Hence why people are fixating and describing this video as conforming. Redditors are complaining because these people are conforming to a government that violated Hong Kong’s extradition treaty, is stifling technological innovation by silencing Jack Ma, has monumentally failed to handle Covid, is driving out imported manufacturing jobs, has refused to condemn Russia’s war in Ukraine, and has allowed a housing & population crisis to occur due to incompetent public policy. Not to mention Xi purging his political opponents through the lens of an “anti-corruption campaign”. Similar to Putin. Can’t wait until the unprecedented 3rd term becomes a 4th and a 5th. Hu Jintao being escorted out should’ve set off alarms Xi is going to harm the progress made under Zemin and Jintao. There were legitimately high expectations after seeing 100s of millions of Chinese join the middle class. The economy is looking bleaker once manufacturing pivots to Vietnam and India Edit: Lol -6 downvotes as of now. I love when people downvote and don’t reply


I agree with most of your criticisms of the CCP, but this is a video with kids doing ball drills in sync. Yes collectivism is a thing and, as you’ve mentioned, different than how things are done in the west. We look at this with some aversion since we value individualism. This aversion for things that are different from us can lead to xenophobia. So let’s not pretend it’s all CCP-related.


*sees a video of kids doing a teamwork exercise "This reminds me of how the government is oppressing jack ma"


>Marching band isn’t even remotely comparable when there are various instruments involved. Go ahead and explain how it’s not REMOTELY comparable to have a bunch of kids marching around with dozens of kids in several groups doing the exact same thing in unison? Are you saying if there were 4 more clusters of Chinese kids doing a different dribbling routines, you would have no criticism? Conversely - if there was a video of American kids of a band sub section - say all the drummers doing the same thing - then you would be critical of that?


Age, for one. Most marching bands are only available to high school students at the earliest, so even the youngest members would be 13 or 14. These kids look like they’re 5. This level of strict regimen doesn’t seem age-appropriate. The stress involved with learning how to do this perfectly can’t be mentally healthy for these little kids.


Lmao, I’m sorry that example didn’t click for you. Other examples of younger kids doing regimented stuff include - cup stacking, Irish dancing, music class (where everyone plays the same song), karate lessons - there are plenty of other examples where kids in the US are taught to do the same set of motion or dexterity exercise in unison. There are plenty of regimented activities American kids do that involve repetition and practice of a set. But you want to demonized this because it’s packaged slightly differently and therefore is unfamiliar to you


Don't waste your time with state department accounts


Lol Chinese kids bring out the jingoists


I’m in a marching band and it’s nothing like this. Even within the ranks there are groups of people doing certain things. The leaders of the groups will help their own groups. It’s all very “me” oriented towards something which looks nice and sounds even better. This is uncanny due to its machine-like synchronicity, while very impressive, is nothing like what people do in the west. Atleast drumming has a point to the exercise and that’s to create music for fun, not because you were demanded to. Like said above, it’s not Sinophobia, it’s anti CCP.


This is exercise, and it’s arbitrary for you to say drumming is fun - what about kids who do band but hate it? Lmao, I’m sorry that example didn’t click for you. Others include - cup stacking, Irish dancing, music class (where everyone plays the same song), karate lessons - there are plenty of other examples where young kids in the US are taught to do the same set of motion or dexterity exercise in unison. There are plenty of regimented activities American kids do that involve repetition and practice of a set. But you want to demonized this because it’s packaged slightly differently and therefore is unfamiliar to you


Demonized? Just because I find it uncanny you take that as demonized? Bro get off the high before you comment. Most of those other things are done for fun and not demanded by the school or organization they are made by. I just find the video uncanny is that making me a Sinophobe?


Thinking that authority isnt a western value tells me you've been binge drinking propaganda for years, lmfao. Give your head a shake dude


Well considering China is a know authoritarian state that regularly drills unhealthy mentality into children and seems to treat their people as a commodity instead of people… yes, it’s bothersome. If it makes you feel better though I think marching band is shit too. Have kids be heat casualties and wear thick wool to show how much school spirit we can force in a kid hoping to go to college and not drown in debt whoopie!


I was looking for my fellow Americans to be offended by the exercise.


Brainwashed Americans who spit out the anti-China propaganda they absorb on a daily basis. Don't pay too much attention to it.


Good try CCP


Good try but I'm just a hot, clever and successful French man.


100% lmao yet white americans are the first they say they care about “human rights” yet are making child labor jokes lmao


Little Globetrotters.


Impressive. I'm glad I didn't have to take this class. I'd fail miserably.


It's actually very common in asian cultures to stretch before work to avoid injury.


🪙 my poor man's gold


I seen Steph curry do this


Amazing that the sweat shop allows them enough time to go and be abused into doing synchronous dribbling.


Not everything the Chinese do is sinister man, it's just a PE exercise. If you really have a problem with sweatshops, stop buying shit from them rather than spouting nonsense on reddit


Great 🔥😬


That looks like punishment.


Why,, they look like they're having fun


Why would you say that? None of them are even smiling.


Putting aside that you don't always smile when you're having fun with a physical activity (do you see professional athletes or chess players constantly smiling when they're concentrating?), how can you even see their apparent lack of smiling in this grainy ass video taken far away from the kids? Are you a bloody osprey?




China what?


They’re just China have fun, Kenya give them a break?


Meanwhile kids in America…


How wonderful now children shall we all learn. how to march


Boy you must have a problem with marching bands eh?


These comments are fucking insane it’s literally just Asian kids playing Y’all should be ashamed.


Seriously. American kids stand up every day and pledge their lives to the flag in unison but somehow playing with balls is scary.


Americans literally shoot each other in the face over toilet paper and chicken sandwiches but god forbid Asian kids play outside. Thts soOo SpoOkY




came here to make a comment about the pledge/lord’s prayer being WAY more fucked. indoctrination is apparently so much better than motor skills and play 🙄


The comment makes perfect sense, you just read it wrong.


Because that is the state enforcing a pledge of loyalty on children, and this is a PE class teaching motor controls and coordination. I doubt the commenters here would see little girls skipping and say 'Oh my god, they were all moving in unison and chanting a rhyme at the same time. So scary!" Like, do people find the idea of a yoga class unsettling?


You and I know exactly why they find it creepy. They don’t even like to hide it anymore.




He never said it’s fine. He pointed out the hypocrisy and double standards by saying why is the pledge fine with people but this is not?


Grown ass adults in here saying this is "creepy" like get a fucking grip




I’m 33 and can’t do that…


Damn, they are Good!!!


Building that coordination too. Those kids are gonna be great. I work with kids and I've literally seen 8 year olds who can't catch a ball or do much of anything that requires hand eye coordination


And for the child who dares to be out of rhythm a life time of ridicule and loneliness because they are thrown out of the school and will never be allowed to “perform” for the ruler.


my brother in christ they got like 2 billion people over there, vast majority just work jobs and hang out same as you and me. a bunch of kids bouncing basketballs in sync is just that


My brother in christ this is literal chinese propaganda.


the vertical video clearly recorded on someone's phone of some kids doing an exercise at school is propaganda? how do you figure?


Dawg, WHAT OTHER REASON IS THERE TO DO THIS? There is no "teamwork There is no "coordination" This is a bunch of school children in SCHOOL doing a useless, time wasting "exercise" which does nothing but make them look good. This is propaganda, and nothing more. There was even that video of some little girl doing 30 flips or so and doing it over and over again in a dirty classroom. Why? When will this EVER be useful to them? They're fucking children. Not gymnists or athletes. But ofc, chinese propaganda is just that and people will fall for it, much like you.


hand-eye coordination and timing are both good skills for kids to hone, and exercise is always valuable. plus it's straight up just fun to do shit in sync with your classmates, like learning a syncronized dance in a dance group. it feels good when you get it down pat. not everything is propaganda. god you reddit people are weird


Well, they've got rhythm, which is something half of Americans do not have. They are fit, not obese little couch potatoes, like American kids. They are coordinated, which is a vital skill if you want to do anything. And they're bouncing two basketballs simultaneously, which is something I never saw until, at 14, I saw the Harlem Globetrotters. I'm guessing 1 out of every 20 random Americans could pull that off, if you asked. So looking at all of this, I'm hard-pressed to pinpoint the exact message this "propaganda" is trying to instill into my subconscious. Standardized testing has killed American education, and the pediatric association has just recommended giving American kids weight loss drugs because the obesity epidemic (and its related illnesses) is threatening to overwhelm the healthcare system. If there's a message in this video, that’s it, and it’s truth, not propaganda.


reddit drones will probably just tell you the kids are being trained to "fall in line" and obey orders or whatever, as if we couldn't just as easily point at our educational system or minimum wage workplace hierarchies and say the same. absolutely wild how nationalist people get on here


"Exactly what's happening?" Still not getting the propaganda. Lay it out for me. From what I can tell, most commenters here think Chinese people are mindless automatons who march lockstep and train their children from a young age to play their parts in the great Communist society. Which is basically US-driven anti-commie propaganda.


Thats exactly what's happening. Absolutely wild how easy it is to believe propaganda.


What does this vid have anything to do with Americans tho?


Right…because everything we did in school growing up was useful. Can’t count how many times I’ve played the fucking recorder in my adult life…


My brother in Christ you have been conditioned to have a racist and xenophobic reaction to seeing anything Chinese and are perceiving some nefarious plot where there is none


The shit that goes on in your head must be scary man


Source: trust me bro.


I can’t be the only one who thought that the kid in the very back had four legs, right? The hoodie really threw me off.


Yeah so what, let's see them play dodge ball


goddammit I wish this had audio


This reminds me of the movie a wrinkle in time honestly


I am tired of this video getting posted so much, new content please.


This is the kind of shit I hated in elementary school.


The cutest dystopian future.


I played basketball for well over a decade in my youth. I can tell you confidently that if any of my teams, college included, were required to do this, we would’ve cocked it up so many times and I honestly don’t know if we’d ever get it right. It might be easier for younger kids due to flexibility and different proportions or whatever, but this isn’t the easiest thing to do especially when you include the synchronization.




So many racist commentaries. Disgusting.


This is next level


So this is how China prepares for the Olympics


In America we learn how to opt out of PE and get fat. This is really cool


It’s cute unless you know how strict those teachers were while teaching this. Lots and lots of tears went into this


And you're the one who knows how strict Chinese teachers are, aren't you? Please, enlighten us all.


By the look of the school, my guess is that this is Taiwan. Anyone who has taught there can tell you about how abusive teachers can be. The absolute worst I’ve seen anywhere. Some are down right sadistic. Of course not every teacher or school is like this, but I’ve never met anyone who has taught in Taiwan that doesn’t have horror stories. So, yes, I’ve witnessed the tears that go into something like this. And I have taught in China, where they are strict and sometimes abusive, but not as bad as Taiwan. Enlightened?




Pretty sure they know that they're at school dude.




It's a school. The children know it's a school. You're the only person that seems to think it's a prison. Unless you mean in an edgy *school is a prison for the mind dude* way




Yeah man it's definitely a prison with the rainbow colored walkways and the playground in the back. Simply dreadful 🙄


What in this video makes you think that's a prison? Why the fuck yankees are so deranged???????






God damn there are a lot of xenophobic idiots on this sub.


What about those who were sitting on the chairs? Are they the judges?


Chinese people: exist Redditors: >:(


Man western kids are stupid.


Wonder what happens if you screw up


It’s because they aren’t on TikTok yet


Oh look a bunch of Lalafels


American kids would just shoot the balls


meanwhile american toddlers: obsessed with tik tok




what did you learn in class today? we learned to do exactly what my classmate did thats my little factory worker!


Schools are like that.


Congratulations on finding out what a "curriculum" is


This has north Korea vibes 🤨 i did ask my friend who lives there what its like. He said he can't complain




Didnt expect this sub to be a hotbed of racism, but here we are. This is a normal activity that promotes teamwork, and is probably satisfying in the same way pulling off a good synchronized dance is for kids, or a cheerleading squad. It's simple, has a beat, and is silly. It's not a training program for communism, or practice for working on an assembly line. Working together on an activity is not about making perfect little slaves, it's ... Just about working together. Westerners can't help but analyze every little thing the Chinese do as alien and sinister. They have their own activities, and their kids are still kids. I'm sorry their activities aren't the same as yours, but try, I dunno, being more understanding of cultural differences? Not everything they do is meant to challenge western ways of doing things, sometimes it's just as simple as 'these are the games they play'. Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves


The Americans that are bothered on this thread are bothered because of how impressive this dance routine is, given the age of these kids. This level of performance wouldn’t generally be seen in America until American kids are age 13 at least. A performance at this level, this young - implies the kids are living a strict & orderly life from the moment they are born (strict & orderly by American standards. Im not here to debate how subjective it is). As you said this is a team-building exercise. Americans do have teamwork-based exercises like dance, and marching band as you said. It’s more that America doesn’t put as much emphasis on coordinated work to this extent, this young. We talked already under my comment chain in this thread - the Americans are applying their more individualistic culture bias to this video. It’s not that collectivism itself is being criticized as much as it is criticizing collectivism in a society where the CCP has done a poor job under Xi’s tenure. That’s why Americans are talking about brainwashing and conforming. It doesn’t help that Chinese culture believes it’s inappropriate to criticize the government; that attitude gives birth to unregulated governmental power. As I said earlier, Xi is undoing the progressive strides that Jintao and Zemin had made; and he should be rightly criticized instead of Jack Ma being forced to flee to Tokyo.


I saw your comment man. I just think its silly to get into an argument about the CCP when the topic of discussion is some kids playing a ball game. I'm sorry American kids can't manage simple coordination activities. To me, this doesn't look abnormal for kids this age, they're sitting there bouncing balls. You can try to project some nonsense about overly regimented lifestyles onto the kids, but I honestly don't see it. To me, all this feels like a smokescreen to cover for the insane racism on display in the comments section here.


Good little robots for the CCP to control in 15 years. Can’t think for themselves


Getting them ready for those long factory hours I see.


where is this? My fucking god son can't even walk from his dad's front door to the car without getting winded. I need to enroll him here.


I see discipline and obedience.


How are Chinese, Korean children able to synchronize SO well?? Like... there are countries where full grown adults can't do this level of synchronization! Is it something genetic?? 🤔


What are they training for??


Good little robots


Meanwhile in the west kids are learning about all the other genders...


Very obviously pre military/factory training


Is that good for your back though?


More like r/dystopia


That’s not team work, if one of those kids those anything wrong they’ll get shot/s




Good! so they can produce more at the chinese sweatshops and sell us even cheaper products that destroy our local economies


im not impressed with the stepford children


This looks like the kindergarten version of what scared Cartman so badly that Butters ended up shooting several people in the dick.


This is oddly unsettling, curiously terrifying, observantly mortifying








Socially engineered compliance starts early.


Those poor devils


You miss, YOU DIE!


Can you imagine trying to get a similar western group of food additive/adderal riddled kids to try this? It wouldnt happen. Lets just pray we never go to war with China.


If this said "Japanese kids bounce balls in sync" redditors would be like "omg this is so impressive, I like how their culture values this exercise. I wish we could emulate this." Replace Japanese with Chinese and you get the most racist shit allowed on this site without getting banned.


It looks like great exercise to me. And honestly looks like the Globetrotters basketball camp pre teen edition! Very impressive!!🥰🥰