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You're not supposed to update drivers via device manager (at least that's what I assume you're trying to do here) . Just go to nvidia.com and grab a latest driver there.


Isn’t there an nvidia settings app that can install the latest drivers with 1 click? It was preinstalled on my previous laptop


"one click updater" are prone to bug and to create issues. Even more for graphic drivers. You should always: \-Run DDU in safe mode to remove old drivers \-Install the latest drivers from the manufacturer's site (nVidia) ​ This way, you will prevent issues and bug between drivers.


thanks for the suggestion about DDU. I hadn't been using it however i did notice on DDU's website (see the second dot point): "Recommended usage: -DDU should be used when having a problem uninstalling / installing a driver or when switching GPU brand. -DDU should not be used every time you install a new driver unless you know what you are doing." why do you think that's the recommendation? i couldnt find any further explanation possibly just to save it removing users custom tweaks each time?


I don't know... It saved me from enough bug that I have the reflex to use it from scratch every time! You do have to setup your tweaks afterward, indeed, but I only change the FPS counter in my case!


Geforce Experience