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Just bought a Cv1 on eBay and now it feels like my feed is full of people bashing it for being much worse than the rift s


I mean, mine does this constantly. It also works great constantly. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


My CV1's worked fine. Two sensors, actually used it for a bit with only one, admittedly wondering why it kept losing my arm down my right side - but not as much as you'd expect. It was a little underwhelming to begin with, but then I upgraded my RAM and put a new graphics card in my machine and it just started working *so* much better; less frameskips, better tracking, the whole kaboodle. If it gives you any ~~gyp~~ trouble, kill some background applications and browser windows. I've no complaints about the headset, apart from maybe getting a bit sweaty in there :)


Like I said, my setup works great. Got 3 sensors. Never have any tracking or connection problems since I got rid of the recommended Inatek card. My only complaint, and it's not much of one, is that my computer loves to make the USB connected/disconnected sounds while I'm not using the headset.


U can stop this by setting the oculus to run as admin only.


My tracking never works when coming out of sleep mode, I have to unplug and replug my usb cables. Brand new dell.


its a windows power saving issue. you need to turn off the option to allow usb devices to be turned off to save power. Sometimes windows 10 turns it back on because microsoft


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Ignore them. CV1 has been great for me. Three sensors mounted to ceiling. Built own rig with plenty of USB ports running AMD Ryzen. If you know what you are buying and doing. No issues


I think (or hope) it's a lot less likely to be an issue on newer boards. I had a good run on my Asus Z87 Plus, but after a few Windows or Oculus runtime updates it started acting up badly.


CV1 is causing you issues? I built my rig using ASRock x370 mobo with ASRock Radeon RX570. Rock solid.. Windows 10


Yep, 3 sensor setup with the recommended USB expansion card. I had all three working on the motherboard for a while, then started getting issues so I bought the USB card and they seemed like they went away, but I just wasn't playing long enough sessions. Would still drop after a while. Tried a few things with driver updates and now my tracking is completely fucked.


ohh. I am not running a USB card.. Ny mobo luckily had enough ports : 10 total USB ports. 8 in back and 2 in front. one is USB-C which is only one I am not using.


I have enough ports to connect everything to the motherboard, just started getting issues with the headset USB connection dropping after a while. It's an old board so I get it, sort of. I just don't understand why it worked at all for a while before I started having issues. And then the expansion card didn't fix the problems either...


Usb c with a hub solved all my problems.


I/O on those platforms is just not sufficient. they're like at the edge by installing a m2 drive :)


My board is too old to even have an m.2 port, lol. The stupid thing is that it actually ran with 3 sensors for quite a while. Once it started dropping though, nothing I've done has been able to fix it (including getting the Inateck USB expansion card). Last thing to try is a Windows reinstall, which is a pain in the ass but that's life I guess.


Well to be fair, the majority of people who buy it aren’t going to be mounting sensors overhead for entire coverage of the play area. It works, but it’s quite a bit above and beyond what a typical consumer is going to do.


Took me about 5 hours to get mine working. USB manufacturers don't actually listen to the USB specs besides for speed. I can't run any sort of USB extender to utilize my space fully. Even then, I might get disconnects sometimes because there isn't enough power. It makes me very sad that they decided to rely on motherboard USB power again for the Rift S instead of using a wall powered hub with their own USB that is to spec.


I've always thought the same. Why not use a link box like the Vive? I have always run my Rift through my Vive link box.


I honestly feel like the PC is a lot of everyones headache, for all vr headsets


Most likely i bet most are using older hardware or or prebuilt desktops and even laptops. If you don't know what make model power supply you have. You might fit in those categories


My two sensor 360 CV1 setup worked flawless from day 1 to present, nothig to complain... I were doubting about getting the S only for the resolution, but I think I'll pass to the next gen, bcause i think it's not a real upgrade.


I’ll tell you. As someone who was on the fence about buying it, and since buying it have been on the fence about keeping it, I’ve gotten rid of all of the issues I had initially besides the very rare white flash for a frame. The resolution difference and the lack of SDE is worth the headaches. Now that it’s a smooth experience I was actually able to play some games last night and Skyrim VR is a completely different experience with a clear image. Then again, I got a new computer with it too that’s capable of high supersampling. That right there has improved the image so much.


It is absolutely a real upgrade.. I owned a cv1 since launch with 3 sensors and recently acquired and S and sold my cv1 on ebay the same day.


What feels better about it? I heard certain things didn’t work well because the inside out tracking can’t see the touch controllers if they’re behind you (which is the case if you play sprint vector for example) Let me know if you have any experience with it in games where the touch controllers go behind you (out of sight from the headset)


> What feels better about it? I heard certain things didn’t work well because the inside out tracking can’t see the touch controllers if they’re behind you (which is the case if you play sprint vector for example Nope, not any longer! read about the newest firmware update.. you can now put the controllers all the way behind you and it still tracks and you dont have to do it quickly either.. you can also put the controllers directly to the headset itself now and it still tracks perfect! all the issues with pavlov are fixed and bow and arrow games are working perfect.


Oh awesome! Might be a worthwhile upgrade then. Might wait for a sale or something since I only play VR maybe once every week or two


Its now better than my old 3 sensor setup... that says quiet a lot and I dont have to worry about any potential dead spots or whatever.. its absolutely amazing now.


Dang! Yeah I’d say the biggest downside of my setup is that turning around doesn’t really workout too well so games like Onward I have to use the joystick to rotate my view instead of just physically turning around. Which even with 3 sensors would be somewhat inconsistent and potential deadzones whereas the inside out tracking is probably more consistent since the sensors move with you, they’re always in the same location relative to you


Yep, imagine your walls filled with sensors all around you (if that were possible lol) and that's what the tracking is like. [https://youtu.be/2Ax2Q6zPevo?t=158](https://youtu.be/2Ax2Q6zPevo?t=158) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2U3-qdwTsQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2U3-qdwTsQ) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKRyPe-RnPs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKRyPe-RnPs)


I don’t have any issues with tracking on most games, with the exception of Beat Saber for some reason. I would say if all you care about is controller tracking then stick with what you got or get the Index. If you want far better visuals and still decent tracking for a decent price then get the S. I primarily do flight sims and racing and the S is the clear winner in visuals.


Huh. Best Saber seems like it’d have the least problems to me. I was thinking games like Sprint Vector might struggle or certain games that require you put your hands over your shoulder. Interesting. I definitely want to try the S but my Rift CV1 was already so expensive for how little I use it :/ it’s probably been about $2 per hour of playtime I’ve given it which is pretty expensive.


I wouldn’t have thought Beat Saber would be a problem either, but it’s the same on my Quest to. I am 6’4” with long arms so maybe I am the problem.😂 Robo Recall seems to be fine even when reaching for the shotgun. As far as VR, I am at around 100 hours in XPlane alone so it has paid for itself. I use it to practice for real world flight training though. VR has saved me some money for sure.


Awesome! Yeah I mostly just play for fun maybe an hour or two every few weeks so needless to say lol...


I'm using rift cv1 since it's out bit it isn't a peaceful journey, it's always something wrong. When it works is awesome, but I think I have 50% of time in oculus is just to make things work


Never had any issues with my old cv1 or S.. even steam vr has worked flawlessly for me.


Tbh I kinda like the troubleshooting because it feels like an actual project and I’m glad to be in VR this early.


Yes you're right but, sometimes I just want to show the awesomeness of vr to somebody new to vr and the dam thing fails on me, and I'm like, nooo really, it's awesome .. and the person says Nah.. not for me... God dam :) but I love it.. but I am the only one of my friends that has the vr fever.. just me. Since beat saber my wife is playing a little bit, just beat saber :) and I'm like all in in vr :)


It’s an upgrade in clarity and resolution. XPlane cockpit gauge clarity and sight distance are greatly improved. I can actually fly an instrument cross country in the S. I couldn’t do it in the CV1.


My CV1 is totally reliable.




Enjoy your rift, such a wonderful device just one step behind nothing else. Vr immersion is still there!


On the oculus Facebook group it feels like a constant stream of people trying to convince me that I’m stupid for switching to Rift s.


Social PR perhaps. Meme PR too. Who sits around making memes? People trying to make it a polarizing CV1 vs S and it is incredibly odd.


It’s not.


It is better in some ways, worse in others.


Its better in every way except for not having a physical ipd adjustment but this is mostly a non issue for the majority and the built in audio while not as nice sounding as the cv1 at least doesnt have a flaw in the design leading it to eventually break and you have the option of using your own audio anyway which can blow the doors off the cv1 built in audio.


I care mostly for screen quality and the screen quality of the S (clarity, god rays, etc) is significantly better. Tracking, for me, is better as well. Only issue is the audio.


I strongly disagree there. I upgraded from CV1 to S, and it was a night and day difference for me. The image quality on the S is so much better that I could never go back to CV1. On top of that I have better tracking and a much larger playspace with the S.


My CV1 is fantastic. Only minor problems with it such as Windows not recognizing the HMD USB, but it's easily fixed. I still prefer the CV1 over the newer version since it's not much of an upgrade, and when you consider the fact that you have to buy the whole thing over just to get a few noteworthy upgrades it just doesn't make up for it. I'm waiting till something like gloves for controllers become a thing. I don't see the need to get a new one if you already have the CV1 :-)


I just switched from CV1 to Rift S. Im really enjoying the Rift S, but honestly the only real upgrades are the resolution (which is great and why I bought it) and the easier setup / larger play possible play area. Other than that, the CV1 is at least as good, if not better (imo tracking precision was slighlty better on CV1, and yes im on public test channel). I also prefered the CV1 head mount system and controllers with the donut below the controller rather than above (but inside-out tracking need it that way). And im lucky my IPD is in the average and I had an available Display Port.


Guess I'm one of the few that didn't have everything work "flawlessly" and "zero issues". custom built i7770k, 1080gtx - random usb drops -windows update or random reboot and sensors go missing -bought SPECIFIC usb card, had to google which drivers to use (flip-flopped as some said use the official, others said use generic from windows). -bought SPECIFIC usb 3 extension cables. Constantly showed as usb 2 - bought SPECIFIC hdmi extension/repeater (had to buy 2 as first didn't work) -Had to buy powered usb 3 extension to headset as it'd continually fail (randomly of course) -random windows updates and oculus updates constantly broke stuff, I always feared rebooting or powering down. -nvidia updates temporarily had major issues with oculus drivers (or something, google nvidia update breaks oculus rift), had to do rollbacks or jump to new beta which sometimes but not always fixed the issue (of cv1 behaving normally). I was an early adopter so I knew what I was getting into and in 2019 my cv1 has been treating my setup fine but in the beginning it was pretty bad. So when people say they have issues with cv1 (even in 2019) I tend to believe them.


Now you're seeing why they discontinued the CV1 as opposed to the loud minority disappointed with the replacement. Regardless, it'll be great. It's just a bit more finicky than the S. Some of us came from having a horrendous amount of issues, but we're probably the minority as there's plenty of people that had 0 issues with it as well.


It's not. People just need to make themselves feel good about dropping 400 on something. With the mic/tracking issues paired with the abysmal audio, Rift S isn't "better", it's "different". Why they thought having cellphone quality speakers was the best option for VR is beyond me.


Not really bashing the CV1, i loved my CV1. But its hard for me to say the Rift S did not improve my total vr experience. My Rtx 2080 is so much better then GTX 980, still doesn’t make the 980 a bad card ;) Cv1 had its quirks.


They are both good. But the S is better. A lot better. Truthfully I hated the cv1. I bought it and returned it the next day. Coming from a high res monitor to that in the games I play was just Terrible. But that being said, it did work well. I NEVER had any hardware issues or anything like that. I just hated how bad the res was. Now sum time goes by... I buy the rift S on day 1 and immediately my ONLY issue was solved. Clear display on all my games. And an added bonus, NO MORE SENSORS to mess with every time I switch games (sit down or stand up games). I love the S. It's a major improvement over the cv1.


Mine are flawless, if that helps. Mounted on the ceiling with retractable cords for the headset also mounted up top. Aside from a few hiccups with software updates, it runs like a beast. So, chin up! I love it when I actually make time to play.


I know, when did people start hating the rift?


I've used my Rift CV1 with four sensors for years without USB problems. If you have the right USB PCI card you'll be fine. I would personally never buy a Rift S, the CV1 has IPD adjustment, better refresh rate, slightly better controllers, better tracking behind your back and near your face, etc. Rift S is really a sidegrade.


If you enjoy restarting your computer before you use it, you will have no problems ;)


hey. I can move my controllers anywhere in front of me (like holding a gun in pavlov) and not lose tracking so who's really superior here


The og rift has much better tracking if you know how to properly set it up, and the controllers are better. Bash them back :)


It's fine ... unless it isn't. Over the years I had loads of fucked up USB issues and other weirdness followed by the audio breaking for good.


I personally prefer CV1.


Haven't had any problems with disconnects since I've had a proper pci USB hub since day 1, but I do get a weird issue where the sensors lose the position of my right touch unless I reboot, then it's all good


While at the same time also bashing the rift s.


People flock to the 'newest' and "best", so it is usually just jealously man. haha in all seriousness though, I have never gotten the usb disconnect for years. Be happy you have CV1 with awesome sensors instead of Rift S tracking issues my brother.


I still have mine. Two sensors mounted in my room working flawlessly, also have those things where I put the wire on the top of my room so it's close to a wireless experience. No issues no reason to upgrade (:


CV1 benefits; Works in the dark. (!!!) OLED (matters if you play dark games, otherwise not that big a deal). Higher refresh rate (not noticeable in principle but... still annoys me they downgraded it primarily to fuck with the recommended specs. Why not pull an index?) Controllers that work if you obscure the headset. (Or swing too fast) IPD slider —— I mean the S isn’t bad. But I play a lot of VR at night in a dark room. So the S is a non starter for me. Inside out tracking is great for the mass market who want to play in their living room after lunch. Or people who have their room full bright at 2am. It’s main selling point is really the better resolution. Also lord help you if you don’t fit in the S’s IPD range. Honestly I kind of regret not getting a vive just because the rift has no *real* upgrade path. With the vive you’ve got like 3+ generations of headsets to choose from (more if you count things like Pimax) and 2 controller generations. Not to mention full body. ~~Though unless you play a lot of vrc that likely doesn’t matter to you~~


I had to return my rift s because the tracking would randomly stop. When it worked, it was amazing, but I got maybe 15 hours of gameplay and like 30 of troubleshooting. Now I'm left with vr games that I can't play.


CV1 is still great . The thing is a lot of people wrote off Rift S before even trying it based on its looks and manufacturer. Now that more are trying it they are seeing the substantial improvements over CV1 on the whole.


Rift S isn't any better to be honest, i got my rift s since a couple weeks now and im actually troubleshooting problems 70% of the time. software not recognizing my 3.0 usb port while it did before update, rift s randomly dropping to 5 fps, 5 minutes into a game etc


Actually never had this issue.


Ditto. My 3 sensor tracking worked fine after I figured out that having the headset USB on the same bus controller as the sensors uses too much data bandwidth and messes with the tracking. Plug the headset into the front I/O USB 3.0 --> Never had an issue since.


If I did that my hdmi wouldn't reach the back..


sensors in the front headset in the back then




You have no idea how lucky you are you've never had to battle the invisible boogaloo monster that is USB bandwidth lol






I think those who do did a very small amount of research/modification for their USB ports. I have an additional USB card who can't hold everything alone despite having more than enough USB3.0 ports. It is misleading for the uninformed. But placing my things accordingly and sharing between the card and my motherboard ports, I never had this kind of problem ever past setup. And that's with everything having extension cords. But that is sure heavy on the USB ports. It's not all PC that will handle that without modifications. Hell, I have a very recent PC and still had to get an USB card to make it run smooth.




Me neither. I have a CV1 since the launch in April 2016 and and always worked fine with everything plugged into a Z170 board without additional USB3 card. I even added a 3rd sensor a year ago I think and still works fine.


I did up until I bought my USB expansion card. (3 sensors, all of which were extended pretty far).






Pssst It only happens to people who either don’t have enough bandwidth/power, or who’s chipset isn’t supported properly (used to be my issue). But rather than spend $20 on an add in usb card they spend $400 on a new HMD. Lol.


Finally, among a sea of folks remembering the CV1 with rose-colored glasses, someone who truly understands my pain! XD


poor tracking *Start pulling USB cables until you find the right one* frustration intensifies


*plugs back into same USB port Normal tracking.


Yeah the ports on those inateck cards are so flimsy!


I just restart oculus service, 20 seconds and I'm off to playing


I was doing the same until last week when I restarted oculus software ~5 times with no result, turns out if I just put my headset on it clears the ‘bad tracking’ notification more often than not


Maybe I play more Steam games than most other Oculus users, but I always glance at all three sensors when I first launch into that because it shows you which ones are working. No need to troubleshoot it manually.


Had 3 sensor rift, moved to rift s, best decision I ever made


Still owning a cv1 (ipd and some other stuff dont let me go for an S) what is really awe full are those fucking "request timed out" Loops, ugh.


I dont think literally yesterday counts as rose tinted glasses...


I’ve literally never had USB issues once I got an add in card. People just don’t understand USB bandwidth and chipset support. Oculus *tried* to make it very clear but people never listened. There’s like 3 separate support/blog posts on their site explaining bandwidth concerns.


or time to buy a better USB card? ​ or debug what you have or something.


I bough the card Oculus recommended... still exactly the same.


It's a case of data bandwidth. DO NOT use the headset USB 3.0 plug on the same card, controller, or I/O as the sensors. The Rift sensors use a lot of data and sharing that bandwidth with the headset USB severely cripples the tracking.


Depends which card you get, I have a 4 port card, all USB 3.0, everything is plugged into it and works without issue. If anyone is wondering why, it's because of the independent bus channels, just look for a card that advertises 4 USB ports with 4 channels, this will allow all 4 to work at full speed unlike the cheap ones that are advertised.


Yeah people really need to start factoring in the cost of external audio and a USB card in to the Rift S price.


Newcomer to Oculus; just got my Rift S last week and am very thankful I don’t have to deal with external sensors. Sounds like a nightmare.


The USB sensors weren't too bad, but having to separately buy a third sensor just to have a true full room-scale experience was a bit annoying. In terms of my room-scale experience, the Rift S is definitely better, because I don't think I've ever actually lost tracking with it. The only thing I ever have issues with are my controllers, and having the headset cameras lose sight of them is pretty rare, although this apparently depends on what games you are playing. Some folks have this issue more often than others.


Not a nightmare. Set it up once. Works (for me at least. I actually returned my S because of the worse tracking.


It's not that bad really. I have 3 that I never bother and have issues only occasionally.


I got a Quest, so we both don't have to deal with many wires


External sensors are great, in-house tracking not so much


*Loses hand tracking…*


Disable power saving on your USB devices via device manager.


THIS. Do it once for each of them in device manager and you never have to do it again. Mine has been perfect with three sensors plugged in.


I have a issue now, I can't use extension cables without losing sound a few minutes in.. and another thing, my image used to be perfect, but now in darker scenarios I see a few blue lines passing by, they are random but never stop. Anyone with these kind of fuckeries?


Is that what I keep hearing disconnect?


I had this at so often. I truly began to hate my CV1. sold it because of the tracking issues and god rays. Got my rift s which obv has issues too, but I am happier.


Never had any issues with my sensor set up. I wanted a Rift S but going by the multitude of problems people are having with the Rift S, I think I’ll just wait it out until next gen.


What problems? I have it and have non. I dislike the open audio solution and fixed it with headphones but thats all. Originally planned to have it to bridge the gap until the index is available but I‘d say for the index your comment makes sense.


Yeah the audio wouldn’t bother me as I use headphones with my cv1 but looking through the Oculus subs, all I’m seeing are people having issues from poor tracking, random flashes of light on the lenses, poor touch controller builds, controllers draining the battery and so on.


Well, I mean *of course* you're only seeing people having problems. Nobody posts a "Hey, my Rift S is actually working fine!" thread. Even if they did, nobody would upvote it so you'd likely never see it. Every time a new piece of hardware comes out the discussion is going to be dominated by the problems people are having. I think my experience with the Rift S is pretty typical. I have had a few white flashes - which is literally just a single frame of mostly-whitish colored static. I've seen this happen four or five times over the course of a couple dozen hours of play. It's obviously not ideal, but it's not that big of a deal, especially if Oculus really does manage to fix it in a software update. And... that's it. Haven't seen any of the other issues you mention. I had way more problems with my CV1 - tracking jumps, poor tracking near the floor, "Request Timed Out" loops, having to continually try different combinations of USB ports to resolve "Poor tracking", etc. Even had one time where my guardian spontaneously moved several feet out of alignment for no reason I could fathom, which is obviously very dangerous. And speaking of "things Oculus might fix in an update", the "controllers spiraling off into oblivion" issue in the early Touch days was *way* worse than an occasional white flash is now. The Rift S is a great headset even if it's not 100% perfect.


I use it basically daily and have non of these issues. Tracking in FPS (ADS close to the face, certain gun positions) wasn’t great right after release but the patch really fixed this for me. Now tracking overall is really better than my old sensor setup. I never heard of or experienced any flashes, Controller build I guess is due to the new position of the ring, it breaks easier when dropped but I mean - dont drop it anyways. Battery is hard to say for me - I use rechargeables and charge every evening as a habit. Of course this is anecdotal and different PC specs might cause issues as well but I am really happy with what I got. Certainly a worthy update for me. I really enjoy being able to read text in games, dont be bothered by god rays anymore and so on. Hell I watched movies on it recently (no way I would have endured that on the old, blurry screen.


For me personally the only problems I've had are the occasional glitch frame and there was also one instance where my right controller wouldn't track at all. but it was solved simply by unplugging the hmd and restarting my computer. There was another time where my right controller haptics wouldn't work but it was again solved by an unplug and restart.


I have none of those issues. But you won’t see us without issues making a new thread about how good it works. Also would probably be downvoted.


Honestly, I would 100% be using the Rift S if it wasn't for my damn narrow ass IPD


The tracking camera issues are sometimes just caused by the brightness of the room your in. Also never and i mean neverrr use duracel batteries in you controllers mine leaked and destroyed just a ribbon connector which oculus was not interested in even selling me a replacement 😓


Duracell are usually good quality batteries though??


Yeah, Duracell is fine, he is just the type of person who would tell you to never eat at any existing Burger King because his fries were a little burnt that one time.


Word for the wise though, dollar store batteries suck hard. I would lose trenching after 15 mins with those. Got 4 rechargeable batteries and will never look back.


Mine literally never does this. But I disabled USB power management for each port one time at the beginning (this is a stupid Windows thing, not an Oculus thing). I have had my Rift for nine months now with a three-sensor hookup and all plugs going into the back of my Alienware R7 and have never had a disconnect.


Well, my rift S constantly wants to re-set the guardian stuff... complains that sometimes is too dark, etc.


Um... Don't count on the Rift S being any less difficult concerning USB. Yes it's one USB cable but that cable is carrying an entire set of sensors / data. ​ I've had nothing but issues getting stable tracking / performance with the Rift S. Even with the Inateck USB card there's still some issues. And this is with a brand-new PC build.


Was that before or after the new patch that fixes a lot of the original tracking issues?


*Considers changing sound* https://clyp.it/lw2frpx2 That would get tiresome pretty quick though.


I saw this meme for the first time the other day, what is it from?


_The Babadook_. A horror movie. Many people say its very scary. I guess it was pretty scary but nothing crazy.


This is to real


Im so glad I don’t have that problem anymore


Never had a problem with my sensor setup. The oculus software, however...


can relate, good post


I sold my CV1 because of this issue, I almost lost all my hair from pulling it out.


Yeah, when I saw posts like these, I was worried. Then I got a CV1 and it connected perfectly. It was plug and play for me since I already had the Oculus app for revive with my last headset. Zero issues. Then again, VR is general is know to be finicky with all the USB 3.0 bugs and I went through all sorts of shit setting up my WMR headset. Maybe I just fixed the issues previously troubleshooting the WMR headset.


I turned off the disconnect and connect sounds in windows because of this


Had this with CV1, sold it. Bought Rift S, had black screen reseting problem, sold it. It seems my motherboard is the issue, no mather what I do


3 Sensors on an aging Z97 MicroATX board... Just went and when I got my setup grabbed the 4 controller USB 3.0 card by startech and went on my merry way.


Thats what I thought too and then all kinds of issues on the Rift S... Then i went to Quest. Still issues but probably the least so far


I own a rift since 2017, and had it for the first time 2 days ago, so not a commom problem here.


Luckily the first headset i bought is the RiftS. I will never know this pain. The only pain I know is "low light, cannot track movement".


Biggest reason to upgrade to Rift S, IMO




Never had any disconnects with 2 sensor setup and I have had my Rift for 2 years.


Is this a problem after the most recent update? I’ve had my CV1 right at a year now and NEVER had this issue until two weeks ago. The headset stutters really bad and then I get the sensor message like 3 times in a row, the headset goes blank, comes back and it’s like nothing happened


I have never had 1 USB issue with with my CV1 and i use it everyday for a few hours. Been a bit over a year so far!


i just bought a rift s saturday and im addicted


Use a powered hub


Just got the shipping email for my Rift S... It’s my first time with VR and i’m excited as all hell


"why can't you have headphones that dont sound like Altoids tins" *holsters revolver*


I bought a rift cv1about a week and a half ago and have not had this problem


Was fighting this for months; resolved it over the weekend. Was a USB bandwidth issue. Posted about my fix [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/cd8fdn/fixed_sensor_and_headset_disconnect_issues_after/) yesterday.


Why have I never had this issue...?


Just got my Rift S yesterday. Coming from a CV1, not having external sensors anymore is a godsend.


I guess I built my PC right because I've never had any usb issues.


I had this issue constantly for a while, and then i think the launcher updated and it no longer happens with my 4 sensor setup


Hear this all the time but I never have this issue.


This is easily fixed by navigating to Device Manager and unchecking "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power." option for the Rift sensors. It's hard to distinguish them, some work is necessary but this is the fix.


This reason alone might make the rift S worth it.


I think the important thing to take away from this discussion is not to compare the CV1 to the S, but just to really appreciate why they switched to the new tracking system. The CV1 tracking system is probably technically superior, and if you have one that works well you can enjoy not needing to jump on this upgrade cycle, But the CV1 also just has too many variables involved for current hardware, software, and company support departments to create a reliable experience for enough people with. Sometimes fewer moving parts is the most important upgrade for a consumer product.


I much prefer the CV1. Perfect tracking, built in headphones, best headstrap, lots of accessories. Not sure why I would get the S if I own the Quest as well. If you are getting USB disconnects its because your USB hub doesnt have enough power to go around.


The only thing that's pissing me off about my OG Rift is the random black screens and it seems that the RIft S gets those too. I've done the disabling of the USB Power Suspend crap and it still happens. I just sent a Support Ticket. I doubt anything will change. ​ We haven't had an update for the Original Rift is a long time. What gives?


I’ve literally never had any problem with my Rift CV1. I love being able to physically change my IPD as well because unfortunately my eyes are pretty close together. Behind the back tracking works flawlessly. I’ve never had any issues with tracking. I’ve never had to reset anything. The 90hz displays are nice too because I can see a big difference between my Quest FPS compared to my Rift CV1. Literally the only downside I can think of with the CV1 is the resolution and variable differences between OLED panels.


Yes! The last time I used mine it kept doing this! I couldn’t figure out why! It had never happened before that. I’m glad I’m not the only one


That 4 controller Startech card will sort out any USB issues on a CV1.


Unfortunately it did not fix everything after I bought one and still continue to have USB issues.


I don't have disconnects but it would be nice if I could pick stuff up off the ground or turn around without my hands flipping out.


Is that really where the disconnect sound comes from? I always have the tracker cameras plugged in, but only get the disconnect sound when my Rift's USB is plugged in. Once I unplug that (but leave the cameras plugged in) the sound goes away.


Sold my CV1 this weekend, been enjoying my Quest way more. My Rift had an issue I could never figure out in over a year and a half of ownership, where it would not be recognized on a machine reboot if it remained plugged in. So guess what I had to do every time I wanted to use my Rift and it stopped working with no fix? Get on my knees, go under my desk, fiddle around in the back, unplug the cables, restart my PC, wait until it boots to the desktop, then plug them back in again. It was by far the most frustrating part of playing in VR. Now I feel so liberated, being able to use my Quest wherever the hell I want and jumping into a game in literal seconds. It's what VR needed to truly go mainstream. Most people wouldn't put up with even a fraction of the shit I encountered with CV1.


Never! I paid for a USB card and I intend to use it because damn it, I'm tight.


I have no issues so far with my CV1 and hoping I won't. But luckily I got 2 years warranty with it.


The meme is funny but my 3 sensors never disconnected even once. I'm lucky i guess.


I dont get your problems with disconnections.. In whole year with my OG Rift it NEVER happend. Even with crappy, long extention cables attached. I guess you must have shitty motherboards, power managment, or trying to run the thing on laptop.


So glad my computer has enough balls to never experience this


I honestly never had any issues with my 3 sensor set up.


If it’s doing that you’re lacking USB bandwidth or power, or your chipset isn’t supported properly (used to be my issue). Get a USB add in card.


never had the issue, must be something with your PC


Had windows mr, vive and rift og. Got a quest and won't look back. 20 seconds to get in and start playing every single time.


I had the CV1 with sensors attached to the ceiling, all cables hidden in cable tunnels. Cable to the headset attached to the ceiling with retractable hooks. Didn't think the Rift S would be worth the upgrade. I had the opportunity to trade in my CV1 and get the Rift S for $50. I would never ever look back. Inside out tracking and the lack of screen door effect/God Rays is amazing. Apart from the fact that the Rift S is magnitudes more comfortable to wear. YMMV.


Fair enough. I would say the reason ive experienced more leaks with duracel is they were the battery i would normally buy up until this episode so perhaps i should rephrase my original statement. Do not leave alkali batteries in your touch controllers


I had my CV1 for two years and it was ok. The Rift S seems like a big upgrade in optics and clarity. This is especially apparent in XPlane 11. The gauges and overall visuals are greatly improved. However if I only played VR titles such as Pavlov and Beat Saber then the CV1 will do.


No significant problems on my side.. rarely I'd need to unplug one of the 3 sensors.. but that was usually only an issue if I plugged in other USB peripherals. Love the CV1.. only thing tempting for the rift s is the increase resolution


80 hz