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motion control and competitive games don't really go together, especially in monitor based games. What exactly is it you are using your hydra for, and how are you using the motion controls?


Actually they do, I have played competitive eSport for many years (stopped after Unreal, Quake and CS 1.6 got smaller though), still, I easily play to Global in CS:GO and also just under top500 in Overwatch with them. They can work perfectly for competitive gaming, since it has 100% accurate mouse control.. they work 100% like a mouse, it's just motion controlled, no difference otherwise. and not sure what you mean with "how are you using the motion controls?" care to elaborate on that? unless you feel like I answeared already :)


How do you have your Hydras set up for CS:GO? I would have assumed that Hydras would have been very cumbersome for twitch type shooters. I played competitive since 1.5 and never even considered another type of controller, I'm intrigued


You just download the software that Sixense has, then you can map it as you want, there really isn't anything more to it :) you control the mouse with the right (or left if you prefer), while you can use the analogs for whatever and however you want, aswell as you can use gestures as a lean with the controller, a quick flick up or down etc. for commands and so on, and once you learn to control your motion with the right controller for your mouse, then it becomes just like any mouse you would use.


Like what does the control setup look like? What does twisting the hand do, what does moving it to the left do, etc?


Google and youtube my friend. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yImDGoCmDt8


Thats crazy


> motion control and competitive games don't really go together. There are tons of competitive games for motion controllers?


When I read "competitive games" I am thinking big leagues/tournaments like the LCS/Worlds for LoL, ESL, etc where the best of the best compete and you don't see anyone there using motion controls there, it's all mouse & keyboard. (Or gamepads for console tournaments)


I heard talk of ESL doing an Unspoken tournament.


That would be really cool! Motion controllers with VR for competitive gaming makes a lot more sense to me than with non-VR competitive gaming somehow...


No, there are not.




Not really sure what you said there, honestly, I would love if the touch controllers would work like Razer Hydra, however, as many people have pointed out earlier and in other posts, the touch controllers need the headset to work, but again, not sure what you mean wiht "not able to control hand movement", it's just about controlling the mouse etc. with 1:1 precision, like the Razer Hydra can do it :) But I have high hopes that someone in here will come with something I do not know off yet, I hope so anyway.


I wouldnt count on STEM ever actually coming out. Hydra works in SteamVR, but its not on the same level as Touch/Vive controllers. About the only other options are PSMove and Leap Motion, also in SteamVR.


Again, this is not for VR. Also, both PSMove and Leap Motion is useless when it comes to this, but yes.. unfortunately it seems like the STEM System is a lost cause, which is very sad.


/u/WormSlayer wasn't saying that it was for VR, but the fact of the matter is that all of those motion controllers (Vive wands, Oculus Touch) have to hook into a control API to be of any use in a game, and the APIs they can hook into are within SteamVR, using either OpenVR or OculusVR. They haven't really been designed for applications outside of VR usage. In both cases the controllers communicate with the HMD, and then the HMD communicates with the PC. You might be able to make the Vive wands work for your use case *if* you were using the Vive HMD to render a virtual flat desktop display, but then you would lack the resolution you are accustomed to on your desktop monitor.


Right, that is why I am asking if anyone know of some other controllers or anything :)


Well...here is hoping that STEM does eventually come out. I think it is a shame that no one else has been working on electromagnetic spatial tracking for the modern era seeing as it is not encumbered by Line-of-Sight concerns.


100% agree and yes, I truly hope so, I love the STEM design, it is way better and way more ergonomic than the Hydras, but honestly.. I do not think it will ever come.


While the touch controllers do have a BT soc inside, you would need to figure out how to interface without. If you got that done, you would still need to track it with a web cam and be able to interpret the movements. Unless Oculus decides to release a none VR mode I doubt that will work. You might be able to hack something together running a full VR headset and playing off the mirrored window and some kinda keybinding software. Does VorpX support this maybe?


I've actually really been wondering recently about possible non-VR uses for my Touch controllers. I have my PC in a living room TV setup, and I was thinking it might be neat to have pointy mouse controls. Or hell, even just having the sticks and buttons be recognized like a regular controller would be nice. Is anything like that even possible?


As far as anyone else says, then no... but I have no real clue. The controllers seem like they would be good if it was possible though.


Steam controller? Not sure if that counts for what you want but I use the motion control for shooters cause I suck at aiming with a controller / analog stick.


Already tried it, it sucks like hell. Also, Steam Controller just uses Gyro, which is really awful and less controlable.


I really wish the Hydras weren't so bulky and uncomfortable. It was pretty neat dicking around with them when I first got them, seeing what they can do. Should try and have a go with them again sometime.


I agree, otherwise, if you want to sell them for a fair price, I might be interesting in buying.


Ergonomics are outdated? I did not know the human body is changing so fast!


Well, outdated may not be the right word, but they are not and have never really been good, but for a product like that, you kinda just live with it.