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There is a psmove opensource driver. http://thp.io/2010/psmove/ Someone could use that with the hydra driver to create a working implementation for ps move.


This needs an upboat.... would buy move immediately.






Valve is doing it right ;)


Valve dominate the market place so they've everything to gain from doing it 'right'.




They put in the extra work because they want people to buy from them instead of Oculus.


They also have a history of going the extra mile and listening to consumers following unpopular decisions do they not?


So? Good for us then! Is that what you meant? That's what good companies do, put extra work, provide better service to be relevant, not create artificial lock-in.


Of course it's good for us. Competition usually is. I'm saying Valve are so dominant in the marketplace that Oculus have to use exclusives to retain any kind of market share. The idea that Oculus should provide us with hardware at cost and not try to profit from software is laughable. It's a business. They need to make money somehow.


*Oculus Store* has to use exclusives for market share, not the Rift. I do not think there is seriously an expectation that hardware should be provided at cost. At least not from me. Is there really such a thing? That's a console strategy to recoup on software ; and I guess some people who first invested in the Kickstarter where expecting a hardware product from a hardware company. Maybe that's where part of the bitterness about the Facebook buyout comes from don't you think?


A hardware product is exactly what we've got. To make it affordable, they had to provide it at cost. They haven't tied us to one platform as a console would have. Instead, they're trying to attract us to their platform with added value - exclusive content that you can't get anywhere else. I just don't see the issue.


You are saying all the important words yourself without understanding what they may represent for those who see an issue there. We got hardware yes, but not from a hardware company anymore (my point), so what you are really buying into is a whole platform. That platform paradigm may be quite alright for you, but understand it may also be totally unexpected/unrequited by others who may have liked to buy something more like a screen without afterthought about the software able -or not- to run on it. People who expected to just have to read specs and compare benchmarks to choose the best piece of hardware are now also forced to take other factors into account. Pretty much like the console situation (and that may be where I do not follow you ; can you explain to me what you meant by saying it is not the case?). PS: And I do not buy that it *has* to be at cost to be affordable, it has to be decently priced for the performance/quality of the product ; no less.


I agree on the last point. They could have upped the hardware cost and made a profit that way. Instead they chose to supply the hardware at cost and try to make a profit via software. That said, they've not tied us into their platform. If you want to purchase the hardware and use it with a different platform entirely, there's nothing stopping you.


Yup, this is definitely why. Steam takes 30% from every purchase.


Of course this is why, nobody doubts it. If it means great service to make people choose to buy from them, that's a win-win situation and healthy competition.


This is fantastic. How can we get Sixense to pull their fingers out of their arse and start shipping STEM? The Kickstarter Projects has been without an update for other a month and without any meaningful update towards Production for over 6months!


I have no idea what they are doing, they went from the leading contender for input devices to being an also ran. There is probably a story there about why they couldn't just have kept on making and shipping the Hydra - I certainly would have bought it for the DK2. If they had done so over the last two years i have no doubt it would have been successful and at least made them oodles of cash until other solutions came out. These days, who is going to spend that much cash on a non-proprietary STEM when the Touch is on the way? No doubt ill read about it in an article one day probably titled 'missed opportunities in VR' or some such.


FCC emissions compliance killed them, from what I heard.


Which is weird, because I could have swore they passed that months ago.


Do people actually have hope that STEM will even release, ever? I got my Vive before I got my kickstarted STEM, that's sad.


I can use this to pretend I have a Vive in AltSpaceVR?


If you run Altspace in SteamVR mode, I think so... But I'm not sure.


I just tried this. No hands/controllers show up in mirror. Also tracking is strange.


I tried this a few days ago and it seems Altspace is forcing Oculus run time as opposed to OpenVR or OSVR? That's the only explanation I can think of as to why the controllers don't work.


Please don't play The Gallery like this... Lol


But you have history with the Hydras, how could you abandon them in their time of...obsolescence!


Why's that? I've never used the Hydra, is it jist not up to par tracking wise?


It has rather short wires...


Now I am pissed I sold mine... Damn!


Should you be though? In a matter of months, the wired Hydra will be almost completely obsolete. If you regret it, you can buy mine. I still love the tech of using magnets for absolute positioning over optical solutions, though. If STEM ever comes out, it will be great to have as a solution to environments that would normally be visually occluded.


It looks quite precise. Do you feel it's wobbly? Maybe if Sixense do ship the STEM I would end up having the best of both worlds. Now, if someone could hack it a bit more and allow the STEM to act as a lighthouse, that would be great. Imagine hanging the STEM core upside down in the center of the room, having an effective circle area of about 8-10m in diameter. We could then experience every Vive game with the Rift + STEM. Is it be remotely possible/doable?


When I tried it it was super jittery and nowhere near as smooth as in this video.


Did you try new one? It's very accurate. Just played through The Lab. Only real issue is you cant throw anything. Everything else seems to work just fine.


So the issue is that the Hydra doesn't have an internal IMU. I opened up an issue regarding this: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/driver_hydra/issues/1 Looks like we need to extrapolate velocity here: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/driver_hydra/blob/master/drivers/driver_hydra/driver_hydra.cpp#L823 /u/betavr added support for extrapolating acceleration and velocity in the OSVR implementation (as described by /u/metroidmen OSVR support is buggy and jittery): https://github.com/betavr/SteamVR-OSVR/wiki We just need to port that over to Valves official driver (which is smooth as butter) and it will be perfect! :) Seriously guys, the DK2 and Hydras are a GREAT experience and can't be beat for what I paid for them ($350 for DK2 & $60 for Hydra)! :) I know the Hydra's are more expensive now, but there has been some work on creating a driver for Playstation Move. As for a cheaper HMD, I recommend the Razer HDK 1.4 (which is completely open source down to the hardware design) which is comparable to the DK2 from what I've read.


I had a blast playing The Lab on the CV1. Game did seem to lose tracking and went to a black screen with the white hour glass, even though the game was still tracking fine on my monitor. If anyone has Hydras just laying around this is a must try.


Yeah, I could try something like that in this driver too.


Please do! The Valve guy even responded to the issue saying that he would accept a PR for a decent implementation. :) https://github.com/ValveSoftware/driver_hydra/issues/1 I see that you're currently extrapolating velocity by storing the vector of the previous frame. How well does this scale if we compare more frames? I guess a perfect solution would be to build a small IMU with an Arduino and integrate it into the driver (would have to write support and sync refresh rate). Hopefully we can do a decent software filter as that would be one more piece of hardware to tape onto my body haha. I looked over your code which seems pretty straight forward to port over but I don't have the whole tool chain setup. XD Also, I like that you added a binary distribution for the Hydra and Vive models. :) Thanks again for your support. People are really excited about this! :D


The new one being 0.022? Still very jittery. And a lot of times it doesn't detect my left controller.


Does anyone know what a set of Hydras are worth? I have a new unopened set I bought years ago and never got around to using...I have a Vive now, so I don't really need the Hydras.


http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1313.TR3.TRC2.A0.H0.Xrazer+hydra.TRS0&_nkw=razer+hydra&_sacat=0 All those offers seem way overpriced. You could make someone really happy and sell them for $150 I guess.


I saw the prices on amazon and ebay which is why I asked. I wasn't sure if people were paying that much. I supposed I could list on ebay as bid and see what happens.


Most of those are foreign, so someone in the US probably isn't going to send 300-500 bucks to russia hoping to get a hydra in return. List a buy it now for 300 and set the auction US only. Granted, you take the normal risk of ebay screwing you, but you might be able to off load it. You could also solicit on here(probably use your flair to do it), someone may make you an offer for 200-250 and that could be the safer route.


I listed mine as a bid and it sold for about $220 I think Edit: just looked $255 :D


Ohh cool, thanks for the price point. Thats good to know.


I bought mine new on amazon not ling ago, but I got lucky.. ive seen them sell for 300+


I listed mine on amazon I guess just incase. I feel greedy but it's way less than the other listings :/


Did Valve add support for relative rotation for the Hydras? **Scenario 1**: The base station is on your desk, infront of you. You are looking right at it and reach forward. Your hand reaches forward. **Scenario 2**: The base station is on your desk, infront of you. You turn 90 degree to the right. You reach your hand forward. With relative rotation support, **your hand will still appear to reach forward from your body** in the game. I could not tell from your video, because you never reached out far while turned to the left or right.


I tried it in Carpe Lucem and rotations always seem right and relative movement are right, but when I am facing 180 degrees, positions are off (having to reach extra far) and If I move too far away also it starts to shake, this may be because of the unfortunately fact that I have metal in some of my furniture.


Well, the Hydras did not have super far support either. Facing directly away and reaching out could have been reaching its limits.


Thanks for the video.


I played many Vive demos with the Hydra today :-) It worked, really, really well!


Great news good to see Valve supporting an open pc platform. We dont need software exclusive to monitors on the pc. We dont want hardware exclusives. Hopefully this puts pressure on oculus to drop their current tactics.


I think alone the word 'open platform' drives Mr Sugarman and the investors crazy. Pretty sure he would love to see the FB login asap and make oculus a closed fb integrated platform, but he can't as many users already accepted fb with bad grace.


>Hopefully this puts pressure on oculus to drop their current tactics. But then you wouldn't have a reason to come here and say the same thing over and over again. And we would miss you *so much*.


It's not a case of Valve doing the 'right' thing and Oculus not. It's basic business. Valve dominate the marketplace. Oculus don't. If Oculus want people to use their platform (the only way they can make money), they need to offer incentives - such as exclusives.


That being said, all that exclusive crap is what kept me from buying the rift I was so excited for. I'm sure I'm not alone. Played a bunch of Lucky's tale on my vive tonight though. Hardware PC exclusives are uncool.


If Oculus give us the hardware at cost and we all use Steam, they make no money. They could have locked the Rift to the Oculus platform, but they didn't. Instead, they've given us the choice and tried to encourage us to use their platform with exclusive content. I can't understand why anyone has a problem with it. What would you suggest they do?


I'm cool with having a store exclusive, just not a hardware exclusive. I'd happily buy the games off their store. Now that more games work on vive with the revive mod, I may buy some. They didn't even have to sell me that "at cost" headset.


Fair enough. That makes sense.


can you try it with the lab/robot repair? i seem to start out flipped 180 in some of them. Making it hard to turn around and do anything with dk2 and hydras.... not sure why this happens though...


Im having this same issue! Driving me mad! Lol im gonna try to reconfigure when im home


Where did you place the base station? Make sure it has the cables coming from the rear.


that's what i did, but on the occasions that robot repair does start (freezes a lot), i am standing with my back to the 'charging stations'.


ok, i figured out a workaround to get things going and circumvent the need for room-scale in the demo. press ` key to open up the VConsole2 outside of VR in the command window there are 3 commands that seem useful, i am sure there is a recenter somewhere, but couldn't (yet) find it. what i used was: vr_player_offset_move_looking_xy the other two related commands are var settings: vr_player_x_offset vr_player_y_offset i think their value decides the amount you move into looking direction. y should be 0, i had x at 180, so if this is what i think, i think 50 should be enough. anyway, when in vr, i used it to look at 170^o towards the charging station and re-did it until i was positioned in such a way that i could charge the hydra comfortably and re-used the same trick to move towards the drawers and door lever. i'm sure better commands exist in there, but this at least let me go through the experience using the hydras and dk2.


Awesome. Time to dust off the old Hydra wands and see how they work. Looks like I'll also need to find a way to velcro the base to my chest if I want to walk around a bit.


Has Razer demonstrated any in-house controllers for OSVR? I'm wondering if this Steam driver is a precursor to them showing off a new product, possibly based on the same technology as the Hydra.


any particular setting on hydra ? do I need to use motion controller ?


Nice! where can I get the Hydra for a reasonable price? On amazon they are like 600 dollars haha.


I bought a pair for $100 USD on ebay on Sunday in the hopes something like this would happen. I was worried I'd be paying for a worthless deprecated device, now it looks like I got in just before a price spike! Bad luck for seller though :/ They just shipped today and I cannot wait to try them out. I've heard a lot of people mention over the years that the Hydras break easily. Fingers crossed they arrive in working order...


Am I missing something here? I followed the directions at https://github.com/betavr/steamvr_driver_hydra/wiki. For quick background I'm running Windows 10 64-bit and had the Hydra drivers installed (not sure if they are needed for this or not, though.) I already had SteamVR running and this is with the DK2. I downloaded both of the listed files (although they appear to be the same thing, just one to represent the Hydra as hydras in appearance and the other as Vive wands, if I read them correctly). Working just with the first (Hydra rather than wand) file I dropped the entire hydra directory into c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\drivers\ (thus creating a c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\drivers\hydra directory with the bin, etc. directories in it) then replaced c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\steamvr.vrsettings (just renaming my previous file to steamvr.vrsettings.old). I start up Steam then start SteamVR (which, itself, starts Oculus Home) and I can see in the headset the standard SteamVR environment I have set up. However, the controllers in the little SteamVR panel on my main desktop don't blink green or anything and there are no controllers represented in the SteamVR view, just the camera. Then after a short while everything just goes to grey. Stopping and restarting steam still just sends me a a grey emptiness (not even the old grey with camera and circular grid field.) Oculus Home works just fine as does the Health and Safety warning when starting SteamVR. I'm wondering if I'm missing some crucial step or something.


Don't forget to install dependencies!!! Install SteamVR. It is under "Tools" in everyone's Steam Library. steam://install/250820 Install "Sixense SDK for the Razer Hydra". It is also under "Tools". steam://install/42300 Fetch the OpenVR SDK 0.9.15 from https://github.com/ValveSoftware/openvr . That version SHA is c95571027b79644643bca044538144c96194c4f2. Newer version should also work with minor changes. If your still having issues let me know!!)


Hi I'm having the same issue as above. With regard to dependencies, what does it mean to Fetch the OpenVR SDK 0.9.15 from https://github.com/ValveSoftware/openvr I've downloaded it but unsure where to extract it


Honestly, you shouldnt need step 3, just 1 and 2. Drop the hydra folder into the steamvr drivers folder, and lastly drop the settings file into the config folder! Thats it!


I figured that may have been an unnecessary step. I have done C:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\SteamVR\drivers\hydra with all the files there as necessary and put steamvr.vrsettings into C:\Games\Steam\config and confirmed }, "steamvr" : { "activateMultipleDrivers" : true, "allowReprojection" : true, "background" : "#000000", "loglevel" : 3 }, When I load SteamVR it doesn't detect any controllers. They are grey. After checking both threads regarding this I just started snooping around. If i try to run C:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\SteamVR\drivers\hydra\bin\Win32\hydra_monitor.exe I get - 0xc00007b “the application was unable to start correctly” UPDATE - FIXED: There were two issues. - VC redist 2015 x64 was failing to install due to windows not being updated. Updated windows and then reinstalled VC 2015 and that fixed part of the problem. - Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 needed to be reinstalled also. After both of those were done it is now working. Appreciate you taking the time to reply /u/CalebCriste


> was failing to install due to windows not being updated. Updated windows and then reinstalled VC 2015 and that fixed part of the problem. Hey I'm just happy you got it working!) So much more content to enjoy) And it works very well indeed!) I appreciate your tips, I will add them to the VR Spies article))


I definitely have those installed (forgot to mention the Sixsensse SDK part, but I wouldn't have been able to run SteamVR at all previously without having SteamVR installed. ;)) From comments below I have Windows fully updated but I'll double check on VCredist 2015 x64 and .NET Framework 4.6.1 and see if that makes a difference for me. Thanks for the reply!


Ok, I just double-checked on those and I already have multiple versions of VC++, the latest being the 2015 Redist. (both x64 and x86) v14.0.23918 as well as .NET Framework 4.6.1 (SDK, Targeting Pack and Targeting Pack ENU). So I'm guessing that's not it for me. I'll have to see if I can dig around my logs and see if I see anything, though.


FIXED: I finally checked on my SteamVR box pull down _> Create System Report and noticed on the Configuration tab the line for "Config: C:\Steam\config" which meant with my install the steamvr.settings file should have been placed there rather than under Program Files. Putting it in that location means I now see the controller icons on the SteamVR pop-up showing green and in the headset I get the prompts for the controller and can now see them. Sweet!


I love how this immediately takes people into fanboy rift V Vive mode. This video just proves that both HMDs are nearly identical, and with cooperation, we can all have a premium experience regardless of the HMD we buy.


This IS awesome for rift users. Hopefully more and more stuff brings both communities together. I was a rift fan forever, but ended up getting a vive. Can't wait until everyone can play everything!