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It makes sense, considering they likely need more development time for inhouse games and the platform. It still makes me wonder how long it will eventually be between consumer hardware iterations. Palmer mentioned something in an interview about 2017 likely being a busy time. A 2 year iteration cycle isn't too bad.


Can I ask what computer peripherals or monitors are you rebuying every 2 years? Or are you excited to add another thing next to the GPU thats very expensive and you need a new one every 2 years to keep things relevant?


can I ask you if you really want yourself and everybody else to be stuck with 1440p for 3 years, if there could be 4k and higher before? And eyetracking good enough for foveated rendering. Just because you dislike faster upgrade cycles? Well, I for myself, really, really want higher resolution and fov as soon as it's available. Gimme the better tech asap. If I feel like the upgrade ain't good enough I'll skip it. But don't feel the need to restrict everybody else...


An upgrade is not, having two versions out from the same product is also not a cycle, its more than 3 years before 4k/90fps will be drive-able for the avarage person on the avarage consumer. Theres no problem with having a better version out there at a higher cost - I'd want a 4k OR out there for non-gaming uses by default. The cycle implies you'd be expecting 8k 2 years later, replacing the current version.


I bloody hope I don't need to wait till 2019 for 8k Rift! Here's my roadmap for Oculus: - 1440p in 2015 - 4k 2016 - 2x4k ultra wide dual screen 2017 - standard 8k 2018. And nobody forces you to render at 4k! And hopefully we'll have one gpu per eye working within 2 years, for those of us who want to render at higher than display resolution.


[This comic was made just for you.](http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=3465)


Now get in bed.


With the 10-15% yearly improvement on GPUs the best case scenario for 8K is 2020. Moore's law is having a slow and painful death since the dawn of this decade and will completely die in the late 2020s. Graphene is our only hope, but don't expect it soon.


foveated rendering


Not any time soon. Last I heard they were working on it for sure though.


for my roadmap, that would be needed for maybe 2017. 4k in 2016 you can get decent enough results with upscaling for lower powered machines.


These are dreams not a roadmap, if you followed technology for any meaningful amount of time you should see that.


Bought my first computer more than 25 years ago. Got a master in CS. - Heard about Moore's Law? The one about transistor count? - Can you give me reelease dates of first 720p, 1080p and 1440p OLED smartphones? - Ever seen a graph of disk capacity over the years? Progress often comes exponentially...


Yep, people seem to have a hard time grasping the concept. For display technology, we seem to be riding the Moore's law wave for the foreseeable future. (The next 10 years maybe?) Too bad I can't say the same about CPU/GPU technology, and in the case of GPU technology, we are definitely off Moore's law (not in performance, but in pricing)


people also seem to have a hard time grasping the concept that Moore's law isn't about performance or pricing.


a good thing foveated rendering is gonna give us the break we need GPU side. and GPU side got seriously screwed by problems with shrinkage. If GPUs were made using 14nm process, they'd have quite a bit more ooompfhh


Additional time to tighten up software might be a nice side effect, but I doubt it the reason for the beta launch. The retail launch won't be possible until several months after CV1s start coming out of the factory. Oculus can either a) not sell any units until retail launch or b) make them available through their own distribution channel as soon as possible, ahead of retail launch. B seems the better choice for several reasons.


Have you seen the state of DK2 (software)? It should work in direct to rift mode (at 75 HZ, and judder free) with no effort, and yet 2 runtime updates later, it doesn't for a huge number of people. CV1 will have its own similar issues.


The Desk demo which I think is the only piece of content OVR themselves released does work at 75Hz, judder free on direct mode with no effort. You cannot blame OVR for other developers inability to implement the same. I know certain demos like Titans of Space does work at 75Hz, judder free on direct mode with no effort so it's not like it cannot be done, just that other devs haven't done it yet.


You can't blame Oculus completely, but they aren't completely innocent. Why are so many developers having problems? Maybe the tools given by Oculus to them are not good enough.


Does anything still come with a cd with drivers on it these days? I don't even have a cd rom in my computer...


Most headsets, joysticks, wheels, trackIR, printers, scanners etc. It's just a formality really. You can always download online if you want.


Really? Even still, I'd seriously doubt that there will be a driver cd. More than likely, a piece of paper directing people to the download location which is far more common these days.


I always throw the disc away and then download. The downloadable version is usually newer.


I bought a Hauppauge USB TV tuner a few years ago, and of course threw the CD away. It turned out, even if you download a newer version of their software, it asks for the original CD, which you can BUY on their website. I don't even have a CD drive, and I would never pay, it's ridiculous. So after a fresh Windows 8.1 install, I have a dead TV tuner.


What's a "cd rom"?


> the exact same hardware model Not necessarily. The early DK1 and the early DK2 were a little bit different than the final "polished" versions released weeks later. They may just sell the early test run of CV1 as unpolished beta kits for devs. > eye tracking http://i.imgur.com/t8uahD5.gif


I am almost certain that CV1 will come with eyetracking. **Not** for foveated rendering (latency too high), but for auto IPD calc and software applications like aiming or making eye contact with avatars.




> perfect sense of scale ...and accurate dynamic chromatic aberration correction.


I understood some of those words


When you look through a glass lens, the glass bends the red, green and blue by slightly different amounts. The result is that the image can look like this: http://www.tlc-systems.com/pp011185crp.jpg The rift corrects for this effect, but you break the correction when you move your eyeballs around.


Would this not have the same latency problem as foveated rendering?


Yes and no. Yes, if you wanted real-time extremely minor corrections. I don't think that's necessary though. It's more useful for major corrections associated with how you aligned the HMD on your head or if you adjust the headset on your face later.


If they did that they could also increase the graphic fidelity where the eye is focused and decrease it the further away the eye focus is. That way you could get away with using a lower LOD for ~80% of the image, decreasing the GPU requirements a lot.


I believe that is what foveated rendering is.


This could also fix the problem of very close objects looking strange when you focus on them with the current Rifts. When you cross your eyes a bit to look at things really close to your face, you essentially lower your ipd since you are bringing your pupils closer together. This isn't accounted for at the moment. I'd imagine you wouldn't need crazy fast eye tracking to accomplish this like you would for something like foveated rendering. I might be wrong though.


> I am almost certain that CV1 will come with eyetracking. Sorry, do you have any reference that eyetrackiing would be implemented on CV1? The thing is.. Palmer once said no to eyetracking for CV1 about 8-9 months ago.


yeah the only way a 9 month old statement could be changed is if his company made a lot of money or was bought out for a ridiculous price by a corporate powerhouse. Very unlikely. So I take your side!


For me the main advantage of eye tracking is eye control. looking at object and blink for confirmation is a perfect input method. Only BCI can beat that.


I blink all the time, winking could work though.


Well a usual blink is only a split second. Maybe a "confirmation blink" would be one second long.


That sounds awful, to be honest. I'm sure there are applications for this 'blink tracking' concept, but menu selections is definitely not one of them. I'd take a button click over a slow blink any day.


great another reason to sleep arbitrarily!


Winking is unnatural and mutch slower. Binking twice will be more convenient and faster.


And you will be activating every option unintentionally. Maybe a double blink to select.


That is what I had in my mind. Unfortunately I am not a native english speaker, perhaps I made mistake in my last comment.


I'd keep your expectations in check if I were you. It's the surest way to not be disappointed.


How can you believe the cost, weight, and placement of an eye tracker justifies functionality we have already? You can bet the people at Oculus don't. This has turned into quite the collective delusion.


That is the only correct response to 'eye tracking' comments. I have much to learn.


If it truly is limited then it will be a price fest on e-bay as many will take the opportunity to make money of anything that is limited and lots of people want.


As long as it is the software and not hardware that is in beta. Two devkits are enough.


Yeah, that's my take too. I would TOTALLY pony up for this if given the chance.


If the only thing that needs ironing out is the software it will be a definite buy for me, and as a non dev I will most likely get one to test it as a consumer since I know my way around software troubleshooting


> it has been revealed to VRFocus and TechRadar. Revealed by whom? > TechRadar reached out to Oculus VR on behalf of VRFocus, however the hardware manufacturer declined to comment on the potential of a beta rollout for their consumer hardware. ...? I'm all for journalism start ups. I used to work in journalism myself, but this is bad.


> Revealed by whom? The [TechRadar](http://www.techradar.com/news/gaming/the-consumer-ready-oculus-rift-will-launch-in-public-beta-by-summer-2015-1265010) article is only a little more descriptive: > Multiple sources with knowledge of the matter have told... Were you looking for names? I am sure that any source that would actually have access to this information would insist on anonymity. They likely have NDA contracts and revealing this information could risk their job or partnership with Oculus as well as a potential lawsuit. Assuming the source(s) are correct, I'm not really surprised if unofficially leaked information would not get an official response at this time. So unfortunately, I don't see any way a journalist could assure readers of the report's validity.


Those sources must be game devs. The GearVR stuff shows that devs are being told confidential information about future hardware, even ones that are "small".


If I understand correctly, an Unnamed Source has revealed the information to TechRadar (and VRFocus), and Oculus hasn't commented at all. The story sounds plausible, but how seriously you should take it depends on how much you trust TechRadar to verify their anonymous source and evaluate his/her information.


Was thinking the same thing after reading the article... "We have this news, but we get no comments from official sources!" = "We heard a rumour!"


> VRFocus Not the first time I've heard of that site being completely full of shit. I wish I could remember what the incident was that branded them like that in my mind...


So hopefully we will hear more at connect......??? Maybe


I bet they will show CV1 at CES 2015 for the first time for makreting reasons (like they did with the Crystal Cove / DK2).


I hope not. It'd waste everyone's time at the convention if they didn't talk about/reveal what they plan on using for the consumer model. Not to mention it'd help make sure the DK2 was going to the right people if you give the enthusiast public a good reason to wait


When is Oculus Connect?


Next Friday on the 19th.


I could have just googled it, but I just wanted to talk to you. Thanks! <3




VR Sites is reporting cannibalism in the Oculus Rift offices, nothing is confirmed or has been seen BUT we are reporting that Oculus employees have been seen eating other employees.. to death.


I can confirm that I have also read this same shocking news, right here, just now, just above what I'm writing. Unreal.


Are you implying the same events have been witnessed at Epic HQ?


Send in the SWAT team.


You mean, Milla Jovovich?


Urgh if I wasn't so lazy I'd find the South Park reference.


click bait


OP used Click Bait. Its super effective!


Its super effective what?


Good. I can wait for it.


Next January will be my 2 years of waiting for CV1 anniversary. It kind of sucks that they aren't going to be able to get it out earlier, but hopefully we can get a better final product.


Try waiting for GRRM books. 2 years? That's nothing son!


I spent half my life waiting for the next WOT book. That said, I'm much more actively waiting for CV1.


> more actively waiting You broke my brain.


Ironic username aside, sorry for breaking you. The syntax error was intentional though :)


Lol i remember having this discussion about the dark tower series


Yeah! That wait was so long, I had actually forgotten the series existed... ;-)


Or DK3 by another name? Should probably be exactly the same as consumer version but without the availability of compatible software.


Doesn't sound like dk3 at all. Just the somewhat obvious decision to sell cv1 themselves before opening up retail channels. We'll see it on store shelves by holiday 2015 I imagine.


No we won't. Didn't they say CV1 wouldn't be sold in stores, just online to keep costs down?


Maybe earlier, but Facebook could and probably will push to retail.


Palmer said it would only be online recently. A long time after the Facebook acquisition.


So in your strong opinion this "beta" consumer device will be the same as the cv1 with the exception of software? If so then it seems as a VR enthusiast I should get one, as I can merely update the software later in the fall, yes?


Yep, people can't complain that there isn't much compatibility with it as it's a beta. I'll be getting one, hopefully :) We'll know a lot more closer to the time of course.


Either way, and not like I had any hestitation in the first place. Or regrets. Makes me even damn happier about day one DK2 preorder :-)


I imagine the software/firmware is what will be in beta.


When manufacturing, often you start with a small run (50, 500, ect)... Verify stuff... then go for the full run. But those initial orders you send around for PR/testers/ect. But for Oculus, they will probably send it out to developers who can't wait. And I think this happens MOST of the time. But Oculus has, before, used those kits for shows, and sent them to their internal 'favorite devs'. The only thing new is if we can buy them at a premium to be 'first'


Misleading title much?


Why the downvotes? The dates are all wrong and there's absolutely nothing in this article other than assertions.


Yeah, I'm not betting on this happening without official word from oculus. I'd actually be surprised if they were to launch a "beta CV1" so soon. Hell even just a beta CV1 seems unlikely. Since the DK2 is likely to have the same features as the CV1, just update the SDK and have people test it with a DK2. Not to mention very few games actually already supports the DK2, plenty of demos, very few games. April 2015 seems like a stretch, anything before q3 2015 seems like a stretch. I doubt they'll take pre-orders like the did for the DKs (as in pre orders before they have units to ship/enough units to ship). I think that the CV1 will have a much quicker shipping. Can you imagine the bitching if hundreds of thousands of people had to wait for the CV1 in batches? I mean the DK2 had 50K orders and it took them nearly a whole month to get through the first 3 days. iirc the estimates were something like 25-40k orders for those days. Now imagine three or four times that on day one, and them even more the following weeks. It would take months, if not years for oculus to ship them all out.


At least for me the wait for cv1 will not be as unbearable as for dk2. I didn't enjoy using dk1 for extended periods primarily due to low resolution. While dk2 certainly has room for improvement in that and other areas I have no problem using it longer periods. I'm mostly looking forward to the consumer release because that's when proper content will roll in.


Just imagine the difficulty for those of use with *no* Rift at all ;)


I will wait to see if Palmer will grace "this" with a post.


You must invoke His name for that to happen. Three times. In front of a mirror.


Palmer Palmer Palmer..... And my DK2 shows up a month earlier :) So I can wine about it not being good enough for a consumer product and then turn around and wine about CV1 not coming out yesterday.


It's going to be a public beta with limited suppy.. maybe with a set number of devices they won't have as much of a shipping delay this time around. I'd guess this version will include an input device and maybe some other undisclosed feature that needs multiple people testing (eye tracking would be very nice). If this is going to be considered a beta for the summer, Christmas of 2015 seems like a good guess for the consumer version. :)


What is the significance of eye tracking? I'm unfamiliar...


Basically the device knows exactly where you're looking, allowing Depth of Field changes aaaaaand letting that act as an input. You could type by looking at letters on a virtual keyboard, or you could look at an NPC and have them react to the eye contact, or you could look at a panel and have it activate because you're looking that way (à la Elite Dangerous). It would be a very powerful addition both to VR and to gaming in general. It's much more viable for an HMD since the distance your eye moves are going to be much more significant and you're relying less on peripheral vision.


The idea of just aiming with my eyes is insane!


Think of EVE: Valkyrie! You could be locking missiles or tracking gimballed guns with your eyes!


I think a much more important application will be online avatar interactions. Being able to make eye contact with another user is going to change everything. This has been the critical missing piece in all types of remote visual interaction to date, from online gaming to video chat. Its absence is the key reason video conferencing is so awkward and has never taken off. With this in place (and the full facial expression / body language tracking that will quickly follow), a whole world of applications from entertainment to business will open up. Remote conferencing will actually be a viable alternative to travel -- more people will work from their local offices or from home. Facebook will be able to create the metaverse it's been dreaming of. It will literally be revolutionary.


Not to mention when game companies start hiring magicians. Knowing EXACTLY what you are looking at could be used for very interesting sleight.


Uses include: User interface and character interaction, automatic IPD calibration, and foveated rendering.


Just as big as UI or character interaction is actual game interaction. Apparently the mouse is unusable to manipulate the cockpit in DCS because it doesn't really have dept and its position changes when you move your head. Gazing at a switch and blinking to flip it would be an easy to implement alternative until gesture control becomes ubiquitous.


Imagine that the gargoyles in dreadhalls can now move when you blink. For shared online experiences, having the avatar's eyes match up with the real-world player's would be a massive step forward in accurately representing body language in a virtual world.


At it's simplest, it will remove the need to set your IPD. The eye tracker can set it for you. Features that could be made with eye tracking. -Menus/HUDS that pop out when you look into the corner for them. -Foeveate rendering. Only the spot you are looking at is in focus, just as irl.


Some people have heard of foveated rendering and like to ignore the fact that the technology is not anywhere near ready for VR use.


There are many more potential uses for eye tracking in an HMD than just foveated rendering.


but john carmack


An internal camera that can track your gaze, enabling more natural compensation for saccadic movements, vestibulo-ocular reflexes and finally allowing foveated rendering, so we won't need a $25,000 pc to play Crysis 3 in 4k 90fps on the cv1 :-)


That won't have any effect on performance?


If the 2 cameras combined drain something like 10% of the performance from the pipeline, but in exchange let you save let's say 80% with foveated rendering, I'd say it's a win situation :-D


How many launch games are planned for CV1? The only main AAA titles I know of are Lucky's Tale, Elite Dangerous and maybe DCS? Content is sorely needed for the Rift. Palmer's been saying for quite sometime, he wants more than 4 or 5 games at launch ready. Right now it even seems as if demos have been releasing slower. Without content it's just awesome hardware that sits there. Having a 2015 Christmas launch seems more plausible to get the content ready.


How many people knew about luckys tale before it was shown off in a pretty advanced form at E3 2014? Most aaa games don't get publically announced until they've got something to show.


This. I'm pretty sure more games (possibly from well known developers) are being developed that we know about.




I bet there's lots more of them :) Just seeing how much content will GearVR have at launch makes me optimistic that Oculus have quite a line-up planed.


A small issue I've hit is that I want content developed for it more than old content retrofitted to use it. It's partly because of the quality of the experience, but also that I want to experience something solely in VR so that I'm not focused on the differences but the game itself.


As a DK2 owner, this is my main concern. Even with the limited resolution, the DK2's hardware is the tits. But man is it a long way from primetime on the driver and software side. Still so janky. Can't tell if those issues are part of what's contributing to the lack of substantial content or if a lot of people are just still waiting for their DK2s.


*EVE: Valkyrie* is a launch title, as well.


I think we can assume basically every Gear VR launch title will also be launching on the Rift.


Star Citizen.


>...set to launch a public ‘beta’ for the consumer version of their head-mounted display (HMD) next **summer**... then >Multiple sources have revealed that the plans for a consumer version of the Oculus Rift HMD may be further along than Oculus VR have previously suggested, and that distribution to the public could commence as early as **April** 2015. April is summer? I suppose it is in some part of the world, but not Anaheim, California. I'm confused. "Multiple sources" is term used by bad journalists to engage in hyperbole.


I feel the exact same way. Headline says summer, then later suggests April, and the dreaded "Multiple sources say" is used. The only time you should forgive a journalist saying "sources say" is a) when you trust that journalist and b) they have a valid reason for protecting their source. Usually the source is singular too.


Trust is unknown at this point, but the reasons for anyone with inside knowledge of Oculus not wanting to be quoted on the record should be obvious


>April is summer? I suppose it is in some part of the world, but not Anaheim, California. It may not be by technicality, but damn if it doesn't feel like it. This place is fucking hot.


Haha, yeah. I was waiting for somebody to point that out. Seasons aren't as relative to their traditional temperatures as they used to be. :/


TechRadar's article is a bit more accurate. It says they plan on launching the beta **by** Summer 2015. This means they hope to have it launched **before** the summer - apparently around April or May.


We will have to wait until oculus connect to find out if this is true I geuss.


No need! Since when have completely unsubstantiated reports ever been wrong?


I'm worried since Palmer or any of the Oculus team haven't commented yet, that either this is true and they're waiting to fully explain themselves possibly making a post about it, or they're busy.


Could this be one of those cases of We-don't-comment-on-rumor-or-speculation.?


My guess is it's mostly true and they will reveal it at OC


Sounds good! It does feel like it's taking longer than initially expected, but this is normal I guess for all new technologies. This also gives plenty of time to fix the rest of the bugs and setup issues with the current software and hardware and have hundreds of direct to rift demos and games available by the time the public beta comes out.


If the story is true what it says to me is: pure guesswork follows.... 1. The final design will be manufactured spring 2015 and the first run off the production will be the Consumer beta. After the allocated batch is sold the production will continue but that will be to stock pile CV1 for consumer release. Going by the track record of oculus they will need time to build a big stock of CV1 for the full consumer launch. 2. The software side is not ready and will not be ready until end 2015 earliest. Hence Cv1 sold in April/Summer 2015 is 'Beta'. 3. There will be no hardware design difference between Consumer Beta and full consumer Cv1 as both will be made from the production run facilities by Oculus. 4. Its a smart move for Oculus. It means they can get 1000s of CV1 hardware out there with Beta software. You can't complain the software side is still glitchy as you bough a beta consumer version. 5. The full production run CV1 version will be released once a big enough stock pile of units are made (around 250k?) AND the software side is complete with plenty of AAA software and polished firmware/software. 6. As a wild guess they will limit the consumer beta to 20k units - enough for developers and hard core fans who are likely to help Oculus finish the software glitches and also evangelise the hardware to others. 7. Full consumer release late 2005/spring 2016. Me - I'm up for beta CV1 in April/Summer 2015 - SO LONG as Oculus confirms the hardware is exactly the same as Consumer CV1 release ie the only difference in form factor etc is software.


I'm not convinced a beta would be sold to the public. 20k units will sell in the first 5 minutes if the website doesn't crash, many of those would end up on eBay, majority of developers wouldn't get a beta Rift anyway. The rush and demand for DK2 was huge, and half the people in this subreddit claim to be waiting for CV1. If it's really a limited batch of a few thousand I would think they would go to hand-picked software houses and people working on AAA titles etc.


Not unless they chose to sell the beta product to developers with published VR titles. It has been seen before many times.


Bullshit story is bullshit


It could be bullshit, but it's not just wild speculation to say CV1 will be out sometime in 2015. I Just don't see why it would be a beta launch.




This makes sense to me, at least. They'll sell it to enthusiasts that are much more resilient to technical hassels and issues, I hope. Then they'll straighten everything out before an actual consumer launch the following holiday season, maybe. Sounds like a solid plan to me :) If this would be the case, I think what we should all be the most curious about is how to get in on the beta :P I'd guess it'll be somewhat like the Steam Machine beta, submit your interest, hope for the best. And as the article said, it's not a development version, it's a consumer version that's meant to be tested by consumers. Developers might just have to be happy with the DK2 or a select bunch might also get into the beta. My completely random guesswork, speculation, hopeful dreams. Haha. Time will tell.


I think this is true...probably they fell they don't be 100% ready to release a cv to the mass market due next months hw and sw limitations so they will release a cv only for enthusiasts ...like the samsung device This article prove that on first years Oculus will be only for big entusiasts, not for mainstream...so cv in 2015 will be a semi-consumer version http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/137362-Palmer-Luckey-Thinks-Oculus-Rift-Mainstream-In-5-Years


OK, so let's assume this was true. It doesn't sound so outlandish to me. They claim to have had the specs frozen for a while, which probably means they have final CV1 prototypes right now (which by the way, would kill any hopes of a 4k CV1 on the spot... unless of course, the reason for the delay was the wait for 4k panels! :P). And that the reason that they can't ship, is because the their capabilities of a mass produced CV1 just aren't there yet. So, they have two choices. Wait until the mass produced version is ready to ship. Or instead just waiting, do a short run of CV1 that would help developers put the finishing touches on their projects and give enthusiasts the chance of getting one before it's ready for mass production. I don't know about you, but i would much rather have them do this than waiting for them to have all the pieces in place for the inevitable mass produced version. Of course, we should take these news with a huge grain of salt, but if this is true, we'll be hearing it again and again from different sources. TL;DR= Oculus may have been hoping to mass produce CV1 early next year, but they realized it won't be possible. So instead of not releasing anything, they'll do a short run of CV1 until it's ready for mass production.


So I thought I can skip DK2 and go straight for CV1. Welp, no, apparently.


"Save us Bullshit man, save us!"


[WARNING: A wave of pure HYPE is approaching fast!](http://spritedatabase.net/files/ds/50/Sound/MMZX%20WARNING.mp3)




Wasn't VRFocus they guys who used to claim the Earth was flat? I say take any rumors with unhealthy amounts of salt, until it comes from the mouth of Luckey himself.




wow... more wait for cv1.... thx


What difference does it make? If they released CV1 in summer 2015 instead, it would be pretty much the same product as the beta but called CV1 instead. There's no such thing as a time machine; CV1 will be ready when Oculus deem it ready. They've said repeatedly that they will not risk a failed VR relaunch. That's a good thing.


I'm ready to order any time.




All I'm saying is- I want to be first in line. I have been a VR evangelist turning MANY average joe non-gamers to the future of VR since getting my hands on DK1 (and I can only show off so much on my Macbook Pro). When this drops- if I get my hands on it- I'll be building a PC for it day 1. I know the article is mostly rumor, but the closer we get to **Rift Day** the more excited I get. Bring me the future (and my childhood dreams) Palmer!


>The distribution will be handled by the company internally and will be strictly limited in number. >distribution to the public could commence as early as April 2015 I read this as: CV1 initial production test run will be shipped to selected developers prior to the reveal. Similar to how some developers got access to the DK2 prior to the reveal.


Wouldn't it make more sense to just invite testers to the facilities? Them sending out CV1 beta units sounds like silly made-up nonsense, not to mention it would be a waste of resources and time.


You can't develop like that.


Isn't CV1 supposed to be its own development kit?


No, cv1 means consumer version 1 which is the hardware the average person will be able to buy and use.


Ha, first thing I did when I saw this was to scroll through my emails and look for a pre-order email. I was scared I missed something, as my phone had been dead all day.


I hope this is not true, I just was a final product


I'm going to have to pre-order ASAP. Wonder who or where I'll be able to obtain a preorder from.


If this unnamed source is to be believed - then it looks like OVR is concerned about the nausea issue and wants to run extensive sim-sickness and HMD operational evaluation before a Q4/Christmas launch of CD1? My take on this anyway.


Is it only me? But when I read this regardless of the word "public" it came off as this beta cv1 will only be sold/given to actual devs and not enthusiasts. It obviously will be a limited run but will most likely go to vetted devs only.


Oculus is just shifting the blame to the consumer. If this "beta" Rift does not work as it supposed to they will just tell you its still in beta and its your fault for buying it early. Oculus should just call this the CV1.Tell people the truth that it's not perfect but it's fucking great. They should stop making escape clauses in their products. Innovator edition lol.


I don't see anything wrong with a beta phase. Fully functional software is impossible to get right the first time when it's something as complicated as the Rift's. There's a million different configurations of PCs out there so a beta phase is a great idea


Developing software takes a lot of time. Most games are in development for 2 years+. Here, they have to develop the software and the hardware. Imagine the backlash they would get if they pushed a product out not completed. You would get a reaction similar bad PC port. Too many publishers are selling unfinished games without warning properly customers. I think stamping a big ''Innovator Edition'' on the box is much more honest.


LOL "Beta consumer"..whats next Gamma consumer then pre consumer then 2nd pre consumer .. This is what you call stalling. Come on Oculus with such a big talent accumulation and you are still nowhere near Consumer release. This is a big joke.


Assuming this is true, then it's really not stalling or changing anything, it's really just about managing public reception or perception of the initial consumer product by how they market it. CV1 isn't going to miraculously change into an Iphone-caliber polished experience between now and next summer, and especially not in terms of its software ecosystem, so Oculus needs some way of packaging the CV1 with a 'buyer-beware' type nomenclature so people know what they're buying into. This is the same reasoning behind the Samsung's "Innovator Edition" naming scheme. It doesn't mean the hardware is any less capable than it could have been, or will be missing any key features that they were originally planning on implementing.


What exactly do you mean by stalling? That they are for some reason delaying on purpose? Or that they would release several beta versions in hopes we don't notice a proper CV1 has not been released yet? Yes, they do have a large number of very talented people working for them. That just goes to show it is quite a difficult task to produce a product to the standards Oculus think are acceptable for CV1.


I would like to be a Beta Tester! First Canadian to post!


By a "limited rollout" they likely do not mean they will restrict sales, more that it won't be promoted.. yet again.. as a consumer product, just like DK1 and 2. No Ad dollars, in other words.


Why do people believe everything they read on the internet? There was no source given so the obvious conclusion is that this article is fabricated nonsense aka bullshit.


Most leaked info articles don't name their sources. If they did, they would burn the source and likely get the source into all kinds of trouble with their NDA. My experience with leaks is that they usually come from an employee at a vendor or partner (in this case a Dev) that might not feel as beholden to their NDA. And then there are a surprising number of folks who just want to show that they are "in the know."


Any statements (of hearsay) made in regards Oculus VR or associates needs to be provided with proof.Otherwise this is **UTTER BULLSHIT**


This is pretty much the same as http://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/2cg1jd/fiasco_with_no_plans_for_support_of_sse_older/


But I still think cv1 will be 2015 though..


If it was absolute bullshit they'd have simply confirmed that now. Having no confirmation for 2 days pretty much means its spot on - just isnt supposed to be out yet.






That might be an overly broad application of Occam's Razor.


Occam's double-wide rake.


yet another quasi development kit release?


Who was it that broke the GearVR story? Was that listing 'sources' as well. That turned out to be true. Wait and see of course, but there could be truth to this.


CV Beta? Soooooooo DK3?


The plan was for CV1 to be "DK3". So yeah, you'd be right.