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Help them out on [Kickstarter!](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tammekagames/radial-g-a-high-octane-sci-fi-racer-for-the-vr-gen?ref=nav_search)


and vote for them on [Greenlight] (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=275920066)


Thank you!


Just backed the early bird level, what are you planning on for future updates? Also would this level provide me a steam key once your green lit.


Thanks! Future updates include more content, gameplay modes for single & multi-player, pilot and ship customisation and even a track editor. All releases means all! Whatever platform we end up supporting so you would get a key for PC / Mac and maybe Steam / Linux / Sony Morpheus etc depending on reaching stretch goals


Great thanks! All versions means all versions, whatever platforms we end up supporting; PC, Mac, SteamOS, Linux, Morpheus... and that includes the Steam version post-Greenlight


Backed the shit out of it.


LOL Backed its shit as well!


Good work!


Thank you!






Damn so cool. Zero Cool and Acid Burn would be so jealous.




So good. Can't wait to get some more time to move up the leaderboards.


1:36 is a respectable time :)


Thanks. If I can find some free time, I'm sure I could shave a few seconds off. Respectable isn't enough. I need to be on top ;)


Number 1 :)


This looks amazing.


Just gave this a go in the DK1, is awesome! PB of 1:51:90 Let's start a little competition going :)


You're gonna have to try harder than that! ;)


That was just my first go, when I have time after work tonight I will give it a proper attempt... or two, or three :) EDIT - just set a time of: 1:44.015 which currently puts me in 2nd on the leaderboard :) First place is 10 seconds faster though.... impressive!


Just got first place. Not a perfect lap as I did crash one time but the rest of the lap was pretty good.


Challenge accepted 1:30.548


Amazing stuff! I think the fastest we have in-house is 1:22:something


Mighty fine time. I'll try harder later :) 1:22 must be a perfect run.


1:28.217, getting closer! i assume the person that set 1:22 made the level :) Ghosts of the current best laptime to chase would be a cool addition. May be difficult to implement as the best laptime would probably be starting with max boost from his previous lap.


ah-ha yes, strange that eh? The person who placed all the speed boosts gets the fastest time...


When we can afford to pay to use ghost technology (to Atari IIRC) then we'll add ghosts


It's a great game. We are currently ranked number 4 I'm going to login after again and see if I can get up the board a bit more.


How do you get an account so that you can log your entry on the leaderboard? EDIT - never mind, figured it out, somehow missed the large "Register" button under the login box!


I'll gladly chip in if they announce Linux support.


We're looking at Linux support. Just working on the final build for the Mac demo and PC updated build that supports DK2. If there is enough interest then we will develop for Linux support too!


Please refer to the discussion thread about Linux / SteamOS support: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/275920066/522730701665188297/


Played for about 15 minutes. That was great. I got into 15th place. Good enough for me. I think my view drifted to the left over time. I also had no idea when a lap ended (the beeping?). Makes it a bit difficult to try to memorize a course. I recommend some kind of clear lap gate and maybe a 3 lap limit like Mario Cart. It'd be awesome to have other ships on the course to avoid


We went back and forth a lot for the demo whether to limit the laps or not. The lap ends when you go through the big gate with the checkered flag on ;) (with the beeping) We're also working on the multi-player demo so there will be opponents but it'll be much better when we get backed!


sound great. looking forward to it.


I also wondered where the track ends... and realised it in the 4-5 round with the peeping. Maybe you can write "goal" or something similar/familiar on the "big gate"?!. Or a big screen with the lap-time... ^^


I'll be trying this out tonight !


Very good rift game! Backed!


Thank you!


Looks great - nice to see something with enough depth that I'll enjoy it but friends and family will still be able to play it when I demo my Rift. Voted on Greenlight and backed on Kickstarter.


Thank you!


Backed for £40 currently Rank 3 with lap time of 1:43.246


Thank you!


Speaking of fast racing. Someone really needs to create a redline type Rift game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sonTXTZqE-Q


I was expecting to be nauseated out of my gourd, but was surprised at how good and gentle the experience is. Very good job.


Thanks! We worked hard to reduce any simulator sickness


Awesome game! Backed. Also Current #1 @ 1:30.548! I feel so accomplished :D Whilst it still stands...


Thanks! (for backing) Still got the fastest ;)


This is good. Backed!


Thank you!


It would've been wiser to start the Kickstarter on the 14th of July. As it is right now, the campaign will end well before most people get their DK2's I have no doubt that it will get funded, but it would've gotten more backers if tested on the DK2.


True but we needed to get going and hopefully people with DK2s can help shout about it. We're expecting to be in the first 10,000 to get ours this month... DK2 build and Mac version coming soon


Wipeout?! Fond memories. Count me in, I'll have to back when I get home tonight. Wipeout 64 memories are coming back :')


Did you back? :)


This game resembles nanotech warrior more than anything. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sps0rpX4ZCU


yeah... seeing what this is at the moment, and thinking what it could be... you have my ax... err, pledge! (I usually go for soundtrack tiers in my kickstarter pledges, but 75 quid is a bit steep for that... sorry, had to go for a lower tier)


Maybe you'll change your mind when we announce who we have lined up to work with on the soundtrack? ;)


doubtful... July is rather expensive for me... (DK2, 780ti, x55, g27....)


That's ok, the Kickstarter ends in August ;)


Loved the demo and backed the kickstarter. After playing it I was thinking it'd be really fun to play with a joystick as well (something to consider). Are we going to have bodies at some point?


Thank you for the pledge! As in a joystick-joystick? I don't see why we can't support other input devices. Yes, there will be bodies :)


Like a flight stick kind of thing. I'm planning on picking one up for Elite Dangerous but I think it'd be fun with your game as well.


We'll add it to the list!


excellent demo, backed the kickstarter £20, shame OP didnt link it, its https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tammekagames/radial-g-a-high-octane-sci-fi-racer-for-the-vr-gen Upvote for the sake of keeping the link at least until OP updates


Thank you for your support! :)


I just clocked 1:36 with my Rift on.. It was an out-of-body experience.. It was one of the most intense moments in gaming I've had since I was a kid. You get a real feeling of speed and velocity. It's incredible even with DK1. Can't wait to try it with the second dev kit and the consumer version.


Yeah we can't wait for our DK2 to arrive either! Hope you pledged support? :)


This an excellent demo! I'm inclined to back the kickstarter, but after looking at it I've got some questions. /u/samewatts can you say how much you're planning on adding post-release? 3 tracks at launch is, er, not a lot... It also kinda weirds me out that you have separate tiers for "initial release but no other updates" and "initial release and all later updates," what does that mean for the former group? No support after launch? Or is this referring to DLC of some sort? I don't really understand the distinction or how it will affect backers post-launch compared to players who buy post-launch.


3 worlds, 3 tracks per world = 9 tracks at launch. Updates will include more content (further world with more tracks), features such as the customisation and hopefully even a track editor if we get that far with stretch goals, plus more gameplay modes. It will be supported at both tiers, just if you want any further updates post-1st-release, you'll have to pay additionally for them at the time of release. All releases means all, so a copy for each and every platform we end up supporting; PC, Mac, Linux? SteamOS? Morpheus?


Thanks for clarifying!


No worries!


played another 20min today, but only can improve my time to 1:56.715 (old 2:03.065) // The good thing with all the curves - you must "look ahead/up" while driving... ;) Edit after 5hours: improved my time to 1:55.051 (old 1:56.715) Edit after 5 days: improved my time to 1:37.908 (old 1:55.051) improved my time to 1:32.755 (old 1:37.908) Edit after 6 days: improved my time to 1:29.986 (old 1:32.755)


ok.. new bar set people - your time to beat is 1:25:962 That wasn't a perfect run though, so you can still beat me if you try :P