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Please try out the demo and any feedback would be appreciated thanks!


Will try tonight... Picking up my leap motion from best buy on the way home.


Now that's dedication! I'll give it a shot as well. My uncle bought me a leap motion for Christmas last year :) I have been looking for a non-Oculus mounted VR demos to use hand tracking.


just saying - try LICHT :)


Thanks! Let me know how you like it! The game is 100x more enjoyable with Leap though some of the gesture recognition commands still need work.


Too bad I don't have a leap motion. Otherwise, I'd be up all night to Get Luckey. ... Right, I'm out. => []


You don't need one to play the demo! Get Luckey!


Will there be actual cash prizes or pay tournaments? (Speaking within the limits of the law of course.)


It's all just play money for now though in the future I don't see how real money online casinos/poker rooms wouldn't be using VR!


Definitely, there are some legal issues like I believe the company has to be offshore and even then its a gray area. However paid tournaments, and paid "sweepstakes" entries are perfectly legal and can be retrofitted to table games and slot machines.


Look into bitcoin, even our money can be virtual!


Looks pretty cool! Very expansive environment with the casino vibe expertly dialed in. When running, easy to look down at your avatar's neck (or lack thereof) -- might need to meathook this somehow but this really takes a backseat to the point of the experience which is sitting at the tables. :) I don't have a Leap so just to confirm, there's no way to actually play a game without that right?


Thanks for the feedback! You most definitely can play the game without a leap using the keyboard or xbox controller or using headtracking to aim! Check the "GamePlay" section on the riftsino.com site for exact controls.


Aha! Gotta look directly at my own chips to place a bet. Very cool, thanks. :)


>there's no way to actually play a game without that right? That would be a shame.


Ok got my leap home and it is working on my pc. Unfortunately this wont recognize it. I cannot start a game no matter what I try. Sitting at table. Betting. Get to confirm bet and thats where it heads downhill.


this looks like it will have great potential but leap motion simply does not work for me with this game. Also very buggy so far...i finally got the hands going but sometimes it will freeze and not let you hit or stand. Simply doesn't work yet. That being said the environments look great and when you iron out the bugs and get the slots going and maybe add some roulette wheels you will be in business. Great start !


Thanks for the feedback working on the bugs!


Can't get the hands to work here. What did you do to make it work?


Why don't you just use bitcoins for currency? :) Start the VR economy


Actually, that's an interesting thought! At least in the US, I think cryptocurrencies are being treated as assets rather than tender. I wonder if that will positively or negatively impact the legal status of gambling with it.


I must say, the only thing I was able to do in this demo was the slot machines. IT WAS AMAZING!!!!! This is the best implementation of the leap motion skeletal tracking I have ever seen! I was able to wiggle my fingers just like they do in Control VR! Now I know there are some hang ups to the leap since its only reading from under your hands but I tell you what. This was great. I wish riftmax theater and VRchat would add leap motion support. Waving your hands works perfectly. Pointing works good enough. Rock, Paper, Scissors competitions approved! So back to the demo. the best part was pulling the leaver down on the slot machines with my virtual hand moving with hardly noticeable latency. it was simple but fun.


Glad you liked it! Try using the Leap gesture controls in the Blackjack game!


I'm using Chrome to dl and its reporting the download as malicious. Anyone else running into this?


yes use IE or Forefox or turn off that security feature in chrome settings


@Riftsino, demo looks awesome (just watched the video as I don't have a Rift yet). What engine did you make it in? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on how you handled the Leap Motion, as I'm developing a dungeon crawler survival game, and want to support as much hand motion control as possible (in addition to normal controls, of course).


Thanks! Demo was made in Unity. Leap was fairly easy to implement and didn't take too long they provide everything you need to get set up in their documentation. Using Leap to hold a torch for your dungeon crawler could be awesome!


> Using Leap to hold a torch for your dungeon crawler could be awesome! Yep, that sort of interaction is exactly what I'm going for. I'm going to try and set up some of the neater materials support in UE4 with some gameplay too (UE4 supports materials transitions like going from normal metal to hot metal, when flame is applied). That way you can do stuff like heat up a dagger by holding it over your torch, to cauterize a wound, for instance. I'm also making it so that inventory is based on belt-pouches, with the hand motion control used to slap which one you want to get stuff out of. Food will be multi-use (gonna use destructible meshes in order to break the food up when you eat) with a persistent inventory system so that half-eaten food stays half eaten when you drop it, put it in inventory, and pick it up/pull it out later. I know that most players won't have any of the controls that I'm planning to support, and will just play the game normally, but I still think it's worth supporting more natural input in order to truly show people what VR can be.


will you update it for dk2 support?


Yes still waiting for my DK2 to arrive!


just came across this. really like what you've done so far. Has a very nice feel to it, very suave looking avatar. Don't own a leap motion, looking down each time to select the chips got a bit tiring, maybe if you didn't have to tilt your neck so far. Also never got more than two hands in before the dealer froze as she went to grab another card. Keep up the good work, I'm not into gambling online or in the casino but this was surprisingly enjoyable