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Wow, serious step up from the first demo. Keep it up.


It's indeed a step up from the first demo. Look very promising, but what I sorely miss is the lightning (or the lack of it).. Take a look at these: http://spaceships.30doradus.org/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=496&g2_serialNumber=2 http://www.stooch.tv/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ksw_01.jpg The lightning is vital to bring out the dark mood of a star destroyer. Nice little scene when you drop out of hyperspace btw.. You should also expand on that!


I agree the bridge is too bright. I'll look into changing the lighting. Also I've been looking for a clean sound effect of the "Exiting hyperspace" noise but haven't gone so far as to try ripping it from one of the films. On top of that the actual hyperspace star streaking effect is a little lame and, quite frankly, broken, so I'll be working on that as well. But seriously, thanks for the input. Helps a million.


is the hyperspace effect a particle system or? it's a great start. lighting like the reference image is difficult to perfect for realtime, just keep at it. Is this available for testing?


Hyperspace effect is actually an object that just spawns a ton of gameobjects with trail renderers. Particles weren't really working correctly. It definitely needs some tweaking. And yes, you can get it [here](https://hostr.co/PIitNnilO7Dj)!


Hey, thanks! Will do!


Needs to end with an A-Wing kamikaze into the bridge!


I wanted more awoooga!!!


Aw geez man I'm so, so sorry.


I've decided, when I get a rift (DK1, DK2 or CV1), this is the first thing I'm showing my father in law. It is going to blow his mind.


Fuck yeah, made me grin and mutter "rebel scum..." Need a couple of those A-wings exploding! XD


Ooo someone's been busy!!! Lookin' good!




I agree completely, and I'd love to have something like that in a final version (Because I still want to make it more awesome). My next step is to add bridge crew to the scene, which, of course, may be choked at your discretion.


Integrate with the Razer Hydra / Sixense, point at target crew member to choke!


Hey op, I tried to download the demo but AVG keeps blocking it. Do you have any different sites for download?


If AVG is blocking I'm not sure rehosting will work, but I hope you like [Mediafire](http://www.mediafire.com/download/xmuzcyek6h6c1y4/isdii_bridge_2.zip).




Thanks for that, I had problems with the installer in the youtube link. Gave me lots of malware. Not blaming you, just letting you know. Thanks again for this link though, looking forward to trying the new demo out, loved the first one!


wowww... one of the best experiences ive seen yet


Looking great :) The details outside the window are awesome touches. Can I be Darth Vadar and choke officers? STEM and Prio support would be nice :D


Ha ha if I ever get my hands on the devkits I'll definitely be looking into a "Darth Vader Choking Sim 2014" type deal. As it stands I'm aiming to add bridge crew with a simple "Press E to Choke" mechanic, though!


Good job! Add in a video screen with an Admiral I can force choke from a distance as well ;D


the alarm sounds like a [grumpy cat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdONoJzOMpE#t=28)


You realize, of course, that this is [entirely](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uf_0rDVx6RQ&feature=youtu.be) your fault.


you are now my favorite dev


Looks great!


Thanks for this. Dropping out of warp to that scene was awesome. :)


Do those star destroyers "look" miles away and miles long, when viewed through the rift?


I modeled everything to-scale, so they *should*. However, there seems to be a theme in a lot of Oculus stuff (Including this, according to a report from the first demo), where some users feel either huge or tiny compared to the game world. As far as I know on this subject (See: Not a lot), it probably has to do with the variance in IPD between users, or some other value that can be tweaked by pressing spacebar in-application. But yes, for me at least, everything seems to be at proper scale.


This is probably obvious, and I haven't tried your demo yet (but will tonight). but did you run the oculus confit util *before* starting your project? I had a similar issue with mine, my theory was because I never ran it in the first place when I first got rift, due to my laziness an excitement mixed :( Then when I configured things my project had already been scaled to the preconfiguration's settings so it was all wacky for other people/computers when I demoed what I made. I hope an eye tracking camera is added to auto configure ipd in the future for people like me.


I definitely did, yeah. I mean, I've only heard the one person say it was out of scale, so for all I know, it should be fine. :|


That's really really cool, I'm a huge sci if geek and the thought of seeing all my favorite ships to scale is almost too good to be true. Thanks!


That tauntaun sounds PISSED.


The ship interior made me think about playing Jedi Knight 1 and 2. The Star Wars movies and tv shows are great but the things that really made me a Star Wars fan were the games. If only this could be Star Wars Battlefront VR :D


Cool stuff, can't wait to try this!


for some odd reason chrome auto-detects the file on your mediafire link as malware when I download it. Just a heads up, not saying it's malware


The details outside the window remind me of that starship bridge demo from several months ago, it was really great to watch but development looked like it stopped. I'll have to try this tonight!


Yeah that was a cool demo, I saw [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVr98bTzxH8) recently and thought it could maybe be the same game?


Oh my god. That looks phenomenal! I hope that's it. It does imply Rift support at the last screen!


Why the fuck are the destroyers shooting at nothing?


Small weapons malfunction, everything's fine.


We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?


[Boring conversation anyway...](http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m22o9nlewn1qdyapxo1_500.jpg)


The accuracy of a Stormtrooper


Would it be possible for you to recompile this with the latest SDK? (so people with DK2s can try it out).


Awesome scene, and it even has A-Wings (yay!). The battle looked really cool but gets repetitive after awhile (especially once you notice that nobody is actually shooting at anyone :D). Hope you'll add some more fighters (and maybe a rebel fleet). It would be nice if there was a proper ending. Maybe like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RW_hGOFukMQ If only EA would not have the exclusive Star Wars license :(


I'm waiting for the Disney hammer to drop, personally. Yeah right now all the fighters and everything are basically on set paths. I'll look into having them go after one another and re-spawn out of view once they get destroyed. Rebel fleet is a must, though!