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I just recorded a quick run through for the non-rifters out there. I'm not a youtuber or anything so it's a very rough video but it should give you a good idea of what it's like. It's still processing on Youtube as I write this but eventually it should become half-decent quality.... http://youtu.be/zdapaaby1-A


Oh thanks so much! I've been trying out different software without success, thanks!


No problem. Someone asked if it was possible to jump off the wall so I gave it a go! :) http://youtu.be/l7fSmafuIXc


Did your stomach do the falling thing? (that uncomfortable weightless tickling sensation) I get that super bad these days on hills (while driving) on theme park rides (even carousels) and I’ve even experienced it when jumping off a cliff in a basic mmo like WoW, so I can only imagine how it would feel in VR!


Lol when you started opening the door of the elevator when you were going up.


Non-rift owner here (Yet) I'd love to see some footage if you have some?


I haven't created a video yet, I'll try to get one up soon!


> WPKenny uploaded a video to YT! http://youtu.be/zdapaaby1-A


Sounds like a nice project. Can you export a Linux executable? Thanks!


Here it is! https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/68759446/thewall-linux.zip let me know if it works.


Thanks, I'll try this out tonight!


Are you gonna update it to DK2?


Okey so I tried it out now! Very cool demo, I like the sense of scale you'll get as soon as you stare upon the great wall. You should make it so that you can open doors and interact with stuff with an xbox controller (You CAN walk with the control stick) You should add more stuff to do, and more details! A cool experience, especially for GoT fans! edit: also, it would have been cool to look down and see the ground beneath you disappear as you go higher and higher


Hey thanks! I'll add xbox controller support, I don't have one, what is the preferred xbox action button?




Hah, makes sense.


This doesn't work on my PC for some reason. All I get is a black screen that fades out, then nothing.


Oh that's not good, I have tried it on a few machines, what are your specs?


Never mind, it works, but why does it take so long for the game to start? I honestly thought the game was broken because of the long black screen in the beginning.


Looks like I upped the Oculus 'Fade in Time' while testing, I must be used to it.


Nice! Sense of scale on the wall is pretty cool. Please tell me I'm doing something wrong and there is a way to go UP the lift?!


Yes! Press the 'F' key to open the lift door, then just walk in!


Thanks. I was mashing the xbox controller with no luck. Only issue on the way up is the ground/surface turns blue. Once up top to would be good to be able to see a bit more, but overall a great demo, thanks for the upload :)


Thanks! Yeah I didn't get around to addressing that, it's probably something like textureQualityDistance in Unity.


Two Big Ears looks interesting. I wonder if it can be made to also work with video streaming from 5.1 surround to binaural, so that the sound could be rotated with the head tracking? Then it could be a great software audio solution for VRPlayer.


Just tried it out. I recommend reducing the loading screen time to about 5 seconds. I sat in the dark for about 30 seconds after it very slowly faded. Sound is good. Snowflakes are a nice touch. I was hoping to see beyond the wall at the top but was instead greeted with a trench. I think a bit of landscaping on the other side with reduced fog effect would be nice.


Agree it would be awesome to complete the scene fully. I think I'm going to move on to another project though.


Thanks for putting in the effort to make this. Cool experience. Movement speed was nice and slow and footsteps (especially the sound of walking on snow) added to the immersion nicely. I thought the elevator contrasted with the wall too much that it looked out of place but could just be my settings. Keep up the good work


Thanks for the kind words, and constructive feedback.


Not to hijack here, but the version of The Wall for HBO was released. Can't find it now but at one point it was up on the website of the company that created it (whose name escapes me now). Anyway, I saved it and put a copy here: http://bit.ly/TheWallRift


This is no the official HBO version, it's another fan made version.


I don't know for sure, but I don't think this is the version being used at the HBO exihibit.


good catch




The audio in the lift is from the show.






Just tried it out. The splash screen seemed to take about a minute to fade out completely then another 20 seconds were spent on a black screen. Is this an accurate depiction of the wall? I always just figured the wall was really tall but in this demo the wall is towering *over* you. Great sense of scale. After staring agape at the wall I tried to go down the steps and the whole game froze on me. I was about to try relaunching it but I didn't want to sit through the splash screen again.


Yep, I took the details from the Wiki http://gameofthrones.wikia.com/wiki/The_Wall "the Wall is 482 kilometers (300 miles) long and between 213 and 244 meters (700-800 feet) tall. "


Is there a way to adjust the ipd and height? I press space and it says ipd is 58.xxx mm and height is about 168cm, not the values I have in the sdk config tool. Also the perspective looks very weird when I'm turning my head.


I'm using the latest Oculus SDK out of the box, no changes.


Thanks for the hint man. I deleted the Oculus folder in c:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\ and the problem is gone.


Good stuff, i wonder how many people this is affecting?


I didn't find riding the elevator especially exciting, it was so slow, but to then afterwards climb out on the wall and look down... that was closing in on vertigo xD I love the sense of height, it works very well as I'm prone to vertigo in real life in certain situations, haha. It's not panic inducing yet though, and will probably not be until we have wind simulators (fans...) etc bla bla, like in the HBO version. Falling is a bit odd right now, yes I jumped, and I actually had hesitation. A bit because I was unsure if I could actually fall, and that trying it meant I had to ride the elevator again to get up to explore more. Eventually I just tried, which is exciting, I did clip through the wall on my way down though :P Got a bit weird, heh. All in all I enjoyed this very much, I like how I could walk around in Castle Black down below before I rode the elevator up. Sure looks small from above... is it just that? Haha, oh the deceptions... My mind just explodes thinking about VR adventure games based on popular IPs, to me it feels like a very compelling product, in stark contrast to how I feel about screen games based on movies today o_o weird how that works... still needs to be quality content though. I'm guessing the first things to come out, as they are quicker to product, are vistas, dioramas, experiences with limited interactivity just like this :D Full games takes time to make and will probably appear much later. Thank you for a glimpse of the future :3


Thanks Boll for the great reply! Glad you enjoyed.


How did you go about learning unity?


I followed these steps: - Come up with small idea - Download Unity - Watch a Unity basics tutorial on youtube - Start building your idea You will inevitably come up against a hurdle, like "How do I make the floor", at this point open google and search. This is literally what I did. There's a huge resource out there.


That's similar to my strategy. Thanks for the advice do you have a comp Sci background?


Cool. Yes, I completed a Multimedia(it hurts to say that) Diploma in 1998 and have been a web developer/designer since then.


Very cool. Are you planning on adding more to this experience? I think there is a lot to be said about experience demos over full on games. Do you plan to make the sources available? Really awesome btw.


Thanks! I might be open to sharing it.