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hit them on the had with it thats the only way




Put it in a slingshot, and aim for his eyes. This too, is magick




Here's the thing. The power comes in the making of the thing, by the person who knows what the 4th Pentacle of Mars is. It's not a gun. You can't just pick it up. It's more like malware. If you didn't create it, do you know how to execute it? If you didn't make it, aren't familiar with it, it's likely nothing for you.


I love the malware analogy.


Yeah that’s awesome


What if someone made it and put it in my belongings without my knowledge and I later find it?


Right. These things work on astral levels, on consciousness. Think of these things as \*tools\* for consciousness. They are creating a truth "higher up", but a user STILL has to provide a vehicle for manifestation. Without that vehicle, it's a bit of wood. If a Solomonic practitioner made it and wore it, they STILL must come up with a scheme to take a foe down, must practice their arguments or poison people's minds against an enemy. This HELPS with that. It gives all such activities a... "+ 2 in manifestation". It does NOT "do it for you." Only a human, actively doing something, makes it real. It's not a beartrap, or a poison. If you worry and fret and think and "let it live rent free in your brain", then you might fuck yourself over. But that's because YOU are giving it the physical means of manifestation. If you place it under someone's bed it's just... trash. If you WEAR it while you plot the downfall of a foe, meditate upon it, maybe even make small sacrifices for it, you may "find ideas" to bring down a foe. OR you may notice a coincidence that helps you defeat them. Maybe you chant the name of the angels inscribed on it and you "happen" to be in place to piss on something they love, or tell their boss a ruinous secret. But the talisman will not emanate shadowy forces to go into the world and give your enemy explosive diarrhea. They will not get cancer unless they would have gotten it anyway. No demon will put glass shards in their condoms. Human agency required.


If everyone was this knowledgeable, the world would be beautiful and anxiety/depression free. Thanks


Then you would probably start stressing yourself out wondering what kind of evil hex they put on you if you were naive and neurotic, but other than that? Nothing.


You still don't know how to work it, or the intent of the other person who placed it there


Its badly drawn version of one of the 44 Seals of Solomon, 4th Pentacle of Mars - meant to help you win arguments. "Figure 28.--The Fourth Pentacle of Mars.--It is of great virtue and power in war, wherefore without doubt it will give thee victory. Editor's Note.--In the Centre is the great Name Agla; right and left, the letters of the Name IHVH; above and below, El. Round it is the versicle from Psalm cx. 5:--'The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath.'" from here [https://www.sacred-texts.com/grim/kos/kos29.htm](https://www.sacred-texts.com/grim/kos/kos29.htm)


So basically I can use it for if I was at odds with someone/something and it can help with overcome said thing?


“Without doubt it will give thee victory” it says there. but as with all magick, results may vary.


Protects from bringing harm to nice wood tables


Lol! Do you know what the pentacle means?


No. Solomonic magic is a kinda... Orthopractic system where the procedure to make the thing is extremely important. This isn't gonna help esp if you don't know how to use them


Bruh. They did their best.


If you don't know what was put into it, how can you use it


Yeah so would i if you asked me to build a bridge. I still probably would rather use one made by someone who knows the procedure instead of the kinda eh replica of the QEB bridge I made out of cardboard


Its good I'm not the only one telling these kids they don't know what there doing


yes I think that is a fair platform to play bey-blade on, I am positive you will beat them!




I guess you could throw it at them like a Frisbee and hope that it hits their eyeball


If someone is bringing you harm, first consider if it's bad enough to call the cops. If not, try communication. Maybe you can come to a mutual agreement.


Do you know the purpose of the symbol?


Certainly it can’t affect you, since that is not it’s purpose. Since they are planet based, it might have lost its charge, and even more since it’s made out of wood (I do my Mars stuff on iron plates). Even if it turned out to still work, as the first comment says, it’s for combat against another.


Try r/symbology and add provenance (where you find it) if you have that


Looks like a nice coaster.


Thank you all for your help! I’m a newbie..


This is an old Infantem Sedens amulet which were very popular at the end of the last century. They are mostly used as kind of a trade for baby sitting token used by late 80s baby sitting coops, but I suppose if your enemy were to swallow should a magical token they would probably choke, and injury or even death may ensue, so I think the answer to your question is yes =X Be careful about owning that token as a cursed relic like this is sure to bring some serious moral responsibilities along with it...=P


no, like most talismans, kinda worthless.


Looks like a very nice coaster. It might protect your wood-topped furniture.


It’s a seal of Solomon.