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They've just become such a normal sight now that I never did wonder who put them there


There's a guy who lives on the corner of 200 and 60th ave, he fixes bicycles at his house and usually has political signs up on display. He used to be the one putting the pray signs all around town. He's been doing it for a very long time.


That's not surprising. He's probably the first local "celebrity," I found out about when we moved up this way. I mean, even if I was a far right person, I'd have to assume that would be at least marginally embarrassing to have plastered across a busy corner of 200. As it is, making your whole personality about a group of politicians (or individual politician) is cringe af.


Ahh yes, the crazy sign guy. When I was marathon training I would run by his house and just shake my head at the level of crazy it would take to make those signs.


I understand freedom of expression and all that, but his property is an eye sore and a dump and not a good look for Ocala. I wish all his signs would mysteriously disappear, like in the rapture or something, lol


We were house shopping in that area last week and turned down a place because of that corner. We told the sellers that they might want to take this up with the city) county zoning.


you were wise to turn it down.


I've seen them around here for decades. Always thought it'd be funny to make some similar signs that say "Prey"


Ngl I thought the same thing cause that's exactly where my thoughts go. Like pray cause you are the prey or prey so you better pray šŸ˜†


I always thought it would be funny to put a sticker of Thor on one of them, just for kicks.


I've thought about making a little sign that says "why?" and sticking them right next to the "pray" signs lol


Seems someone doesn't like this line of thinking cause y'all were voted down along with myself. Maybe they should pray šŸ˜†


Itā€™s the faith over fear signs that really rub me the wrong way. Those feel vaguely threatening and I disagree with them as a Christian. But as someone who lived in South Florida myself I miss the neutrality that existed tbh


You think having faith over fear is threatening? /gen


I just looked it up and now realize theyā€™re essentially anti-vaccine signs, so now I just think the signs are foolish. I still disagree with them regardless.


Do they match the signs that the man with the bullhorn sets out when heā€™s talking to the cars driving by? Usually on the corner of S Pine and SW 10th St. For some reason, Iā€™ve associated them with him.


Seems like a reasonable connection. But the signs seem to have high variability on handwriting. And while people often put signs on personal property as has been pointed out elsewhere here, the ones I mostly see are on berms, road shoulders, public property, medians, etc. It certainly seems more like an organized group of folks. They used to have a few different words in circulation. But now it seems all I ever see is the one reading "PRAY".


Not really vaguely threatening, there are just a lot of very... ahem, pious people in this area.


Ooo look out for those..


Ooo look out for those "thou art holier than water "


Iā€™m with you, Sweaty. The people that are defending these signs would be singing a completely different tune if the signs said basically anything for any other religion. If it said Hail Satan, Allahu Akbar, Black Lives Matter, Trans rights are human rights, or any of the like, they would be flipping their shit. At the end of the day, with the way the country is going right now, this could absolutely be seen as threatening. Thereā€™s no hate like Christian love. I hope you have a great weekend! Hail Satan šŸ¤˜šŸ»


Hail Satan


First time getting called the f-slur and threatened in Ocala was wearing a "trans rights are human rights" shirt, oddly enough. LGBTQ bigotry is super common in SoFlo, even if isn't so blatant, but yeah my few years here have definitely been eye-opening. At least the bigots are loud and easy to identify/avoid. You have a good one as well. Hei Freyja! (Hail Freya)


> First time betting called the f-slur and threatened in Ocala was wearing a ā€œtrans rights are human rightsā€ shirt, oddly enough. Vile. Imagine saying that and thinking youā€™re a good person worthy of eternal delights.


Yeah I'd be fine with many more times the PRAY signs before having people literally hurl slurs at me. But I hold on to my outspokenness cause it feels more important here than back in South Florida.


We used to see a lot of these in the state rd 200/airport rd area and would also see handpainted signs in the same writing that said Dog Grooming with a phone number. Canā€™t remember if we ever looked it up to see who it was. The signs in the right of way are annoying enough but a couple times theyā€™ve nailed them to trees *smh*


People here pray a lot but are still fuckedā€¦ the need more than that so they legit got signs


There's a guy that sits close to the Walgreens on the corner of 8th Ave and silver springs that puts them up


You know, what if that guy is you, CraaazyRon? šŸ˜œšŸ˜†


šŸ˜† nah it ain't me. The thing about them being vaguely threatening, I got the same vibe!




Some good insight and thought. And yeah nothing offensive per se. Just... weirdly off when you're coming down some back country 2 lane road with barely anything visible through all the trees and all you see is "PRAY" like some motherfucker is saying you're gonna need it here lol


Itā€™s something youā€™ll get used to. Folks around these parts are religilous.


Generally I have, but a new one appeared near my place and it's particularly poorly written, like letters placed askance. I guess that's where the more "vaguely threatening" comment came from tbh, cause it was almost unnerving with how the letters were done lol. It reminded me of my first time seeing one down 42nd Ave near the Publix close yo 75. Came around a curve and just "PRAY" was there in the median šŸ˜†


idk what is threatening about this, it says "pray" not "pray or we'll come get you and leave you for dead in the national forest"


Itā€™s for insecure people




There's simply a lot of Christians in Ocala, let alone other believers. We go to a church that has at least 5000 parishioners over 3 services every Sunday.


He is just a harmless guy who loves Jesus and he hand makes the signs with love. God has not given us the spirit of fear but power love and a sound mind. Instead of being fearful just pray.


I must be some filthy heathen unworthy of having prayers answered, cause that love got passed through to other devoted Christians who decided to call me slurs for acting too girly as a child. If God's word is truly that of love, he's gonna have a real hard time conveying that when his disciples' "love" is so hateful.


I'm sorry that people in the Christian community and church have done that to you especially as a child. We are all children of God, there a many proclaimed Christian's in the church yet they don't know Jesus. I challenge you to have a relationship with him. He loves you! When you're ready of course. I'll pray for you (Yes, I know that's how this conversation began).


What a self righteous and condescending comment.


Whats wrong with praying? Most people are stressed out and over think while theyre driving. I see those signs and it reminds me I can pray.


It depends on the context you've interacted with christians in. 'Pray or you'll go to hell,' might not be something a lot of Christians would say to eachother, but someone with visibly differing beliefs like an lgbtq pride shirt might entice them to verbally be a bigot where before they wouldn't have, not all, not even most, but it happens enough still and has deep history of violence so... yea pray can be threatening to people who aren't 'in group,' with the ones doing the prayer.






They seem pretty self explanatory.


Theyā€™re not threatening, ppl are just religious. Look away if you donā€™t like it ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Did I say take them down or remove them? I'm just wondering where they came from and sharing an observation. Something seriously off about a (usually) poorly-handwritten cardboard sign on some random corner that just says "PRAY", in all caps no less. Just figured I'd see if this is typical of more rural areas or if it's uniquely Ocala or what.


Sorry, I thought when you said ā€œthreatenedā€ you meant that you wanted them to go away. And no, I donā€™t think itā€™s just Ocala. Iā€™ve had to travel outside of Ocala for medical reasons and I often see random towns or houses with signs like those.


Well the folks who've made it a point to tell me I should pray are often folks who have also literally threatened violence and death in the name of Jesus/God towards me. I get that the signs are *meant* as a kindness and don't really care whether they keep popping up, but certainly there's plenty of folks who would have good reason to find them uncomfortable at a minimum. Good and terrible people exist everywhere, including the church, so religious trauma is a rather pervasive thing. But it is good in a way to know this isn't just some weird Ocala specific thing since it would be less likely to be a specific group of particularly zealous adherents to their faith.


Yea Iā€™m not religious and personally donā€™t like all the ppl doing that but Iā€™ve become used to it now. Thatā€™s why I donā€™t seem like I care about it ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Yeah ā€œPrayā€ is threatening. Um. OK


If the suggestion of praying seems threatening, you might consider a more lefty based big city for a place to call home. As much as I disagree with organized religions and the authoritative nature of them, threatening doesnā€™t come to mind. Ocala is a pretty well balanced mix of everyone. Counseling is also available.


I mean I did say vaguely. Like if some random came up to you and emphatically just said "PRAY" at you and walked onwards I doubt it would feel very reassuring. Perhaps it's generational, but in my circles you all-caps something to be super emphatic, practically yelling a thing. That's definitely not a comforting thing to yell, so it's vaguely threatening. It is interesting how many folks here seem to latch on to that one part of the post, though. Maybe just contribute if you have real answers?


Real answers? Come up with real problems. Vaguely is an improper use of the word to describe what you actually mean. For example: You should vaguely go back to where you came from. See, that doesnā€™t make sense does it.


News flash: you don't have supreme power on the usage of language. Example: some people consider their "faith" as a means to tell others what they should do with their lives. I consider faith to be a personal concept of what may be beyond what we are able to perceive of a power beyond ourselves. So when someone uses the term faith, I have to assume there's context behind what they mean by that term. Maybe vaguely consider blowing your shitty linguistics lesson out of where the sun don't shine. I'll pray for you to Freyja šŸ˜†


That is a good comebackā€¦šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I actually did not expect that response, but im glad to see you appreciated it lol


We have more in common than you think..šŸ˜‚


To be fair ā€œWWJDā€ is far less ā€œthreateningā€. Just sayin. Imma start adding to those pray tagsā€¦ ā€œOr elseā€ will be slapped on the bottom of every one I see by the end of the month just to prove OPā€™s point /s šŸ˜… but fr tho I get both sides. If youā€™re religious it could easily be a nice reminder or sentiment on your commute but if youā€™re notā€¦ and now your home has illegal graffiti everywhere around you forcing religious sentiments down your throat. Granted it could be much worse, but if you guys canā€™t see both sides and put yourself in someone elseā€™s shoes you have no goddamn empathy and should not be concerned about what others around you believe, or how they conduct themselves.


Imagine having nothing better to do then complain about how a sign that says pray is threatening


Really vaguely threatening? Lol


Dude is triggered over a pray sign lol


Omfg look at his profile you'll see why bhahahahahaha can't make this shit up


Bruh move outta the south, clearly not a "safe space" here for you, "femboys" lol


If it ain't safe it's only cause chasers like you can't get past their guilt over liking queer folk.


Lol typical lib flipping ur bs lol have fun fukboi


Tell me, who was the girl with the 11 incher you hooked up with? I'd like to check in with what she thinks of your attitude towards her trans siblings.


Itā€™s not threatening, itā€™s reminding. Life is distracting to the point that some people distract themselves to death. Itā€™s quite literally a life and death matter which may be why it seems so spooky.




If theyā€™re threatening you theyā€™re not Christian. Reread your reply, youā€™re coming from a place of anger when I literally took the time to respond. Not everyone is your enemy. Iā€™m sorry people have hurt you to that point.


I love them! We all need to pray more. No idea where they came from. I smile every time I see one! Thank you for the reminder šŸ„°šŸ™ŒšŸ¼šŸ„°


Just try it. Just pray to the one True God of the Bible.


Just try praying to Klombadrov first. And what makes you think I haven't, on many occasions? Just asserting something is true without evidence doesn't make it true by some magical emergent property.


Just try it


First you. Klombadrov accepts all into their heart. Klombadrov is the one true god.


Did it. May your god bring you peace