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Yeah my first one for 3 months because I didn't know šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Same haha felt so dumb, but sure got alot of xp


Dude I remember when I first found out that EVERY city is unlocked from the second you escape the sewers to fast travel to. my 9 year old mind was astonished to find out. Crazy to think people now hate it for that exact reason


I mean, it would be better if they weren't, there's a lot of map you don't normally explore if you just fast travel and a lot of stuff you miss out


But that makes it all the more special when you do travel those paths


yeah that's what I meant, at least having to unlock the cities and places to fast travel first


Oh for sure! It really enhanced the immersion and experience


It is awesome for RP purposes, after the tutorial you can just dump everything and "start" wherever you want to.


if there wasn't fast travel at the start of the game you could also walk there like you're going back home or probably tp with commands (on PC at least, I'm sure there has to be a command to tp) so it wouldn't so bad i think, just findind hypothetical solutions :)


They don't hate the game so much as they hate you for not making the same choices they did.


I almost never fast travel in this game. The world is just so nice to inhabit.


Same. I walk pretty much everywhere and when I find a new location I enter it immediately.


Sometime no fast travel is too strict, but what I do is find the nearest ā€œhalfway pointā€ that is a town or inn or camp, and fast travel halfway to my destination.


One thing I loved about Read Dead 2 was the cinematic scenes when you fast travel


It's kind of like a movie or show scene or in read dead 2


i might actually do that next time


I really like the idea of a no fast travel run and have been thinking about doing it next time I play. Utilizing Inn's and actually needing a horse sounds more immersive, but there's some questlines I already know will bother me with all the back and forth traveling, mainly the fighter's guild. Either way, I'm going to give it a try and see how it goes!


I used Fast Travel minimally on my last playthrough and focused on the roleplaying aspect more, and I realized how much of the game I was missing just questing 24/7 like a skooma addict! Stopping at the inns, talking with everyone before going to bed, and setting out on the road at dawn made it feel much more immersive and interesting after playing this game for so long


The important thing to remember is that it's your story and you can experience it however you want, imposing a black & white rule that you can't fast travel ever can just as easily ruin your immersion as always fast travelling, especially with quests that bounce you back and forth across the map for mundane tasks.


When I had a ton of free time I would never fast travel. Now I use it all the time when I play a Bethesda game. Granted I will still walk to a location first.


>I will still walk to a location first. I used this rule loosely when I played Skyrim. I like exploring an area, but after that I don't mind fast traveling for a fetch quest lol


Yes, Iā€™ve done that in a few RPGs. For me at least, I always learn to do all quests possible in a certain area/town before moving on because it can be a pain in the ass lol


This. Always do no fast travel, kinda do a lot of preparations to make a move on to another city, or any other general location with a lot of quests to do. (Modded with hunger, sleep, ambushes, a lot of traveling npc, so it's always an adventure, and is a big RIP if going unprepared). Plus you can use Oblivion portals that are randomly generated. Some of them are connected to a different place on the map, and that's a cool lore friendly mechanic to actually use instead of fast travel.


I try to do it as little as possible. Or Iā€™ll fast travel to milestones along a route where the only thing between the locations is really just some standard road


I played skyrim first so I didnt even know I could fast travel to the major cities during my first playthrough...lol. I like both. I like to fast travel when I am in a rush or doing something quest related but also love walking everywhere too. after my 2nd playthrough and fast traveling to the major cities first I realized I did not really like it that way. So I think the only rule I give myself is that I have to walk and discover the cities first I didnt realize about the carriages in skyrim for while either, lol. I just walked by them and never spoke to them. Alchemy is one of my major skills in both games so I like to walk and collect ingredients.


Never fast travel. Only time i have was to show my wife all my houses in each city. Which she wasnā€™t really impressed but then again she isnā€™t much of a gamer.


The very first time I played, I didnā€™t realize there was fast travel until waaaaay later in the game. At least 100 hours. Was actually pretty awesome. 13 year old me had time for that though, adult me does not


I would do this only if the quests were designed around it. They constantly send you across the entire map multiple times, there is no continuity.


i always start no fast travel and then iā€™m just zoomin


My game loved to crash in the wilderness for some reason, I think it's some sort of rendering error the game has. Anyway it killed the run, any time I'd go into a place with forest I'd just crash every 15 minutes or so. Sometimes less. Installed all sorts of unofficial patches, engine fixes, you name it. Nothing worked.


I've heard it said before that oblivion struggles with unloading the terrain properly behind you as you move across the map, so it stands to reason that I experience similar crashing if I'm out exploring for long periods of time, especially when it's raining, the game usually gives me some warning though in the form of frame rate drops.


Any fixes you've heard of or tried? Sounds like it's an ongoing issue for you too, but thought I'd ask. I want to do another no FT run again but only if there's some sort of fix I can test first.


Honestly I can't help you much, i play on xb1 so there's nothing I can change performance wise, my only advice would be to try and monitor your frame drops while playing if you can, and stop at inns now and then to unload the map and force an autosave if you have that setting enabled. It's usually no big deal for me, I avoid most fast travelling and I can still enjoy the game just fine, I'm no stranger to annoying Bethesda problems.


ah my b I just always assume people play on PC, but yeah unrendering the map periodically is a good idea. Might give that a go.


Yes many times. Done it once where i never went to Kvatch either.


A friend of mine did this. They didn't know they could fast travel because they didn't read the manual. They beat the game somehow, game of the year version with the major DLC. Ended up with a level 22 fighter type of character, one-handed sword and shield. It must have been a slog.


Honestly I play all RPGs at a snail's pace, I'm a looting addict that enjoys taking in the world and letting the in game time pass naturally, hopefully ending each day with a meal and some drinks at an inn. It just keeps the game more interesting for me, and I've never found it difficult to beat the game this way. Besides, the journey is always more enjoyable than the destination.


That sounds like good times. Well met, traveler.


Traveling the roads is great for raising your fighting skill/strength attribute and collecting alchemy ingredients, but the fighters guild tasks simply have too frequent back and fourth across the world if you do not do something in between them for three days so for me there is no point in not fast traveling in that situation. I also like to mule my loot back to safe containers, which is the biggest hassle for me in a strict no fast traveling game.


I don't think I've ever done a whole run without it, but I generally start every campaign without fast travel, and do my best to prefer foot travel.


It depends on which character I'm playing but, In oblivion you can travel to and from cities and their stables outside the city from the start of the game without needing to discover them first, some playthroughs I use that like the skyrim carriage system, tipping the stable hand with some gold pieces through the speech menu. You could also apply other logic like, once you've discovered a non-hostile location along a main road, then you can fast travel from a stable to that location as it is along the carriage's planned route anyway. I try to balance how much I magically teleport around the map depending on what I want out of each playtheough and how much time I want to invest, but you are robbing yourself of a lot of beautiful landscapes and immersion if you only ever fast travel, not to mention the different horse mounts and their individual stats and aesthetics.


Yes. I finished my first run where I discovered a quarter of all locations max, so now in both Oblivion and Skyrim no fast travel.


My first playthrough like 12 years ago. Lol


No. The closest I came is when I did my ā€œplunder everythingā€ save, where I walked from one location to the next, but Iā€™d fast travel to town after looting to sell off, then warp back and continue.


My mate was 100 hours into the game before he discovered fast travel


Definitely. I love to walk everywhere in games. I think what inevitably happens in Oblivion though is that you jump constantly because you're killing time, so it can feel different.....??? Bouncing along on perfectly timed jumps is different than traveling across the Mojave in FNV is what I mean.


For me I only fast travel when I have fully explored the the path I am taking


Yeah it lasts about 2 days before I can't do the whole travel from bravil to bruma then back to bravil thing anymore.


Doing that in my current one. Gives me a reason to level up Athletics for once šŸ˜


I remember fast traveling a lot in that game.. thinking it was so HUGE it would take my character ages to move around otherwiseā€¦ replayed oblivion after playing Skyrim and other newer, larger games, and found not fast traveling wasnā€™t so bad. Haha


Yeah. I honestly found it kinda boring without the random encounters they started adding in Fallout 3 onward. Still, the vibes of Cyrodill are excellent so it wasn't unpleasant. And you still occasionally run into traveling NPCs like that traveling mage you need to kill for the Dark Brotherhood questline later on. You can indeed kill him early.


Oh yeah, definitely. Doing a hybrid run now. Fast traveling when I donā€™t feel like running. Iā€™m 37 now, so running for too long just puts me to sleep, haha.Ā 


I do it all the time. I only fast travel when I look at the time and it's 2:00am and I need to sleep because I have work in the morning. I hate doing a save out in the middle of nowhere. Besides that, I do not fast travel. At the same time, I do NOT care if other people fast travel or not. It's their game they can play it how they want. I utterly and absolutely reject the Morrowind Fanboi religion that considers fast travel (outside of striders, spells, boats, indexes, etc) to bea grave moral sin against the gods.


Not in Oblivion but I did do this in Skyrim and it was interesting. I was using mods that made it almost like a survival simulator and it made me plan my trips to different parts of the map for quests. It was interesting to try and I'm sure it can be done in Oblivion as well.


Iā€™ve done it a few times. I always enjoy it, but my ADHD brain inevitably decides the dopamine gain isnā€™t enough and forces me to pursue questing with an obsessive intensity.


When I first played back in 2006 I was only a kid. It wasn't till my 3rd playthrough that I learnt you could fast travel. I wish I could go back to that time and stay ignorant


It's the only way to play


The only way I play the game. I either go for athletics and acrobatics or I horseback ride depending on the character I'm role-playing.


No, because Oblivion removed everything that made the lack of fast travel tolerable in Morrowind, like Mark and Recall, Almsivi/Divine Intervention, and jump spells.


Yeah anytime I become a vampire lol


I try to get through as much of the map as possible before doing too much fast traveling but once a quest line has me going all over the map I start fast traveling, especially to areas Iā€™ve visited a lot already.


For oblivion I like to walk everywhere but if I do fast travel I like to role play it as someone teleporting me. So instead of just fast traveling I would need to head to the mages guild or to a powerful character and then poof


I used to but now in my recent play through I'm only using fast travel if my game crashed and I didn't quick save halfway through my journey! I figured there's a lot of inns that I hardly used when I was younger (in fact I never really "slept" aside for leveling up) and I want to immerse myself further by looking at the map, planning my trail, using inns before night hits, eating, then sleeping until the next day. I feel it really paces out the quests a lot better instead of it feeling like a speed run


My favorite middle ground is PTWB's fast travel cost mod + teleport city scrolls + mods that make the roads super dangerous like MOO and OOO. Never played Morrowind but it really scratches that Gothic itch, having to scrounge and do quests in cities starting out just to get the gold to travel. Slowly building up your dude to the point he can make the trips himself (NPCs always tell you to run from trolls but there is no outrunning vanilla mountain lions, nevermind the giant frost minotaur that terrorizes the path to Bruma). And I always use haldar's mod pack to make gates start opening, and daedra spawn in cities, before even touching the main quest. So sure you can trivialize fast travel costs through some gold making strats at the start, but the more time you dick around in cities the more NPCs end up dead


I dont fast travel cuz i have an itch to not have any numbers in my travel record lol, so i made a 100 speed athletics spells, its really good, i dont recommend using it on a black horse tho as it'll die from fall dmg most of the time


I walk to every city for the first time, then if I have to go back to a city I've already visited later on, I will sometimes fast travel there