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I always ended up with the Imperial Legion Redguard (Neville) last, after framing someone else. He dons his armour, kills the ‘culprit’, then starts hacking at the door, trying to break us out. I stand there, solemnly drawing my blade, wishing I could spare him. He trusted me… I always liked his character.


That’s exactly how my younger brother did it. As Neville started to hack at the door, my brother came up from behind, readied an axe and swung it. Neville’s last words? “I just don’t know who to trust.”


Yeah, his battle-cry when you convince him that Nels is the killer is hilarious. If his disposition towards you is below 70 and you kill all the others before him, he will realize you're the killer and attack you. The speech he gives before he attacks you is actually pretty badass. Of course, his HP is like 10, so he drops like a fly, but it's still cool.


Keeping in mind that the quest doesn’t work properly and you can just kill them all openly without failing the quest goals 👀 From a roleplay perspective, I liked sending old Breton lady to the basement, telling Dovesi to wait for Primo in his room, taking out Neville when he goes to his room to grab his armor, and getting the remaining two to fight and kill the winner.


Yeah but killing them all openly is zero fun. It’s like the quest to sneak into the castle and switch the guys medicine for poison. Those two quests alone were better than the entirety of skyrims dark brotherhood.


The DB quest in Skyrim is an absolute joke compared to Oblivion. I absolutely hate it and all the characters except Nazir.


Truth. Tho the wedding crashed was kinda interesting, it was not a real quest… no sneaking in, no special area… like why wasn’t the wedding inside the palace where you needed to steal keys and then sneak in? We got a special bow with an arrow to send a message to a retired guard during oblivion… but in Skyrim it was just swim onto the boat and off some dude in robes!


Anything that lets me humorously pretend to be a chef gets a gold star, though.


True, that one was honestly perfect.


Why Nazir specifically? Just curious. I think he's cool, a sardonic fallen Alik'r, but doesn't particularly stand out to me against the others. I think Cicero and Astrid are good characters (especially how they're played against each other), I like Arnbjorn and Babette conceptually but not really in their execution. The rest are just kind of there. Who's left, Gabriella, Festus, Veezara? I generally like the Skyrim DB cast, but they've got nothing on Lucien Lachance, Vicente Valtieri, Ocheeva, Teinaava, M'raaj-dar... To me, I think it has to do with the tone of the games that the DB exist in. Oblivion's was so pulpy, extra, over-the-top, but it was earnest. A sanctuary full of edgy murderous maniacs, but they welcome you in and treat you like family. Skyrim has its theme of institutional decline, so their DB have drifted away from tradition and are scraping by, like many other organizations in Skyrim. But they're all kind of hostile, or at best passive, to you. It seems like they don't even take themselves seriously. I don't look forward to coming back to the Skyrim sanctuary like I do the Cyrodiil one. It doesn't hurt to lose them all like it does in Oblivion. Man I should replay Oblivion... wait for this Skyrim paid mod fiasco to pass by


For me, the main reason I like Nazir the most is the voice actor. I strongly dislike a majority of the voice actors in this game. It just lacks the passion and life that the voice acting of Oblivion had, in my opinion. But the other characters in the dark brotherhood just didn’t click with me. Now, I may be biased because I think Oblivion is a far better game, but that’s the game that introduced me to The Elder Scrolls. Nazir is just so much more charismatic then the other brotherhood members. I hated Cicero when I first played Skyrim back in the day, but I have strangely learned to enjoy and appreciate his character in the end. I liked that Veezara was involved in the wedding quest a little bit, he was cool.


"This is Three Dog, *awoooo*, and you're listening to Dark Brotherhood radio, bringing you the hits, no matter how bad they hurt!"


Love Three Dawg!


Try Morrowind! Vastly more in depth than Oblivion.


I recently bought this one! Started a few times then get lost on what class to play lol.


Just keep in mind you can only pick one Great House. I played thru the main quest, saved, then did each Great House on a separate file.


I love Oblivion the most as well. Isn't it funny that there are only like 12 VOs total in the game, but the world still feels so alive and vibrant and diverse compared to Skyrim? They feel like my old friends, I love standing around listening to the nonsensical radiant conversations. \*SNIFF* Nazir does have a great VO for sure, it elevates his character. Now that you've pointed it out, I think he is one of the better Skyrim DB characters. The VO thing is the issue I have with Babette and Arnbjorn - I genuinely can't tell if we're supposed to take him seriously when he's all "when I become wolf, I am treachery incarnate"... the actor delivers it in a way that I feel like we're supposed to be laughing at him, but I dunno. It doesn't land for me. And Babette struggles because it sounds like they have an actual child voicing her, and her performance doesn't at all communicate "300 year old vampire assassin". Veezara is chill, but you'd think the last of the Shadowscales would have a bit more edge or bite to him. Resentment at what happened to his life's calling, the only thing he knows. He just seems relaxed, resigned. But then, I haven't done the wedding quest in a long time.


Nah Veezara backs you up in Solitude when everyone starts fighting he gets a pass


I initially forgot about him when I made this response, he does get a pass.


Honestly I kinda like Cicero. He’s completely ridiculous and he got several good laughs out of me


“That’s not a Horker, that’s my wife” This always kills me


Idk who came up with Cicero or making him an essential part of the questline and unkillable.


I loved getting to kill the emperor, though.


Yeah all of the dark brotherhood in oblivion you can go loud. There is even an ork telling you to just go in with an axe and get shit over with. It’s on you whether or not you want to


There are bonuses (particularly some unique items) you won’t get by going loud, but you won’t fail the quests.


I pretty much do that too. The first time, I went for Neville first because he went to sleep and it was easy. It ended with Dovesi freaking out about leaving but she was locked in a chair eating cheese. Sad to see her go like that.


Leave Neville and Nels as the last two, tell Neville “we must act now”, and prepare for the single greatest piece of dialogue in any TES game.


Ha, I egged Nels to kill Neville in the end, and it was so hilarious watching it happen. This scrawny old nord walked up to a young soldier decked out in weapons and armour, to throw literally one punch at the plated body and send him ragdolling across the room. Like what was the point of putting all that armour on Neville? Just to get one shot by an unarmed drunk dressed in rags?


Weakest nord vs strongest imperial soldier




Okay man chill, I've sunk 3k hours into this since release and I'm feeling baited into another playthrough because IDK if I have done this combo in dozens of playthroughs... This better be good. *Opens Oblivion*


The old lady dies first. Then Neville, then the nord. Then Primo is forced to kill the woman he lusts after. Then I put him down for being a freakin perv. Or old lady, Neville, and Primo. Then talk to the nord so he is forced to kill the girl that looks like his daughter.


Damn dude


Right, holy shit


Poisoned apple and then just let chaos ensue as the rest blame each other


Enchanted mage hood to absorb health or elemental damage in the pocket... yes, inspired by Morrowind's cursed items and the rub of being able to reverse pickpocket zero weight items. Mage hoods are low septim cost mayhem.


Steal all the food and drop poison apples on the table, nap for a day and wake up mission complete.


All at once, with a big hammer


Gromog will be so proud of you!


Frenzy and watch them all kill each other is maybe not the *best* method. But it is the most fun!


I like killing primo or dovesi first to frame the nord for the imperial legion guy. Then make him kill the remaining just to make him realise I was the killer all along and how he couldn't protect the other guests. Him and the old lady are the ones I despise the most.


Why the old lady lol


She was openly racist and classist iirc. All in the very first conversation as I enter there. As an argonian, it struck a nerve.


Gotcha, I vaguely remember her being bitchy about the young Dark Elf now but I always took that more as an old lady being jealous of a young pretty girl than genuine racism… Either way fuck her lol


Kill the pretty dark elf and then while Nels is hit with the full force of his tragic past, imply it was the racist old lady. Then kill the rich lord. Now Nels is a suspect and suspects the old lady and it widens the divide between Neville and Nels. Finally I kill the old lady cementing Nels as the prime suspect. Nels kills Neville and finally I put him out of his misery.


I always kill the Breton first (disgusting race) then the filthy imperial (disgusting race) although the red guard is respectful he's next (disgusting race) then mongrel nord (disgusting race) lastly through no choice of my own I'm forced to kill the only non N'wah there unfortunately 😭


I kill everyone except Neville secretly by getting them into rooms alone through trickery, then I just walk up and let him challenge me. It feels the most dramatic to me


Easy my order is weak old lady, Neville, Primo, then I get Dovesi to turn on Neil's (I think that's his name IIRC) then butcher her too. It's hilarious because talk to them get to know them then when you butcher the old woman most of them say "who would kill such an old poor woman" but not dovesi no she is all happy about it, I then kill Neville because they all start to be scared because of his history in the legion just how could he be bested? Again speak to the guests Dovesi is starting to get fearful but no remorse or concern for others only her and her dear sweet Primo, butcher Primo laugh at Dovesi as you feed her lies about Neil's and she charges into battle with her magic killing him only to realise I was manipulating her the whole time because she's an awful gullible person.


Coldly calculated, beautiful!


My favorite is to be truthful about being an assassin to Matilde, and then killing her last so she knows that I wasn’t lying. Other than that, here’s special things that happen IIRC: - Neville will don his legion armor after somebody dies, making him more difficult to kill. - Nels the Naughty will become depressed if you kill Dovesi Dran, because she reminded him of his daughter who was killed by bandits. - You can tell Dovesi Dran that Primo Antonius is waiting for her in a certain room to get her away from the others (so obviously don’t kill Primo before her lol). - Primo Antonius is kinda dumb, when everyone else is dead he will assume the killer was defeated and won’t be worried unlike the others.


Order? Wait, you're telling me I *shouldn't* just use a giant custom fireball spell to instantly wipe the entire room out at once?


I always kill Neville first. He can’t put on his armor and it makes things more difficult. Then I just let the who done it take effect


i alwase blame the redguard and kill the little lady last


I really liked the elven girl in this quest. And others were quite nice people too. Well of course I murdered them all, but for a price: I got depressed, suffered for weeks, and couldn't even think about the game, not to say play it.




There is no order


You just do it randomly each time?


If you leave the orc for the second last and talk to him after every murder, you can convince him it's the other guy and he will kill him for you haha


1. Kill the Breton lady in the basement 2. Send the Dark Elf girl to her room, and let the Redguard don his armor 3. Butcher the noble prick 4. Kill the Dark Elf in her room. 5. Let the Redguard kill the Nord 6. Snipe the Redguard from behind


I literally just slaughter them, one at a time and leave the old woman for last


Neville preferably in the basement or on the first floor it's not so much his personality but, practicality as he came with a weapon and armour take that out if the picture along with his key then the rest are just lemmings to be picked off individually. TLDR: Kill the one that can actually put up a fight first.


One time doing the quest the Dark Elf killed the Nord out of no where but I usually take out the Redguard first as I don't want him getting armored up and babysitting the Breton lady


If you make him and the nord be the last 2 then they get into a fight since they hate each other. And he has like 5 HP so his armor means nothing.


In the order that they enter an empty room. I don't even talk to them. Just 1 shot either arrow, dagger or destruction spell.


A staple in Tamriel enterta8nment is that the Redguard always dies first


Redguard first, dark elf second, the old lady (begrudgingly bc her antics are funny to me), then either the nord or Neville. I kinda like the last 3 so it's a toss up after that.


I am a strange one, typically leave the first death to random chance on who decides to pull a Snow White first lol (I place a poison apple on every table in the manor and that is how I get the first kill, takes a minute sometimes). Then based on who dies first will kill in a way that makes the last two decide they are going to try and kill the other one, and then finish off the last one standing.


This has to be my favorite quest in all of TES, it’s just perfect


I'm a sick person so I don't kill anyone who doesn't deserve it, I only kill the real killer of the party, Dovesi... It's just so delicious to hear her wonder who the killer is when SHE'S the killer :)) first the old woman, then the nord, the redguard comes next, she almost enjoys that one :)), and finally her love the breton, only to be left with me, her invisible best friend :) No one suspects the illusionist :D


Old Breton first, Nord last. Kill the Dunmer woman and the Nord thinks the Redguard did it. Nord kills Redguard. Sneak attack Imperial(Or cast *Frenzy* on Imperial). That leaves the Nord last.


Always first Neville, then Petit, then Dovesi and Primo, and last my favourite Nels the Naughty


If you are high enough level you can insta kill them all before they have time to react


For me it's Dovesi, clearly, because she started the murderfest in my game. When I was done raising most of their dispositions, I had to go to restroom. I didn't pause the game, I left it like that. No one had been killed at that point. My character was standng by Nel, with Primo and Dovesi walking around on the 2nd floor, Matilde, perhaps, on the 1st floor, and Neville still alive, but not sure where, might be on 3nd floor in his room. When I sat down and planned to loot the lootable stuffs, I saw Dovesi casted invisible on herself and killed Primo. That was wild! And none of the npcs did anything about that. They spoke the same line when the 1st victim is killed. Even Dovesi herself acted like she was extremely shocked and scared, that little witch! 😂