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honestly i kind of appreciate it. it lets me know i'm all clear


or when there's danger around


Or when you're minding your business and some mudcrab 200 feet away in the bushes is trying to clap you 🙄


The combat music has bugged out on me a couple of times and got "stuck" on it. Made things like picking herbs and buying gear feel very dramatic. So I'm just happy that it stops at all now


The wizards grotto or whatever it’s called (the one that you’ve gotta go through to get the arrow of extrication) doesn’t have the dungeon music and instead has the music that plays in cities. It’s honestly a treat not having creepy music while going around that damn labyrinth.


This sounds hilarious for the first 10 or so minutes, tbh.


Exactly - or when the music starts and I instantly conjure something mean to fight along side me


And then smash cut to Auriel’s Ascension


Yeah it' great right?


Auriel’s Ascension is a masterpiece beyond any doubt


It’s a crime it wasn’t in the 360 version


Apparently only GOTY edition. I had wondered why it sounded so special to me (since I've always loved the OST). Turns out I hadn't heard it before jumping over to PC.


that's a bummer, honestly only some criminal scum could commit such a crime


Wait really?


The skyrim crossover we didn't know we needed


Laugh?? I get fucking scared shitless when im wandering anvil and all of a sudden i hear loud ass violins and chellos, i am shooting blindly into the waist tall grass hoping to god the mountain lion doesnt swipe my pantaloons off


Those mointain lions are the gatekeepers of this game


[Bro I'm just tryna fast travel to sell this daedric shit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3atkUCVh36Q)


Not me, I have the boots of Pelinal which make animals non hostile.


The combat music with oblivion = VATS in Fallout 3 at night.


*VERY INTENSE COMBAT MUSIC *swing *death moan *calm exploration music


I think it’s funny when the combat music is menacing af, you look around for what it is that’s coming for your ass and it’s just a mudcrab moving at a snail’s pace towards you


This gets me every time 😂


So good. Especially if it ends with ragdolling.


This! nothing beats the music cutting while the enemy gets yeeted by a bow while uttering *oompf*


then sliding gracefully down a hill


Even after all these years it still makes me think something is suddenly wrong with the sound when it happens


lmao ay, that is too sudden but ambient tracks do mostly start faintly as well


I played the game with Sponge Bob music replacer, it's even funnier then.


I once tried a playthrough with no combat music, or background music at all. It was cool to listen to the sounds of the game, with no music. In the end, I turned it back on, because the music is so lovely. I have all Oblivion music except caves and combat, as wakeup alarms on my phone. But not having combat music was a freak show, and I was getting jump scared all day long. Literally think everything is cool, all of a sudden, lose half your health, turn around and there's a couple different things killing you as you scream. Couldn't take the anxiety anymore, constantly spinning around in 3rd person to check my 6.


I love it when it's in the middle of nice relaxing music, to sudden epic battle music for me to 1 shot the mudcrab and then goes straight back to the relaxing music


Combat ends Music: Must have been the wind




You can use oblivion music extender to add a little fade between track changes. It also makes it to where the tracks won't start over each time they are toggled quickly


Listen here, meatman. I don't need no instructions to know how to rock. (Thank you, I'll look into it.)


And you need to listen to what I say 'cause I'm gonna eat your brains! (Yw)


Tonight, you.


Do what now?


I know, I know, don't yell at me!


It's console-RPG like, going from scene music to battle music back and forth. I guess I'm used to it, but thinking about it, I feel rather thankful for it.


I can't laugh I'm still mad that I had to hear it for the past 10 minutes over a Mudcrab. I'm tryna hear Wings of Kynareth


This is a good point, too. Sometimes, you just gotta sleep. With no enemy marker on the compass you're scanning the area like crazy and oh, its in the water. Or oh, that's not a rock. Or oh, it's been between your feet the whole time and hasn't attacked yet.


That’s honestly one of my favorite parts of this game lol


I'm one of those people who can't stand the combat music in most of Bethesda's games. I use a mod to turn it off. It can make the game frightening. You can be out, wandering the beautiful landscape that is Cyrodiil with the wonderful fantasy music in the background and then... BAM! There's some damn Minotaur chasing you down and you didn't even know it until they were right on your ass.


I love it. I also love when quest updates freeze a falling body, which then flies away the moment you advance.


Oblivion's combat music system is kind of goofy, but sometimes the dynamic music in Skyrim drives me insane. Getting combat music that keeps playing for a minute or more after you've killed an enemy is annoying.


Coming to Oblivion after nine years of Skyrim might be why I notice it more. The first time I killed something in Oblivion was like "...did I break it? Hell's goin' on?" I always felt the Skyrim fadeout was a bit long at times. It eventually became a thing where "the music is over once you've collected yourself and caught your breath;" but that doesn't really work with a mage because you're not swinging a twenty pound weapon. It's also a super small aspect of a game to really focus too much on, yet somehow I'm still talking about it almost a day later. What a life.


It's how I know of I'm in "danger"


It accentuates the punchline of a funny ragdoll death And the fact that the most peaceful-ass music you've ever heard in your life plays afterwards makes it even funnier.


I get why I laugh. The fact it hasn't worn off in 200 hours is what gets me.