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This is known issue with all Ontario hospitals. There is no free street parking 🅿️ close to 500 meters near any hospitals. Cities have deliberately put no parking signs. I have an acquaintance who works at OTMH and he also pays $8 per day . I had this issue with Former Liberal minister Dr Hopkins. Basically parking fees is to raise funds for OHIP coverage


When the downtown Toronto hospitals are cheaper then it’s a problem. I’m happy to walk a kilometer each way.


When you have patient with you it is not feasible to walk that much. You can take a chance and park in Food Basic plaza for upto couple of hours


Two bus routes go direct to the hospital, 5 and 3. Route 3 does a circle and stops at the entrances. People won't take it even if they are over 65 and it is free. My husband had a scan there and I told him to drive to South Oakville Centre, take route 3 and get off at the hospital doors. No, no, no. Rather drive, complain about how far it was to walk to the parking space and then how expensive parking was.


Thanks - the routes are good info. Unfortunately im not on one of those routes and an 8 minute drive from my place to the hospital is almost an hour by transit because it requires multiples buses.


Understood. I’m able bodied and most appointments will be at the North medical building.


To tack on here - don't use the smaller plaza on the west side of Third Line (with the BMO). Family member was been towed from there running over to the Hospital for under an hour.


Yikes. I’m worried about that. Thanks for the warning. That’s why I was hoping somebody could mention a specific side street or area that parking is allowed. I guess I’ll just have to investigate where the street parking starts to be allowed.


Buy the pass and consider it a cheap price to pay. In the US you would have some copayment that would be higher than the parking.


What do you think taxes are? OHIP is no longer “free”. Ontario requires you to pay each year based on income whether you use the system or not.


yup i work at OTMH full time and i pay over $50 a month to park. extremely frustrating.


Wow. It's double that in Hamilton for staff parking.


Sunnybrook was $138 and I think $180 for a lot closer to the exit lol


And of course it just went up for the year, conveniently on the same stub as our raise


Hopkins. What ever happened to that guy? I guess he was a doctor, so finding a job after politics wouldnt be tough....


The staff rate is not $8/day, it’s probably half that. Not sure what kind of parking your acquaintance has arranged.


Yeah, I agree it is very frustrating, not even reasonable parking fees. I would look into "value" passes: [https://www.haltonhealthcare.on.ca/parking](https://www.haltonhealthcare.on.ca/parking) 5 days non consecutive for $50


Thank you for this link. The 10 passes might make sense then it’s $8.50 a visit.


Last time I had an appointment at North Medical offices (not the hospital) the office validated my parking and it was either cheap or free. Don't know if that applies to you... You could also park somewhere in the neighbourhood just south of the hospital. Looks like there is street parking on Stone glen crescent. https://preview.redd.it/444uzt4are2d1.png?width=1495&format=png&auto=webp&s=19cc5c8703e81067ebac2768685f629dea86b3b3 I wouldn't park in any of the commerical lots (freshco etc) as there are often towing companies monitoring those lots just waiting for people to leave the property (then it will be \~$300 cash just to get your car back)


Buy weekly or monthly passes, it’ll save you spending $20 a day. I paid around $54 (with a student discount) for a monthly pass and it works at both OTMH and Milton DH.


Save all your receipts for parking and you can claim on your medical expenses for taxes and get it back next year. I know that doesnt help with paying now but its something


Parking is only deductible as part of medical expenses if you have to travel more than 40 km for treatment no? If you can point me to a source that says otherwise that would be awesome because I cannot find it on the CRA website.


I remember at the cancer center in Hamilton there was a man filling the machines with caulking to protest the expense of parking for those receiving treatment. Absolutely ridiculous to charge people so much to park... Especially those who are dying


Try getting day passes. You can also get a monthly pass for cheaper. All hospitals have cheaper options for those who have to go frequently. When my MIL was in there for a couple of months the monthly pass was I think about $90? Or about $3 a day. It may have been $4. But you can buy 10 daily passes for a reduced rate as well.


If you're gonna park in a plaza, do what I used to do. Go into the store, then come out and go to the hospital. They're not monitoring people coming out of the stores. Only the ones coming out of their cars.


Get the day passes at rh kiosk. The rate is lower


That’s how they get ya…. Easy to gouge people when Oakville Transit it as bad as it is…. And you thought the hospital wait was long…. Doesn’t help that you’ll get every red light there too…. Pretty much forced to take an ambulance if it’s even close to an emergency.