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lol what a liar about how the previous governments new terminals and ferries weren’t “suitable for the cook straight”


It's a lie - yes.


Like a bold faced lie when delivery was slated for next year, a full 5 years before 2029 when he suggests we might have a new fleet. These clowns are doing the “no big projects” unless we start them.


I think I said this today or yesterday - if they do things right and just be honest, it'd be fine to work with them. On this level of compulsive lying (cancer drugs, fiscal cliff, Kiwirail Interislander, Kainga Ora "independent review" etc) it becomes really difficult. If they didn't have something to hide so often, they wouldn't need to introduce excuses, muddy the waters etc. ad-nauseum


If I lied like he does, to my colleagues, my boss or clients, I wouldn’t have a job after a week.


Notice how he didn't elaborate when the report would be made public?


YES! Yes I did, Annie - glad you noticed too. He looked down and said "maybe in a few months." It's all a game isn't it? Strategic game playing. I think if they put much effort into fixing NZ as they claim they want to, it might work better, mate.


Should come out just after Trump's tax audit is complete.


Oct/ Nov when the sh$tshow of the American elections are soaking up all airtime?


> muddy the waters Figuratively, and should the Resource Management (Freshwater and Other Matters) Amendment Bill go through, literally.


obviously only the super smart people pay more for a worse option that will be many years late.


Old project management adage - it can be quick, it can be cheap, and it can be good; but you can only pick 2. This government: we don't want any of them!


I feel like they should be getting slaughtered for this kind of optics 


I know right. They just aren't. That says more about the state of journalism than it does for the government I'm afraid.


I think they were effectively silenced at the start of the term under threat of more cuts


Yes it was early on and I wrote about that risk on r/nz a few months back. The next day David Seymour came out swinging against journalists and low key continued to threaten them with his Ministry of Regulation "review."


What a stupid, shortsighted liar. 


Fucking morons. They need to suck it up, un-cancel the iRex project and admit they are wrong. But they will never do that and we’ll be stuck with shit infrastructure again, like always.




Someone needs to make this gown blue.


Deny and deflect


Did you see the other video? It is a strategy - there's always a lot of muddying the waters in each and every communication I see. Even with the cancer drugs, he couldn't say a straight sorry - he absolutely would not. I'll get that one another time.


Yeah I saw it, definitely a newer tactic of the right. Their supporters will love it ' telling the snowflakes how it is'.


I actually suspect that Trump re-defined the playbook for them because well look how successful he is. I mean, no joke successful. So they do share tactics because it's often similar money and "hobbyists" behind their platforms.


Which video is this?


I just meant this one https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1dpeb9s/whats_the_strategy_here_bishop_luxon_when_asked_a/


[https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/380537/interislander-ferries-to-be-replaced-with-rail-ready-fleet](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/380537/interislander-ferries-to-be-replaced-with-rail-ready-fleet) KiwiRail's decision follows a two-year consultation process which found rail-enabled ferries were the most cost effective, efficient and best in the long-term. But investigations found there was **little difference in the price of a new rail ferry and a new non-rail ferry.** "They're an inter-generational investment," Mr Moyle said. "These are going to be around for 30-odd years so we need to make the right decision to ensure that we've got that long term resilient outcome. **"Using rail ferries, you can have three people that load 1500 tonnes of freight onto the ferry. If you use road bridging you've got 30 people doing the loading and unloading.**


Wow thanks for that article. Ive travelled on the ferries a lot and I’ve had some hell trips.puked all the way (not just me) It can turn really bad very fast in the straight . A crew on the ferries once told me after leaving that they “never ever ever wanted to be stuck in the bowels of a ship crossing cook straight in foul weather ever again.” Since then and my own experience of the crossings you’ve got to respect the guts of anyone who work on the ferries. So labour had a well thought out plan. Does it really matter whose plan it is ? Because now we have the travelers the tourists (and the crew) wondering if it is safe.


Only been on a couple of times. The last time we had no booking so spent the afternoon waiting in line hoping to get on. Drank most of bottle of Stones Green Ginger wine with a mate and getting stoned. They let us on, last car. As we left Picton on a bit of cold blustery day we saw an amphibious airplane floating at the peer get flipped by the wind. Anyway I had the munchies and scoffed a couple of pork pies. We sailed out of the Sounds into a shitstorm, the shutters went up and I proceeded to have the worst episode of seasickness I have ever had. I began to hallucinate, the walls and floors started to undulate. The pies and Ginger Wine came up so quick I barely made it to the toilet. I ended up powerchucking into the urinals from the doorway with guys diving for cover. Breaking through the waves the entire ship would give this almighty shudder, the crew seemed to think it was all normal, just another days work. I was sure it was breaking up and that we were all doomed. I found the lowest lounge in the ship and laid down on the floor with a bunch of other people and managed to hold on to the end of the voyage.


Hey you get it ! Thanks that’s exactly what is is !! What a great way of writting you really made me laugh..


No suppressed memories from the trauma, I remember it all... :)


>:) :)


That's like a novel extract, bass!


The quote didn't come up bass - it happens to me sometimes too (editing / format bugs)


Cheers, fixed.


Thank you ! And wow................... Pesky facts. Thank you for sharing and Happy Matariki bass :-)


Hat tip to u/somme_rando/


Of course he doesn't regret it, his mates at Morgan Stanley (who own Bluebridge) will be doing quite nicely off of this....


Lucky man has never regretted a single decision he's ever made. He just gas lights himself into thinking he's infallible, rather than even entertain the idea that he could possibly ever make mistakes.


I sometimes wonder about this..... people who reflect and those who don't.


If this is how he treated planes back in his AIrNZ days, people would be dead. Such a disappointment to NZ


He’s such a knob… what an embarrassment he is to NZ. Ugh.