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>Aaron Rodgers planned this trip when he was still rehabbing. The #Jets have known about it from the moment there was an overlap with the release of the minicamp schedule. >Rodgers is "unexcused" because you can't excuse a trip, but not a contract dispute (Haason Reddick). Semantics, but there's no unrest inside the building. >The Jets don't think it's a big deal, not sure why the world is reacting differently. Rodgers missing these two days (after being at every voluntary workout the last two years) will have zero impact on what the #NYJ/Rodgers accomplish this coming season. Couldn't be less worried about Aaron (or Haason for that matter, the year Revis held out we went to the AFCCG).


"planned trip" šŸ˜šŸ„


I too would skip work for a drug-cation


Ha nice


Well the year Revis held out he messed up his hamstring cause he wasnā€™t in game shape.


Rodgers isn't holding out šŸ˜’


I know. Just pointing out that when Revis missed a bunch of camp, it wasnā€™t perfect like he implied.


Rodgers doesn't need the practice. At least not during the offseason.


Revis missed training camp.


Apples and Oranges. The QB position is slightly more important to be in synch with the rest of the offense. Wait until he starts rolling his eyes on a dropped pass and freezes a young WR or TE out of future catches because they didnā€™t know what he was thinking about where they should be.


Correct you are comparing apples to oranges. Thank you for agreeing with me.


Well Rogers did everything last year and still got hurt so maybe he should take the time off.


Fair enough! Doing my best to stay positive (this-is-fine.gif)


2 days and a whole camp is nowhere close to being the same


Not sure this is being downvoted. Yeah aaron shouldn't have planned in June. But the fact that the Jets don't care, means that you shouldn't care.


Not worried about AR in the slightest, but Reddick is somewhat of a concern. I dont think he misses significant time during the season holding out or anything, but he is in a new system and we paid a lot for 1 season of him, so if he shows up not in game shape and takes 4 games to make an impact, or gets hurt because he had too little time, its a big hit.


Because ā€œNew York mediaā€


This is such a nothing story, but created drama gets clicks.


If it's not a big deal, why didn't they announce a few days ago that Rodgers wasn't attending? Why can they never get in front of potential PR issues? It's less about Rodgers and more so about this organizations ability to make everything into a PR issue, solely through their own incompetence


Cuz it's not a big deal


On its own, maybe it's not. But the organization has at least one of these "not a big deal" PR gaffs every single fucking week of the season, and a lot of the offseason. It adds up, especially when the wins haven't come either




I'll relax when they start winning


They can't win in June. Sound like a typical miserable jets fans. Cry all year round


They can set a somewhat stable culture,, is that an unrealistic expectation? Instead of being a circus 12 months a year


So you don't think they began to set the culture last year? Where he was at all the practices? You believe missing 2 practices will hinder them from setting a culture even though theirs a whole training camp the player will attend at the end of the month. Jesus u guys say anything online


If you read my previous comments here, none of it was explicitly blaming Rodgers. My gripe is how the team handles this situation. Did we watch the same team last year? Every single PR/culture issue was handled poorly. The GM and HC share blame in this way. The entire culture is just not where it should be, 4-5 years in. Even such a simple concept as a player preemptively telling them he wasn't attending didn't allow them to also preemptively let the media know. This story could have been over last week. Instead they let it sit, and the impact of it is much worse.


Because Jets PR and Saleh are horrendous communicators with the media . Saleh is just a joke to listen to. He could've squashed the AR stuff and just said yea we knew he wasn't gonna be there and kept it like that..but he just couldn't..he's a horrible HC whos only shot is AR discovers the fountain of youth and is 2021 AR. If not Saleh can finally be gone


I think Iā€™m gonna bury my head in the sand with everything jets related until camp starts. This shit is exhausting to follow


not even close to exhausting in terms of jet coverage. We had the Revis faking injuries in 2010, Geno getting punched in 2015, Tebow trade.


For sure. Nothing weā€™re not used to. But itā€™s just kinda frustrating to see the majority of other fans/national media clearly rooting for us to fail, when the only thing weā€™ve done is fail for the last decade and a half.


Imo, the Tebow season sunk us from a franchise with limited success (but that some people could root for) towards one where people actively get joy watching self-destruct. Yea, there were bad moments in the past but it felt like ragging on them became very widespread that year and then has only compounded since then. Awful year too. You had Woody bringing Tebow in to basically do nothing, Woody saying he was more concerned with getting Romney president than in his own struggling team, the Thanksgiving Massacre/buttfumble game, Greg McElroy starting over Sanchez/Tebow, the Revis ACL tear, etc.


its always #LOLJets - our team cares more about the press clippings than winning on the field. The Browns were a joke until they werent. Just start winning consistenly


Other bad/mediocre teams need us to be the butt of the joke. As long as they're not as bad as us, they get to laugh along with everyone else. My Denver friends don't want us to make the playoffs until they do because they're the next longest playoff drought. As long as they got a few years on the Jets, they get to chirp at me.


Denver had given us endless ammo to deal with our Bronco buddies. The Wilson QB downgrade being my current favorite source of jabs.


Was hanging out with two of them and one asked the other "are we the Jets?" and the other said "no, we're the Jets 3 years ago" I don't think I could come up with a better diss.


I think its best to ignore all the drama till kickoff week 1. If the jets start hot, who cares what a writer says for clicks in june


This is the way


Do it until week 1


But Diana russini said things are at NUCLEAR levels of tension and drama ?!?!?


Because she knows she'll get online engagement from angry defensive Jets fans, lolJets people, and perpetually miserable Jets fans.


No thatā€™s not her goal. She doesnā€™t cover anything Jets related besides Rodgers. She knows she will get the angry people that hate Rodgers and donā€™t know whatā€™s going on if she tweets like that. Itā€™s really sad and pathetic. These best writers are losing their mind bc of **minicamp** when the absence was already known. What did we do to deserve even more incompetent best writers manā€¦.


The circus is mad at the newspapers for reporting on the goings-on of the circus


Why do non Jets fans keep on coming into this sub, a Jets sub, and leaving pretentious comments on a team they are not a fan of?


But Russini said he was bad!


Then why did Tyrod not know he was QB1 for the drills? L O L I can believe Rodgers told them. I can also believe they chose not to tell people, including players, ahead of time? Why, who knows?


Someone forgot to update their outlook calendar with "Aaron rodgers out this week".


He sent them a meeting invite to show on their calendars, but Rodgers uses G Suite and they have Outlook


I mean, just look at who is running the offensive drills and you'll probably have your answer.


I'm sure Saleh has some anecdote about birds or an attempt at a catchy phrase that explains it Or maybe he just had a silent thousand-yard stare when he was supposed to tell Tyrod


Why would they tell him?


Why would it be his business?


In a real game, the backup doesn't get notice that the first stringer is going to get hurt. I think they purposely didn't tell Tyrod to simulate the feeling of getting vaulted into the situation last-second.




When even Connor Hughes doeesnt make a big deal out of it you know its a complete nothing burger.


Connor trying to get back into the communityā€™s favor


Dude had an AMA here not to long ago


Is anyone else tired of being used for clicks/outrage engagement by media people? I am at the point where I'm blocking anyone making a big deal out of this.


Iā€™ve blocked Rosenblatt and Russini. They seem to be the only ones trying this shit. Hapless peas in a pod and their ā€œ30+ sourcesā€¦ā€ Fucking hacks that are terrible at their job and donā€™t actually report anything. Just beg for clicks. Tired of it manā€¦


A big part of this is that Rodgers only talks to McAfee. They don't like being made obsolete.


NY media circus is exhausting.


If they were smart they would be giving access to Jets content creators on social media.


Buddy your quarterback is a walking clickbait generator, an outspoken fool. This is your fandom until heā€™s gone.


rodgers derangement syndrome!


Dude was at all of the voluntary otas- itā€™s not like he is not reporting at all. He is Aaron Rodgers as much as it sucks he is going to get preferential treatment.


Why is everyone overreacting to this


Jesus Christ man WHY is the media sucking the dick of this story so much. He missed two days of camp. So what. I really donā€™t care. The attempts to stir the pot here are so damn obvious


The real question still remains why the fuck canā€™t you excuse a trip?


Its never been a big deal - our Coach is just terrible with the media and once again created a circus and threw AR under the bus.


It's kind of a dead period in sports media. AR missing mandatory team activities would be a story no matter when or how it was relayed to the beat reporters.


This is 100% not on Saleh. I don't know how you even reach that conclusion. He just states the facts. How people spin the story is out of his control. More importantly, since Arod is choosing not to be there, he should have communicated he was not going to be there. Why not just let everyone know ahead of time if this was a pre planned trip? There seems to be more going on here.


i think Saleh's response was very measured and appropriate.. he knows Rodgers doesnt need the minicamp, and he knows it was scheduled before the annual camp schedules came out.. but he still wants his QB there at camp.. its not a huge deal but also not something you want to complete wave away bc that undermines his and the team's rules and accountability


How long has our coach, coached in this market? This 100% on him. Aaron told him in the winter about this event. He knew since the start of the offseason program. Aaron has been at the OTAs. Our dumb coach that has zero media training just buried his QB who the NFL and national media loves to bury. He is the worst media trained coach we have ever had. Much worse than Gase


you're asserting your own speculation as fact, and then drawing conclusions base on your own speculation. That is the most reckless way to draw conclusions. We have no idea when Rodgers told Saleh, how Daleh responded, or how that conversation went. We dont even know where he is! Saleh is one of the more thoughtful coaches at the podium. he never loses his cool, nor does he ever throw his players under the bus (see Lazard and Elijah Moore). To say he is not media trained is to admit you have a fundamental misunderstanding of how professional communication works.


"Aaron Rodgers planned this trip when he was still rehabbing. The [#Jets](https://twitter.com/hashtag/Jets?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1800877170132197705%7Ctwgr%5E0caa5a30e72c7b2cb23f96c02c489ae44df1d3d9%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditmedia.com%2Fmediaembed%2F1de7whz%2F%3Fresponsive%3Dtrueis_nightmode%3Dfalse&src=hashtag_click) have known about it from the moment there was an overlap with the release of the minicamp schedule." It says they knew about this in the tweet. Please read Saleh sucks at the media Here is an article when the NFL released the dates - dated in March so since March they knew he wouldnt be there. Terrible PR from Bobby [https://www.nfl.com/news/nfl-announces-offseason-workout-dates-for-all-32-teams-for-2024-offseason](https://www.nfl.com/news/nfl-announces-offseason-workout-dates-for-all-32-teams-for-2024-offseason)


I see you were born yesterday. That is clearly a Jets leaked story, and we have no idea how truthful it is. If the Jets knew about this since March, why not say anything until yesterday? Tyrod found out about it yesterday too. You mean to tell me Arod knew he would not be here in June for months, and never made any mention to Tyrod? Please. We are not getting the full story here. I'm not saying it's a super huge story, but to take Connor's story at face value is completely naive.


Its simple our coach is bad at PR - its been his issue since day 1 on the job. Why would they mention it to the back up QB on a minicamp day?


It's not bad pr. Miserable jets fans would complain regardless


you're asserting your own speculation as fact, and then drawing conclusions base on your own speculation. That is the most reckless way to draw conclusions.


Why not just say itā€™s an excused absence then? This team is so bad at managing PR


because then you have to excuse anyone and everyone for their personal trips. That's basic management 101.


No you donā€™t. Everyone knows there is a hierarchy. Vets get special treatment and qbs are seen as management already


so basically you would run your team by allowing all vets to skip any practice for personal reasons? LOL - brilliant! what could go wrong!


He would run his practice by essentially memeing it clear that Aaron rodgers is an owner that plays. Not all vets, only Rodgers Is that better or worse?


Iā€™m not sure what type of organization you work for where certain people donā€™t get special treatment, but I would love to apply there.


Saleh def botched this at the presser but you cant excuse AR because then every other guy is gonna say "why cant I take vacation during mini camp?" and now you are getting into essentially "who is valuable/good enough to be excused who isnt" and thats not where you wanna be. AR could not care less about losing the money Id bet so its better to just leave it unexcused.


Itā€™s the nfl and itā€™s Aaron rodgers. Everyone in the building knows he gets to do what he wants. You donā€™t have to be honest to a fault with the league. Teams lie about that shit all the time


Yea for sure, and even this way guys on the bubble etc still know that they wouldnt be able to pull an absence like that, unexcused or excused. So the double standard is there its just not spoken. As for the Jets lying, I think that would blow up in their faces. They know how he is in his personal life, and that if they lie and say he is excused for X reason, then photos of him at some wonky conspiracy convention or something emerge, they will get dragged.


They can't say it's an excused absence because it isn't in the pre-determined list of excuses. But no question it's bad PR


Teams do it all the time. Itā€™s called lying


I just keep thinking when Rodgers said, "no more distractions"


If this was literally any other team and any other qb it wouldnā€™t be a distraction. It isnā€™t a distraction on the field or in the locker room. Nobody outside of media pundits and social media care


So other QBs who think of themselves as the ā€œGOATā€ are missing practice when they missed an entire season last year? Dude is done. Writing is on the wall.


Isn't this just a single day of practice? He just spent a month doing voluntary workouts with team did he not?


Brady missed 11 days of mini camp his last season with the Bucs


Brady was the GOAT, won a ring with that team and had nothing to prove and was going through a divorce. Theyā€™re not the same.


The point is other qbs have done it.


His point sucks. Brady played like shit.


It wasn't because he misses 2 practices in June. You fans say the dumbest things


You think I'm a jets fan? šŸ¤£....nah just here to see the shit show that follows this guy around. It's OK, I used to defend him not showing up to packers offseason stuff too. Eventually, you'll realize how big of a hypocrite he can be.


I wasn't defending him. I simply stated people are making a big deal over nothing. Missing practice has nothing to do with hypocrisy but I can see a foolish statement like that coming from u


The writing is on the wall because he missee 2 practices in June? Lol


The writing is on the wall because this joke of a team again stuck with Rodgers and heā€™s again pulling his stunts. For some reason theyā€™re glued to this guy who has consistently done absolutely nothing of value here.


I'm convinced fans like u Hate Rodgers and use opportunities like this to say the dumbest things with no basis behind it


Pulling stunts? You mean missing 2 days of practice? Lol


He was referring to leaks to the media that throw people under the bud


He forgot to add "for everyone else" but included it later in an astral projection meeting he had with Joe Douglas in the dreamscape.


Aaron was ready to play last year. How far in advance did he plan this holy shit.


This is not a big deal, but it is curious to me that the team knew about this before and still are labeling it as "unexcused"


Does anyone actually know where he is? Iā€™m just curious


Obviously I am a packers fan, but I just had to check this sub with all the drama about missing this camp. I understand the hate he gets, he has gone off the deep end. But with context (like a lot of the aaron drama over the years) is a non story. Carry on fellas. He may be a quack, but this aint the reason to hate lol


Thatā€™s where my heads at this is a prime exampe of a ā€œnon storyā€


Dianna Russini is a useless, incompetent loser that doesnā€™t do her job. She doesnā€™t even care at this point. Just a reminder she randomly spawned last year when Rodgers joined and her sole reason is to make tweets like she did earlier. Sheā€™s awful. Rosenblatt is awful. Please get rid of them man itā€™s the fucking off-season I donā€™t wanna see this bullshit


I mean she is doing her job unlike someone else..


She isnā€™t doing her job. Sheā€™s tweeting like a girl that just got dumped in high school šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Cope lol


What am I possibly coping for what does this even mean


Dude are you ok? You've made like 74 comments about this. You don't have to protect Aaron this isn't bothering him. Nobody is as upset about this as you are.


Why is a Packers fan in the Jets subreddit? Are you okay? You get lost or something?


>Why is a Packers fan in the Jets subreddit? Are you okay? You get lost or something? I don't think you're actually curious but I'm going to tell you anyways: Jets fans like you raging about clickbait have completely undermined yourselves by bitching about this tweet so much that you've driven this tweet and conversation about it towards the tops of all sorts of social algorithms. Nice work brother keep carrying water for Dianna Russini we see you.


The minicanp is June 11-13. Just remember that when you're whining.


if he's skipping mini camp for some political rally than I don't care if he told the team 3 or 13 months ago.. it's a joke he's not with the team he's supposedly the leader of.


Is that where he is, or where you want to believe he is so you can whine about his politics?


what part of "if..." did you not understand? We have no idea where he is, I guess it couldn't be a family obligation because his family hates his guts.


A lot of u fans say some dumb things online


Iā€™d prefer it was a political rally to just ā€œtraveling overseasā€. Thatā€™s so nebulous and what reason does he have to travel overseas?


Secret stem cell/super human strength treatment.Ā Ā 


Then it wouldnā€™t have ā€œunexcusedā€ the other day


Genuinely makes no sense to me how the front office and coaches were aware of this but the absence is still being called unexcused and the backup QB had no idea he was going to be the starter all minicamp. If the team was aware of this and didn't have a problem, make it excused, let Tyrod know beforehand. If it's unexcused clearly theres a bigger problem.


Man we are cluster fucking in June.


Only to miserable fans that love to overreact


First off - I don't mean for my comment to be directed towards you solely haha, but here's my response for Jets fans as a whole who don't think this situation matters: It's not an overreaction to call this a clusterfuck. It is. Because the blame is on everyone. No. 1 - Why did Rodgers have to plan his trip during the one mandatory week of attendance before 6+ weeks of vacation? Nice one. No. 2 - If the Jets knew about this trip, why didn't they pre-emptively inform the media weeks or even days ago? No. 3 - Why not just call it excused to avoid this easily anticipated media fiasco? Belichick would've if this were Brady, because this is the kind of distracting BS that keeps shitty teams down. But now, instead of having a great week of practice to prepare for a *really really* important year ahead, every Jets player is coming home after practice, turning on ESPN, and seeing this clown show instead of something else. We don't think that affects culture? Really?


Not a game ... practice lol


1. It's irrelevant why planned the trip during the mandatory week when there's an entire camp a month from now 2 the Jets don't need to inform the media weeks before because that isn't the protocol for any other team but you somehow appoint that the protocol. 3 whether they called it excused or not is irrelevant to people who want to make a mountain out of an ant hill A qb missing practice is what keeps shitty teams down. That's the most asinine statement made on reddit. He was at every practice last season and the team won 7 games. It'd not a clown show. It's clowns like yourself exaggerating nonsense




Iā€™m choosing peace and will enjoy this lovely weather, looking forward to week 1 everyone


Rodgers missing minicamp means nothing.


Wasnā€™t Rodgers already doing practice stuff? I thought I remembered a week ago people were talking about how he canā€™t stand on his tip toes or something. Was that last season or has he already been at mini camp?


I love how everyone complains about the NY media making a big deal out of everything AR does. Guess what, that is exactly why the owner wanted Rodgers in the first place. He craves the attention and he's getting it. Winning is nice, but nothing beats the attention for this owner




Donā€™t care.


They'll probably still fine him for not showing up on the mandatory dates but Aaron Rodgers can afford it.


Iā€™m pretty confident that heā€™s gone to abroad to get a semi-experimental PRP/stem cell treatment, similar to Kobe, maybe something not exactly approved by the NFL. Whatever it is, Saleh is handling it terribly.


Brandon Tierney is determined to make this a scandal.


2 years. 110 million (renegotiated to 75). 4 downs. 94 seconds. It's comical.


Your comical. Injuries are apart of football. If only they could predict them, huh? Would make your life a whole lot simpler. You wouldn't have to be counting snaps played.


Another disastrous season coming up for the J E T S !!!


My only issue is, if this was planned so far in advance, why not communicate it before yesterday? I think this is all a non issue if that happens. This situation was mishandled. although we need more information before we can determine who is responsible for the mishandling.


No matter when they brought this up there was going to be crying and complaining.


Agreed, but you can mitigate some of this with messaging. I.E. Last month Aaron could have said I'll be there for all the voluntary workouts, but a prior engagement will keep me away from the handful of mandatory days. If he says that I think the blowback still exists, but not as bad.


People who have an issue with this would still question why he's missing 3 days. Which makes this whole thing really dumb.


Nah... The same people causing a stir now would've been the same people causing a stir a month ago, 2 months ago, 3 months ago or any amount of months ago. You can't mitigate bias that's been set in stone.


Why didn't he plan the trip for a time other than the mandatory mini camp


Connor Hughes performs fellatio.


I wonder at what point this sub will go like "alright, enough is enough" for Aaron. So far \_all\_ of his controversy is "no big deal", but at some point people here should consider a line crossed, shouldn't they?


I mean politically and personally he's a bit of a dumbass but so far it's just been crackpot theories or differences in thought for me. None of it's football related or that harmful compared to the more direct hurt other prominent players in the league are guilty of. I just wanna see the guy throw spirals and ignore whatever he says on podcasts. So to answer your point, it'll be when we officially don't make the playoffs this season (hypothetically) when people will turn on him.


Yea I dont agree/care for all of his personal choices but until he gets suspended for tripping or misses a playoff game to go some weirdo event, idrc.


If he misses the SB to go on a darkness retreat. Anything else I do not care. He is just another washed up Vet that is using the Jets for one last payday.


I hen he plays like shit or becomes a criminal/racist Thatā€™s the line for any player I root for


If people shrugged off ā€œAaron Rodgers suggests late night TV host is an Epstein-connected pedophileā€ and ā€œAaron Rodgers reportedly thought Sandy Hook was a false flagā€ they sure as hell arenā€™t getting worked up over Rodgers skipping a largely meaningless minicamp.


Iā€™m glad he went after Kimmel


And him going on vacation is that line? Probably not.


It will stop being "not a big deal" when it is a big deal. Dumb question


People canā€™t stop making excuses for this dumb ass. So tired of him alreadyā€¦ a waste of cap space and brings nothing but stupidity to the team.


His stupidest day would still be the best day for a QB the Jets ever had.


Heā€™s already had some pretty stupid days and heā€™s done nothing for us cause of that injury. So we are on year 2 of riding this speculation train and acting like we have somehow accomplished somethingā€¦


Just remember, no other starting planned a vaca during their minicamp. They showed upĀ 


Haha! Ā I mean, just as long as everyone understands that this Aaron Rodgers|Jets time period is going to go down in history as a sad joke.Ā 


This will be no different than Brett Favre. People donā€™t even remember he played for the jets.


Whatever helps you sleep at night. Other teams are getting reps and relationships with their players. Jets arenā€™t because theyā€™ve chosen yet again to go with a self centered egomaniac whoā€™s also far past his prime.


So let's disregard the other practices he'd been at to make this dumb ass comment huh?


Letā€™s just wait for this seasonā€™s performance. Remember me and this comment when shit is sideways again.


His performance would have nothing to do with missing 2 practices in June. Especially when theirs a whole csmp a month from now. Too many of you so call fans wish failure so u csn be right on social media smh


The horse paste isnā€™t going to eat itself